Chapter 169 Save People! ! !
"Professor, with the reform and opening up, we have come into contact with more and more foreigners. What kind of attitude should we use to treat them? Should we use traditional etiquette to show our mind and What about your temper?"

In class, a student asked Professor Ai a question.

Hearing this question, Professor Ai frowned and thought for a while before asking: "Is the traditional virtue you mentioned gentle, courteous and thrifty?"

"Yes, Professor." The student nodded affirmatively.

After getting an affirmative answer, Professor Ai slowly said: "Yes, but you have to separate people! At least you have to understand clearly whether he is worth it for you!"

"If you do this to all foreigners, heh, then I'll give you two words, stupid!!! It's domineering and domineering at home!!!"

"You talk to foreigners about being gentle, courteous, courteous and frugal, stop making trouble, in their traditional culture, they don't talk about this at all!!! If you look carefully at the history of those powerful countries, which one did not achieve themselves through naked plundering Promoted! Like Vikings, Pirates of the Caribbean! They grew up listening to the stories of these pirates in their childhood!"

"Let's put it this way, the previous world overlord, John Bull with the title of the never-setting sun, was the biggest pirate leader in the world at that time!!! Of course, it's changed now, and it's replaced by Eagle Sauce!"

"However, Eagle Sauce's dominance is also based on the corpses of Indians, Black Mexicans, and Black Eagles!"

"So, what you want to talk to them is not gentleness, respectfulness and frugality! It's overbearing that crushes everything!!! They won't sit down and have a good talk with you until they hurt them!"

"Today's flower growers are no longer in 5000! This lion has awakened!!! The voice of the flower growers' [-]-year history must be heard by the whole world!!!"

Seeing the foot pot chicken team member walking towards him, the scene of Professor Ai's previous lectures suddenly appeared in Lin Xuan's mind.

Turning his head and looking at the team members behind him, he said softly: "I repeat, as long as there is a chance, I will kill them! No matter where!!!"

After speaking, the team member of the foot pot chicken also walked in front of Lin Xuan.

Unsurprisingly, he bowed at ninety degrees, got up, and said to Lin Xuan with a smile on his face in English: "Congratulations, you are the first to arrive here with this ingenious way!"

After Lin Xuan listened to it, he immediately understood the meaning contained in his words. They are all great onmyojis, and no one can understand them!
Looking at the foot pot chicken player who stood up straight and just reached his chest with drooping eyes, Lin Xuan replied in Chinese:
"Do you have any opinions? If you have no opinions, leave as soon as possible. If you look up for a long time, you will easily get cervical spondylosis!"

When Lin Xuan finished speaking, the face of the foot pot chicken man suddenly turned red!Obviously, he can understand Chinese.Looking at Lin Xuan coldly, he whispered in English:
"The soldiers of your flower planters don't have any sense of honor, they only use this rogue way to achieve results! You have completely humiliated our soldiers who belong to the Asian region!!!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan immediately sneered,
"Hey~~~Soldier? If I remember correctly, you shouldn't be able to call yourself a soldier. Uh no, it should be said that everyone can't call themselves a soldier! Right, a member of the Self-Defense Force~~~"

Hearing this, the ostrich who had always been very curious asked Xiaozhuang on the side in a soft voice: "Why did the captain call him a member of the Self-Defense Forces? Doesn't the foot pot chicken have an army? What is the Self-Defense Force? Then what is he?" thing?"

Xiao Zhuang glanced at the red-faced foot pot chicken man, and deliberately said in a voice that was not loud but ensured that he could hear: "Because according to the regulations in the "Potsdam Proclamation", the conditions for the foot pot chicken to surrender during World War II are, All armies of the country must be disarmed. So, from then on, there is no army."

"And the Self-Defense Force is nothing, at best, it is a local security group. Of course, the area that this security group has to protect is relatively large. Well, speaking of the establishment of the Self-Defense Force, they have to thank us!"

