Chapter 168 kill them
Another helicopter in the distance.

"It seems that the soldiers of the flower growers this year are much more interesting than those in previous years." On another helicopter, a gray-haired soldier was smoking a pipe, looking at the surveillance screen in front of him, and after exhaling a puff of smoke, Rao Said with interest.

"This is indeed the principal. The flower-planting soldiers who participated in the previous competitions would not make such a decision as hijacking the plane. When they heard the order, they would obediently choose to carry it out! Instead of being opportunistic like now!!" Sitting in the principal Another black soldier beside him said with a full face.

As the captain directly under Duterte, how could it be cool to face his own situation!Especially Duter actually apologized to Lin Xuan!This made him even more upset!

After hearing the dissatisfied words of his subordinates, the headmaster looked at Lin Xuan's face through the curling smoke, and said slowly: "Will, you must first understand one thing! They didn't take advantage of it. They just found a loophole in the rules. And before exploiting this loophole, they specifically sought our consent!"

"So, instead of blaming him for opportunism here, you might as well check the rules of the game we have formulated! See if you can find some problems that we have overlooked before!"

"Then principal, why did he make Duter like this? Is he showing off his force?" the black man asked immediately.

"That's what he asked for!" The headmaster said coldly immediately. "Rocking, insulting, and provoking these behaviors, whether on the training ground or on the battlefield, all of us have experienced and used them! However, these behaviors are just a means to achieve the goal!"

"We are soldiers, not those war hyenas who have no bottom line! Do you understand!!!"

Seeing the principal's displeasure, Will immediately said seriously, "I understand, principal."

Looking at Will's expression, the principal knew very well that he didn't really understand.But he didn't want to talk any more, because there are some things that he wouldn't really understand until he experienced the heart-wrenching pain.

Yes, Will is still a young man, although he has experienced a lot.But he will never understand how desperate it is to have countless soldiers charge towards them like a tsunami when the horn of the god of death sounded shrill!

The crown of the world's infantry king is covered with the blood of the soldiers of the United Nations!That thick bloody smell, how can it be dissipated in just a few decades!
"Okay, let's go back. Get ready for the welcome ceremony, this year's Mars has begun!" Having said that, the principal paused, with a mysterious smile on his face: "I have a hunch that this year Mars next year will be very interesting."

After hearing this, the black Will stared at Lin Xuan's face on the screen, and slowly replied: "I also think that this year's Mars will be very interesting."


As the lingering sound of the national anthem dissipated, the extremely bright red flag was the first to fly on the field of the Mars competition!

It's just that compared to the solemnity of Lin Xuan and others, the faces of most of the rest of the staff are full of sarcasm!In my heart, Lin Xuan and others have already been labeled as slippery!

After all, in their opinion.Lin Xuan's method of hijacking the helicopter to get here is essentially a slick trick!Although there is no violation of the rules, it is inevitable that people will feel contemptuous.

Moreover, they have already discussed that in the first stage of this competition, the two teams of the flower growers will be eliminated together!
Let them know that in Mars, cleverness is not enough!
Two hours later, the second team arrived, and it was Eagle Sauce's team!

It's just that compared to the way Lin Xuan and the others hijacked the helicopter, the way Yingjiang's team arrived made everyone dumbfounded!

They actually drove their army's helicopter and landed here safely!

Such a situation obviously violated the rules of the entrance examination!
Just when the staff was about to expel them from the competition, they suddenly discovered that Yingjiang's team did not violate the rules at all!
The rule of the entrance examination is that you can't take the initiative to call your own country's army to help you!However, if you are discovered by your own army and get their help, you will not be listed here.

Not long ago, when Yingjiang's team jumped into the sea according to the order, the garrison base at Jiaopenji's house discovered their abnormality!Especially when I found that the coordinate point was still on the endless sea, I immediately contacted them!

But when contacting them was fruitless, the garrison base immediately sounded a stern battle alarm! Within 5 minutes, two combat readiness fighters took off immediately, followed by four rescue gunships, rushing towards their positions!
At the same time, the naval fleet, which is on a cruise mission, also received an emergency rescue order at the same time!Directly deployed two cruisers to rush towards their position at full speed!
It can be said that all the bases of Eagle Sauce in East Asia are at the same time going to war because of their loss of contact!
Then, after the rescue helicopter fleet rescued them, they drove a helicopter directly to here.

Although everyone present is very clear, this kind of thing is definitely for show!

That is, Eagle Sauce once again announced to the world that he has the most powerful naval and air force command system in the world, and can provide saturated support to soldiers anywhere in the world in the shortest time!
This also means that they can deploy military anywhere in the world in the shortest possible time!
Although it is said that Yingjiang disappears so many soldiers every year, I have never seen him initiate such an operation for anyone!At least during the crash in Somalia, Eagle Sauce did not conduct such an operation!

But in the bottom of everyone's heart, we have to admit that this show was very successful!

But Lin Xuan also analyzed more things from it!
The first one is that Eagle Sauce is now able to accurately position individual soldiers globally!
Second, their theater military integrated command system, that is, the GCCS-J system, already has substantial combat capabilities!Then, the Global Command and Control System (GCCS) with it as the core must also have considerable combat effectiveness!
This is undoubtedly a very bad message!

And the third one is that the Eagle Sauce team participating in Mars this time, their identities are absolutely extraordinary!At the very least, Lin Xuan couldn't find a soldier who could fly a helicopter among the members of the domestic marines and special forces!

Among the many special forces in Yingjiang, the one who can do this is definitely the famous sea dog!

