Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 420: Are you dumbfounded?Poor enrollment!

Chapter 420: Are you dumbfounded?Poor enrollment!

In the Bai Palace, Chuanbo excitedly sat in front of the computer and posted a new Twitter message.

With the content carefully crafted, he hit the send button and waited for the responses to pour in.

"Good news! Good news!" Chuanbo shouted excitedly. "According to information from the research institute, Eagle Country will officially open the registration quota for lunar travel in three days, and there is no limit to the quota!"

Chuanbo's tweet caused an uproar in an instant.

Social networks were abuzz with excitement, and major news media also forwarded reports.

This means that in the near future, ordinary people will have the opportunity to set foot on the moon and touch the stars and the sea with their own eyes.

The whole society suddenly became excited.Whether they are technology enthusiasts, space exploration fans or ordinary people, they are all attracted by this news.

Everyone gathered on various forums and social platforms to discuss and watch, hoping to seize this rare opportunity.

Some people have dreamed about it for a long time, and their desire for space has already been deeply rooted in their bones.

They are waiting with great anticipation for the registration quota to open, and they are eager to give it a try.

Some people want to witness the magnificent scenery of the earth and feel the vastness of the universe; others want to find their own miracles in the universe and challenge their own limits.

At the same time, many people expressed doubts and concerns about this plan.
.They are concerned about the safety of space travel and the risk of harm to participants in the event of an accident.

However, these concerns have not stopped enthusiasm and curiosity.

As soon as the first day was over, Chuanbo used its authority and began to let the official media of Yingjiang Country, BBC and BBD TV, start reporting on this matter.

Advertisements were overwhelming, promoting the unique charm and safety of this lunar trip.

Various aerospace companies and travel agencies have joined the competition for registration places. They are willing to spend huge sums of money in an effort to win this competition and win more places for their countries or institutions.

The closer the opening date for registration places is, the more enthusiastic people are.

Whether it’s an ordinary family or a rich and famous person, everyone can’t wait to apply with their profile, status report and a personal photo ready.

People from all countries rushed to the registration points and lined up in long lines, hoping to register successfully as soon as possible.

In the Bai Palace, Chuanbo looked at the comments and messages on Twitter with satisfaction, and the number of comments continued to rise.

He deeply felt people's desire for space exploration and yearning for the unknown world.

The other side is on Ye Fei's side.

In the lounge of the lunar space station, Ye Fei had just led a team of people back from the lunar base.

As soon as he entered the lounge, an engineer quickly came over and eagerly reported the news on the ground.

He told Ye Fei that everything was normal within Shenying Company and there were no major problems.

However, Ye Fei was very surprised when the engineer mentioned that Chuanbo was about to embark on a journey to the moon from Yingjiang Country.

Such a hasty plan may cause safety hazards.

Ye Fei thought silently in his heart that this news should not be taken lightly.

"What? Yingjiang Country also started a journey to the moon?"

"Do they have a base on the moon, and what kind of services can they provide?"

Ye Fei had too many doubts in his heart.

Suddenly, Ye Fei understood!

This is the competition between Yingjiang Country and Ye Fei!
Ye Fei couldn't be fooled so stupidly.

You regard me as an enemy, but I do not regard you as a rival.

Immediately, Ye Fei ordered all employees in Shenying Company!Including Lao Zhao from the Media Division!Don't even ask about the affairs of Yingjiang Country.

He asked everyone to keep the strictest tone and not to leak any internal company information, especially when it came to their views on the matter in Eagle Sauce Country.

Ye Fei knows that traveling to the moon is not a simple task.

It requires rigorous technical testing and safety verification.

Although they must show confidence and encouragement when promoting externally, for Condor Company, safety always comes first.

Ye Fei has personally experienced the risks and challenges of space exploration, and he is well aware of the hardships involved.

He doesn't want any surprises when it comes to traveling to the moon.He knows that in technology, no detail can be overlooked.

They must go all out to ensure that the company's internal technology is not leaked and secure.

Ye Fei is also worried about the moral kidnapping by Yingjiang Country!

Let Ye Fei provide the technology!
Journey to the moon is the foundation of Condor Corporation.

Ye Fei said seriously to the engineer beside him: "Safety is our most important bottom line. We must keep our technology and internal information confidential. No matter how hot the outside world is, we must stick to our principles."

