Chapter 335

"Take it back, quickly!!!"

After realizing the presence of a sniper at the commanding heights, Ma Da immediately shouted an order, and at the same time took out a smoke bomb from his body, opened the safety and threw it out.

With the sound of smoke bombs, the people who were mowing the grass just now turned around and ran away with their tall and strong backs on their backs. He quickly got back into the warehouse.

There is no way, the enemy sniper is condescending, plus the rest of the guards. Even if you have a certain number of bunkers here, if there is a flaw in your side and you are caught by the opponent, the consequences will be unimaginable!
  Therefore, the most important thing is to retreat to the warehouse immediately to ensure safety. What's more, the complex environment in the warehouse is also more friendly to people like the commandos!
  As the commandos withdrew, the dense gunfire disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the dark warehouse door and the corpses scattered on the ground, Kuntai's face was extremely angry!
  He never thought that his base would one day be attacked by external forces. And they completely occupied the warehouse containing ordinary "goods"!

Although those goods are not of great value, they add up to millions! Without a reasonable explanation, Kuntai is sure that the best outcome for him would be to be stripped naked by his boss and kicked out!
  But Kuntai also knew that it was impossible to rely on these guards to do this. And the only people we can count on are the hyenas coming from behind.

That's right, the ones who just attacked Gao Dazhuang and the others were not the guards of the base itself, but a group of mercenaries who had been employed and stationed here for a long time!

After glancing at the group of hyenas covertly, Kuntai immediately shouted loudly: "Go in! Kill one of them, and the reward will be fifty thousand US dollars!!!"

fifty thousand! ! ! Still a beautiful knife! ! !

Not to mention the ordinary guards, even the hyenas coming behind were excited by such a reward!

Although their daily commissions are already quite high, who would dislike the fact that they have a lot of money? What's more, the wages of these hyenas are not high at all, ranging from tens to a hundred dollars a day.

Therefore, under the green gaze of the team members, the team leader immediately came to Kuntai and confirmed to him:

"Can we claim the reward after we kill them?"

After seeing the hyenas taking the bait, Kuntai immediately confirmed and said: "Okay, no matter who it is, I only recognize the corpse! A corpse costs [-], and I will pay you when I see the corpse!!!"

Kuntai's words were undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel's back. After hearing such a positive answer, the hyenas who were already excited immediately made a plan in their hearts!

In addition, the breathing of all the guards became extremely heavy in an instant!

Money and silk touch people's hearts, which is an ancient saying! Not to mention these guys who make a thousand bucks that you don’t see for a year.

"What are you waiting for? I just want the corpses, do you understand? I just want their corpses!!!"

Following Kuntai's roar, the guards, who had little IQ, immediately raised their torches and launched an attack with strange roars.

But when this scene fell into the eyes of Kun Tan and the group of mercenaries, all he got was a mocking sneer!
  Because they all know that these guards have only one identity now, and that is cannon fodder! A bunch of cannon fodder used to consume enemy bullets! ! !

  "High team, high team, please answer if you hear me, please answer if you hear me."

In a hidden place near the power room, Lin Xuan called Gao Da Zhuang softly on the radio. He could clearly see the way the tall and strong man fell to the ground when he was hit through the low-light night vision device.

Although there is no blood flowing out of the tall and strong body, it does not mean that his life will not be in danger! After all, human life is really fragile!

The next second, the sound of a motor sounded in Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang's headsets.

"Captain Lin, Captain Gao fainted, what happened?"

"Hei Lang, how is he? Is it serious?" Lin Xuan asked immediately.

"Captain Gao's condition is very bad. Although he is wearing a bulletproof vest, two ribs in his chest are still broken. Although there is no life-threatening situation yet, it is best to send him for treatment as soon as possible!" Ma Da said solemnly.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang both had serious expressions on their faces. A broken chest rib is an injury with a very high upper limit and a very low lower limit.

What can I say, sometimes you don't need to worry about it at all and it will heal on its own. But sometimes, not only does it break itself, but also the heart and lungs are also unlucky!

Therefore, it is better to send Lao Gao to the hospital as soon as possible!

"Okay, I understand. How is your situation? I see here that many guards have entered your place! Can you handle it?"

At this time, Ma Da also set his sights on the entrance and said confidently: "Don't worry, these are nothing! We can take care of them in ten minutes at most!"

"Okay, I understand. Then please pay attention to your safety. Captain Yuan and I will kill the other party's snipers and the rest first!" After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he ended the call.

Then, the two of them groped towards the high platform that the sniper was carrying. And Ma Da also put on his night vision goggles, picked up his weapon and disappeared into the darkness!

After taking just two steps, Yuan Lang seemed to have thought of something and said to Lin Xuan: "I think according to the current situation, we should call in the mountain eagle and vulture. If we leave two such powerful combatants unused, this is What a gross waste!”

After hearing this, a hint of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Lin Xuan's face. To be honest, he had indeed forgotten these two people.

But it doesn't matter, it's not too late to think about it now. Immediately said on the radio: "Mountain eagle vulture, mountain eagle vulture!"


"You two seize the time to sneak in, and then find the commanding heights to provide fire support." Yuan Lang ordered.

Immediately afterwards, Shan Ying's reply reached the ears of Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang!

"Report, we have reached the wall and are currently on the high tower platform in the southeast."

After hearing this answer, the two of them subconsciously turned their attention. It's just that they didn't see anything.

"Shan Ying, there is a high platform at two o'clock from you, and there is a sniper on it. Find a way to kill him!"

