Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 120 Counterfeit Space Gem

Chapter 120 Counterfeit Space Gem

Onium is a liquid metal. Pure onium looks like silver-white mercury in appearance. What Tony and the others got is a gravitational onium compound that looks like a mass of liquid graphite.

Only the size of a baby's fist, it was black and suspended in the restraint, tumbling and surging.

Its atomic structure is very strange, there is no atomic nucleus, it is wrong, it should be said that its atomic nucleus is like a pompom, and neutrons and protons are filled in the entire atomic force field, mixed with electrons.

As we all know, 99.99% of the atomic structure is a vacuum, 0.01% is the nucleus, and the electrons produced by the collision of the nucleus.

All macroscopic matter, in the microcosmic world, is a nebula-like aggregate composed of particles gathered by strong mutual forces.

It is only necessary to adjust the parameters of the strong mutual force, and the volume of matter can be deformed, and it is not a problem to become larger or smaller. This is the principle of Marvel's Pym particles and Monkey King's stick in the super god universe.

The special atomic structure of gravitonium almost fills the entire force field, and the collision and interaction between atoms can even exchange the particles inside the nucleus. This is probably the reason why it can affect gravitational waves.

Mu Chenxing finished recording the data, made some, and sent it to Ji An, who sent it to Lianfeng and Zhixin, and also sent the previous Ulu Metal.

In terms of scientific research ability, it still depends on Zhixin and Lianfeng.

As for his views on gravitational onium, he feels that it is better to use it in scientific research. Although Angel already has very mature anti-gravity technology and gravitational drive technology, this kind of metal will definitely speed up the research progress on gravitational waves.

It may also promote the study of black holes.

Maybe this little angel, Zhixin, can really come up with awesome technology like a black hole engine.

As for Wan Li Wang in the Marvel movie, directly blending into the body, that is pure nonsense. Leaving aside the success rate, Wan Li Wang's ability to control gravity is not enough for me now. .

Anyway, Mu Chenxing doesn't believe that he can create a black hole, nor does he believe that he can create a black hole.

Black holes are not so easy to create.

To give a practical example, at the edge of the solar system in the super god universe, the angel discovered a black hole with a diameter of five centimeters. Such a big thing can already compete with the sun for the right to belong to the planet.

The orbits of the eight planets in the solar system are not perfect circles around the sun, but elliptical, because of the influence of this five-centimeter black hole.

In fact, the statement that the diameter is five centimeters is not accurate.

The dark region where photons cannot escape is not the body of the black hole, but the body of the black hole is an infinitely small singularity-like point without length, width and height.The formal name of the dark area is called the event horizon, which is the curved boundary line of the black hole distorting the three-dimensional space-time of the universe.

Five centimeters refers to the region of the event horizon.

Scientists named it this because observers outside the event horizon cannot use any physical method to obtain information about any events within this region.

Outside the event horizon, the region similar to the star ring is called the accretion disk, which is the region where the black hole directly tears matter, but light can escape, so it can be directly observed.

Further outward, the influence of the black hole is like a celestial body with relatively large gravitational force, which relies on the gravitational force to attract other celestial bodies, and is also carried by the large celestial body to rotate around a greater gravitational source.

The more he understands black holes, the less Chenxing Mu believes that black holes can be created only by relying on gravitational onium.

It can only be said that it is theoretically possible, but in practice it is completely impossible.That requires extremely large energy and control capabilities, and the structure of a black hole must be simulated before it can be attempted.

Leave it to the researchers to study it first.

"I have some information on anti-gravity technology here, and I will pass it on to you later. Using gravitational onium, we can start researching technologies such as space elevators and airports."

Mu Chenxing felt that with the gravitational onium, the anti-gravity technology could be handed over to Tony and the others.

He has a lot of high-end technology, but the gap in technology is too big, it is difficult to produce results directly, and it will only waste resources and research time. To climb technology, you have to go step by step, and you must improve it systematically.

"Magnetic levitation technology can already be put into application, and anti-gravity can indeed be tried." Tony recently got the big baby of space battleship, and he had already put his personal armor aside.

Now his goal is to be the commander of the air fleet.

