333 Rescue 1
  Under night, in the jungle, tall and strong, leading Lin Xuan, Yuan Lang and the rest of the lone wolf commandos, they were advancing rapidly along a path that only existed on military maps.

The destination of their trip is a place called "Base [-]"!

Although it is named a base, in fact this base is a complete battlefield prison! And the person who built it was Yingjiang, who is known as the world's policeman!
  But with the failure of Eagle Sauce, the prison was inevitably abandoned. Well, not actually. Because at the beginning, Gu Yue Zhiming was still in use for a while.

However, with the almost joke-like declaration of "The child is disobedient, he will be spanked." Not long after Gu Yue Zhiming and the others took over, this prison was completely buried under the desolate jungle.

It wasn't until it was discovered by the boss behind Hong Wengang that it came to light again.

"This time, we must completely destroy it!!!" With Lin Xuan roaring in his heart, the "No. [-] Base" full of sinful atmosphere also appeared in the camera of the Jingwei drone.

Looking at "Base [-]" on the screen, everyone present had solemn expressions on their faces!

"Base No. [-]" is in the shape of an irregular square, with an exterior wall height of five meters!
  Data show that it is entirely constructed of reinforced concrete, and its outer walls are [-] centimeters thick, which can withstand close-range attacks from small-caliber artillery.

And there are fire towers at the four corners of the outer wall, which are equipped with heavy machine guns and recoilless artillery. There is a barbed wire fence installed above the wall, and an unknown number of shooting holes are distributed on the wall.

This is completely a standard war fortress!

But the good news is that the four fire towers have now disappeared, and the number of guards inside is seriously insufficient, and their combat effectiveness is also quite rubbish.

After all, it is just to look after the goods, so there is no need for high combat power.

However, although the number of guards is insufficient, the total number has reached three digits. Such a quantity is still a big challenge for Lin Xuan and the others!

After the Jingwei drone completed its first reconnaissance, it raised its altitude and started circling according to the set trajectory.

At the same time, Gao Dazhuang also watched everyone start to talk about the combat mission.

"According to the data, apart from the gate, "Base [-]" does not have any passages connected to the outside world, so we can only enter by climbing over the wall."

"Mountain Eagle Vulture, you are responsible for long-range sniping. After we arrive at the outer wall, you will kill all the guards on the alert and cover our entry. And be ready to meet us at any time."

"Yes!" Mountain Eagle Vulture nodded in response.

After receiving a positive answer, Gao Dazhuang turned his attention to Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang:
  "Lin Xuan, Yuan Lang, as before, you are always monitoring the enemy's movements inside and providing intelligence support. The rest of you, come in with me to rescue our compatriots!"

After Lin Xuan glanced at the screen, he immediately shook his head and said:

"Captain Gao, I don't agree with you. This operation will take place indoors most of the time. In this environment, Jingwei will not play a big role at all."

"Besides, even if there is any change in the guards, the mountain eagles and vultures can take care of it."

"So, Yuan Lang and I applied to join the team! The two of us can form a two-person combat team, and it will not affect the normal cooperation of you lone wolves."

"As for my combat effectiveness, you don't have to worry about that. Captain Yuan knows it very well."

After hearing this, Gao Dazhuang immediately set his sights on Yuan Lang. He nodded slightly and said softly: "Don't worry, you are no worse than me."

But this only made the tall and strong man frown. To be honest, he really wanted to refuse Lin Xuan's proposal, but he didn't know what excuse to use.

After all, it would be better to have more manpower in this situation, and Lin Xuan's combat effectiveness has also been affirmed by Yuan Lang. Although I don’t know how tall he is, since Yuan Lang said he is no worse than him, then it is at least [-] Lang!

So looking at Lin Xuan's firm eyes, Gao Dazhuang said softly after a few breaths: "Okay. But the two-person combat team formed by you and Yuan Lang has only one mission, to destroy their power room!"

