A strong army begins with a soldier assault

Chapter 334 Rescue 2 We are not good people

Chapter 334 Rescue 2·We are not good people
  Human beings always use the most sophisticated technology to destroy each other. This is the line spoken by Zhou Zhezhi in "The Wandering Earth [-]" after seeing the failure of the nuclear bomb decoding work.

Although it is very sad, it is true. Is this the rule of the world? This is normal!
  Moreover, humans do more than just this. Especially in "Base [-]", a lawless place where the sun never sets, when facing the weak, the evil thoughts in people's hearts will be more vividly displayed!

It can be said that the cruelty of hell is not as good as the possibility here!

  As the gunfire stopped, all the guards who had been brutally abusing her just now fell to the ground. While Chi Guoguo's body was constantly twitching, the dirty and foul-smelling blood gradually turned red on the ground.

Also dyed red were the girls with frightened faces!

The splattered blood was spread on their naked bodies covered with whip marks, bite marks and burns. There is no need to describe what they have encountered before.

After looking around to make sure that all the beasts had been sent to hell, he looked at the frightened, scared and numb expressions of the girls. The anger in Gao Da Zhuang's heart was about to burn through the sky!
  He immediately put away his weapon, casually pulled a tattered piece of clothing from the side and covered it with the nearest unconscious girl, and at the same time ordered:
  "Save people!!!"

Then he said to the girls: "We are here to save you. Please forgive me if I have offended you!"

Then he turned his head and ordered: "Hygienist, check quickly and confirm their physical condition! The rest of the people, take out the first aid kit!"

"Yes!" The health worker responded and took the first aid kit from others.

After seeing that all the girls had put on their clothes, except for the hygienist, the rest of the staff immediately withdrew and stood guard outside the door.

Listening to the faint sobs coming from the room, the atmosphere among everyone was quiet and depressing! But under this atmosphere, there is still a palpitating atmosphere floating faintly!
  Just like a volcano about to erupt, although the surface is still calm, deep down, murderous intentions are everywhere! ! !
  "Can we kill all the beasts here!!!"

Xiaozhuang's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, instantly igniting all the murderous intentions in everyone's hearts! Suddenly, everyone's expectant eyes were focused on the tall and strong body.

Feeling these extremely hot gazes, Gao Dazhuang glanced around and said in a deep voice: "We'll talk about it after the health worker comes out!"

After hearing this, everyone's eyes suddenly darkened. I know in my heart that the hope of killing all the beasts here is already very slim!

"After confirming the condition of the injured, we will decide how many people will be left to protect them!"

"Yeah!!!" A look of extreme surprise suddenly appeared on everyone's faces.

Seeing such an expression, Gao Dazhuang raised the gun in his hand, pulled the gun with murderous intent, pushed the bullet and loaded the gun, and said in a cold voice:
  "Don't forget, we are not good people now!!!"

Feeling the chill in Gao Da Zhuang's tone, a bloodthirsty and sinister smile appeared on everyone's faces in unison!
  Not long after, the hygienist walked out of the room with a serious look on his face and whispered to Gao Da Zhuang:
  "Their situation is very bad. At least half of them need emergency treatment. And they also told me that there is a group of girls being detained in another place, and the guards there must be tighter!"

After hearing this, Gao Dazhuang asked softly: "How long will it take you to deal with it? If not dealt with, how long can they persist? As long as they are not transferred."

Gao Dazhuang's words immediately made the hygienist look surprised, but he quickly recovered and pondered for a few seconds before saying:

"If we don't transfer her, the most seriously injured girl can last up to two hours. If we do, it will take me at least half an hour!"

After hearing this, Gao Dazhuang immediately turned to the others and growled:

"You heard it, the girl can last up to two hours! Within two hours, I will kill all the beasts here!!! Do you understand!!!"


"Timber wolf, evil wolf, health worker, ostrich! The four of you guard this place to ensure the safety of the girls! The rest of you, follow me!"


After arranging the commando members, Gao Dazhuang immediately said to Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang in the headset:
  "Lin Xuan, Yuan Lang, and a group of girls are being held deep in the base. We are going to rescue them right away. You should be ready to fight!"


After receiving the affirmative answer, Gao Dazhuang immediately roared in a cold voice: "Action!!!"

Then they formed a battle formation and walked out quickly. But not far away, their expressions suddenly changed! Because at this time, the gunshots outside reached their ears very clearly!

"Da da da··"

Immediately afterwards, the slightly panicked voice of the vulture sounded in the headphones of tall and strong Lin Xuan and others: "They found you!!!"

  A few minutes ago, Advanced Warehouse

Compared with the area just now, the density of guards in the high-end warehouse has been significantly improved. Likewise, the environment here is much better than outside.

There is no way, the value of the "goods" here is completely incomparable to those of the "goods" outside!

Therefore, in order to ensure that the "goods" are in good condition. Providing them with a good living environment is naturally indispensable.

Kuntai, the person in charge of the base, was slowly shuttled here, carefully checking the physical condition of each high-level "cargo".

And this is the last thing he does before going to bed every day. He had no choice but to know exactly what kind of people his subordinates were.

As long as one of them is not careful, the high-end "goods" here will definitely be tainted by these beasts with rice caterpillar brains!     And this will have a great impact on your KPI assessment at the end of the year! And KPI also affects your "salary" income!
  Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, it is natural to work hard every day.

Kuntai quickly finished inspecting the warehouse where all the "high-end goods" were imprisoned, and turned around and left. But as soon as he came outside, he smelled a faint smell of blood in the moist air.

To be honest, if it weren't for the nice environment in the high-end warehouse, he wouldn't be able to detect the smell in the air right away. After all, in a place like this, the smell of blood and everything else is perfectly normal.

