Chapter 92 Market Response to 5G

The water friends in the live broadcast room looked at the scene in front of them in surprise.

They were even more surprised when they saw Wang Feihao in military uniform and proposed to cooperate with Ye Fei!
"Oh my god! Just now we were talking about the difficulty of promoting 5G. Now, the problem will be solved?!"

"As expected of an anchor duck, even the military took the initiative to ask him to cooperate!"

"I'm so curious! What will be the terms of cooperation between the military and the anchor?!"


The water friends began to discuss with curiosity.

Waiting to see Ye Fei and Wang Feihao discuss the terms.

But before they saw the result, they found that the live broadcast room suddenly went black!
Friends of the water: "???"

Just speechless!
This anchor, the speed of downloading is getting more and more unexpected!


Ye Fei turned off the live broadcast room and stuffed the phone back into his trouser pocket.

Then he looked at Wang Feihao and said with a smile, "Okay, let's talk about the conditions now."

Wang Feihao nodded, and said seriously: "Mr. Ye, if you have any conditions, you can just say it."

The people above him have already explained that as long as the conditions are not too excessive, they can agree!
Ye Fei thought for a moment.

Afterwards, he discussed the conditions with Wang Feihao.

Since the two parties have already been established partners, and Wang Feihao's side expressed their sincerity in thanking Ye Fei for his contribution in aerospace technology, and agreed to various conditions very readily.

After some discussion between the two, the details of the cooperation were quickly finalized.

The patent of 5G technology is still exclusively held by Ye Fei.

Wang Feihao is responsible for assisting the construction of 5G signal bases and promoting 5G information technology to major operators.

Of course, the patent of 5G technology is in the hands of Ye Fei. No matter who wants to use 5G, he has to pay him a huge patent fee!

There is no doubt about it!
It can be said that with the 5G patent and the military's support for promotion, Ye Fei can make money while lying down!

Ye Fei can benefit a lot from this cooperation.

On Wang Feihao's side, because it is the country represented, it also gained a lot of benefits.

The benefits they get are not monetary benefits.

Rather, at the national level as a whole!

5G technology has many benefits for economic development, but any electronics industry that relies on 5G technology relies on 5G technology and is at the forefront of the world!
The development of the communication technology industry will also be greatly improved!
It can also ensure that certain industries in Xia's country are no longer controlled by others, and have more autonomy!
Therefore, even if Ye Fei didn't pay any price, Wang Feihao didn't have any complaints.

Those invisible benefits have already made them extremely satisfied!
"Mr. Ye, it's getting late, I'll take my leave first."

After negotiating the terms and signing the contract, Wang Feihao politely bid farewell with a smile on his face.

Ye Fei was very satisfied with this cooperation, and said politely: "Okay, go slowly."

After Wang Feihao left, he reported the cooperation to his boss.


Ye Fei and Wang Feihao started intensive work on promoting 5G technology.


at the same time.

While Ye Fei was busy, the internet was buzzing!
He launched satellites live and promoted 5G technology, which was once shared by many netizens on the Internet.

After the video was sent out, it caused heated discussions all over the Internet!

It quickly rushed to the number one position on the hot search lists of major online platforms!
Many netizens who don't know what's going on outside the window are stunned after seeing the trending search!

"Damn it? We have two satellites in Xia Kingdom?! So crazy?!"

"I haven't been online for a few days, why did such a big thing happen?!"

"Damn! If I had known about such a big event, I would have to go and see it for myself!"

"Thank you for the invitation. I'm in Yangcheng. I just came back from the rocket launch site. If you want to ask me how it feels to watch the rocket launch, I can express it in one sentence: it's shocking! (Light a cigarette)"


Those netizens who have just heard the news, or have not been to the scene, are very sorry.

And those netizens at the scene proudly showed off.

More and more netizens have joined the discussion on the Condor satellite launch event, making the whole thing soaring again!
It directly became popular on the domestic Internet, and it has also become very popular abroad!

Many foreign netizens, after seeing this video, their jaws almost dropped in shock!

Subconsciously, they want to question the authenticity of this matter!
I don't want to believe that Xia Guo can own a second satellite!

But the video was right in front of my eyes, and the Internet was full of the news of 'Xia Guo owns the second class satellite'!
If they don't believe it, they can only believe it!

What surprised them even more was that the second satellite was not launched by the Xia Kingdom, but by its own private enterprise named 'Shenying Civil Technology Co., Ltd.'? !

"I buy it!!!"

"When did Xia Guo become so powerful? Even private companies are capable of sending satellites?!"

"Damn it! I said it a long time ago, Xia Guo is a threat! They will surpass us sooner or later! Look, this is the proof!"

"Don't be stupid, what kind of private enterprise? Shenying is a military factory! You all know the high-tech weapons of Ben Deng's mobile phone, right? They were bought in this military factory!"

"My God! No wonder they have the ability to launch satellites!"

"It's unbelievable! The Shenying Military Factory is really amazing!"


Countless foreign netizens, with shocked expressions on their faces, started a heated discussion about the satellite launched by Condor.

Some foreign netizens are unwilling to believe that the satellite was launched by Ye Fei's Condor Company.

But more foreign netizens praised Ye Fei crazily, and felt a little bit of admiration towards Ye Fei and even Xia Guo!
There are also countless crooked nuts who frantically left messages on their country's official account, angrily scolding their country why they couldn't successfully launch a satellite.

This leaves many countries speechless.

This is so special!

How difficult it is to launch a satellite, even a three-year-old knows it!
Even Xia Kingdom, one of the five big countries, only had two satellites just now!

What are they using to launch satellites?
Take your feet? !

This is really, what the hell, getting shot while lying down!


at the same time.

When domestic and foreign countries are actively discussing the launch of satellites.

The promotion of Ye Fei's 5G technology has gradually spread out.

Thanks to the assistance of 3D printers, all kinds of buildings can be built quickly, and with the strong support from Wang Feihao, the establishment speed of the 5G signal base is very fast, and the establishment process is smooth all the way.

Most places in China already have the conditions to use 5G technology.

Even some places in foreign countries that are relatively close to Xia Guo are under the coverage of 5G signals.

In Shenying Factory.

Ye Fei, who has been busy for many days, can finally rest!
"Hey, you still have to combine work and rest in life!"

Ye Fei leaned lazily on the sofa and sighed comfortably.

It was rare for Chu Hanshuang and Shen Yunqiu to rest, sitting on the sofa together to relax and chat.

After hearing Ye Fei's exclamation, Chu Hanshuang looked at him, his eyes were like autumn water, and with a bit of curiosity, he asked: "Boss, there should be customers who have already used 5G in our country, so you don't care about it." How about the market response to 5G?"

(End of this chapter)

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