"Understood!" Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang responded immediately.

"start to act!"

  On the high wall, Basong leaned against the wall, casting envious glances at the "warehouse" from time to time. Hearing the vague laughter and cries, he immediately slapped the wall in front of him hard.

Ignoring the pain, he cursed angrily: "Damn it, I washed my hands before drawing lots. And to draw the lot here, I wish you grandsons will die as soon as possible!!! Fuck!!!"

"Damn, there are quite a few people with small figures in this "goods"! I hope you can be gentle, so when I change my job, I will also...hehehehe..."

Thinking of the few products he received during the day, Basong immediately began to fantasize about his posture after changing duties, and immediately he no longer felt the pain in his palms.

To be honest, Basong still had some moral bottom line when he first came here. But as time goes by, the low morals have long been eaten up by dogs.

After all, those "goods" are also transited here. Except for those top-quality goods that cannot be moved, the rest of the ordinary "cargo" is not closely guarded.

In fact, sometimes we even deliberately indulge them to enjoy themselves. After all, in this place where there is no money to spend, women and flour have become one of the few pastimes.

And just when Basong was fantasizing about what posture to use, his head was already firmly in the scope of the mountain eagle. As long as he makes any abnormal behavior, the bullet that is still in the gun chamber will appear in his head.

At this time, the vulture glanced at the screen of the base station, and after confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he also raised the telescope and observed the movements of Tall and Strong's group.

At this time, Gao Dazhuang and the others had already touched the edge of the wall. After confirming that there was no abnormal situation around them and being prepared, they immediately made an attack gesture towards the vulture.

Upon seeing this gesture, the vulture immediately said without any emotion: "Shoot!"


Under the influence of the silencer, the gunshot that should have been bright has now become extremely dull! But this will not affect the bullet fired, which can easily take away Basong's life!

Through the telescope, the vulture could clearly see that at the same time as the gunshot, a blood flower bloomed on the target's head, and then he suddenly fell to the ground and began to twitch. Then the vulture said indifferently on the radio: "The target has been killed, the environment is safe!"

And at the same time that Basong fell, Gao Dazhuang and the others who were guarding under the wall also heard the muffled sound of a human body falling to the ground. But it wasn't until the vulture signaled that it was safe that they flung out their flying tiger claws.

Only a few "ding" and "ding" sounds were heard, and these flying tiger claws hung firmly on it.

After reaching out and tugging on the rope to confirm that there was no problem with the firmness, the group began to climb up quickly.

Soon, the first batch of tall and strong Xiaozhuang and other assaulters successfully climbed onto the wall. Then he immediately squatted on the ground, raised his gun, aimed at the surroundings and started to be on guard.

Following closely behind were the hygienist and Shi Dafan. Only at the end did Yuan Lang climb up with Lin Xuan with a stinking look on his face.

What the hell, think about his majestic Lieutenant Colonel of the Special A Group, who never took the lead in the charge during the battle! But today is good, I have completely made up for the salary of a new recruit.

But the dissatisfaction ended. As soon as they climbed onto the wall, Yuan Lang and Lin Xuan entered a fighting state. And as ordered, he crouched behind the lone wolf commando.

After seeing everyone coming up, Gao Dazhuang immediately made a gesture to move forward. Then he walked along the planned route.

While marching, the entire lone wolf commando team also quietly changed its formation, forming a pattern with the commando in the front, the support team in the middle, and the sniper in the back.

Then, only Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang, a lonely fighting team of two, were left behind. To be honest, their situation feels like a doormat that no one wants.

Well, very funny.

It was funny, but everyone's expressions were extremely serious, and their movements were extremely cautious.

After walking off the wall, Gao Dazhuang immediately looked at Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang, and silently pointed at the roaring generator room, signaling that that was their target.

The cell in the other direction is the target of their lone wolf commando team.

