Chapter 213 Shocked Qian Renxue
Three days later, at night.

In the Prince's Mansion, in the bedroom, Qian Renxue was meditating and practicing.

"Little Lord!"

Suddenly, there was a piercing sound outside the door.

"Come in!"

Afterwards, Qian Renxue saw the excited prickly blood on her face.

"Have you found the news?"

Seeing the blood piercing with excitement, Qian Renxue was a little puzzled and asked directly.

Three days ago, after realizing that Ning Yu's peach effect was not right, Qian Renxue immediately asked Lianxue and Lester to cooperate with each other to investigate Ning Yu's relevant information.

Outsiders don't know about Ning Yu's information, and it is difficult to find out, but in Qian Renxue's view, there should be quite a few people inside the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School who know about it.

Pick some disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and after they go out to place orders, the titled Douluo, the pricking blood, will capture them without revealing their identities, and hand them over to Lester for interrogation under hypnosis. After obtaining the information, he will tamper with their memories , let the person go.

In this way, even if the soul masters of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School regained their memories after a while and remembered that they were kidnapped for questioning, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School would not know who did it.

After all, Lester used to work in the intelligence department under the Pope's Highness, and he didn't travel around the mainland, so not many people knew about his martial spirit.

As for Ning Yu who had seen Lester's Nightmare Demon Horse Wuhun before?Anyway, if there are too many lice, it doesn't matter if Ning Yu knows about it.

You have caught this lady pretending to be Prince Tiandou, so why would you care if you know that I am spying on you?
"My lord, although I haven't been able to detect any specific information, I have made a major discovery!"

Thinking of the information detected earlier, Li Xue's heart felt hot.

"Oh? Tell me~!"

Qian Renxue became interested.

"Seven years ago, after the awakening of Ning Yu's martial soul, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect began to sell a kind of peach called Good Fortune Peach to their disciples."

"Fortune Ruyi Peach?"

Before Lixue finished speaking, Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows.

Three days ago, when Ning Yu went to the royal hunting ground, she rode Baiyun to come here. Although Qian Renxue was not there at the time, a royal knight reported the situation to her later.

Combined with Ning Yu's external soul bone wings, Qian Renxue deduced that this white cloud should be the effect of some kind of peach in Ning Yu.

The peach that detoxifies, the peach that heals the injury, the peach that condenses the white clouds, plus this good luck peach, doesn't Ning Yu have the four-ring soul sect to say the least?

Be good~, a 13-year-old Sihuan Soul Sect, and a food-type Soul Sect with a relatively slow cultivation speed, this is a bit amazing!

"Young master, please listen to me first, this wishful peach is really amazing!"

"Huh? What's the big deal?"

Qian Renxue was a little surprised.

Seven years ago, this kind of peach appeared in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, so this must be the product of Ning Yu's first soul skill, and the mere hundred-year-old soul skill can make the titled Douluo, the pricking blood, attach so much importance to it?

"It can improve the speed and comprehension of a soul master's soul power cultivation!"

Li Xue said with a fiery face.

As a titled Douluo, Li Xue understands the importance of comprehension better than ordinary soul masters.

He can cultivate to the realm of Titled Douluo, and the fifth spirit ring on his body is still purple for thousands of years. This certainly lowers his strength, but it also shows that his talent is still very strong from the side.

Otherwise, you can't even achieve the best soul ring ratio. If you don't have any capital, why should you become a Title Douluo?Just because of his big face?
But his talent potential has reached its limit after stepping into the realm of Titled Douluo.

But Ning Yu's Creation Ruyi Peach, which can improve his comprehension, gave him the hope to continue to move forward. Maybe he can raise the level of his soul power in the future?
"Soul power cultivation speed and comprehension? If it's just a century-old soul skill, the effect should be very limited, right?"

Qian Renxue is a little confused, this peach can improve the speed and understanding of soul power cultivation, it is indeed very good, but this is the first soul skill, even if the effect is strong, how can it be so strong?

"Young master, this Ning Yu is very special!

Seven years ago, the Lucky Wishful Peach sold by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School could increase the speed and comprehension of soul power cultivation by 15%.

Six years ago, the effect of the wishful peach sold was doubled, and the speed and comprehension of soul power cultivation increased by 30%.

And in the recent period, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect has even sold a large number of good luck peaches to their sect disciples.

According to the detected information, it seems that thousands of disciples of their sect are eating this kind of peaches for cultivation, but the promotion rate of peaches has dropped from 30% to 18%. "

At this time, Ning Yu couldn't be clear, his underwear was almost stripped off by blood pricking.

His Good Fortune Peach is sold to the disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. Even if they haven't eaten it before, they have heard of it, and now they are being sold on a large scale. As long as they are the disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, everyone knows about it.

Bloodletting only captured a few soul kings and soul emperors, and Lester was hypnotized to ask about this information.

In fact, it's not that Ning Fengzhi hasn't done any secrecy measures, he can pat his chest to assure that there are absolutely no spies among the thousands of disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

There used to be, but it was cleared away by the Fourth Elder Ning Hong who possessed the soul-controlling bell martial soul.

But this time, the leak of Fortune Ruyi Tao's information had nothing to do with spies, even if those captured sect disciples were loyal to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, they couldn't stand up to Lester's hypnotic soul skills.

"Are these real?"

Qian Renxue said in shock.

"Although I didn't get the real thing, it should be true.

