Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 83 See the real thing! 6G technology?

Chapter 83 See the real thing! 6G technology?
Seeing that Ye Fei agreed, Wang Feihao and a group of aerospace experts were surprised and delighted with joy on their faces.

Surprisingly, there is really a real thing? !

Fortunately, Ye Fei is willing to take them to see it!
"Mr. Ye, thank you so much!"

The aerospace experts quickly expressed their thanks.

Ye Fei smiled, nodded and said, "Everyone, please."

He led the way ahead, leading Wang Feihao, who was full of surprise, and a group of aerospace experts, towards the place where the rocket was.


A group of people came to a wide field.

The field is full of materials needed to build rockets.

Such as various alloy materials for building the main body of the rocket, aluminum alloy, alloy steel, titanium alloy, various new composite materials...

There are also some, such as graphite, insoluble metals.

And, all kinds of high temperature and low temperature resistant materials: vacuum sealing grease, high-grade hydraulic oil...etc.

Fully intelligent machine tools with a sense of technology and countless 3D printers are diligently producing rocket parts.

On the side, there is also a prototype rocket that has been made in general.

The huge rocket stands there like a giant, with a strong sci-fi color.

The traditional method of manufacturing rockets is limited by technical or financial conditions, and it takes a long time.

With the world's backward technology, it takes two to three years to build a rocket!
But Ye Fei is different, he has technology and money.

More 3D printers!
The 3D printer prints things very quickly and takes shape. The reason why Ye Fei's rocket can produce a prototype at such a fast speed is the credit of the 3D printer.
At this time, all the aerospace experts looked at the unfinished prototypes of rockets, and an indescribable sense of shock came to their faces!

Let their pupils instantly shrink to the size of a pinhead!

He was so shocked by the towering prototype of the rocket that he couldn't speak for a moment!
Is it true? !

Really real!
After a brief daze.

They came to their senses.

A group of people rushed forward one by one, and surrounded the rocket.

The face is fanatical and the eyes are hot.

They looked at the unfinished rocket carefully, their eyes filled with amazement.

They are all the top talents in the aerospace field.

From their professional perspective, they can see that after this rocket is built, it is definitely the strongest in the world!

Suddenly, a group of people were instantly overwhelmed by Ye Fei!

Great respect to Ye Fei!
"It's unbelievable! I didn't expect to see a rocket of this level in my lifetime!"

"This rocket is more advanced than the rockets of all countries!"

"With such a rocket, the conditions for manned landing on the moon can be met!"

"Mr. Ye is a great talent! He is indeed a genius arms dealer! This name is worthy of the name!"


Ye Fei was tall and tall, listening to the words of the aerospace experts, there was a little smile in his eyes, and he was quite happy in his heart.

But when he heard the back, he couldn't laugh anymore!
If you praise the rocket, you will praise the rocket. Why do you slander him as an arms dealer!

All the aerospace experts looked and looked around the rocket, the excitement in their eyes couldn't be restrained!
Among the crowd, bursts of exclamation erupted.

Some older aerospace experts even had tears in their eyes, tears of excitement!

"Our Xia Kingdom's aerospace technology has always lagged behind foreign countries. In order to avoid being kidnapped by foreign countries, we have maintained independent development. Now we can finally surpass foreign countries!"

"Yeah, just like the Great Mao country. After the disintegration of their country, some backward areas have been relying on the satellites of the Yingjiang country. This is kidnapped by the Yingjiang country! In a situation like this, once a conflict occurs, the If the Yingjiang country is unhappy, the communication will be cut off directly!"

"In this day and age, communication is the top priority! It's difficult to get stuck in the communication!"

"Fortunately, our Xia Kingdom will not have to worry about such problems in the future!"

"This is all thanks to Mr. Ye!"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone's face was filled with emotion.

They have all come through the difficult years, witnessed too many hardships and hardships in the country, and witnessed the country from nothing, and the efforts of countless people to reach the present level!

Even with so much effort, the country is still stuck by some countries in terms of technology, making the country still lag behind the eagle sauce country in terms of technology.


They knew it the moment they saw the rocket with their own eyes.

From now on, in the field of aerospace, their country's technology has surpassed that of Eagle Sauce, leading the world!
How can this make people not excited!
Think about it this way.

Whether it is Wang Feihao or a group of aerospace experts, they all admire Ye Fei!

Also very grateful!

At this time, someone seemed to have thought of something, and asked Ye Fei with a look of emotion on his face: "Mr. Ye, you can build such a rocket, which means that the technology in your hands is very high-end. Do you want to use such high-tech technology for space tourism? Isn’t this a bit, too wasteful?”

This sentence expresses the thoughts of everyone else!
If you can build a rocket that can carry people to the moon, how great it is to do scientific research or something!

It's a waste of money just for tourism!

Ye Fei shook his head and said with a smile, "Of course not."

He took so much effort to make a rocket.

How is it possible to only use it for a single project? !

The aerospace experts were interested and asked curiously, "Oh? Then Mr. Ye, what are you going to use it for?"

Hearing this, Ye Fei looked around at the crowd, with a confident look in his eyes, and said brightly: "I said before, I will use it to launch satellites!"

"And, popularize 5G technology nationwide!"

Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment.

His face was full of shock!

"4G technology only came out in the past two years, so you started researching 5G technology now?!"

He really deserves to be a world-renowned military genius!

Take out a technique casually from his hand, and it is always at the forefront of the world!

Ye Fei hooked his lips, smiled lightly, and said, "No! I'm not researching 5G, but I've successfully mastered 5G technology! What I'm researching now is 6G technology!"

Oh my God!
6G technology? !

This is really outrageous!

I thought you were just one or two steps ahead of everyone, but I didn't expect you to be countless steps ahead of the world? !
You must know that with each step of these technologies, the difficulty will rise in steps!
They can imagine the difficulty from 4G to 5G.

But from 5G to 6G technology, they can't even figure out what the technical difficulty is!

This Mr. Ye Fei is already researching something that they dare not even think about? !
This is...

Everyone was stunned, staring blankly at Ye Fei, who was smiling and looking calm.

Shocked people are numb!
What else can they say?

It can only be said that a military genius deserves his name!

There was a hint of confusion in Wang Feihao's eyes. He was a soldier, not a researcher.

To be honest, his cultural knowledge made him incompatible with the current academic atmosphere!

He felt he had to say something!
"Mr. Ye," Wang Feihao had a resolute face, pondered for a moment, and asked his own question: "What is 5G technology? I only know that the emergence of 3G has improved the download speed and uplink speed of the network. After the emergence of 4G, network signal transmission The speed is already very fast, and it is completely enough for everyone to watch live broadcasts and play games online! So what is the use of 5G?"

The rest of the aerospace experts couldn't help agreeing:

"That's right, the whole country's understanding of 5G technology now only exists in theory, and its effect is only in conjecture!"

"5G technology, what does it do?"


People were discussing.

Pairs of eyes looked at Ye Fei curiously.

Waiting for Ye Fei to solve their doubts!

(End of this chapter)

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