A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 101 Here Comes Our Chapter

Chapter 101 We Are Back

On the island, the railway and He Zhijun who had just returned to the headquarters were listening to Yuan Lang's briefing.I only heard his loud report:
"One and a half hours ago, we received information from the reconnaissance crew. They found the Red Army fleet in the south, on the sea at coordinates XXX XXX. After the tentative attack failed, they called the support fleet."

"One hour and 10 minutes ago, after the reconnaissance crew merged with the support fleet, they communicated with the airport for the last time before launching an attack. After 1 minute, the communication disappeared and could no longer be contacted."

"Referring to the situation encountered by the Red Army fleet during the exercise, we have reason to believe that they have already died!"

"At the same time, the airport report also stated that our radar is currently unavailable and cannot guide the fighter plane to land!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Lang stood in the same place silently, quietly looking at the railway, whose face had darkened, and He Zhijun, who was still a little astonished.

The railway never thought that he would receive this infuriating news as soon as he came back!What was even more unexpected was that with Lin Xuan, the combat effectiveness of the Red Army fleet would have a qualitative leap!
From the very beginning, he could only be attacked passively, with no power to fight back.Up to now, you can swallow ten Ba Ye in one gulp!This doubling of combat power really exceeded all his expectations!
What makes him even more troublesome is that the current Red Army fleet can no longer be handled by air strikes alone.If you send fighter planes over there again, it will only be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger, and you will never return!
Therefore, now we can only rely on the island to carry out tidal flat defense operations!
At this moment, the railway seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked Yuan Lang: "When the "Veteran" platform landed before, did you resupply?"

After hearing this, Yuan Lang thought for a while and replied, "No, they didn't resupply at the airport because they had already received news of our victory when they landed."

After confirming the news, the railway station's complexion improved a lot in an instant.Since the mission of the "Veteran" was to conduct defensive operations at the beginning, the aviation fuel was not fully filled, but only maintained for eight hours.

In the morning, he had been flying in the sky for almost two hours, and after being transferred to the Red Army, he was flying back and forth, so at most he had four hours of air time left.

Thinking of this, the railway immediately ordered:

"All helicopter fighters do a good job of hiding, all mount ground attack weapons, and wait for the attack order!"

"Order, all front-line combatants on the island, prepare for jungle battle with the combat team as a unit! On the premise of preserving themselves, slow down the Red Army's attack speed! Order, the two forts on the east and west of the island, set attack coordinates on the beach, and wait for the Red Army to land. Now, attack with all your strength!"

"I want the soldiers of the Red Army to feel the warmest welcome ceremony as soon as they leave the cabin!"

"By the way, let me tell you that there is a great possibility in this battle, and our side will not be able to communicate. Let everyone be prepared!"

"I don't believe it anymore, the most elite forces of the two special operations brigades plus the turrets, planes and helicopters can't defend an island!"

"Yes!" After receiving the exact order, Yuan Lang immediately left and began to convey the order.

It wasn't until Yuan Lang left that He Zhijun asked, "Tie Brigade, isn't your plan a bit too conservative? We still have fourteen fighter jets and eight helicopters, and a force of almost 300 people! "

"As long as the "Veteran" platform is destroyed from the very beginning, then we still have a great chance of winning!"

"Yes, as long as we can destroy the "Veteran" platform, we can win. However, it is not so easy to destroy." When the railway thought of the cannons kept on it, a trace of helplessness flashed across its face !
Really, is this considered lifting a rock by yourself?
But in an instant, the helplessness on Tie Tie's face disappeared, and he gritted his teeth and thought: Indeed, I can't destroy you, but you can't last long either!
At this moment, Yuan Lang who had just left suddenly rushed in again, and said eagerly: "The Red Army fleet has arrived in the outer waters of the island!"

"Report everything!"

"Yes! At present, the Blue Army's radar has been suppressed by our side and is useless! The communication suppression has not been turned on yet, but the Blue Army's signal has been monitored, and a total of 420 communication signals have been found so far! Among them, there are four high-power signal sources, Two low-power signal sources 420! No blue air targets have been found yet!"

"Currently, all battleship information links are normal, and remote control is normal! All artillery can be controlled normally!"

"The current ammunition stock of the platform is 470 five rounds of the [-]mm cannon, and [-] aerial bombs! Half of the fuel is left, and it can maintain the airborne time for about three hours!"

"The fleet is currently in normal condition, with sufficient ammunition and fuel! It can be put into combat at any time!"

After listening to the relevant situation report, Lin Xuan's face showed a trace of solemnity!It's not because of anything else, but because of his own three hours of air time left.

In the detection just now, no air power of the blue army was found.Obviously, the Blues have kept it hidden!
As for why, Lin Xuan already had a general idea in his mind.

Others don't know the situation of the "Veteran" platform, but Yuan Lang in the old A must be very clear about the railway.Therefore, what they should wait for now is the moment when they have to leave because of exhaustion of fuel!
When the time comes, those hidden fighter jets and helicopters will appear immediately to regain air supremacy!

Therefore, in order to win this exercise, Lin Xuan has only three hours left!
Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's eyes narrowed immediately, and he looked at the looming island in the sky through the porthole.Three hours is not a long time, but it is enough to establish the victory of this exercise!

"Notice, let all marines prepare for combat, we are going to land soon! At the same time, transmit all information, target all detected electromagnetic signals, and attack with all your strength after entering the fire range!"

"Notify the cockpit, change the course, target the No. 3000 Fort on the island, and prepare to bomb at an altitude of [-] meters!"

"Notify the flagship, from now until my return, the command will be transferred to Commander Leng Yuanmin, and he will command the landing operations!"

"Now, comrades. Let's go to the island and say hello to the Blues! Tell them we're back!"


Looking at the island getting closer and closer, Lin Xuan said silently in his heart: "Today, I will show you what you can do in three hours!"

Finally coded out, I hope to make everyone happy.

(End of this chapter)

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