After all, the Sea Dog Commando is an amphibious special force!I just don't know, who are the people from the Sea Dogs team?
When Lin Xuan carefully observed Yingjiang's team, hoping to determine the other party's identity from some details, he suddenly saw them remove a box that was only the size of an ordinary suitcase from the helicopter.

And the box of this box is also marked with the words Dragon Eye!
After seeing this word, Lin Xuan frowned suddenly.In his mouth, he murmured softly: "Longan?"

Suddenly, Lin Xuan exclaimed in a soft voice: "Fuck~~~ This is a longan!!! Your mother, this is definitely the bastards of the sixth team!!!"

RQ-14 "Longyan" unmanned reconnaissance aircraft reconnaissance system is a UAV designed and developed by Yingjiang Navy and Marine Corps Control Research Laboratory!And the long-term VIP customer of this laboratory is the Six Sea Dogs Team!
The "Longyan" UAV is 91 centimeters long, with a wingspan of 150 meters and a weight of [-] kilograms. It is powered by two propellers and can be launched by rope catapult throwing. The battery life is one hour!The flight altitude is below [-] meters, and the flight radius is five to ten kilometers!
With such a volume and the power of the propeller, if it is at night, no one will be able to spot it!

And the whole machine can be divided into five independent parts, which can be easily disassembled and put into the backpack.Hand assembled by soldiers when needed!

And a standard RQ-14 "Dragon Eye" UAV reconnaissance system includes a ground base station and three UAVs!In other words, it can conduct reconnaissance and detection on the ground battlefield for about three hours!
It can be said that this guy was specially designed and produced for the combat needs of the Sea Dog Team Six!

After recalling all the parameters of "Longan", a fox-like smile suddenly appeared on Lin Xuan's face!Then secretly marked it with a shareable label in my heart!

Now that the members of the Sea Dog Team Six have become my classmates, then don't mind so much among the classmates. Naturally, good things should be shared with each other, right?

Of course, I'm poor and have nothing to share, so don't get me wrong!
Just when Lin Xuan was thinking about how to get the people from Sea Dog Team [-] to take the initiative to share this thing, he suddenly saw something that haunted him!

GPNVG-18 ground panoramic night vision device! ! !No, it should be said that it is not the real GPNVG-18 ground panoramic night vision device!Now in the hands of the six teams, it should only be a test version!The volume is really a bit bloated!
However, this does not prevent Lin Xuan's eyes from showing a green light!

This night vision device with four lens barrels is currently the most expensive night vision device in the world!Compared with the traditional night vision device's viewing angle of 45 degrees, this one can reach 120 degrees, with almost no dead angle!
And it also has two modes of night image and thermal image!This is really a magic weapon for special operations!
Seeing this, Lin Xuan forced himself to divert his attention, and stopped paying attention to Yingjiang's team!He was afraid that if he watched it again, he would not be able to help but start immediately, and let them share these good things with him!
I can't help it, I'm so hungry!

Think about it, the night vision goggles used by the domestic army are still the kind of old guys who are bulky and have extremely poor night vision.And just this, there are only two or three in a combat readiness company!Not to mention the thermal imaging full of sad tears!

Seeing so many good things, do you think Lin Xuan would not want to go up for alms!Therefore, for the sake of your own alms and sharing the big plan, you must hide yourself now, so as not to alert them!

Not long after, Yingjiang's team packed up all their equipment, leaving only the basic equipment on their bodies and lined up under the flagpole, saluting the rising national flag along with the music!
Well, the second flagpole!

At this moment, a small team rushed to the shore with two inflatable rafts.Through the marks on their bodies, Lin Xuan recognized their identities!

They are SBS from John Bull, that is, Special Boat Squadron!No way, that green toad is really impressive!
However, what really puzzled Lin Xuan was, where did they get these two inflatable rafts?

Shaking his head, Lin Xuan stopped paying attention to this issue, and began to carefully look at the equipment they were carrying.See what good things are available to share.

However, after carefully looking at it, two words silently appeared in Lin Xuan's heart!poor man!
Yes, those two words!Compared with Eagle Sauce's equipment, the equipment they carry is nothing more than basic weapons and equipment!

But considering their tactical thinking of "not relying on force, relying on deceit", it is not surprising that this is the case.

After complaining, Lin Xuan turned his attention to another group of beggars who were still struggling in the sea!

Although I don't know their specific identities, but looking at the bottles of various sizes and sizes tied to their bodies, they are definitely worthy of the word beggars!
However, Lin Xuan also had to admit that their strength was extremely strong!By binding empty plastic bottles on the body to increase buoyancy, forcefully crossing the sea to come here, no matter where it is placed, this is an extremely crazy move!
At the same time, Lin Xuan also complained silently, you can already collect so many plastic bottles.Why don't you find some other supports and make a small raft?It's not much more comfortable than such a forced crossing, but it's also much faster.

Are you stupid!There is something wrong with the brain! ! !
It's just that when Lin Xuan saw the national flag of this team being raised, Lin Xuan's teasing expression suddenly changed!Including all the flower planters and soldiers behind him, their faces changed!
It turned into an unforgettable anger!
Because, the fourth national flag is a bright red plaster flag! ! !

Seeing the flag fluttering in the wind, Lin Xuan immediately growled with gloomy eyes: "Now, I officially issue the first order during the Mars Competition! That is, as long as there is a chance, no need to ask for instructions, no need to think, Don't be afraid to kill this group of chickens who are living a good life!!!"

"Yes!!!" Everyone replied in unison!

This kind of task is the natural mission of every flower grower!If not, it can only prove that you are a defective product!Hurry up and rebuild it yourself! ! !

Their reply immediately attracted everyone's attention.Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that a member of the foot pot chicken walked towards Lin Xuan and the others, with a very fake smile on his face! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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