Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 419 Full view of the moon!It's amazing.

Chapter 419 Full view of the moon!It's amazing.

Ye Fei walked at the front and said to the passengers cordially: "Dear passengers, welcome to the lunar orbital station! I believe you can't wait to set foot on the moon. Next, please step out of the space elevator in an orderly manner. We We will enter the lunar spaceship and begin our journey to the moon!"

Passengers followed the instructions and stepped out of the space elevator one after another. They stepped on the clean and technological lunar orbit station floor under their feet, looked up at the starry sky above their heads, and felt the mystery of space and the infinite vastness of the universe.

Ye Fei led a group of people into the lunar space station.

Countless people were excitedly filming him with their mobile phones. This was a rare opportunity to have close contact with Mr. Ye Fei, and they didn't want to miss the opportunity to record this beautiful moment.

Ye Fei greeted everyone with a smile, and then reminded: "Everyone, please remember that the focus of this lunar trip is to explore the moon. I hope everyone can focus on the landscape and scientific research on the moon."

Fans gathered around excitedly, frantically wanting to ask Ye Fei questions.

"Boss Ye Fei, do you think it is possible to discover new energy resources on the moon?"

Ye Fei answered patiently: "Currently we have excavated lunar soil on the moon, but the resource potential on the moon is huge. One of our goals is to explore the energy resources on the moon. But we need to conduct more in-depth research and exploration to obtain draw accurate conclusions.”

"Boss Ye Fei, what do you think about whether humans can establish a permanent settlement on the moon in the future?"

Ye Fei explained with a smile: "Establishing a permanent residence is a challenging goal. We need to solve a series of problems, such as life support, resource supply, etc. But science and technology are constantly improving, and I believe this goal will be closer and closer to realization. .”

Ye Fei reminded everyone: "However, the focus this time is on the exploration and research on the moon. Please put your questions aside and continue to enjoy the scenery outside the space station."

Everyone looked out the window, intoxicated by the scenery outside the space station.

Fans said in amazement: "It's incredible to watch the earth turn into the blue star under your feet little by little!"

Ye Fei stared at the scenery outside the window and said with a smile: "This is a great feat achieved by us humans. This perspective allows us to cherish and protect our Blue Star even more."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye Fei, for allowing us to experience this exciting moment firsthand!"

Ye Fei smiled at everyone and said gratefully: "Thank you for your support to our team. This is just the starting point of our technological development. Let us join hands to continue to explore the unknown and contribute to the progress of mankind!"

People cheered in unison, their eyes still outside the window, staring at the earth gradually turning into the blue planet under their feet.

This beautiful scenery filled their hearts with awe and endless imagination. They firmly believed that with the development of science and technology in the future, mankind will be able to create a more brilliant tomorrow.

In front of the lunar orbital station, a spaceship is waiting for passengers to board.

This is the latest lunar exploration vehicle developed by Shenying Company.

The spacecraft has a streamlined appearance and is covered with a dazzling metallic coating, exuding the luster of future technology.

Passengers walked towards the spaceship with excitement and lined up to board the giant ship that could carry them safely to the surface of the moon.

Everyone is waiting for this special departure with a smile of anticipation and excitement.

Everyone gathered at the lunar base and were about to board the lunar spacecraft newly developed by the Shenyang Company.

They looked at this huge spaceship, filled with anticipation and shock.

The spacecraft has a streamlined shape and is covered with shiny metal surfaces, giving it an air of futuristic technology.Everyone was in awe of this brand new lunar vehicle, and they all praised Shenying Company's high-end technology in their hearts.

"This is like a spaceship from a science fiction movie! Condor really exceeded our imagination."

“Its exterior design is simply flawless, and every detail shows ingenuity.”

Fans stared at the advanced equipment on the spacecraft and said: "These control devices look very complicated. They must have been developed with sophisticated technology."

Everyone boarded the spacecraft one after another, feeling the power of technology more and more.

The interior decoration of the cabin is eye-catching, and the comfort level far exceeds their expectations.

Through the portholes, they saw that the interior of the spacecraft was filled with advanced equipment, and various instruments emitted a faint but charming light.

"The equipment here is the most advanced. Shenying Company has really developed super powerful technological equipment."