After a simple gesture, Gao Dazhuang ordered Lin Xuan and the others through gestures: Don't do anything when entering the power room. Wait until they have a situation here or rescue the trapped people, and then immediately destroy the power system, and then Take cover on the spot and support them when the opportunity arises.

Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang nodded immediately to express their understanding. Then, he immediately pressed against the wall and moved towards the power generation room. Gao Dazhuang and the others were on guard and covering in place.

Soon, Lin Xuan and the others reached the door of the power generation room. Listening to the rumble of the diesel generator inside, Lin Xuan slowly stuck his head out and observed the situation inside.

The interior of the power generation room is very large, and the size of the generator is not small, although there are many blind spots. But Lin Xuan confirmed that there was no one inside at all, which made him frown immediately.

After all, as one of the most important pieces of equipment, it is impossible not to arrange for people to be stationed here. So where did they hide?
  After making a gesture of action towards Yuan Lang with full of doubts, Lin Xuan quietly walked in, and Yuan Lang followed closely behind and slowly closed the door that was originally wide open.

But as the door closed, Yuan Lang immediately discovered the layout diagram of the power plant hanging behind the door. This made Yuan Lang instantly feel like he had found a treasure, and he hurriedly patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder.

When Lin Xuan turned around, he also saw the layout plan.

Although this picture is quite old and has many areas that are tattered and moldy, it still shows all the information they need.

This power generation room has a total of two rooms, one is the equipment room where the diesel generator is installed, and the other is the control room responsible for controlling power.

So if nothing else happens, the guards should all be gathered in the control room at this time.

The two people immediately followed the information on the layout map and headed straight towards the control room. And the fact is just as they thought, the guards here are inside.

The control room of the generator, which can be seen through the window on the door, is not large and can be seen clearly at a glance.

At this time, the guards were gathering together, playing cards with excitement on their faces, and even their weapons were placed behind them out of reach.

Seeing this, Yuan Lang, who was walking in front, immediately made a covering gesture towards Lin Xuan. And he took out his pistol and installed a silencer.

After doing all this, Yuan Lang winked at Lin Xuan. Then he stood up suddenly, straightened his arms and pulled the trigger repeatedly towards the guard who was still playing cards inside.

Along with the shattering of glass and the sound of pistols, blood arrows immediately appeared in Yuan Lang Linxuan's eyes. But in the blink of an eye, those guards playing cards had fallen into a pool of blood.

Of course, none of this caught anyone's attention. After all, the rumbling generator was enough to cover up all the sounds.

After confirming that the power room had been completely controlled, Lin Xuan immediately returned to the door and made a safety gesture to Gao Dazhuang and the others who were still waiting.

Gao Dazhuang and the others immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately sneaked towards the cell. Soon, it disappeared from Lin Xuan's eyes.

When Lin Xuan returned to the control room again, Yuan Lang had already placed grenades on the diesel generator and console. As long as there is a problem on Gao Dazhuang's side, the entire base's power system will be completely paralyzed within five seconds.

By then, with their night vision goggles, they will be able to harvest all the guards.

  Perhaps it was the long-term stability that made the guards here very lax. Gao Dazhuang and his group did not encounter any guards at all after entering the cell area.

Even many passage doors that should be closed are open. But this did not make Gao Dazhuang feel any relaxed.

On the contrary, the expressions on his face and those of the soldiers behind him became increasingly grim. His eyes were already filled with anger!

Because in their ears, the man's ferocious laughter and the woman's shrill screams were so clear! Everyone knows what the guards who are supposed to be guarding here are doing now!
  Immediately, the footsteps of the group of people became hurried without realizing it.

After passing through the last gate, the scene in front of him immediately made Gao Dazhuang furious to the extreme! Without caring about anything else, he just pulled the trigger!

In an instant, the dull sound of gunfire covered up all those sounds. The smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air instantly, and at the same time, there was the extremely strong smell of rust!
  And this is the smell of blood!
  (End of this chapter)

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