"Do it and ensure the reputation and safety of Condor Corporation!"

The engineers nodded after hearing Ye Fei's words, saying that they would consistently abide by the company's regulations.

They understand that they have a heavy responsibility and cannot allow outside information to disrupt their duties and missions.

Therefore, within the Shenying Company, the news about Eagle Country's moon travel is very confidential.

They will go all out to ensure that the company's technology and security are effectively protected and to avoid any possible security risks.

Don't leave any clue to the people of Eagle Sauce Country.

Externally, they will continue to be committed to promoting the development of science and technology and working hard for the dream of human space exploration.

At this moment, Ye Fei focused all his attention on the safe and sound half-month he spent in the battle on the moon.

As the first large-scale trip to the moon by Shenying Company, it is also the first large-scale use of the lunar human comfort space station, which is of great significance to Ye Fei.

If everything goes well, this space station in cooperation with the Xia Ke Academy will become a long-term transit station for humans to go to the moon. This is a huge technological breakthrough!
At this moment, Ye Fei no longer cares about things on the outside world. The only thing he cares about is his journey to the moon.

This is his dream opportunity to set foot on the moon and witness the brilliant achievements of human technology.

The lunar assault was more than a mission, it was a personal challenge and achievement for him.

In the past half month, Ye Fei has experienced various dangers and difficulties, but he faced every test firmly and never backed down.

The harsh environment and unknown risks on the lunar surface could not shake his determination.

He knew that as long as this period of time could be successfully passed, it would mean that Shenying Company's technology had made a huge breakthrough.

Inside the Lunar Comfort Space Station, Ye Fei seemed to be in a completely different world.

This starting point for lunar travel will soon become the threshold for countless people to set foot on the moon.

Ye Fei has an inexplicable sense of mission in his heart. He wants to ensure the smooth operation of this comfortable space station and lay a solid foundation for future lunar exploration.

Ye Fei walked into the control center of the space station and was immersed in the familiar technological equipment.

These high-tech equipment are the result of careful research and development by Shenying Company and Xia Ke Academy. It is these technological breakthroughs that allow them to realize the construction of the lunar space station.

He watched the data flow on the console.

He thought about the future possibilities of this comfortable space station and the endless potential for human lunar exploration.

He deliberately blocked out the news and hot discussions from the outside world and devoted all his energy to his mission.He wants to ensure the smooth progress of this lunar journey and carry forward the reputation and strength of the Condor Company.

For Ye Fei, this trip to the moon is the result of his hard work and the pride of him and the entire team.

In the control room, Ye Fei stared at the display screen seriously and intently. He did not dare to relax in his sense of responsibility.

No matter what happens in the outside world, he only wants to successfully survive this journey to the moon and take human exploration of the moon to a new level.

Three days later, Yingjiang Country opened the registration channels in a grand manner, and the whole country was excited about it.

However, when the registration data for the week were summarized, people's excitement was hit hard.

The number of people who registered worldwide was less than 500, and the number of domestic registrations in Eagle Sauce was even more disappointing, with only 300 people.

Chuanbo sat in his office, holding those depressing registration data in his hands. He was very disappointed.

He had high expectations, thinking that this trip to the moon would cause a global sensation, but the actual situation was far from his fantasy.

He turned to his assistant Selena and asked: "Selena, how do you explain this number of registrations? We still plan to rely on this for publicity!"

Selina replied with a frown: "Mr. Chuanbo, this number is indeed a bit depressing. Our previous publicity work may not have been enough to attract enough attention."

Chuanhiro sighed, thought for a moment and then said: "So what should we do now? The publicity momentum of this trip to the moon is really too flat."

Selina thought for a while and said firmly: "Chuanbo, maybe we can change our strategy and try to arouse public interest. We can find some news value, or cooperate with the media to expand the scope of publicity for the moon trip."

Chuanbo has used all his authority!

The official media has reported it countless times!
Better now!With little success!
This sluggish number of registrations makes Chuan Bo feel very embarrassed, although he still has to use this number to make a fuss.

He tried to exaggerate the facts, claiming that five hundred emerging humans were about to land on the moon, trying to cover up this lackluster enrollment.

He keeps boasting without any substantive evidence to back it up.

Chuanbo's words and rhetoric did not arouse heated discussion and attention from society, but instead aroused ridicule and doubts.

People began to question the true motives and capabilities of Eagle Country when launching the moon travel project.

