Chapter 82 Look at the real thing? !
"Is there a large group of people?"

Ye Fei was a little surprised, and said, "Just tell them to wait for a while, and I'll be there right away."

After explaining a sentence, Ye Fei sorted out his mood and calmed down his depressed mood.

Then, with a calm face, he quickly walked towards the office under Chu Han's complicated and surprised eyes.

He's going to a meeting.

Chu Han's eyes were full of amazement.

"I really admire the boss, he is so good at pretending."

She is not as good as the boss!

in the office.

When Ye Fei opened the door of the office and saw the scene of the office clearly, even though he knew that Wang Feihao had brought a group of people, he was still surprised by the dark crowd inside the office.

I see.

There were almost thirty people in the office!

Most of the thirty people were elderly people, and there were only a few young people here and there.

A group of people are either sitting or standing.

Everyone had a look of excitement on their faces, talking in low voices.

Occasionally, he raised his head and looked towards the office door.

A look of hopelessness.

At this time.

Wang Feihao saw it with sharp eyes, standing at the door of the office, Ye Fei was a little dazed.

His eyes lit up, he stood up quickly, and greeted Ye Fei: "Mr. Ye! You are finally here!"

After hearing his words, the rest of the people in the room all looked towards the door.

More than 30 pairs of eyes, with a hot light, looked at Ye Fei with a kind of sweet eyes.

Looking at Ye Fei, his scalp felt a little numb for no reason.

Good guy!
With so many people, five tables can be made for a banquet!
No wonder Uncle Zhang used a large group of people to describe it!

"Mr. Wang, why did you engage in such a big fight? Who are they?"

Ye Fei withdrew the shock in his heart, nodded to everyone with a smile, strode into the house, and asked Wang Feihao.

"Mr. Ye, let me introduce you, they are all experts in the aerospace industry!"

After seeing Ye Fei, Wang Feihao breathed a sigh of relief!

Just now, this group of aerospace experts surrounded him asking questions, asking him why the Lord hadn't come yet!
He made him not sociable, one head, two big!

"They all found us after hearing that you were going to launch a satellite and go to the moon. They hoped to meet you through us. That's why I came here so late."

After Wang Feihao explained the reason.

He also acted as an introducer and introduced them to both parties.

Among the group of aerospace experts, the old man who seemed to be the most respected was called Weng Mingyu, and some of the rest were his students and some were his colleagues.

After the two sides exchanged pleasantries with each other.

A well-mannered young male aerospace expert lost his composure.

He stepped forward and walked in front of Ye Fei with excitement in his eyes, and asked impatiently: "Mr. Ye, may I ask if the success rate of Shenying Group's moon landing plan is almost [-]%? Is this true?" ?!"

The rest of the aerospace experts, as well as Wang Feihao, all looked at Ye Fei without blinking their eyes!
Ye Fei looked at their fanatical expressions, smiled, nodded and said, "Yes."

The moment he announced the news, he guessed that professional people would come to him.

No need to cover up.

Seeing him admitting so readily, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

I was so shocked!

Feel a little unbelievable!

The frenzied light in his eyes is even stronger than before!
As professionals in the aerospace field, they are more aware of the difficulty of the manned moon landing plan than ordinary people!
It was even more shocking!
"It turned out to be true?! It's incredible!"

"The manned moon landing plan is too difficult. Countless countries around the world can't pass the hurdle of the probe landing on the moon! Unexpectedly, Mr. Ye can overcome the manned moon landing plan!"

"If it is really successful, it will represent that human technology has reached a new stage!"

"Although the data Mr. Ye disclosed during the live broadcast only disclosed some minor details, it is enough for us to get a glimpse of the leopard and know that those data are extraordinary!"

"Yeah, it would be great if we could take a look at the complete and real data and technology!"


The aerospace experts couldn't help discussing.

Someone shook his head, sighed, and said with a frown, "Oh, the theoretical data is different from the actual operation. Manned rockets have too high technical requirements! Even if there is data support, it may not be possible to make a rocket that meets the requirements!"

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the people couldn't help but sighed, and the light in their eyes dimmed a bit.

"I'm already working on the rocket."

When many aerospace experts were missing, Ye Fei spoke indifferently.

He has been busy building rockets for a while.

"What?! You, you're already doing it?!"

All the aerospace experts stared round immediately, stunned and shocked!
It's incredible!
The degree of difficulty of manned rockets is extremely high, and even countries may not be able to do it!
He has already started to do it? !

There was a bit of reverence in their eyes.

This is respect and admiration for learned people!

Ye Fei's face was calm, his eyes were deep and energetic, he nodded, and said with a smile: "That's right, now I'm just missing the rocket launch site."

He looked at Wang Feihao who looked surprised, and then said: "That's why I hope that the military can provide me with a little help and provide me with a rocket launch site."

That's what I said, but in fact Ye Fei's real purpose is not what he said.

With his current financial resources, and the technology and data in his hands, he is fully capable of building a rocket launch site by himself!
The reason why I spoke to the military was because I wanted the military to be my backer!

After all, no matter how good he is, he is just an honest businessman.

Building rockets still needs a backer!
Everyone was shocked again!

Wang Feihao looked solemn, and said seriously: "Mr. Ye, please rest assured, we will do our best to help you!"

With eager anticipation in their eyes, an aviation expert asked cautiously: "Mr. Ye, since you are already building a rocket, can you let us take a look at the real thing?"

The rest of the aerospace experts also looked at Ye Fei expectantly.

Because they are asking for help, their attitude is very polite.

As the person who brought them here, Wang Feihao also helped them say: "Mr. Ye, is it convenient for them to see the real thing? Of course, if it is inconvenient, forget it!"

Ye Fei pondered.

After a while.

Amidst the uneasy mood of the crowd, they nodded.

He smiled and said, "Okay, I'll take you to see the real thing."

It is not an exaggeration to say that everyone knows that he wants to build rockets.

Just look at it, it's not a big deal!
The eyes of Wang Feihao and the aerospace experts suddenly lit up.

A look of surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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