Anti-gravity is much more energy-efficient than magnetic levitation. If there is a space elevator, the cost of transporting materials will be greatly reduced. Space shipyards and space ports will no longer be unrealistic dreams, and self-made spacecraft will also be on the agenda.

"I originally wanted to try to build a small ship on the ground, but now I want to build a big ship directly. The big guns of the big ship are the romance of men!" Tony's mustache is almost up to the sky.

"What about the power? Are you going to use your Ark reactor or the antimatter engine?" Mu Chenxing felt that the Marvel Earth was so unique that the energy system was fully active from low to high, and he just waited for the scientific research and application to go up step by step.

Nuclear energy has the controllable nuclear fusion technology of new elements, and there is ready-made antimatter technology in the space age. Waiting for a step forward, the application of dark energy of new elements has long been waiting.

"It must be antimatter. The reverse analysis has almost been completed, and it is impossible to give up this technology." Most of Tony's recent energy has been put on the antimatter engine.

It's almost coming to fruition.

Taotie's antimatter engine uses antihydrogen atoms. The energy generated by the annihilation of one gram of antihydrogen atoms and hydrogen atoms is equivalent to the equivalent of 4.3 tons of TNT explosions, which can withstand two Hiroshima atomic bombs.

This kind of energy acquisition rate is much higher than that of the Ark reactor, and it is also a clean energy source without radiation. It is self-evident which one to choose.

Because the storage conditions of antimatter are extremely harsh, the engine of the battleship comes with a hadron collider that produces antimatter, which is equivalent to making it now and using it now.This made it cheaper for Tony and the others, and they got a whole set of technology directly.

The same is true for Huaxia of Chaoshen Universe, who can directly obtain a full set of technology from manufacturing to application, and entering the space age has clearly been put on the agenda.

The earth in these two universes, it can be said that from the pre-nuclear era, to the space age using antimatter, and then to the god-making age using dark matter, there are no obstacles.

Take your time, Mu Chenxing is not a short-lived species, he has enough time to watch the members of the council grow slowly.

"I saw someone calling you Lucifer on the Internet. This is not a good name. It must be deliberately discrediting you." Ethan is a devout believer. He knows the impact of this matter on mainstream society and feels that he must tell Mu Chenxing .

"Lucifer? You didn't make it yourself, did you? Have you reached the stage of rebellion?" Tony squinted with disdain.

Lucifer's reputation in Western religions is not very good, and its acceptance among the mainstream is relatively low. On the contrary, children in the rebellious period worship more.

"I don't believe in your religion. I only give myself such a name when I'm idle." Mu Chenxing didn't like nicknames in his heart, and it's not that he didn't have a name. When others called him the power of the galaxy, he I don't like it very much, and I have emphasized my real name many times.

Because the name and the soul are important to him.

"I seem to have heard Pepper say that you once called yourself an angel?" Tony squeezed the bar and leaned on the console of the battleship, looked up and down at Mu Chenxing who was sitting next to him, and said seriously: "You still have a pair of black wings, Are you really Lucifer?"

"Stop talking nonsense, who gave me this nickname? S.H.I.E.L.D. or Wakanda? I haven't come into contact with other forces." Mu Chenxing didn't want to pursue anything, but felt that those people had a hole in their heads.

"Jarvis, find out where the name of Lucifer started to spread." Tony ordered Jarvis, the artificial intelligence that has become the main control system of the battleship.

After speaking, he turned his head and asked, "You have to tell me whether you are an angel?" He then explained, "Pepper asked me several times, but I don't know how to answer."

Ethan nodded, he had also been asked this question.

Mu Chenxing had nothing to hide, and said bluntly: "To be precise, I have the gene of an angel, but I am not an angel. I was just joking with Pepper that day."

"Then you are an angel!" Ethan's eyes lit up with an inexplicable brilliance, and he was even more sure that this was the Lord's arrangement.In his most difficult time, an angel was sent to take him out of the predicament.

He felt that the responsibility on his shoulders was even heavier. This little angel didn't think he was an angel.
"The Lord said..."

"You wait." Mu Chenxing interrupted Ethan, and declared: "Ethan, I am not against belief, but I am not interested in your religion. Also, your understanding is a little bit wrong. The angel I said It is a top-level civilization, you can understand it as an alien, not a mythical creature created by your god."