"If our martyrs hadn't beaten their masters to the point of crying on the Yuyang battlefield, and couldn't spare too much energy to maintain the situation, they were allowed to form a self-defense force to assist Yingjiang's The garrison maintains law and order!"

"Otherwise, return to the Self-Defense Forces, self-defense bastard! Hiss~~~ Ostrich, do you think the Self-Defense Forces seem to be the same as the Dangerous (same as the Puppet) Army! And counting the things they do, it seems to be a bit of a foot basin* The meaning of *."

The ostrich suddenly realized when he heard this, "That's right! That's it! I haven't noticed just now, there is nothing wrong with what you said! It's just that there are still some things that can be seen in the gang of dangerous troops back then. And none of them seem to be able to see it. Er~~~ At least, I don’t know.”

At this time, the foot pot chicken army, uh, the face of the self-defense team is about to upgrade from sauce red to black purple!
As Xiaozhuang said, there is no army, only the Self-Defense Forces!The word "soldier" is an existence that they can't wait for all their lives!
Looking at this black and purple face, Lin Xuan said with mocking sarcasm: "You and I know the nature of the Self-Defense Force. It can only carry out local defense work. Then I wonder, how can a defense force Can I participate in this kind of competition?"

"So, I'm going to protest to the organizing committee, you don't have the basic conditions for the competition!"

"I think, as permanent members of the Security Council, we are qualified to protest! Do you think so?"

Hearing this, the foot pot chicken player couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately yelled at Lin Xuan with a ferocious face: "Baga!!!" At the same time, he pulled out the tactical dagger on his body, and pointed at Lin Xuan Waved over!

Lin Xuan, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately took a step back to avoid the swung dagger, then suddenly raised his leg and kicked the opponent in the stomach!He kicked it heavily and fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time!
Well, don't be surprised, this is the national nature of the foot pot chicken!When he thinks you are better than him, he will bear whatever you do to him!But when he feels that you are not as good as him, then the beast in his bones will take over and become a beast with human skin on!
For this rooster, even if he doesn't want to be ridiculed before, he must endure it!Because what Lin Xuan and the others said were all facts, and they were powerless to refute them!Moreover, you can't do it without authorization!

Therefore, before the game officially started, he could only endure it!If you want revenge, you can only go to the arena!
But when he protested to the organizing committee later, he really couldn't bear it any longer!
The Mars Amphibious Scout Military Competition, just by looking at the name, you know that his participants are all soldiers!Naturally, members of the Self-Defense Forces are not included.

And they were able to participate now because of Ying Jiang's help.As the number one dog leg in Asia, I still have to give some of the bones that should be given.

Therefore, under the circumstances that the people do not raise officials and do not investigate, the organizing committee naturally turned a blind eye and let them participate.But if Lin Xuan really protested, it can be said that every report will be accurate!The kind without any discount!

This can be said to dig their roots! ! !

In recent years, the foot pot chicken has been using various excuses to expand the size of the Self-Defense Forces.And take the initiative to spend money and effort to go to all parts of the world to participate in various actions of the United Nations, for what?Isn't it just to improve their combat effectiveness, and to use their presence to justify their name?

If Lin Xuan's protest is really successful, it will really trap them on those small islands!So in a rage, the rooster made a direct move!

Unfortunately, all of this was within Lin Xuan's expectation!And it's the kind that can't find any faults!

Faced with this situation, the team of the foot pot chicken immediately pulled the bolt and aimed at Lin Xuan and others!And Xiao Zhuang and the others didn't slow down in their reaction, and pointed their guns at the past!
Atmosphere, rattling!
The participating team members from other countries who were not far away immediately gathered around after seeing this situation.Well, they both avoided the shooting range of both sides, and it will definitely not affect the fight between them!

Looking at the rooster who was struggling to get up, Lin Xuan's face was extremely gloomy!He yelled directly at Yingjiang's team: "Hey, your dogs are starting to bite people, don't you, the master, plan to take care of it?"

