Chapter 170
Without any accident, the self-defense force member from the foot pot chicken was pierced in the heart, and died on this beach without any suspense!It arrived quickly, and there was no need for rescue, and he was completely dead!

Although it is said that in the previous Mars competitions, there have also been casualties.But this is the first time in such a situation!In a sense, the name of this chicken-footed man was also forever recorded in Mars.

Of course, Lin Xuan was also recorded together.It's just that compared to the chicken man with feet that is completely cold, Lin Xuan is fine!
Because everyone present, including the staff and participants, can attest that this incident was just an accident!
Everyone has seen that it was the chicken man in the foot basin who launched the sneak attack first, and he still used weapons!And Lin Xuan was only forced to fight back, and kicked a total of two kicks, which made him completely lose his combat effectiveness.

Lin Xuan did not continue to attack the foot pot chicken man who had completely lost his combat effectiveness.As for the following things, according to his own words, he just stepped forward to confirm the situation of the other party and warned the team of the foot pot chicken!

It's just that I didn't expect that the chicken man with a foot basin launched a sneak attack again without talking about martial arts!And it's heading straight for a deadly place like the throat!

So, in a panic, I subconsciously took control of the block.It's just that he didn't expect that the dagger would be stabbed into his heart by himself by accident!

Everyone present has undergone the most professional military training. In the face of such a sudden attack, the body will act before the brain gives orders!

Therefore, when the staff made inquiries, many people expressed their approval.Some people even said that if they were themselves, the place where the dagger would appear would not be on the chest, but in places like the throat or temple.After all, some people's hearts are on the right side.

Although, the investigators didn't believe a word of Lin Xuan's words.But in the face of the feedback from the people present, he could only hold his nose and admit that this was really just an accident!
It can be said that this matter was initiated by the foot pot chicken from the beginning to the end!And Lin Xuan was the victim!As for the killing of the foot pot chicken man, he is not as skilled as a person and doesn't know it. He deserves to be killed instead!

In view of this matter, the team of Foot Pot Chicken was also warned!If this kind of thing happens again, it will be expelled immediately and will be blacklisted forever!
Faced with such an ending, the foot pot chicken team can only express their approval with hatred even if they don't want to!But everyone knows that this matter is not so easy to let go!

When the 24-hour entrance examination came to an end, on the beach, the completed teams were all standing here.And when a few small boats appeared on the sea in the distance, everyone's eyes immediately fell on the tall timer.


As the number on the countdown enters the final 60-second countdown, the bell once every second also began to echo on the beach.The log door, which can only be described as rough and crazy, symbolizes passing through, also began to close slowly with the rhythm of the bell!
At this moment, more than a dozen soldiers of unknown nationalities stumbled and ran on the soft sand.

However, they obviously exhausted their physical strength fighting the sea in the past 24 hours. They didn't run very far, and their knees softened one after another, and they knelt down on the beach!

Amidst the loud screams, the dozen or so soldiers crawled on the beach with hands and feet, trying their best to crawl towards the gate that represented passage!
But when the door was completely closed, there was no gap left.The bodies of these dozen soldiers froze immediately!
Just staring blankly at the gate that was only a dozen meters away from him, scorching tears fell silently on the wet sand under his feet!

Looking at their appearance, an unspeakable sadness emerged in the hearts of everyone who passed by!For 24 hours, I struggled without sleep, but I was eliminated because of the last minute!This kind of feeling is hard to let go!

Even if they were given one more minute, no, even if it was only a dozen seconds, they would be able to pass through this gate and board the top stage of the amphibious scouts!

But unfortunately, this is just a fantasy.For soldiers, not to mention that 1 minute is tens of seconds or even a few seconds, it is the distance between life and death, victory and defeat, heaven and hell!It is the world of soldiers, a world of precision and cruelty!
"Everyone, stand at attention!!!"

"Wow!!!" With the sound of clothes standing at attention, everyone subconsciously stood at attention!
Immediately afterwards, a series of voices exploded in their ears, "I just saw pity on your faces!!! Pity for the losers!!! What qualifications do you have to show such pity to them They can at least get out of here decently, and you bastards who got lucky with shit can only get out of here in a way of humiliation!!!”

Accompanied by a roar, a soldier who was over sixty years old led a burly Rottweiler and walked in front of everyone in strides!After scanning them around, he said angrily:

"I'm your chief instructor, Alden! I suddenly realized that I was too merciful to let 37 teams pass this damn test! This makes me very unhappy!!! Because, I only left two A place for ten teams! And at the end of the first stage, only ten teams can pass!"

"So now, you lucky bastards, get moving!!! After circling the island for a week along the coastline, the first [-] teams to come back here stay! The remaining [-] teams, give me Get out!!!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled out a silver-white revolver from the holster at his waist and pointed it at the sky, roaring with the sound of the gun: "Start!!!"

After hearing the gunshots, the hundreds of amphibious scouts present immediately started running along the coastline, running while maintaining the same pace and rhythm of the team.

Everyone is an old bird, and they already know how to run this kind of ultra-long-distance running.What's more, it is still on the beach, which is an extremely physically demanding terrain.

Therefore, in the early stage, keep up with the first echelon while retaining as much energy as possible, and then run vigorously in the later stage.After all, what he wanted to eliminate was only the last seventeen teams.

But in Lin Xuan's heart, he felt a faint uneasiness!Is this kind of thing really that simple?Just in case, Lin Xuan immediately reduced the frequency of his footsteps, so that the team was in the middle and lower reaches of the overall queue.

At this time, Lin Xuan suddenly discovered that there were not a few teams who had the same idea as him, including Eagle Sauce, John Bull and other teams.

