Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 91 Promote 5G Technology!difficulty

Chapter 91 Promote 5G Technology!difficulty
Seeing that the righteous master finally appeared.

The water friends in the live broadcast room immediately became excited!
The amount of barrage exploded instantly!
"Yo, who am I?! Isn't this the anchor! You are finally willing to show up as the anchor!"

"Anchor, you are my god! I really didn't expect that you could actually successfully send satellites!"

"Whoever dares to say that he is a liar, I will be the first to smoke!"

"Anchor, you are so awesome! Among the top ten people who moved Xia Guo this year, your name must be there!"


The water friends praised it crazily.

At this time, their admiration for Ye Fei is like a torrent of water, continuous, and like a diabetes insipidus, it is out of control!
Ye Fei smiled all over his face, accepting the flattery from the water friends.

I just feel refreshed and elated!

"Brothers, it's a big deal, it's just a small satellite launch, it's nothing!"

Ye Fei looked up at the sky, pretending to be deep and said.

But these plain words revealed a strong sense of Versailles!
The water friends were all amused.

"Launch a small satellite?! In terms of installation and approval, we still have to watch you, the anchor!"

"There are ten fights in the world, and you, the anchor, own eleven fights, and the world still owes you one fight!"

"Hahaha~ I don't think the anchor is pretending. A human anchor really has the strength to say such a thing!"

"Brother Meng! Have you forgotten something important?! We big guys should have bought the anchor's Shenguang mobile phone? Now, can we officially use the dual-frequency satellite signal of Shenguang mobile phone?!"


When all the water friends were teasing Ye Fei.

A more serious water friend raised a serious question-about the use of dual-frequency satellite signals in Shenguang mobile phones!
After being reminded by this water friend, the rest of the water friends also reacted.

They also asked Ye Fei about the dual-frequency satellite signal.

Ye Fei looked at the barrage, nodded, and gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, from now on, the dual-frequency satellite signal function of Shenguang mobile phone can be used! From now on, the signal of Shenguang mobile phone, It will be even better!"

When the water friends heard this, their eyes lit up and they discussed for a while.

At this time.

"Ahem, brothers, please be quiet. Next, I have one more thing to announce as the anchor!"

Ye Fei raised his jaw slightly, his smile was bright and sunny.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were immediately curious when they heard this.

"Anchor, do you have anything else to announce?"

Ye Fei smiled all over his face, and raised his voice: "Next, our Condor will open up 5G technology!"

This statement came out.

The water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't help being taken aback.


"Hey? What is 5G?"

"Isn't this 4G popular not long ago? Why is 5G so soon?"

"Anchor, what's the use of 5G?"


The water friends scratched their heads and were very puzzled.

Ye Fei smiled slightly and said, "5G is the next-generation communication technology of 4G. It has many advantages. First, it can be used in many jobs..."

He was not in a hurry, and for the water friends in the live broadcast room, he popularized the various advantages of 5G.

Listening to his science popularization, the eyes of the water friends gradually widened.

After listening to the science introduction in full.

The water friends in the live broadcast room also have an understanding of 5G technology.

Their faces were full of surprise, and they were shocked!
"I can understand that the network speed is faster, but 5G technology can also help industrial control, telemedicine, autonomous driving... and other industries to start work?!"

"Hiss... this is too strong!"

"Anchor, you really have it! In this world, 4G is not even popularized in many places, and you even made 5G out!"


The water friends said with emotion on their faces.

After learning about 5G technology, they can't help raising their expectations for 5G!
After all, no one can refuse, a better and faster way of life!

But it is not an easy task to promote 5G and popularize 5G across the country!
Ye Fei naturally also knows that the popularization of a new thing is not a simple matter.

Even if his current reputation has been released, it will not be possible to quickly promote 5G technology across the country.

But time, he has plenty!

The popularization of 5G is a matter of time.

It's nothing more than the difference between a longer time and a shorter time!

With a faint smile on Ye Fei's face, he continued to answer questions from water friends about 5G.

Just when they are interacting happily.

A figure came towards this side.

Ye Fei noticed that someone was coming, and subconsciously turned his head to look.

It was discovered that the person who came was Wang Feihao who had just left.

And his face is more serious?

Ye Fei was a little puzzled.

Didn't he just leave?
Why did you find it again so quickly? !

Thinking like this, he asked, "Mr. Wang, what can you do for me?"

Wang Feihao stepped forward, straight to the point, and explained why he came.

"Mr. Ye, people on my side also know that you want to promote 5G technology! Therefore, we want to cooperate with you! We have reached a 5G information cooperation with you! Help you promote 5G technology in the country at the fastest speed!"

Just now, his bosses contacted him and asked him to convey the news that he wanted to cooperate.

In order to thank each other for their contributions to scientific research, they are willing to treat this cooperation with the greatest sincerity!

Wang Feihao said, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Ye, are you interested in this cooperation?"

Ye Fei's eyes lit up when he heard that.

To promote 5G technology, several conditions need to be met.

First, 5G mobile phones and traffic packages with sufficiently low prices are needed.

Second: There must be enough 5G applications that are just needed in daily life.

These two points are mainly affected by industry value strategies, and application development ideas and technologies.

Among them, the mobile phone is more difficult for others, but it doesn't matter to him.

Because, his Shenguang mobile phone can meet the needs of 5G information transmission signals at a low price!
The requirements of application software are nothing, as long as there is enough time, you can take your time.

The most difficult point lies in the third point: covering a wide enough 5G signal!

This is the hardest part!

Across the country, lay enough 5G signal base stations.

This is difficult to do by one person!
Originally, he was still having a headache, how could he overcome the third difficulty in the shortest possible time.

Unexpectedly, Wang Feihao actually asked for cooperation.

This is really, sleepy is here to send a pillow!

With the support of the military behind us, the speed of building 5G signal base stations will be much faster!
thought here.

Ye Fei nodded immediately, smiling brightly, and said without hesitation: "Of course I'm interested!"

Listening to this answer, Wang Feihao also showed a smile on his face.

"Mr. Ye, let's talk about the specific terms of cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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