Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 417 Condor Company!Unprecedented prosperity.

Chapter 417 Condor Company!Unprecedented prosperity.

After the live broadcast, the official websites of Ye Fei and Shenying Company quickly became a hot spot on the Internet.As soon as the news came out, a large number of people flooded into the official website, vying to buy the only [-] moon travel quotas.There has been a heated discussion on the entire Internet, and everyone seems to want to step on the soil of the moon.

On major social media platforms, countless netizens have joined the battle for lunar travel, and topics of discussion have emerged like a torrent.

Someone commented: "Oh my god! With such a good price and so many luxurious benefits, I can't even try anymore! I must seize this opportunity and realize my long-held dream!"

"It's so exciting to think about it! I really hope to experience the magnificence of the moon and feel what it's like to be in a state of weightlessness! This is definitely an experience not to be missed in life!"

"I can imagine that these places will be sold out! I decided to refresh the web page every day from now on to snap up these one thousand places! Maybe I will be the lucky one!"

During the discussion, someone began to share his yearning for the moon: "The scenery on the moon must be magnificent! Imagine standing on the surface of the moon, overlooking the earth, and feeling the infinite vastness of the universe. This experience must be unforgettable."

Someone said excitedly: "I always thought that only science fiction movies could touch the beauty of the universe, but now this dream has become so real. We really have the opportunity to visit the wonders of the universe and touch the unknown boundaries. How exciting this is. !”

For a time, the Internet was filled with fantasies and longings for lunar travel.Everyone longs to be one of the thousand lucky people to explore the unknown realm of the universe.

At the same time, some netizens also began to discuss the issue of lunar travel:
"Do you think this trip to the moon is safe? I'm a little worried."

"It's definitely safe! Shenying Company is a truly professional company, and they will definitely provide safety safeguards for all our participants."

"Well, I checked the background and business of Condor Company. They have a good reputation in the field of space tourism. So I think they can be trusted."

"I completely agree. Think about it, if there is a chance to go to the moon, we will definitely meet so many professionals who will ensure our safety. This is a rare opportunity and I want to seize it!"

Some people in the discussion also raised some practical questions: "But, is it too short to stay for only two days? Can we fully enjoy this wonderful experience?"

"Although we will only stay for two days, I believe that Shenying Company will make careful arrangements to ensure that we can experience the beauty and mystery of the moon to the maximum extent. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the moon, so such a conscientious price and limited time After two days, we should have an in-depth experience of all aspects of the moon, such as exploring the moon's landforms and watching the stars in the universe. This is not only an exciting challenge, but also a unique life experience."

"Yes, even if it's only two days, I think this is a rare opportunity. Another advantage is that our stay is short, and there will be many people who want to ask you questions about the moon when we return to Earth. You can show off this experience.”

Discussions and longing-filled fascination spread on the Internet, and more people began to become interested in traveling to the moon, convinced that this experience would be an unparalleled story in their lives.

At the same time, there are also some worried voices in this trend: "But are we really ready? Going to the moon is not just a trip, it is an unknown territory, and there will inevitably be some risks."

"I agree with your concerns. There are risks in going to the moon. But this event is handled by a professional company, and they will be fully prepared to ensure the safety of the participants."

"I believe that the trip to the moon has been tested and rehearsed countless times, and there will not be too much risk. Everyone should choose to trust technology and professional teams."

"Yes, there are risks, but it's the spirit of adventure that makes this trip so attractive. We are lucky to be such pioneers, exploring unknown territories, aren't we?"

As the discussion among netizens continued to heat up, a strong desire spread. Everyone hoped that they could be one of the lucky thousand and go to the moon to experience the spectacular sight and mystery that they had never experienced before.

Discussions on the Internet are not only a kind of venting of enthusiasm, but also a resonance for human beings to explore the unknown of the universe.This trip to the moon has aroused people's deep passion for unknown exploration and their infinite yearning for technological development.

In the hearts of countless netizens, hopes and dreams are firmly rooted.Together with people all over the world, they are looking forward to the complete success of this lunar trip, which will take another solid step forward for human exploration.

Discussions about this lunar travel plan have never stopped on the Internet, and major technology media are also reporting on this matter.

In news reports, an article titled "Humanity marches to the moon and opens a new chapter in space journey" has attracted widespread attention.This report details Condor's lunar travel plans, including prices, itineraries and limits on the number of participants.The article focuses on the innovation and technological breakthroughs brought about by lunar travel, making readers full of expectations for the upcoming adventure.

In addition, major technology forums are also full of discussion posts about this lunar travel plan.Netizens are keen to share their hopes and questions about space travel. "This trip plan is really exciting! I have always been curious about space exploration, and this opportunity to go to the moon makes my dream come true!"

"However, I have doubts about the accommodation conditions on the moon. After all, there is no oxygen on the moon and there is no environment suitable for human habitation. How did they deal with this problem?"

"There are reports that they will bring advanced space suits and life support systems to ensure our safety and comfort. This trip to the moon will be a journey that combines scientific exploration and enjoyment."

In addition to heated discussions, there are also some skeptical voices appearing on the Internet. "This lunar travel plan sounds wonderful, but do we really need to spend so much money to go to the moon? There are still many problems that need to be solved on earth."