Ye Fei walked to the center of the cockpit, smiled and said to everyone: "Thank you for your support of Shenying Company. We have invested in the most advanced technology and equipment for this important scientific research mission to ensure the safety and smoothness of this spacecraft. "

"Boss Ye Fei, does this spaceship have any special functions?"

Ye Fei smiled mysteriously: "Of course, our spacecraft has a powerful autonomous navigation system and precise landing function. Not only that, there are also advanced life support systems and efficient energy supply devices inside the ship. We will use a brand-new Explore the moon in a new way and bring more surprises.”

After hearing this, everyone became even more excited, and their expectations for this spaceship reached its peak.

The spacecraft slowly lifted off and gradually left the earth's gravitational range.Everyone looked out the window, watching the earth fading away, and their hearts were filled with awe and wonder.

"This spacecraft is really incredible. With the technological strength of Condor Company, we may really be able to realize the dream of a lunar base."

Everyone's eyes no longer stay on the earth, but look up to the boundless universe.

Their hearts are filled with yearning for the unknown and reverence for technology, and they look forward to exploring in this spacecraft.

After all the passengers were seated, the spacecraft gradually left the lunar orbit station and slowly headed towards the moon.

Through the portholes, passengers could see the Earth slowly receding and the Moon gradually zooming into view.

"Everyone can enjoy the beautiful moon through the portholes. Turn on your camera and record this magnificent scenery!" Ye Fei's voice resounded throughout the cabin, causing a lot of busyness and excitement.

Passengers enthusiastically pressed the camera shutter to capture the special frames.

Their faces were full of excitement and satisfaction because this journey had exceeded their imagination.

The spacecraft shuttles through the universe, gradually approaching the moon as time goes by.

Everyone gathered in front of the viewing window in the spacecraft, watching the lunar space station move away with excitement.

Once on course, the spacecraft accelerated and headed in the direction of the moon.

Everyone felt a weak push and understood that they were approaching the target at an alarming speed, approaching the moon they dreamed of.The shutter sounds of mobile phones were heard one after another, and everyone was holding their mobile phones to record this special moment.

They want to freeze this moment forever and share it with their relatives and friends far away on Earth, so that more people can witness the important moment of their entry into the lunar passage.

"This is one of the most exciting moments of my life! We are leaving the Earth and heading towards the mysterious moon."

"We are finally going to the moon! Thanks to the advancement of technology, we have this opportunity."

An atmosphere of excitement and anticipation filled the spacecraft. Everyone's eyes did not leave the window, staring at the gradually enlarging outline of the moon.As the spacecraft continues to approach, the moon gradually reveals its true face.

"Look! That's the Maria, the uneven surface of the moon. It's really spectacular."

"I saw the craters, which looked like strange traces of the moon."

Everyone crowded together by the viewing window, recording these astronomical wonders with their mobile phones, and creating unforgettable memories for themselves.

Ye Fei stood in the middle of the cabin, smiling and appreciating everyone's enthusiasm, and then reminded: "While taking photos and recording, everyone should also pay attention to appreciate the landscape on the moon. This is a rare opportunity, in order to better explore the moon , we should focus on observing the moon and looking for scientific clues and possibilities."

After hearing Ye Fei's reminder, everyone lifted their eyes from the mobile phone screen and watched the changes on the moon's surface intently.The canyons, mountains, plains and other landforms on the moon began to appear before their eyes, giving them shock and curiosity.

"These terrains are like fingerprints on the moon, and each place has its own unique beauty."

Fans discovered an unusual terrain and curiously asked: "Brother Ye Fei, what is that place? It looks different from the surrounding terrain."

Ye Fei walked over, stared at the place, and then replied: "That is an impact crater. It may hide more secrets about the origin and evolution of the moon. We will conduct more detailed research after landing."

After hearing this, everyone became even more excited. Their impulse to look forward to landing on the moon and explore the unknown became even stronger.

The first batch of Xia Kingdom's lunar travelers officially began their journey to the moon, and this magical adventure was broadcast live in real time.

The news quickly spread throughout the Internet and attracted attention from around the world.

Foreign netizens forwarded the news one after another and were filled with envy as they watched the excitement of the people of Xia State setting foot on the moon.

Foreign netizens watched the live broadcast with envy in their eyes: "Xia's technology is so powerful! They can actually realize the moon landing expedition and broadcast it live in real time. This is a reflection of the progress of modern science and technology."