Clayton, the captain of Team Six, was stunned when he heard Lin Xuan's words!He didn't expect that his well-behaved melon-eating crowd would be dragged down so directly and roughly.

Seeing people look at Clayton's stiff face, they even showed a look of anticipation!
Although on the surface, Jiaopanji is an independent sovereign country, but in fact, everyone knows the specific situation of Jiaopanji and the relationship between Eagle Sauce, so they all want to see how Clayton answered Lin Xuan the problem.

After all, this issue, regardless of whether it is managed or not, will put the two of them in a very embarrassing situation!

So, Clayton immediately pretended he didn't hear it, just like you can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, you can't pull an ostrich's head out of the sand!

Seeing Clayton's silent response, Lin Xuan smiled coldly.Lin Xuan never expected that Clayton would have any positive response to this.

Everyone is not a fool, how could they jump into such an obvious trap!To put it bluntly, it was just to disgust him!Only after making him feel sick, will he do things against himself in the following games!

And only in this way can I have a reasonable excuse to fight back!Then, get what you want!

Is such behavior dangerous? Dangerous!And very irrational!At the very beginning of the competition, he created an enemy for himself, no matter where he put it, it was an absolutely irrational behavior!
However, the so-called wealth and wealth are in danger!Only after making him completely opposed to themselves, will they use all means to beat themselves!
And this is the most intuitive way to see their strengths!You can also see your own shortcomings!

After all, the only one who knows oneself best is always the enemy! ! !
Looking at Clayton, who was pretending to be a dead dog, Lin Xuan continued: "Since no one is willing to stand up for justice, then I will find it myself!"

After finishing speaking, he hooked his fingers at the footbath chicken man who had stood up, and said provocatively: "It seems that you guys have a good life in your little life, and you don't know what it means to be tall!!! Come on, continue, If you win me, I will never mention your sneak attack just now! And admit that you are a real soldier!"

"But if you think you can't do it! Then honestly kowtow and admit your mistake! Then all of you will go back to your small island!"

At this time, the foot pot chicken man has been driven to a dead end by Lin Xuan's words!There is only one way in front of him, and that is to continue to attack Lin Xuan!If you win, you'll be fine, and you'll get that coveted military commendation!
But lose~~~ This word has never appeared in the thoughts of the chicken man in the foot basin!

After a few breaths, the rooster man with a foot basin threw down the dagger in his hand after making eye contact with his teammates behind him, and then took over a classic samurai sword with a foot basin.

Then he came to Lin Xuan, bowed at a standard ninety degrees, got up and slowly fixed the long knife on the left belt, and said: "For the behavior just now, I sincerely apologize to you! Now, for the sake of the soldiers Honor, I will use my best swordsmanship, please understand!"

Looking at this rooster standing upright, especially the samurai sword in his hand, Lin Xuan's face was full of sarcasm, and he hooked his fingers to signal him to let the horse come over!

Seeing Lin Xuan's behavior, the foot pot chicken man's face suddenly became gloomy!Not talking nonsense, holding the handle of the knife with his right hand, he rushed towards Lin Xuan in small steps.

"It turns out that your kick technique was really taught by your wife, it's really broken." Lin Xuan muttered softly, but also understood what this guy was planning to use.

Draw a knife and cut it, no one seems to know.How should I put it, I really wanted to die!
Sure enough, when there were less than two meters between the two sides, the foot pot chicken's right hand suddenly exerted force, and the samurai sword was pulled out of its sheath suddenly, and it slashed towards Lin Xuan's neck!
Faced with this situation, Lin Xuan just took a sharp step back, calmly watching the tip of the knife pass ten centimeters away from him.

Then, the center of gravity changed, and kicked out again!He stepped heavily on the chest of the foot pot chicken!
Suddenly, the sound of bones breaking lingered in everyone's ears!

The next moment, Lin Xuan's exaggerated exclamation sounded on the beach! ! !
"Save the chicken~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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