For superstitious believers, his words are not a small blow.

Ethan murmured in a daze, "Angels are aliens?"

Obviously, he didn't want to believe it.If the angels are aliens, is the Lord also an alien?
So sacrilegious!He quickly threw the thought out of his mind.

Tony is not troubled by Ethan. He is religious, but not superstitious. He has been to other universes, and it is not unacceptable that angels are aliens.

But still jokingly said: "Okay, it's confirmed, I can tell Pepper clearly later that her boss was rescued by a little angel."

"It's up to you." Anyway, it's just chatting, as long as you don't preach to him seriously.

Jarvis's search results were quick: "The title of Lucifer originated from Wakanda. On October 2010, 10, it was officially announced to the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that they were under the protection of Lord Lucifer to intimidate them. SHIELD."

"Huh? When did I say to protect them?" Mu Chenxing knew that he had indeed mentioned this, but he didn't agree. Now it is the right to embezzle his own portrait.

"Tony, you go to collect taxes on my behalf. You claim to be protected by me. Isn't it too much to collect some protection fees?"

Tony agreed immediately: "I've wanted to buy more vibration gold for a long time. Wakanda's exports are too small to meet the manufacturing needs. I will send someone to talk to them."

The Zhenjin battleship was a project he had always conceived, but it was a pity that it was difficult to gather the raw materials and the design plan could not be implemented.

"Are we allying with them? Or inviting them?" he asked.

"Make an alliance, I don't want to invite them."


For a while after that, Mu Chenxing lived on the frigate named Stark Industries No. [-], quietly waiting for the analysis results of the space gem. He came to Marvel this time for no other purpose. I don't want to make any more troubles.

I spend every day learning all kinds of knowledge, occasionally pointing out Dr. Banner's mantra for purifying the mind, and trying to cultivate the mind with the soul out of the body.

It has been a long time since he has practiced Xing Qi in a serious way. After loading the three generations of gods, the energy attributes can be changed at will, and there is no need for special Xing Qi practice at all.

Meditation has become a method of self-cultivation.

Marvel calendar September 2011, 9, this is a day that needs to be remembered.

[Space gem analysis completed, digital model established]

The report of the smart assistant Xiao Fan made Mu Chenxing ecstatic, and he could start making his second big baby.

What is the first big baby?

The Void Controller, of course.

"Calculate space module optimization scheme, calculate energy module optimization scheme."

[Command received, calculating]

Xiao Fan was calculating, and he was not idle, looking through the information of the space gem very seriously.

The new element is only one of the components of gemstones. There is also a very peculiar element that has wave-particle duality like light and can convert between matter and energy at will.

"Is this a space element?"

[Not a complete space element, but a projection of a three-dimensional world]

"The projection of the three-dimensional world? Then, the analyzed data is only the three-dimensional part of the space gem?"

[The analysis has been completed, the gem structure is only three-dimensional, and the power of other dimensions is not in the gem]

Mu Chenxing thought about it for a while, and figured it out. No wonder the Infinity Gems became ordinary decorations when they left the universe. Emotions are not complete, and they must be combined with other forces to control the rules.

Then the digital model built with the analyzed data will not work well in other universes, right?
But thinking that new elements can be used everywhere, maybe it’s not so bad.

No matter what, it's useless to guess. You can only know the result by making the real thing first.

The optimization plan of the space module and energy module came out quickly, and there was nothing better than the structure of the space gem.

The two modules are integrated into one, imitating the structure of gemstones, and the entity is produced in a few days, but the difference is found as soon as it is run.

Imitations can also smoothly mobilize space, such as reorganizing the space structure, driving micro-wormholes, establishing a closed space loop, solidifying space, extending space, and cutting space barriers, all without problems.

However, it feels very different from the original.

When Mu Chenxing used the space gem, he had a vague feeling that he could reach anywhere in the universe. Although he didn't dare to try it randomly, he was sure he could do it.

The imitation product needs to analyze the space first, and then can activate the ability, and it does not have the functions of strengthening the body, expanding the dark plane, and constricting space elements to expand the storage space.

Obviously not a grade.

I thought that after the analysis, there would be no need for the space gem, but now it seems that I have to make a secret space and continue to hide it.

(End of this chapter)

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