Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 418 Who has time to listen to your nonsense?

Chapter 418 Who has time to listen to your nonsense?

Yingjiang Country's imitation of Ye Fei's behavior was really funny to Ye Fei.

He feels that his creativity and efforts have become the object of imitation in other countries, and this imitation is almost identical.

But he did not have any antagonistic thoughts, at least at that time he did not consider confronting the Eagle Country.

However, it didn’t take long for doubts about the Eagle Country’s lunar travel project to spread on the Internet.

People began to wonder whether Yingjiang Country was copying Ye Fei's ideas and plans.

This topic aroused widespread heated discussion on the Internet, which surprised Ye Fei.

He did not expect that his moon travel project would attract so much attention and imitation.

Yingjiang Country's actions allowed him to see its leading position in the field of space exploration, and at the same time he also realized the fierceness and complexity of competition.

Ye Fei felt funny about this, but he had to admit that the lunar travel project is indeed an attractive and potential field, and other countries may have also seen this.

He realizes that this imitation is just part of competition, and it's not a bad thing.

He decided to stay calm and focused and continue to push forward with his plans to travel to the moon.

He believes that only through continuous innovation and technological progress can we maintain our leading position in this field.

He is neither worried nor mind about imitation by Eagle Sauce Country, because real innovation is not just the copying of ideas, but also the value generated by practice and implementation.

Ye Fei believes that only if they can create unique and unreplicable results can they achieve lasting success in the arena of space exploration.

He continues to work on team collaboration and innovation to push the lunar travel project to greater heights.

Although the discussion on social media about Yingjiangguo plagiarizing Ye Fei has intensified, Ye Fei has not joined in.

After facing doubts, Yingjiang Country responded quickly and came out to refute the rumors as soon as possible.

They insist that 100 years ago, the Eagle Country had already completed its first moon landing plan.

Not only that, they also immediately dispatched a senior official, an old professor from the Eagle Sauce National Research Institute, to refute the country's rumors.

The old professor's predecessor was a military strategist who had experienced many battles. His appearance made people full of expectations for the response of Yingjiang Country.

When the old professor stood on the stage of national television, his gaze was firm and confident.

He cleared his throat and began to talk about Yingjiang Country's moon landing plan.

"I stand here today to clarify some misunderstandings and to show the world the true strength of our country."

His voice was loud and powerful, quickly capturing the attention of audiences across the country.

"Some people question our country's moon landing plan and think that other countries are copying us when studying the moon. I want to tell everyone that this is a misunderstanding. In fact, our country has achieved its first moon landing 100 years ago. A moonshot!"

The old professor continued: "Our moon landing program was completed by a group of brave scientists and engineers. They overcame numerous difficulties and challenges and finally successfully landed on the moon. This feat is not only the pride of our country , and it is also a great achievement of the entire human race!”

His words were full of passion and pride, and the audience was moved by his speech.

They began to realize that Yingjiang Country's moon landing plan was not plagiarized by others, but originated from their own efforts and wisdom.

The old professor continued to explain: "Our moon landing plan is based on in-depth research and innovation. Our scientists have invested a lot of time and energy, and their efforts have made great contributions to the entire human space exploration industry. We China’s moon landing plan is unique, and other countries’ research is not plagiarism, but exploration and development based on ours.”

As the old professor's speech ended, the audience across the country burst into warm applause.

Discussions and doubts on the Internet quickly disappeared, replaced by praise and admiration for Eagle Sauce Country.

Ye Fei sat in front of the computer, watching videos about Eagle Sauce Country on the Internet.

He couldn't help but find it funny to see that Yingjiang Country went to such great lengths for a trivial matter.

However, when he thought about it carefully, he realized that the current leader of Yingjiang Country was Chuanbo, and everything seemed to make sense.

Chuan Bo is an ambitious leader, and his decisions often shock people. This time, the labor and labor of the Eagle Sauce Country is also a decision made by Chuan Bo in order to maintain the country's image.

Ye Fei didn't pay too much attention to the discussion about this matter on the Internet.