"Yeah, what can we get from spending so much money to go to the moon? Shouldn't these resources be used for improvement and environmental protection on earth?" In response to such questions, some people also put forward their views: “This is an attempt to expand human horizons and promote the development of science and technology. Through space exploration, we can learn more about scientific phenomena in the outer space environment and life forms beyond the earth, which is of great significance to the future development of our humanity. "

These discussions not only reflect netizens’ interest and enthusiasm for lunar travel plans, but also demonstrate their curiosity and pursuit of unknown exploration.People's longing for technological progress and space exploration drove them to participate in this lively discussion, hoping to learn more about this upcoming magnificent adventure.

In major technology media and technology forums, people left messages one after another. Some cheered enthusiastically, some questioned the meaning of exploration, and some raised suggestions and questions.This discussion on the Internet about lunar travel has promoted people's thinking about technological development and unknown areas.

This lunar travel plan has become a hot topic and attracted the attention of people from all walks of life.

In the international market, news about Xia's opening of lunar travel spread quickly.This news caused a global sensation, and foreign netizens also expressed strong interest in participating in this lunar trip.

However, Ye Fei's reply to these countries' requests has always been consistent.From the perspective of justice and fairness, he insisted that the number of places was limited and could only rely on competition and snatching, and even the country was no exception.

"This is an opportunity to develop science and technology and explore the unknown. It is also a moment to test people's wisdom and courage. If we allocate quotas through special means, we will lose this fair and just opportunity." Ye Fei explained calmly.

He firmly believes that only through competition and snatching can we truly select the best talents and allow those who are truly capable and enthusiastic to explore the moon to participate.

This reply caused some dissatisfaction. "Why can't we be given some spots? We're willing to pay a huge price for that."

Ye Fei smiled slightly and responded firmly: "It is precisely because the quota is limited that it becomes precious and important. If this quota can only be obtained through power or money, its value will be greatly reduced."

His answer aroused the approval and resonance of some onlookers. "He is right. Only through fair competition can we truly select outstanding talents and allow them to explore the moon, so that we can better promote the development of human science and technology."

Throughout the international community, people began to realize the uniqueness of this trip to the moon.It is not only a space adventure, but also an adherence to the principles of fairness and justice, and a test of human wisdom and courage.

Ye Fei's decision has had an impact on a global scale, making people rethink what is a fair and equitable distribution method.This time, both individuals and countries will compete for this rare opportunity with strength and wisdom.Only the best will leave their mark in this new chapter of aerospace history.

After the senior officials of Yingjiang Kingdom learned that Xia Kingdom was opening travel to the moon, they quickly realized the importance of this opportunity.As a technologically advanced country, they immediately began to develop their own space station, hoping to occupy a place in the field of space exploration.However, as research and development progressed, they faced a huge problem - there was no space elevator technology.

For China, the lack of a space elevator means that it is impossible to transport personnel and materials to the lunar space station quickly and efficiently.They realized that relying on spacecraft to travel between the lunar space station and the Earth would become a cumbersome and inefficient process.

The senior officials of Yingjiang Kingdom felt deeply powerless, and they realized that they could not imitate Xia Kingdom's space elevator technology.This technology is crucial to the smooth progress of lunar travel plans.They know that only with space elevator technology can truly efficient space transportation be realized and maximum benefits be achieved in the process of exploring space.

During the research of the high-level officials of Yingjiang Country, a scientist pondered.He realized that learning and imitation might not be their only options.This opportunity for space exploration may be a good opportunity for Eagle Country to make a breakthrough.

He submitted a new research proposal proposing to think about the problem from a different perspective.He believes that although there is no space elevator technology, the Eagle Country can still make breakthroughs in other fields.Perhaps they can work on innovations in space ship propulsion technology, manned spacecraft design and life support systems.

His proposal attracted the attention of senior officials.They began to re-examine the technological strength of the Eagle Country and realized that the space elevator was not the only way out.They understand that there are many other technologies and innovations that can play an important role in space exploration.

The high-level leaders of the Eagle Country decided to focus on the improvement of aerospace technology and are committed to improving and innovating their own spacecraft technology in order to achieve space exploration goals more efficiently.

Although they cannot imitate space elevator technology, Eagle Country executives emphasized that they will not give up this opportunity.They believe that on the road of science and technology, there will always be new breakthroughs and surprises.The point is, they need to keep an open mind and relentlessly pursue scientific advancement.

Faced with challenges, the top management of Yingjiang Country realized that only through their own efforts and innovation can they achieve real leadership.They believe it is possible to become a leader in space exploration even without space elevator technology.

Just after the Shenying Company's 1000-person quota was filled, Ye Fei began to organize relevant teams and departments to prepare for the moon trip.As a leader, he understands the difficulty and importance of the task and must ensure that all preparations are in order.

Various departments worked closely together under Ye Fei's coordination to ensure the smooth progress of the mission.

The engineering team began designing and building the lunar module, while the spacecraft team inspected and maintained the spacecraft.At the same time, the life support system team is committed to developing and testing life support equipment adapted to the space environment.

At the same time, in the Eagle Country, they also started their own moon travel plan.This exciting news spread quickly in the international market, exciting technology enthusiasts and space explorers around the world.

People are discussing the two countries' lunar travel plans and comparing their technological strength and innovation capabilities.Some people support Condor, believing that they will become a leader with their advanced technology and reliable team; others believe that Eagle will make breakthroughs in its own way and become a new force in lunar exploration.

Amid the heated discussions in the international market, major technology companies have also begun to take the opportunity to announce their own space programs.They realized that with the opening of lunar travel, the space industry would usher in a new era.

(End of this chapter)

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