But this was enough to make Kuntai alert, and he immediately pulled out the pistol from his waist. After taking a few tentative steps, he immediately determined the source of the bloody smell, which was the area where ordinary "cargo" was being held!

This discovery made Kuntai's eyes filled with anger! Although those ordinary "goods" are equivalent to consumables, this does not mean that they can be consumed at will.

After all, these are your own KPIs!
  So Kuntai immediately raised his gun and walked towards the ordinary warehouse with great momentum! But while walking, Kuntai stopped and stared at the location of the ordinary warehouse with a suspicious look on his face.

The two warehouses are not right next to each other, but there is a considerable distance between them. At such a long distance, the smell of blood could reach him. In other words, what happens in ordinary warehouses must be very serious!

Most likely, it was a rebellion!
  This kind of thing is not surprising. After all, there are always some people who are so bold that they choose the wrong path for the pleasure of the lower body!

After realizing this, Kuntai immediately sneered, raised the weapon in his hand, and pulled the trigger toward the sky!
  "Da da da··"

With the sound of gunfire, the entire base became noisy! A large number of disheveled but armed guards rushed out of the residence and gathered here.

But Kuntai didn't even look at them, but stared at the location of the ordinary warehouse. But until the noise disappeared, not a single guard appeared in the ordinary warehouse!
  This undoubtedly confirmed Kuntai's guess! But what he didn't notice was that no one came out not only from the ordinary warehouse, but also from the generator room.

At this time, Kuntai pointed at the ordinary warehouse and roared loudly: "Find out all the bastards in there, life or death! The person with the best performance can go to the high-end warehouse to choose one item." Goods”! Spend the night together!!!”

After hearing these words, the guards who were still a little sleepy instantly became energetic! No one here knows what the quality of the "goods" in the high-end warehouse is!
  To put it bluntly, those "goods" are existences they can only look up to outside! And now the opportunity to blaspheme them is placed in front of them, how can it not be exciting!

So after taking a greedy look at the high-end warehouse area, the guards immediately rushed towards the ordinary warehouse!
  But just halfway through the rush, a violent explosion instantly resounded through the sky! I saw that in the generator room, flames that could reach the sky suddenly appeared!
  Immediately afterwards, all the lighting in the base disappeared, and it was dark!
  The sudden explosion immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the next second, fierce gunfire rang out at the door of the ordinary warehouse!

"Da da da da..."

Immediately afterwards, shrill screams echoed over the base!
  Immediately afterwards, under the moonlight, he saw a dozen figures rushing out of the door of the ordinary warehouse, and they quickly established a line of defense at the door.

Carry out efficient massacre against your own guards!

It was only then that Kuntai realized that what he encountered was not the rebellion as he had guessed, but an attack from other forces! He immediately took out a controller from his waist and pressed it hard!

  Looking at the obviously defeated guards outside, the tall and strong faces were full of joy!

Although the opponent's number is several times that of his own, it is clear from their tall and strong movements that they are really just a ragtag group of people with weapons!

To put it bluntly, they are nothing but numbers! Therefore, as long as nothing unexpected happens, annihilating them all is really just a matter of time!

No way, this kind of cruelty to cut grass is really exciting! Especially Zheng Sanpao, as a blaster, directly transformed into an explosion maniac, throwing a homemade bomb wherever there is a crowd of people! ! !

In the flames soaring into the sky, broken arms and limbs, and internal organs were flying all over the sky! The speed of mowing the grass can no longer be described as efficient!
  It has to be said that he has perfectly practiced what art means in reality and is an explosion! ! !
  And Zhuang Yan, the number one assaulter in Group B, managed to create a burst of bursts of fire! ! !

Not to mention the veterans in Group A, they just hate the lack of magazine capacity! Otherwise, there would be no room for Zheng Sanpao to show off!
  Of course, they also had to thank Zheng Sanpao. If the explosion he created hadn't provided enough light, they wouldn't have been able to quickly spot those monkey-like beasts!
  So, bear with it~~~
  But there is nothing wrong with their actions. After all, Gao Dazhuang has said before that we are not good people now!

Although they were mowing the grass now, just in case, Gao Dazhuang still ordered Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang on the radio:
  "Lin Xuan Yuan Lang, you continue to hide and wait for orders!"

Gao Dazhuang's words were like a basin of cold water poured on the hearts of the two of them. After taking a hateful look at Gao Dazhuang's happy figures, they could only suppress the unhappiness in their hearts and continue to lurk.

However, both of them secretly made a decision in their hearts, that is, if they have the opportunity to meet at the Sunit Banner Base in the future, they must let Gao Da Zhuang and the others experience the feeling of sitting on the bench!

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly noticed a group of faintly poking figures walking along the wall, using the cover of the environment to slowly move towards where Gao Dazhuang and the others were.

This immediately made Lin Xuan alert, and he said to the radio: "Team Gao, Team Gao, there is a situation at three o'clock!"

After hearing Lin Xuan's warning, Gao Dazhuang immediately moved the muzzle of his gun to the location he said!

But before he could fire, there was a sudden flash from a high platform in the distance.

The next second, a bullet accurately hit the tall and strong chest!

Although he was blocked by a body armor, he was still able to knock the tall and strong one away heavily!

"team leader!"

"High Team!"

"Sniper, take cover!!!"

Before they finished speaking, the group of guys along the wall no longer concealed their figures. It was instantly divided into two parts, one part shot to suppress, and the other part rushed forward quickly!
  Of course, there is a sniper watching in the distance. This made the few people who had just been high suddenly wake up and wanted to give themselves a hard slap.

Damn, mowing the grass is stupid. Even the bastard boss fell into trouble!
  (End of this chapter)

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