Douluo: This soul master is too mediocre

Chapter 214 Renxue: "Ning Yu, if you are willing to marry me..."

Chapter 214 Qian Renxue: "Ning Yu, if you are willing to marry."

Qibao Liulizong and Wuhundian are not allies, and there have been some minor conflicts and conflicts in the past, how should this be resolved?
The best way is undoubtedly marriage.

On the Douluo Continent, due to the inheritance of martial souls, marriages are rare, but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Perhaps the women's forces are not necessarily willing to marry, so as not to leak their inherited martial arts, but for the men's forces, there is no need to worry about this.

If Wuhundian and Qibao Liulizong are related by marriage, and Ning Yu himself is married, then it shouldn't be too much to ask for some peaches, right?

"Nana, you are Bibi Dong's direct disciple, the future saint of my Spirit Hall, I think you should be willing to make some sacrifices for the Spirit Hall?!"

Qian Renxue murmured.

That's right, in Qian Renxue's opinion, Hu Liena is undoubtedly the best marriage partner.

In terms of talent, Hu Liena is the leader of the younger generation of Wuhundian, second only to herself. If there is no accident, the title of Douluo in the future will not be a problem.

Moreover, Hu Liena is not only talented, but also very beautiful, so she doesn't worry about Ning Yu's little SP not being attracted.

As for herself?
Unless her grandfather Qian Daoliu can sprout from the old tree, otherwise, as the only contemporary heir of the Angel family, it is impossible for her to marry outside in order to continue the inheritance of the Angel family.

The next day, evening.

On the top floor of Tiandou Hotel, in the VIP room of 'Luanfeng Chengxiang', Ning Yu met Qian Renxue.

Of course, Qian Renxue at this moment is Xue Qinghe.

"Qian Renxue, we only met a few days ago, you miss me so soon?"

At this time, the food and drink had been served in the private room, and seeing that there was no one else, Ning Yu said to Qian Renxue directly with a playful face.

"I've come to you this time because I have something important to discuss."

Ignoring Ning Yu's teasing, Qian Renxue went straight to the point.

Hearing this, Ning Yu raised his eyebrows, he couldn't think of what Qian Renxue could do with him.

"Let's not talk about important things first! Last time you said you invited me to a small gathering for a barbecue, but I went back hungry. Let's talk about it after eating today, so as not to talk about it later, I have to be hungry again go back."

Thinking of what happened three days ago, Ning Yu felt that Qian Renxue might be making trouble again.

In order not to waste this table of wine and food, let's put aside the important things for the time being, and talk about them when we are full.

"Okay, let's talk later!"

Qian Renxue nodded, the marriage with Taozi is not urgent, Ning Yu won't run away anyway.

"By the way, I have a little habit, I don't like to eat with men alone, you see"

Thinking of Qian Renxue's peerless face in a petal skirt, Ning Yu couldn't help but add.

With food and wine, how can we miss the peerless beauty?
Compared to the ordinary Xue Qinghe, he prefers Qian Renxue in a petal skirt.

Qian Renxue was slightly angry: "I warn you, don't go too far!"

"Then I'll go?"

Ning Yu stood up as if he was going to leave.

"Hmph, wait!"

With that said, Qian Renxue got up and went to the bathroom in the private room.

Xue Qinghe's appearance is true in her disguise, but the clothes on her body are not fake, it is very awkward to restore her appearance in men's clothes.

After a while, Qian Renxue appeared in front of Ning Yu wearing a petal skirt.

"Tsk tsk~, if the mainland holds a beauty pageant, you will definitely win!"

Ning Yu couldn't help admiring.

Even though he had seen her a few days ago, Ning Yu was still amazed by her peerless appearance.


Although Ning Yu's words were suspected of being a rainbow fart, Qian Renxue was very useful.

"By the way, the injury on your chest is not serious, is it?"

Ning Yu couldn't help but care for the child, but don't leave any sequelae.


Recalling the old incident, Qian Renxue suddenly became angry, her chest heaving and falling.

And Ning Yu's gaze also fluctuated up and down with Qian Renxue's chest.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry! Sit down and eat!"

Ning Yu pulled Qian Renxue over and pushed her onto the chair.

Well, there is another difference in the condescending scenery.

"Hmph, be honest, or don't blame me for being rude!"

With a cold snort, Qian Renxue warned Ning Yu.

"Yeah, I, Ning Yu, have no other strengths other than honesty!"

Ning Yu nodded hastily, but his eyes did not leave the snow-white place.

While appreciating, Ning Yu felt that he had to remind Qian Renxue that the beauty of petals is beautiful, but it is slightly revealing, so it is better to be conservative in dressing, so as not to be looked down upon by some old SPs.

But if Qian Renxue has been showing off men's clothing, it seems that there is no need for it?
After all, I, Ning, seem to be the only one who can make her show off women's clothing?
"Ning Yu, do you know anything about my Spirit Hall?"

While eating the dishes, Qian Renxue asked Ning Yu.

"Wuhundian? You still understand it! If it weren't for the Haotian School's Tang Chen, Wuhundian would be the overlord of the continent's soul master world."

