Chapter 143

When entering the ecologically dense area of ​​T69, the heavy equipment of the hunter team was two jumping spiders and four heavy equipment. When returning to the lighthouse, there were five more biological armors.

Because when passing by the area of ​​Ground Roar and Snake Dog, Mu Chenxing made two more experimental models.

They are earth-roar-like pan-biotic armor that focuses on long-range attacks, and snake-dog-like pan-biotic armor that is responsible for frontal combat.

Erica, the big lolita, snatched the Ground Roar, and Mu Chenxing designed a rechargeable rapid-fire cannon according to her combat style.

Of course, the rate of fire is not as fast as her original weapon Gatling, but it is not slow either. One charge can produce a thousand energy shells in the cannon's magazine, and fire them out at a rate of fire of [-] rounds per minute.

Energy bombs are much more powerful than gunpowder weapons, and they are fully capable of suppressing firepower.

The snake dog is much more satisfactory, it belongs to the melee armor without any additional functions. Compared with the thorn eel, its strength and defense have been enhanced, and its speed and flexibility have been reduced a lot.

In the end, it fell into the hands of Jeff, and the fighting style of the spiny eel armor was more in tune with Mocheng.

The Wild Hunter team now only has Feixue and Mark without biological armor.

Feixue doesn't like the Pansheng type, she really likes Ran Bing's sniper armor.

Mark was embarrassed to compete with the team members, so he could only continue to drive his Daybreak.In fact, he was planning to lead people to hunt down a few metamorphic beasts and get an evolutionary armor for the team members.

But even if there are only two Evolutionary and three Genetics, the combat power of the elite hunters has been greatly improved.

The biological armor is much more flexible and powerful than the heavy body. Instructor Elon can already use the armor to perform fighting skills, which is something that the heavy body can't imagine.

As he became more and more proficient in the manipulation, the old man was obviously a little drifting, and he had already said that he wanted to hit ten marks.

Jokes are all jokes, but the team members involved in this mission all understand one thing, the relationship between the hunter and the prey should be reversed, the day when humans counterattack the ground and drive out the beasts is coming!

It was already evening when we returned to the lighthouse. Mu Chenxing did not participate in the gathering of wild hunters called by Mark, but started a tour of the lighthouse leisurely.The artistic conception of the data scanned by the probing eye is completely different from that of seeing and hearing with one's own eyes, and the scenery of another world is only interesting if you participate in it.

The information of the crisis has been conveyed, and the power has been handed over to Mark. If he still does nothing, then there is no need for him to stay at the lighthouse.

Let the lord Morgan and his son Charles lead the group of prisoners trapped in the air to fend for themselves.

Fortunately, Mark did not disappoint Mu Chenxing's one-day stay specially for him.

After meeting the city lord that night and realizing that the conflict of ideas was too great to reconcile, this honest man who only knows how to kill extreme beasts finally made his own decision.

In the middle of the night, the elite wild hunter team raided the Light and Shadow Society, and the five biological armors were invincible. The city defense army and the Light and Shadow Society supported the heavy bodies here, and more than 20 were destroyed in just half an hour.

The armored forces completely lost their ability to resist.

The chariots and heavy bodies of the hunters moved afterward, and quickly rushed to various key departments. The sound of guns and guns was like a violent storm, and the lighthouse suddenly fell into a precarious situation.

The chaos came suddenly and ended quickly. The hunters are the strongest force in combat. The quality of equipment and personnel far exceeds that of the city defense army and the Light and Shadow Society. Coupled with the powerful biological armor, the enemy can't stop it at all. their advance.

In just a few hours, the lighthouse was fully occupied by hunters.

Mark's reputation was fully revealed during this operation. Most of the personnel who rushed out from various areas joined the camp of wild hunters. This is not counting the dust people living in the hoisting area. All people are surrounded by him.


When Mark defeated the Light and Shadow Society and the city defense army, killed the leader Charles, and his loyal lackeys, he brought the wild hunter troops and came to the city lord Morgan.

The old man who has been the city lord for 21 years and controls the fate of the lighthouse is full of doubts.

In his impression, the wilderness hunters have always been conscientious and conscientious, and have never had any ambitions. The sudden mutiny caught him off guard.

"To live." Mark has no hatred for the city lord, he is just expressing his point of view calmly: "To truly live.