I captured five Qibao Liulizong disciples one after another. Among the five, only one had eaten peaches with 15% and 30% efficacy, but each of them claimed to have eaten the peaches with 18% efficacy during this period. . "

Bloodletting said swearingly.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue fell into shock.

Fortune Ruyi Peach can improve the speed and comprehension of soul power cultivation. No wonder Ning Fulong and Fang Quan were able to advance to Title Douluo seven years ago.

This must be the effect of the two people using the Ruyi peach to improve their understanding by 15%, which broke through the bottleneck.

Of course, what shocked Qian Renxue the most was not the effect of the Ruyi Peach, but the fact that the effect of the Ruyi Peach had actually increased!
Soul power food is the product of the soul skills of food-type soul masters. The effect of soul skills has improved, either because the martial soul has evolved, or the age of the soul ring has increased.

What Ning Yu awakened was Taozi Wuhun, but he failed to awaken the top-quality Blood Dragon Mace Wuhun of his grandfather and father. Wuhun.

Since Taozi is a top-level martial spirit, there should be no re-evolution. That is to say, Taozi's effect has become stronger, which must be due to the increase in the age of the spirit ring.

As for the ability to increase the age of a soul master's soul ring the day after tomorrow, Qian Renxue's first thought was that Ning Yu, like her grandfather Qian Daoliu, had participated in the assessment of the gods.

Moreover, being able to participate in the divine examination at such a young age, if Ning Yu is not the inheritor of the divine position, even Qian Renxue would not believe it.

Obviously, Qian Renxue is not Qian Daoliu, nor Bo Saixi. It is not known that after the heavenly change that year, the mainland has severed contact with the God Realm, and no one can participate in the God Examination.

After a long time, Qian Renxue recovered from the shock, and asked Li Xue again: "Is there any other information?"

"This subordinate is incompetent, and no other news has been detected."

Bloodletting shook his head.

"Who else knows about this besides you and Lester?"

Qian Renxue said solemnly.

"The subordinate has not told others yet."

"This matter is kept secret, don't tell my grandpa, and you asked Lester to keep it secret."


Lianxue was a little hesitant, after all, Qian Renxue was just the young master, and Qian Daoliu was his real boss.


Qian Renxue stared.

"Yes, young master!"

Seeing Qian Renxue's stern eyes, Li Xue didn't dare to neglect, and responded immediately.

Ning Yu did not report the information to Qian Daoliu. Even if Qian Daoliu found out someday in the future, he could still say that Qian Renxue asked him to keep it a secret, so Qian Daoliu probably wouldn't blame him.

But if Qian Renxue knew that he was disobedient, then he would have no good fruit to eat.

With an innate soul power of level 20, and the granddaughter of the Great Priest, the only contemporary descendant of the Angel family, Qian Renxue is destined to be the supreme leader of the Wuhun Hall in the future, and she dares not listen to her words.

"Go! By the way, let someone send a letter to Ning Yu overnight, so it means that I will invite him to a banquet at Tiandou Hotel tomorrow evening!"


After Lianxue left, Qian Renxue fell into deep thought.

Good Fortune Ruyi Peach is so effective, does she want it?

Of course I want to!Qian Renxue wanted to tie Ning Yu back to Wuhun City and let him produce peaches for herself.

As long as Ning Yu can be abducted back to Wuhun City, she can even give up the Tiandou hidden plan that she has devoted 14 years of hard work to!
After all, to usurp the Heaven Dou Empire is in the final analysis only to enhance the strength of the Spirit Hall, and cut off the enemy of the Heaven Dou Empire for the Spirit Hall.

With Ruyi Peach of Good Fortune, countless soul masters who are stuck in the bottleneck in the Spirit Hall have the hope of breaking through, and the benefits they bring are simply not comparable to gaining the control of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Level 89 Contra advanced Title Douluo, and Title Douluo broke through the bottleneck. Qian Renxue could even predict that within a few years, the number of elders enshrined in the Shrine Hall would definitely be much more than it is now.

Even the second enshrined Golden Crocodile Douluo, who had already reached the pinnacle of level 98, might one day become a peerless Douluo of level 99.

The idea of ​​tying Ning Yu back to Wuhun City is very good, and Wuhun Palace also has the strength to do it, but it may not be what she wants.

The first question before her was what if Ning Yu didn't cooperate?Force him to cooperate?

In addition, if she brings Ning Yu back to the Hall of Spirits, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect will definitely bear a grudge against him. If Ning Fengzhi hugs me and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect loses Ning Yu, your Spirit Hall will not be safe either. What if he leaked this news to Hao Tianzong?

Qian Renxue didn't know whether the Good Fortune Ruyi Peach could have an effect on 99th-level Peerless Douluo or even demigod powerhouses, but even if Tang Chen couldn't use such a powerful peach, the rest of the Haotian School still needed it. Once Tang Chen found out about the matter, he would definitely come to ask for Ning Yu.

At that time, even if Tang Chen couldn't ask for anyone, he would definitely ask for Taozi.

Giving Taozi to Haotianzong, that is undoubtedly benevolent to the enemy.

And the number of peaches is definitely not unlimited. The Wuhundian family has a great career, and the number of soul masters is also huge. They can't even enjoy it by themselves, so why distribute it to the enemy?
So is there any way to let Wuhundian get peaches without letting Haotianzong get it, without arousing the enmity of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?
Qian Renxue felt that there was such a way, and she even thought of it!
(End of this chapter)

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