They couldn't help but begin to speculate whether there were many problems with the project or whether it was simply a sham.

Chuanbo's words and rhetoric did not arouse heated discussion and attention from society, but instead aroused ridicule and doubts.

People began to question the true motives and capabilities of Eagle Country when launching the moon travel project.

They couldn't help but begin to speculate whether there were many problems with the project or whether it was simply a sham.

But Chuanbo cannot be discouraged!Whatever you do yourself, you have to deal with it no matter how hard you go!

Five hundred is five hundred!
So what if it's half less than Ye Fei's 1000 people?

If only they could enter a space travel country!
Half a month passed quickly, and Ye Fei led the first batch of moon landing passengers to the space elevator.

As they stepped onto this miraculous staircase back to Blue Star, excitement and anticipation were intertwined in everyone's eyes.

After boarding the space elevator, Ye Fei turned to face the passengers.

"This trip to the moon has ended successfully! Thank you everyone for your trust and support in us."

A thousand passengers expressed their gratitude and admiration to Ye Fei.

They realized that Ye Fei's high-tech technology enabled them to realize their dream of landing on the moon, and also made Xia Guo proud of the world in the field of science and technology.

The travelers did not forget their identity. They were the people of Xia Kingdom.

They are proud to be part of this historic journey into space.

They all expressed their gratitude to Ye Fei for bringing them here and giving them the opportunity to experience the magnificent sight of space travel.

Ye Fei felt the enthusiasm and praise from the passengers, and he deeply understood that all this was due to the efforts of the entire team and technological breakthroughs.

They have added luster to the scientific and technological strength of Xia State and brought infinite pride to the people of Xia State.

However, Ye Fei knew that this was just the beginning of a great journey.

This trip to the moon was successful, but more challenges and tasks await them.

The mission to build a comfortable space station on the moon has just begun.

Ye Fei faced the passengers again, his eyes firm and fiery.

"This is our common dream and mission. Let us continue to work hard and fight for the future of Xia Country and mankind!"

His words were full of passion and determination.

As the space elevator returns to the ground of Blue Star, the moment the passengers step out of the elevator!
There was a sense of solidity in their hearts.

Finally returned to my home!
After these 1000 people returned to the ground, countless media swarmed in!

I hope to interview them and understand their true feelings about this trip to the moon.

In the crowd, a woman named Li Na walked quickly towards Ye Fei.

She was one of this group of passengers, and she asked expectantly: "Mr. Ye Fei, what do you think of this trip to the moon?"

Ye Fei replied: "This journey to the moon can be called a breakthrough journey for our Xia Kingdom and a milestone in the development of science and technology. I am deeply honored to lead everyone to experience this magnificent journey."

A reporter broke through the crowd and asked excitedly: "Do you think you have any special gains or insights from this trip to the moon?"

Ye Fei thought for a moment and then said: "In addition to the pride and pride brought by technological breakthroughs, I think the most precious gain is the expansion of horizons."

Not far away, a reporter pushed in with a microphone, preparing to interview the next passenger.

She asked pointedly: "What is your most memorable moment as a member of this trip to the moon?"

"The most unforgettable moment for me was standing on the surface of the moon, overlooking the earth. It was an indescribable and shocking feeling, which made me deeply feel the vastness of the universe and the insignificance of human beings, and also cherish our happiness living on the blue star even more .”

The reporter asked.

“What encouragement and advice would you give to young people who aspire to explore space?”

The passenger replied: "If you really love space and technology, then bravely pursue your dreams. Although there are various challenges in exploring space, as long as you persevere and are not afraid of failure, you will definitely be able to realize your dreams."

His words resonated with the passengers and reporters present.

They are all full of vision and desire for future space exploration.

The flashlights of a large number of media flashed continuously to record the feelings and testimonies of these 1000 people on the ground.

This trip to the moon not only allowed participants to feel the excitement of space exploration, but also inspired more young people to dream.

And Ye Fei's success undoubtedly aroused Bai Gong's anger!
In the Bai Palace, Chuanbo looked at the news reporter's live broadcast.

"This Ye Fei!"

"You can be awesome now!"

"After our Yingjiang Country's journey to the moon begins, let you take a good look at what the gap is!"

I don’t know where Chuanbo got his confidence.

He got up and went to the research institute to check the progress of this project!

(End of this chapter)

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