Corey risked his life to bring back supplies for the lighthouse, but was injured but could not be healed;
Teacher Elon has worked hard all his life, but he will be exiled when he is old;
Those dust movers do the heaviest work, eat the cheapest food, but bear the cruelest shackles, have no names, cannot receive medical treatment, and can only die humblely;
1225 Giving up one's own life to save a loved one is considered a crime.

The breeding task in Chenxi Hall never considered personal wishes, and those who dared to refuse would be executed. Those women who gave birth to babies would face punishment even if they hugged their own children.

As part of the lighthouse, we cannot have family affection, we cannot have love, or we will be executed.What is the difference between living like this and a cold corpse? "

Faced with his questioning, after being captured, Jingnan, the commander of the navigation control room in the main hall of the city, sighed sadly.

Victor, the commander of the city defense army who was also captured, reprimanded angrily: "Shut up, rebellion is rebellion, who will pretend to be a saint?"

He did have a reason to be angry. The city defense army had suffered heavy casualties in the past few hours.

When he was still about to curse, the city lord Morgan raised his hand to stop him. If he didn't stop him, his old subordinate would definitely suffer.

There's no need to be so excited, it doesn't help.

How could Morgan not know about the problem on the lighthouse, but what could he do if he knew?He asked Mark: "Do you know how much energy and materials the lighthouse needs to consume per minute?"

He did formulate the three unreasonable laws, and the Light and Shadow Society's strict law enforcement was also inspired by him, but he did so for the continuation of mankind.

To survive in the last days, one has to face trade-offs, soft-heartedness and kindness will lead everyone to perish together.

Ask yourself, he is worthy of the lighthouse.

Ignoring the weapons in the hands of the wild hunters in the hall, he approached Mark step by step and asked: "You only know that there will be a population supply after the battle damage, but do you know how much material is needed to train a wild hunter?

You only see the lighthouse abandoning your wounded comrades, but do you know how many dust people will not even be able to eat insect cakes if you treat a seriously injured wild hunter?

You think the lighthouse drives the old people to the ground, but do you know how many newborn babies will starve to death if they feed the people who have no ability to contribute?
The lighthouse does not need to control the breeding population, but when the population exceeds the upper limit, do you decide who to abandon?
Now there are 6355 dustmen and 5103 Shangmin on the lighthouse. Tell me, how should I feed them? "

The city lord stared at Mark's eyes, both angry and sad. This was the person he and his teacher placed high hopes on. This was the hope of mankind brought back by the lighthouse after paving a road with corpses.

As a result, he led people to rebel.

The dead soldiers of the city defense army, the law priests of the Light and Shadow Society, and the damaged weapons and equipment were all the lighthouses relied on for survival in the last days, and they were destroyed in the civil strife for nothing.

"We were all wrong." Morgan sighed, only feeling full of despair.

"We can go to the ground. When we reach the ground, there will be more space for housing, and there will be enough space to expand the cultivation area and livestock area. The food output will naturally increase, and the problems can be solved." Mark has considered how to feed Population on the lighthouse.

Morgan glanced at the biological mecha that appeared in the hall, and asked disdainfully: "Just rely on your new mecha? Give up your naive thoughts, human beings are no longer the masters of the world, we can't deal with it." Devouring Beast."

"How many years has the city lord not been to the ground? You don't know anything about polar devourers and ground collection. With these few armors, the supplies I can collect are enough to feed the people on the lighthouse for a long time, and this After a period of time, it is enough to create a batch of such armor, and then counterattack the ground."

Mark vowed: "I can do it."

"The matter has come to this, what can we do?" Morgan shook his head dejectedly, and after sighing for a while, he said bitterly: "I will pass on the position of city lord to you, the lighthouse must not be messed up, this is the last refuge of human beings gone."

This mutiny, which started in the middle of the night and ended in the early morning, confirmed the fourth city lord of the lighthouse.

The ceremony was held at dawn.

As soon as Mark took office, he abolished the three laws, and also abolished the life formula and the old man's long journey.

The Light and Shadow Society has not been revoked. There are too many people who believe in the Lord of Light and Shadow. He does not agree with some of Morgan's practices, but there is nothing wrong with the principle that the lighthouse cannot be messed up.

In the last days, people are in a panic, either driven into madness, or have a belief, the lighthouse needs the church, but the law firm must no longer let the Light and Shadow Society take charge.