Now that Mountain Eagle and Vulture have occupied the absolute commanding heights, it is better to let professionals like them do the job of killing the sniper.

"Roger that!" After hearing the order, the two Mountain Eagles and Vultures responded softly, and immediately set their sights on the high platform at two o'clock.

Without any effort at all, they had already locked onto the tall and strong sniper who had been wounded. Then he said on the radio: "The target has been locked, requesting attack!"     What else can be said, he immediately ordered: "Attack!"


With a slight gunshot, the sniper who was still aiming was immediately taken away by a bullet that fell from the sky.

Through a high-power low-light telescope, you can clearly see that the bullet accurately entered from the top of the head and exited from the chin at an angle! While taking away his life, it also completely tore off his entire face!

That scene is enough to frighten anyone who sees it!
  "The target has been confirmed dead!" After confirming that the target was completely dead, the vulture reported without emotion.

"Okay, cover me and Yuan Lang below! Kill high-value targets first!" Lin Xuan was already ready to fight Yuan Lang at this time. Prepare to kill the group of guys who still gather together to point out the country!
  Although I don't know what their identities are, you can tell from the angry guy surrounded in the middle that their identities are definitely not simple.

"Received, I promise to complete the mission!" Shan Ying calmly said the most reliable words!

Although the vulture on the side did not speak, the expression on his face silently announced that he had locked onto the most valuable enemy!

Next second

Two grenades with the safety on were thrown out by Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang, and flew silently above Kuntai's group of people.



Two small fires suddenly appeared in the night sky, and Kuntai and others directly below them were immediately forced to enjoy the baptism of shrapnel and iron rain.

I have to say that Lin Xuan and the others were really good at throwing these two grenades! There is almost no overlap in the distribution of grenade fragments, which fully maximizes the lethality of the grenade!
  This also led to many of Kuntai and the bunch of mercenaries being left alone!
  Immediately afterwards, the mountain eagle and vulture on the tower also started its own performance. This time, the vulture did not act as an observer for the mountain eagle, but also picked up the sniper rifle and attacked together!



  With the sound of gunshots, the beasts below who were lucky enough to survive the baptism finally ushered in their end!

From the perspective of Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang, they saw blood flowers blooming one after another! Moreover, it still blooms quietly!

But this scene made Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang's faces full of horror!

Because the place where every blood flower blooms is their head!

Although being condescending has an inherent advantage! But you must know that these people are not dead targets! Many of them had already started running for their lives the moment the grenade exploded.

But now, the fastest one has only run more than [-] meters! As for the others, let alone mention them. I'm afraid even Kuntai and the others didn't realize that they and others would die so neatly!
  We didn't even know where the enemy was, but first two grenades exploded in the sky above our heads! While killing a small number of people, it also left most people injured!
  Then, the precise roll call attacks of the two killing gods completely sent them to the road of reincarnation!

Anyway, when the gunfire stopped, everyone in Kuntai's group was already cold.

After checking all the corpses in turn, the vulture reported to Lin Xuan:
  "Report, all targets have been killed!"

Listening to the vulture's voice in the headset, Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang had forced smiles on their faces. Then he said with some trembling: "Copy that, thank you!"

"Please continue to observe the surrounding situation and deal with it yourself if you find any abnormalities!"


To be honest, both Lin Xuan and Yuan Lang were frightened by the two men with full firepower. They never thought that the sniper's shooting speed was almost as fast as that of a rifleman.

Although the distance is not far, your headshot with a gun is a bit too much! At the very least, Yuan Lang is not sure whether he can do this! And at this speed, Yuan Lang really can’t guarantee this accuracy.

After finishing the conversation with Vulture, Lin Xuan suddenly turned to look at Yuan Lang and asked, "Do you know any snipers who are more powerful than the two of them?"

Yuan Lang thought for a while and shook his head. Then asked: "What's wrong?"

"I want to get them to our place!" Lin Xuan said mischievously.

Regarding Lin Xuan's proposal, Yuan Lang was stunned for a moment, and then immediately nodded. But as he nodded, he seemed to think of something again, and he hurriedly began to shake his head.

At the same time, he said: "Don't think about it. Unless the commander of the military region comes forward, Langya will never let anyone go! And I'm afraid, even if the commander comes forward, he may not be able to do it!"

"After all, there are only ten snipers nationwide who can reach the assassin level! How could they be transferred away so easily?"

After hearing this, Lin Xuan also had a thoughtful look on his face. Then he asked thoughtfully: "So what do you think we should cultivate one?"

"Fuck~~~Are you crazy!!! Do you know how difficult it is to train a sniper of this level! This is not something your company or my squadron can afford!!! "Yuan Lang exclaimed softly.

"Besides, you can't even find this kind of seedling anywhere!"

The training time for an ordinary sniper is generally between two and three years, and the total cost is about two million yuan. Of course, this number is not so precise.

Because the sniper's personal ability, the area he is in, the environment he faces, and the battlefield he has to deal with are all different. Therefore, there will be certain differences in the way they train and the weapons they use.

This also creates a gap in cost and time!

But for Assassin-level and Dysprosium-level snipers like Mountain Eagle and Vulture, the cost of two million is far from enough! The cost of the most basic bullets alone is enough to make people collapse!
  After all, special sniper bullets are quite expensive!
  Secondly, snipers are not cabbage. His threshold for entry into the industry is quite high! Where to find such a seedling is also a huge problem!

But Lin Xuan showed a very confident expression on his face at this time, and said softly to Yuan Lang: "The mountain man has his own clever plan~~~"

At this time, the gunfire in the warehouse also stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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