Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 119 Magic Is Unreasonable

Chapter 119 Magic Is Unreasonable
Mu Chenxing has been very annoying recently.

It has been more than a month since he came to Karma Taj, Gu Yi allowed him to borrow magic books from the library, and also allowed him to watch the mage's practice.

I support his research on magic.

However, after reading a lot of books and collecting a lot of data, he discovered a truth, that is, magic doesn't make sense at all.

The cultivation of the lineage of the supreme mage is to resonate with the magic power, absorb free energy, and enhance their own physique and magic power. They call themselves mystics, which he can understand.

I also recorded a lot of magic circle templates, but every experiment, the mobilized energy frequency is different, completely illogical.

But those mages strengthened themselves by virtue of such cultivation methods.In the end, only one conclusion can be drawn. They believe that they can become stronger through this method, so they become stronger.

This Nima is hypnosis, right?
Then why design those complicated magic circles?
And this is the most reasonable thing, my power of thinking, he also has a power of thought that seems to be my power of thinking, it is not difficult to accept.

But when it came to those specific spells with names and surnames, the research process came to an abrupt end.

Karma Taj's mages cast spells by borrowing the power of the Dimensional Demon God, and different spells borrow different objects.

These spells are completely unreasonable.

Just like the Dimensional Gate, you can travel through space by drawing a circle. In theory, you can reach any place you want to go without the need for spatial coordinates. Even if you have never been there, as long as you have the impression of that place in your mind, you can go.

No spatial logic at all.

And the opening principle of the Dimensional Gate spell is to borrow the power of Emperor Weishan to cut the space, without knowing the structure of the space, without reorganizing the structure of the space, without sensing the micro-wormholes, and without driving the micro-wormholes, it is simple and rude cut space barriers.

He was very interested in collecting a large amount of experimental data at the beginning, and wanted to learn this amazing method, but he used the energy of the same frequency, but he couldn't cut anything, not to mention space barriers, even a piece of paper.

After researching it for a long time, he thought that this spell should be renamed, instead of being called Dimension Gate, it should be called "Dad, open the door for me".

The process of casting the spell should be like this. The mage calmed down, thought about the place to go, and then yelled at Emperor Weishan: "Father, I'm going there."

After that, Emperor Weishan gave the mage a navigation and a chainsaw, and the door opened, which was the gate of the dimension.

It is easier to close the door. Once the energy is withdrawn, the space will recover by itself.

The principles of other spells are roughly the same, and they are all skills called parents.

Then do some research!
The power of those dimensional demon gods cannot be summarized by the energy attribute, and there are also spiritual attributes such as their will in it. Research can't find results, at least with his current knowledge, he can't understand the principle.

When I came to Karma Taj this time, I felt that I came here to open my eyes, and the actual gain is really not much.

Magic doesn't make sense at all, he can't grasp the context.

"Have a cup of tea. I added honey to help you meditate." Gu Yi handed over a green pottery teacup and said with a smile, "You don't want to practice magic, but you want to master the power of magic. You are too greedy."

"I don't want to borrow the power of the Dimensional Demon God, I'm afraid I won't be able to repay it." Mu Chenxing sincerely felt that this method was dangerous.

"The Lord of Dimensions has merged with certain laws. If you want to use those laws, you must get their consent. In many cases, mages have no choice." Gu Yi was talking about the topic of helplessness, but there was nothing in his tone decadent.

"When we want to do something, we always have to pay a price, don't we?" She was explaining a very simple truth.

"If I go to the door and defeat the Dimensional Demon God, will I be able to control their power?"

After listening to Mu Chenxing's words, Gu Yi's smile deepened a lot. She did not refute the young man's whimsy, but said seriously:
"Some dimension masters have good temperaments, and we shouldn't bother them. To control the power of the dimension masters, it is not only about defeating them, but also understanding the laws they have learned."

Mu Chenxing took a sip of tea, curled his lips helplessly, and said jokingly: "It seems that I am destined to be a Muggle."


"He's just someone who can't learn magic."

"It's just that you don't want to learn, it's not that you can't learn. Haven't you already mastered the out-of-body experience? It's not worthless." Gu Yi looked into Mu Chenxing's eyes seriously, and said solemnly: "Your way is not with me. , you already got it, please protect it.”

Mu Chenxing knew that she was talking about space gems, nodded and promised: "I will. Thank you Supreme Master for your guidance during this time, I should leave."

He came to look for Gu Yi today, just to say goodbye.

He didn't want to learn those spells, and he didn't understand the research involving the power of the Dimensional Demon God. He had read all the research manuscripts of Master Kama Taj that he was allowed to read.

Although not much computing power has been mobilized, Angel's gene has its own brain development. Since activation, his brain has been developed to more than 20%.

The memory and thinking speed are much stronger than ordinary people, and the four primary colors of vision are also the genetic instinct of angels, and the observation ability is much stronger than ordinary people. As far as the manuscripts of the mages are concerned, except for the part of magic research, others cannot stand him. I watched it for a few days.

Staying any longer is just a waste of time, there is no need to stay here anymore.

This time I came to Karma Taj, the biggest gain is that the soul is out of the body, which was originally used by mages to increase learning time and explore different dimensions.

But it allowed him to understand the dominance of the soul and body, as well as the difficult problem of entering meditation that he had not been able to solve for a long time.

But he didn't dare to leave his body casually, because after he left his body, the super gene's ability would no longer be available, leaving only Juling Dispatch General, Shuangquan Hand, Immortal Body, and the Purifying Mantra, without even the power of thinking, very Fragile.

This month opened my horizons and gained a lot of knowledge, but the increase in strength was not great. It just expanded the knowledge structure, gained some concepts about magic, and knew how to deal with it.

To be honest, I was a little disappointed.

One of Marvel's great treasures has nothing to do with me. Maybe after the power grows to a certain level, you can consider looking for those dimension demon gods and play with your own dimension.

Now, it is more practical to follow the scientific system.

Magic doesn't make sense.

In the next few days, Mu Chenxing started a leisurely wandering trip, seeing the local customs and customs of various places, while waiting for the analysis results of the space gem, until Ethan's communication interrupted his global travel.

"Morning Star, we found a very interesting technology, you should be interested, do you want to come and have a look?"

"What technology?"


Onium, a rare element with a very high atomic number, is so rare that most people don't even believe it exists.

It can destroy the gravitational field inside the object, and can also change the operation mode of the surrounding gravitational field.

There are so many good things in Marvel!

(End of this chapter)

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