Not only the privileges of the law school were deprived, but all the privileges were also deprived. The Light and Shadow Society has completely become a non-governmental organization.

Mark was still among the wild hunters and porters rescued by Mu Chenxing, found a wave of people who were born with faith, supported them to set up the Dawn Society, and began to promote the Lord of the Morning Star, shouting "The Morning Star is here, hope to return , A better world is bound to come" slogan, wantonly attracting believers.

In order to dilute the influence of light and shadow.

In the next few days, the identity hierarchy was abolished, family relations were restored, the dustmen re-registered their identities, re-tested their genes, and divided their work categories into soldiers, logistics, and scholars.

There is also the matter of sending people to control key departments, cultivating new biological armored embryonic stem cells, manufacturing medical warehouses, and expanding the medical area, which made Mark extremely busy.

"You set up a morning meeting, it's really harmful, I'm surrounded by crowds everywhere I go now, it's very annoying." Sitting in the hall of the city lord, Mu Chenxing complained boringly to the current lord of the city.

He is equivalent to the main god of civilization on Earth, but he is not a god of religious belief. He has never seen the fanatics on the lighthouse side, so he is very uncomfortable.

"I'm so surprised. I don't look like the god they imagined? I'm not as godlike as the Lord of Light and Shadow. By the way, do you know what the Lord of Light and Shadow is?" He asked Mark wonderingly.

"In our eyes, you are God." Mark's answer was very serious, and he also seriously answered the matter about the Lord of Light and Shadow: "I have never seen it."

This answer disappointed Mu Chenxing. In the memory of Charles and many others, the Lord of Light and Shadow had indeed appeared, but no one knew the specific information.

He actually hoped that it was a powerful creature, or a higher-level life form, so as to increase his knowledge and accumulate experimental materials.

It's a pity that there are no clues at all. I scanned the entire earth and couldn't find it. It's probably gone.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, the Croto system has been restarted, and the biological half-brain has been repaired. It is easy to manage a lighthouse with more than [-] people. As long as you don't think about the future of human beings and other brain-dead issues, basically No more crashes."

Mu Chenxing stood up and asked seriously: "Have you thought about how to build a new home after returning to the ground? Is it to build a city-state to be the king, or some other social structure?"

"I don't know, I just want to lead them to live well."

Mark thinks he is a warrior, collecting more materials, cultivating more biological armor, leading the lighthouse men to counterattack the ground, gaining more living space, and then expanding the planting area, getting more food, and feeding more children , done.

Lighthouse has perfect soilless cultivation technology. As long as there is a safe space, he thinks it is not a problem to feed more people.

"I haven't thought about being a king. I don't understand the social structure. Everyone divides the work and cooperates. It's enough to report to the group and survive together. People in the last days don't have so many ideas." This is what he said in his heart.

"Do you know? I have left some information in the Crotor system, and I can take a look at it when I have time. I think it should be of some help to you.

Human needs are always changing. After survival is satisfied, new needs will inevitably emerge. Before returning to the ground, you have to determine a set of corresponding social structures to avoid chaos. "Mu Chenxing gave his own suggestion.

Mark heard the voice behind the words, and replied seriously: "I will go and see." After a pause, he asked reluctantly, "Are you leaving?"

"That's right, I'm leaving." Mu Chenxing said with a smile, "But there is one more thing to do before leaving."

Before the words fell, the invitation to join the council was sent to Mark.

This 1.9-meter strong man is full of muscles and has a strong sense of fighting, but he is unexpectedly an honest man without so much flirtatiousness.

And when faced with major events, he can make decisive decisions, has explosive mobility, and has good empathy, and can see the weak in his eyes.

Very good, it is considered to have passed its own test.

"The Council of the Pan-Earth Alliance?" Mark read the information that was directly transmitted to his mind. He was full of doubts about this trans-universe organization, but he decided to join.

"I believe in you!" He looked at Mu Chenxing seriously, and explained his reason for joining.

"It's an honor." Mu Chenxing smiled and waved his hand, and his figure disappeared instantly, leaving only a greeting welcoming the new director to join in the group.

When he reappeared, he was hundreds of kilometers away from the lighthouse.

The few people around me were so frightened that they turned their backs. Only a woman with short white hair remained calm, staring at a pair of big eyes and said seriously: "I've seen you, and you should have seen me too."

(End of this chapter)

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