He knew that these arguments and doubts were only superficial and that what really mattered was his own career.

His constant concern was the space elevator and lunar space station projects.

He believes that these projects will change the future of mankind and open a new era.

He poured all his energy into these projects.

He thought about all the problems that might arise during a trip to the moon.

He communicates with other scientists and engineers to discuss the best solutions.

Ye Fei did not realize that he had underestimated Chuan Bo's true intentions and ambitions.

He had always regarded Chuanbo as an ambitious leader, but he did not expect that Chuanbo would take such extreme measures.

Not long after, a news headline suddenly appeared on the Internet that shocked Ye Fei: "Ye Fei monopolizes the moon industry and suppresses the Eagle Country!"

Ye Fei doubted his eyes. He couldn't believe that he had become the focus of such news.

He quickly clicked in, wanting more details.

News reports accuse Ye Fei of using his position in the space elevator and lunar space station projects to monopolize the lunar industry.

By controlling resources and technology, he restricted the development of other countries and enterprises, especially the Eagle Country.

This behavior is considered to undermine fair international competition and has attracted widespread attention and condemnation.

Ye Fei felt angry and helpless.He knows these accusations are baseless, and he has been committed to promoting technological progress and human space exploration.

He never intended to monopolize or suppress any country or company.

However, he also understood that behind this was Chuan Bo's conspiracy.

Chuan Bo used his power and resources in the country to manipulate public opinion and push Ye Fei to the forefront.

He wanted to weaken Ye Fei's influence and at the same time strive for more benefits for his country.But Ye Fei did not respond.

The leaders of the Eagle Sauce Nation finally couldn't bear it any longer. They directly questioned in the media that the doubts that the Eagle Sauce Nation received during this period might be Ye Fei suppressing them.

They hope Ye Fei can come forward to explain all this.

However, Ye Fei did not have the time or thought to pay attention to Yingjiang Country's accusations.

He has been busy with his lunar project, going all out to promote the construction of space elevators and lunar space stations.

The leaders of Yingjiang Country were angry and disappointed with Ye Fei's silence.In the news, Yingjiangguo got rid of the posturing and directly addressed the recent doubts in the media.

They believed that Ye Fei was deliberately avoiding and unwilling to face their questions.They hope Ye Fei can stand up and give a reasonable explanation.

However, Ye Fei did not have the time or energy to explain this.He is well aware of his goals and mission, and he believes that his efforts and innovation will bring great progress to mankind.He does not want to be disturbed by these unnecessary controversies, and prefers to devote his time and energy to his own career.

Ye Fei knew that Yingjiangguo's accusation was only part of Chuanbo's conspiracy.Chuan Bo used public opinion manipulation to try to weaken Ye Fei's influence and seek more benefits for himself.Ye Fei is determined not to passively accept such accusations, but to use practical actions to prove his worth.

He continued to lead the team that promoted the construction of the space elevator and lunar space station.They overcame technical difficulties one after another and made breakthrough progress.Their efforts and achievements began to be recognized and appreciated by the international community.

Ye Fei is not a person who ignores outside voices. He knows that he needs to respond to the accusations from Yingjiang Country.

Within Shenying Company, Ye Fei was discussing the latest progress with his team members.In the office, the working atmosphere is tense and high-intensity.

"Mr. Ye, have you heard the latest news about Yingjiang Country? They actually said that we are suppressing them. You have to respond to this." Chu Hanshuang said.

"Chu Hanshuang, I know the news, but currently we really don't have the spare energy to take care of the affairs of Yingjiang Country. Our focus has always been to promote our own moon project." Ye Fei's words were firm.

"However, Ye Fei, if we don't respond, this kind of accusation may have a negative impact on our image." Chu Hanshuang tried hard to persuade Ye Fei.

Ye Fei raised his head, looked at Chu Hanshuang, and said with a smile: "Chu Hanshuang, I understand your concerns, but we cannot be distracted. We are explorers and innovators, and our responsibility is to promote the progress of science and technology. Rather than getting into meaningless disputes.”