They commented very excitedly: "This is an important moment in human history! Watching them standing on the surface of the moon, I really felt the power of technology and the courage of mankind."

"Wow! Xia Guo's friends are walking on the moon. This is a dream come true! I really want to be one of them and see the beauty of the moon with my own eyes."

Xia Kingdom’s travelers not only inspired the envy of foreign netizens, but also aroused attention and admiration for Xia Kingdom’s scientific and technological strength.

Foreign technology media published a news report titled "Xia Guo's Scientific and Technological Innovation: The Miracle of the Moon Landing Exploration."

In the report, they spoke highly of Xia Guo's scientific and technological strength, believing that Xia Guo has demonstrated strong aerospace technology and innovation capabilities.

The report mentioned: "Xia's aerospace industry has made a major breakthrough. They not only successfully sent humans to the moon, but also conveyed this exciting moment to the world through live broadcast technology. This moon landing expedition marks the Xia Guo has made tremendous progress in the space field, which is amazing."

Foreign netizens have left messages on social media expressing their envy and respect for Xia Guo.

They all joked about their country: "When can we realize the moon landing expedition like Xia Guo did? I really hope that one day I can witness the moment when humans set foot on the moon!"

Different from the excitement of the passengers, there is a group of netizens on the Internet who do not believe in the moon travel plan and are frantically slandering Ye Fei and Shenying Company.

All kinds of false statements appeared one after another, and the voices of criticism were deafening.

Some people suspect that Ye Fei is just showing off and using the moon trip to show off his power and wealth.

They believed that this was just a false plan set up by Ye Fei to show off his reputation, and that a substantial journey to the moon would not take place at all.

Others claim that Ye Fei is monopolizing lunar resources for personal gain.

"Ye Fei is obviously showing off on purpose! He just wants to show off himself through this expedition and gain more attention and fame."

"They probably want to monopolize the moon's resources! I suspect that Xia Guo is only conducting this expedition for its own benefit."

"Ye Fei cannot be trusted! He may have deliberately created this incident to enhance his status for the purpose of personal fame and fortune."

"I think they are just using this incident to divert public attention from other issues in Xia Country. It is simply a political ploy."

"This moon landing is completely fake! They Xia Guo may have used special effects or fictional backgrounds to deceive the world."

"Ye Fei is using this expedition for personal financial gain and does not care about real scientific exploration at all."

"The Xia government is behind the scenes. They just want to control the world's resources through this incident."

These online comments were a huge blow to Ye Fei and his team, although they were unaware of the accusations against them.They have always focused on the goals of scientific exploration and worked hard for the progress of mankind.

When the senior officials of Yingjiang Kingdom learned that Ye Fei had successfully traveled to the moon, they were shocked and surprised.This groundbreaking achievement was a huge blow to them, who realized they were lagging behind in space technology.

The top management quickly summoned the scientific research institutes of Eagle Country, hoping that they could come up with a timetable and plan for realizing the moon travel.The Yingjiang Kingdom is under tremendous pressure, and they are eager to keep up with the Xia Kingdom in this field.

Chuanbo, the leader of the Eagle Country, issued an urgent mission.

He demanded that within three days, the scientific research institute must come up with a feasible plan to let the world know that Eagle Country also has the ability to travel to the moon.He was full of envy and jealousy of Ye Fei's achievements, hoping to take this opportunity to reverse the disadvantage of Yingjiang Country in international influence.

Chuanbo realizes that in today’s world, aerospace technology and space exploration represent the country’s strength and technological level.He hopes to demonstrate his personal leadership skills and gain prestige on the international stage through China's lunar exploration program.

However, in his high jealousy, Chuanbo ignored that scientific and technological progress requires time and long-term efforts.

He ignored the countless attempts and failures that Ye Fei and his team made for this breakthrough achievement.He is just eager to show the strength of the Eagle Country in a short period of time, regardless of the technical complexity and challenges.

Within the three-day deadline, the scientific research institutes of Yingjiang Country worked hard, thinking hard under the pressure of Chuanbo, trying to find a feasible solution.They know that it is almost impossible to completely replicate Ye Fei's achievements.

They have to admit something!Xia Guo is already a leader in this field.

(End of this chapter)

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