A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 102: Three Hours: Landing on the Beach

Chapter 102: Three Hours: Landing on the Beach

The M1-type 240mm howitzer, nicknamed the Black Dragon Cannon, was the longest-range artillery equipped by Yingjiang in World War II!Later, due to some well-known reasons, it was sold to the Transportation Brigade Group, which also became an excellent weapon for this group to protect its own safety!

It has a range of 23 kilometers and fires 160 heavy high-explosive shells. It is very suitable for destroying solid targets, such as permanent and semi-permanent fortifications such as heavy cement fortifications.

Naturally, during the War of Liberation, our army also seized a lot of this kind of artillery, and the No. [-] and No. [-] Forts on the island were equipped with this kind of artillery.

Lin Xuan recalled the various data of the Black Dragon Cannon in his mind, and subconsciously showed a mocking expression on his face.

I really don't know what the so-called experts in the transportation group have in their minds?Is it possible to guarantee their safety with this old antique that was born in World War I and carried forward in World War II?

Although the "Veteran" is also an old antique, an old antique is not the same as an old antique, do you understand!At least the modification potential of Figure [-] is still very high.

But it doesn't matter now, this opportunity will be fully realized soon!
And now, let's ravage this kind of old antiques in the exercise, as accumulating experience in advance, and then when we really face them, it will be convenient and faster to send them to hell!

"Cockpit, target Fort No. [-], keep the altitude at [-], keep the bombing speed, and prepare for battle! After bombing the No. [-] Fort, immediately go to the No. [-] Fort at full speed!"

"Yes, target No. 5 turret, keep the altitude at [-], keep the bombing speed, and prepare for battle! It is expected to arrive in [-] minutes!" Qiao Jianjia's calm voice came from the headset immediately!
Immediately afterwards, Lin Xuan's gaze shifted to Yu Beichen, the weapon operator. Yu Beichen already understood what he was going to do without saying a word.

"Report, the bomb loading chamber is ready, and eight aerial bombs are planned to be dropped. The pylon safety has been opened, and the magazine is slowly depressurizing. It is estimated that the depressurization will be completed in 3 minutes, and the bomb can be dropped!"

Figure [-] is a long-range strategic bomber, so in non-combat state, in order to ensure the state of the aerial bomb, the bomb loading compartment is also simultaneously pressurized and heated.Only before the bomb is released will the pressure be released and the battle will be carried out.

Lin Xuan nodded slightly after listening, and then turned his gaze to the four of them.After thinking for a while, he said: "The radar countermeasure system is fully powered on, and the detection system focuses on searching for the blue side's No. [-] and No. [-] forts, as well as the electronic signals of the airport and the headquarters. The full-band jamming system is ready. While attacking, open it immediately! Suppress all the communications of the blue army and completely turn them into deaf people!"

"At the same time, inform the fleet that after destroying the No. [-] Fort, we will start to guide the fleet to bombard. After completing the bombing of the No. [-] Fort, please launch the landing operation immediately!"

"Roger that!"

The four operators immediately responded in unison.

Gao Dazhuo has been watching the "Veteran" flying slowly through the binoculars, and his face with a grass stem in his mouth is full of arrogance!
Especially when he saw it flying over his head as if entering no one's land, an indescribable murderous aura appeared on Jie Ao's face!
At the same time, he became more and more disdainful of Old A, a special warfare unit of the same level as himself!Cowardly as a mouse, unable to advance or retreat, where does such an army have the guts to dare to treat Langya as an opponent and come to wrestle their arms!

Disdain is disdain, but the duty of a soldier must continue to be fulfilled!Turn on the microphone and start to send a message to the headquarters: "Wild wolf report, found the Red Army's "Veteran" integrated command platform, heading northeast, the target is unknown! The report is over."

The next moment, Yuan Lang's voice sounded in Gao Dazhuang's ear, "The headquarters received it, please pay attention to concealment, play by ear, it's over!"

Turning off the microphone, Gao Dazhuang looked at the two groups of Lone Wolf A/B behind him, thought for a while and said: "Group A, hide in place, and prepare to attack the Red Army's landing troops! Group B, immediately go after the "Veteran" ", be sure to find out his specific movements!"



Ma Ma and Geng Jihui responded at the same time.

The next moment, Geng Jihui yelled softly, "Group B, follow me!" Then he disappeared into the jungle.Immediately afterwards, Xiaozhuang, the ostrich, the hygienist and others who were also in Group B also disappeared in the jungle!

Looking at the direction they were leaving, Ma Da asked with some concern: "Wild wolf, just a few rookies, can they handle it? Besides, should their actions be approved by the headquarters?"

After Gao Dazhuang heard the words, he took a look inside the island and smiled coldly: "They are indeed rookies, but rookies and rookies are not the same! In our eyes, they are rookies, but in the eyes of others, they may be kings of soldiers. Already!"

Hearing this, Ma Da shrugged slightly, he naturally knew who the other people Gao Da Zhuang was referring to.So although I felt that this move was a little inappropriate, I still closed my mouth wisely and stopped speaking.

After all, Ma Da also had a faint disdain for old A in his heart.

On the sea at this time, all the fleets of the Red Army have begun to change their formations.The troop carrier with the original guards behind it has come to the forefront at this time, and is making the final speed up, ready to rush to the beach!

"Report, there is a message from the "Veteran". In 5 minutes, they will attack the Blue Army No. [-] fort. After the attack, they will guide the fleet firepower to attack the Blue Army target! At the same time, they will attack the Blue Army No. [-] The turrets are attacking! Let us take advantage of this to land operations!"

After Leng Yuanmin finished listening, there was no emotion on his face.He said calmly: "Reply to the "Veteran", the fleet will fully cooperate, please be careful, if there is nothing they can do, please withdraw immediately!"

"Roger that!"

On the "Veteran", Lin Xuan heaved a sigh of relief after receiving the reply.At the same time, I was slightly moved by Leng Yuanmin's concern.

At this moment, Yu Beichen reported loudly: "The ammunition chamber is depressurized, and you can drop bombs at any time!"

After hearing this, Lin Xuan nodded slightly, and then stared at the blue sea and blue sky outside the porthole and the faintly visible No. [-] Fort, without speaking, and waited quietly.

Not long after, the message he had been waiting for finally sounded: "Report, it has arrived at the sky above the No. [-] Fort of the Blue Army, ready to work!"

The next moment, Lin Xuan's high-pitched voice sounded in the command cabin:
"Yu Beichen! Drop the bomb!!!"

PS: Comrades, it's on the shelves today, I hope you can support it a lot.Forget it, stop supporting me, I have no face to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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