"But, Mr. Ye, this is related to our reputation and the attacks of our competitors. We cannot sit idly by and ignore it." Chu Hanshuang emphasized.

Ye Fei thought for a moment and looked solemn.

Finally, he said in a deep voice: "Chu Hanshuang, I understand your concerns, but we cannot be swayed by this kind of interference. All we can do is continue to prove our capabilities and value with practical actions. Real competition is not just words. competition, but actual performance in the market.”

Chu Hanshuang looked at Ye Fei, knowing in his heart that his decision had been made.

She nodded, expressing her understanding and would firmly support Ye Fei's decision.

As time goes by, Condor Company has made unprecedented progress and breakthroughs in the lunar travel project.

Their technology and innovations have been recognized and praised globally.

The doubts of the Eagle Sauce Country gradually faded away, and were replaced by concerns and expectations for the Condor Company.

People began to focus on Ye Fei's project, looking forward to the day when they would lead humans to the moon as promised.

Ye Fei often thinks back to that question about the Eagle Sauce Kingdom.

He understood that true innovators don’t need to explain and defend themselves to their competitors.

A month later, the pressure from public opinion gradually increased, and Ye Fei decided to start a moon travel plan.Although he was confident, he was still a little nervous. After all, this was the first time that the Condor Company had conducted such a large-scale space trip.

That day, one thousand of the first passengers arrived at the headquarters of the Condor Company.They were all excited and looking forward to this trip to the moon.The hall was filled with laughter and laughter, and these passengers were all excited and brought various cameras and video equipment to record the journey.

Ye Fei greeted these passengers in the company lobby. They cheered when they saw Ye Fei, this legendary figure!A character who plays the role of a hero in their hearts!

"Welcome, all passengers!" Ye Fei greeted every passenger with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Ye Fei, we are all looking forward to this trip! We are all ready to record this unforgettable moment!" An enthusiastic passenger said excitedly.

"Thank you very much for your support and trust! We will do our best to let you have an unforgettable trip to the moon!" Ye Fei responded with confidence.

Passengers were led into the space elevator area of ​​the company building, which is a key facility leading to the space station and the moon.

When the elevator door opened, the passengers suddenly saw a huge space elevator standing in front of them.

The elevator has a majestic appearance and is decorated with elements of future technology, with each pillar shining with blue light.

"Passengers please enter the space elevator in an orderly manner. We are about to begin our journey to the moon." Ye Fei led the passengers in front of the elevator to enter in an orderly manner.

"The elevator can accommodate 100 people at a time. Please enter in batches according to the serial number! Don't crowd, everyone has a share."

Passengers lined up and stepped onto the space elevator one by one with great expectations.

The elevator is spacious and comfortable, with soothing background music and light and shadow effects, creating a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

When all passengers were seated, the elevator door slowly closed and made a slight sound.

Suddenly, the elevator began to rise, hurtling into space at incredible speeds.

Passengers could not help but hold on to the handrails tightly, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

They can feel their bodies being restrained by the weak gravity in the elevator, a strange and exciting feeling.

As the elevator rises, passengers gradually enter the space orbit. They can see the scenery passing by outside through the huge screen in the elevator.

There are stars in the space, the majestic shape of the earth in the distance, and further away, the moon is quietly waiting for their arrival.

"Dear passengers, now we have entered space orbit and are getting closer to the moon."

The passengers in the elevator were so excited that they could not contain themselves. Some took photos and some recorded videos. Everyone wanted to capture this unforgettable moment.

"Wow! We are really going to the moon! This is incredible!" one passenger said excitedly.

"That's right! This will be one of the most memorable experiences of our lives!" another passenger responded excitedly.

The atmosphere in the elevator was warm and cheerful, with passengers constantly communicating and sharing their excitement and expectations.

They are no longer just a group of strangers, but are closely connected in this special moment.

As time passed, the space elevator finally arrived at the lunar orbit station.The elevator door slowly opened, and a bright moonlight poured into the carriage, welcoming the passengers.

(End of this chapter)

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