The world only knows that Wuhundian is powerful, but few people can say how strong it is.

But Ning Yu dared to guarantee that even Tang Chen didn't know as much as he did.

In Tang Chen's eyes, perhaps the worshiping elders of the Spirit Hall, as well as the large number of titled elders, and the army of soul masters under his command are the full strength of the Spirit Hall.

But this is obviously not comprehensive enough. Except for Qian Daoliu, the world has ignored Pope Bibidong.

In the original book, before succeeding to the Rakshasa position, due to the limitations of the Rakshasa test, Bibi Dong's strength has always been seriously inconsistent with her soul power level.

Now that the mainland is cut off from the God Realm, Bibi Dong probably won't be able to start the Rakshasa God Examination. In this way, her strength will not be restricted.

If her level can be raised to 99 Peerless Douluo, with the advantages of twin martial souls and many top-quality soul bones, whether the demigod-level Qian Daoliu can beat her is still unknown.

As for Qian Renxue?If the Angel God Test cannot be opened, she will indeed become a strong person in the future, but it must be a long time later.

"Have you heard of Hu Liena?"

Qian Renxue continued to ask Ning Yu.

"Hu Liena? She's Pope Bibidong's disciple, right? A 19-year-old 48th-level Soul Sect can be considered a genius, but it's much worse than you."

Ning Yu glanced at Qian Renxue in surprise, a little confused about what she said.

"So you know her?"

Qian Renxue's eyes lit up.

Ning Yu shook his head: "I don't know, I just heard about it."

"It's okay if you don't know each other! In terms of talent, Nana is a rare genius on the mainland. In terms of appearance, she is also on par with me.

Ning Yu, the Qibao Glazed Tile School and my Wuhun Palace should marry each other!I let my grandpa decide to betroth Nana to you! "

Qian Renxue said confidently.

Although she hasn't discussed this with Qian Daoliu yet, she believes that her grandfather will support her.

With her grandfather's support, even if Bibi Dong disagreed, it wouldn't help.


Hearing this, Ning Yu couldn't help but spit out the food he just ate.

"Cough cough~"

After coughing a few times, Ning Yu reached out and touched Qian Renxue's smooth forehead.

"What are you doing?'

Seeing the salty pig's hand stretched out by Ning Yu, Qian Renxue immediately slapped it off, and asked with a stern face.

"Let me see if your brain was broken by me a few days ago."

Ning Yu looked at Qian Renxue with caring eyes.

Isn't Qian Renxue in his impression glamorous and noble?Why is it still a p-tick?
"No matter, you just say whether you want it or not!"

"If it was you, I would definitely be willing. As for Hu Liena, let's forget it."

Casting a glance at Qian Renxue, Ning Yu shook his head.

It happened so suddenly that he was not prepared at all.

And who knows if you're kidding me?Just wait for me to nod in response, and then sneer hard?
In addition, he Ning is not a fool, he will not think about the good things that fall from the sky, there is definitely something tricky in it.

"Then don't think about it, I won't marry!"

Qian Renxue rejected Ning Yu's proposal with a serious face.

"Not to marry? Qian Renxue, you don't pretend to be a man for a long time, and you like women?"

"Bah~, dogs can't spit ivory out of their mouths!"

"A dog only has dog teeth in its mouth, so of course it can't spit out ivory! If you want to spit out ivory, you have to eat an elephant!"

Ning Yu said seriously.

Qian Renxue's expression was very serious: "Ning Yu, I'm not joking with you! I swear on the honor of the Angel family, I really want the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to marry my Spirit Hall!"

'Tsk~, it seems that today is a feast without a good feast! '

Seeing Qian Renxue's serious appearance, Ning Yu had a bad premonition in his heart.

There is no hate without reason in the world, and there is no love without reason.

If Qian Renxue gave him a girl without asking for anything in return, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

"If you have any purpose, just say it. No, I'll talk about it after I finish eating! As for the marriage, unless it's you, it's exempt!"

With that said, Ning Yu speeded up his eating.

Although Ning Yu couldn't figure out what Qian Renxue's purpose was, it must be something he couldn't agree to, otherwise he wouldn't need to find an excuse to get married.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue was silent for a moment, gritted her teeth, and said, "Ning Yu, if you are willing to marry, I can give you this chance!"

It is impossible for her to marry outside, the heir of the Angel family can only have the surname Qian.

But if Ning Yu is willing to marry, it is not impossible to consider.

Although Ning Yu is just a weak chicken in the food department, but she is born with a talent full of soul power, and is also suspected of being the inheritor of the god position, so she will not be unworthy of her.

As the only contemporary heir of the Angel family, and she is still a woman, Qian Renxue knows that unless she can become a god with an infinite lifespan, she will always find a partner in the future.

After all, the Angel family has been passed down for countless years, and the inheritance cannot be broken in her generation.

Since there will be a day when she will find a partner in the future, it is natural to find someone who is satisfactory and able to help her.

For the time being, Ning Yu is not yet satisfied, but it is undoubtedly certain that she will be able to bring her great help.

(End of this chapter)

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