And after they saw Lin Xuan, an unconcealable surprise flashed across their faces.But the movement was so slight that no one noticed it at all.

Not long after they ran along the coastline, they saw a large group of unknown people holding sticks and wearing masks on the opposite side, staring at them closely!

Such a scene immediately stunned all the people participating in the competition!
The next moment, Alden's voice sounded from a speaker that had already been set up on the beach:

"What kind of place do you think this is! Mars here is hell, a stage for the top fighters to compete! It's not your safe training ground without any accidents!!!"

"Remember, every inch of Mars is a battlefield!!! And there is only one thing you have to do, which is to do everything you can to complete the mission!!!"

As soon as Alden's words fell, the group of unknown people rushed towards them with sticks high! ! !

"Fuck~~, I knew it wasn't that simple!!!" Lin Xuan in the crowd cursed secretly after seeing this scene!Then immediately growled to the team members behind him: "Everyone, follow me~~~"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a shocking roar from the crowd: "Ula~~~"

Accompanied by the roaring sound, the participating teams from Da Mao's family came out more and more, and launched a fearless charge towards those unknown people!

For some reason, Lin Xuan always felt that the faces of these Davaris were full of excited expressions?
The team of Damao's family arrived at Mars yesterday evening, um, they came here on a luxurious cruise ship.

As a neighbor, Lin Xuan naturally greeted them and chatted about the cruise ship by the way.

This cruise ship~~~ It is said that they snatched it from the pirate's base.As for why there are pirates in the nearby waters, Lin Xuan wisely did not ask about such matters.After all, many footbasin decorations on the cruise ship have proved its origin in a sense!
Seeing this situation, Lin Xuan couldn't care less about the nonsense, and roared "Follow me! Follow me!", and then led the team to charge towards Da Mao's team!
At this time, the unidentified personnel and the vanguard of the contestants have already contacted!The scene is chaotic!
But it can still be clearly seen that, except for Da Mao, the rest of the teams are being beaten by them!
for a while.The sounds of beating from sticks to flesh, the miserable cries of people, and the most distinctive cursing sounds from various countries intertwined together, creating a lively scene! !

Among them, Gao Liguo and Sangeguo's teams were beaten the most!Uh, there is no way, whoever makes these two teams run the fastest, who is at the forefront of the overall team, will naturally receive the most care!
In this regard, Lin Xuan said, don't be polite, just say hello!It is best to knock out teeth, break legs, and break ribs! ! !

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xuan couldn't care about them.Because there are already dozens of people rushing towards Lin Xuan and surrounded them!

"Three-three formation! Follow me!!!" After roaring, Lin Xuan immediately rushed towards the person closest to him!Behind him are Wang Zhongchao and Jia Zhaowu.

The three formed the most classic three-person combat team, launching a surprise attack with Lin Xuan as the vanguard!
At the moment when the two sides were about to meet, Lin Xuan waved his hand, and a large handful of sea sand was thrown towards each other!The opponent immediately lowered his head and lowered his body, avoiding the attack of Haisha!
After seeing this scene, Lin Xuan flew forward and kicked the man, and the man was immediately thrown into the air, and hit his teammate behind him heavily, turning him into a gourd that fell to the ground.And the sticks in their hands also fell on the beach.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan immediately shouted: "Copy guys!!!"

As he said that, he rolled over, and while picking up the stick, he also grabbed another handful of sand!Once again, he threw it at the enemy blocking him!

Although this trick is very rogue, but I have to admit, it really works!

Behind them, Wang Zhongchao, Jia Zhaoguo, and other groups also grabbed a handful of sand in a similar manner. As long as they came into contact with the people on the opposite side, it must be Haisha who opened the way and served them with fists, feet and sticks!
All of a sudden, they killed the Quartet, unstoppable! ! !
The black Will, who was silently observing outside, naturally noticed Lin Xuan and the three of them, and his eyes suddenly showed a cold light!Immediately took out the walkie-talkie and started shouting: "Attention everyone, focus on the team of flower growers! I want them to be eliminated here!!!"

Hearing Will's order, the number of people besieging Lin Xuan also increased sharply. Soon Lin Xuan and others could no longer maintain the advantage they had gained before, and scars began to appear on their bodies.

Especially Jia Zhaoguo, his situation is the most miserable!At this time, his figure was already a little staggering, and he was no longer as flexible as before!

After knocking down the enemy in front of him to the ground again, Lin Xuan immediately stepped back, leaned against Wang Zhongchao, and protected Jia Zhaoguo behind him.

"We must get out of here as soon as possible, we will die if we continue!!!" Wang Zhongchao said to Lin Xuan hurriedly.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan's face suddenly showed a sinister look!

Of course he knew about this situation, and he also knew that the florist had been targeted!You must know that you have launched a breakthrough to the outside at least three times, but every time you were driven back by the opponent with the advantage of numbers.And in order to stop them, these people would rather let other teams pass here!

That being the case, don't blame yourself for being ruthless! ! !Then, Lin Xuan immediately said coldly to all the team members behind him: "Everyone pay attention, kill yourself! As long as no one is killed!!!"

Hearing this order, the faces of the others suddenly showed shock!Geng Jihui asked hastily: "Captain Lin, are you sure!!!"

"Sure!!! I will take all the responsibilities!!!" Lin Xuan replied affirmatively!
"Yes!" Seeing this, Geng Jihui could only agree!
"Get ready, go!!!"


As soon as Lin Xuan finished speaking, he heard the very recognizable slogan from behind the blocking personnel!

Immediately, I saw that the members of Da Mao's family rushed straight towards Lin Xuan with an incomparably violent attitude!While rushing, he shouted at him: "Davari, we are here to save you!!! Hahaha!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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