Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 144 The Foundation of Evolution and Starting Again

Chapter 144 The Foundation of Evolution and Starting Again
Bai Yuekui looks like a young man in her 20s, but her actual age is more than 110 years old.

If the Lingcage World is calculated according to the chronology of the old era, it is now 2099, and Boss Bai was born in the 80s of the last century.

He is the only person from the old era who has survived the catastrophe in this world.

Mu Chenxing saw her on the first day he traveled to the spirit cage world, but Bai Yuekui also found him after a distance of nearly ten kilometers.

"It's the second meeting. My name is Mu Chenxing. I'm honored that Boss Bai can remember me." He greeted him friendly.

"You seem to know me very well?" Bai Yuekui was a little surprised.

"Knows more than you think."

In the past few days, Mu Chenxing has been scanning the earth, and Bai Yuekui's dark information has naturally not fallen. From her body data to her life experience, she knows everything clearly.

He has a deep understanding of this brain scientist who has injected the angel potion and has greatly increased his physical fitness and cell activity.

Including the cultivation method created by her to mobilize energy through thought fluctuations, as well as related technological systems.

It has to be said that she is indeed an existence that can lead civilization.

This way of knowing a person through data is Angel's usual technique. This is the first time he has experienced it, and it is quite novel.

"If you want to go to Lingquan, maybe I can provide some help." Mu Chenxing pointed to the large flower of Mana not far away.

Here is a place where there is a flower of mana nearly two stories high, like a glowing bright red brain, exuding strands of pheromone, attracting giants with a radius of hundreds of kilometers. The beast came to offer the life essence.

The high-concentration pheromone and its continuously released bioelectric field had some ionization reactions with the earth's magnetic field, and the whole Xingxuan looked like a slow-burning super large fire with a faint blue-purple luster on the periphery.

The kind that covers an area of ​​tens of square kilometers and goes straight into the clouds.

It's going to evolve.

Earth-shaking evolution.

The mana ecology can occupy the entire earth in just a few decades, and the greatest credit is the flower of mana.

They appeared before the polar devouring beasts, and every evolution of them has driven the evolution of the surrounding ecology.

This time, the flower of Mana of Xuanxuan will be opened, and the parasitic ecology of hundreds of kilometers, or even thousands of kilometers, will be promoted to a higher level ecological structure of self-reproduction.

It wants to evolve into a brood-like existence that directly produces polar devouring beasts.

Mana organisms integrate the plant and animal genes of the surface ecology into their own system through parasitism.Flowers of Mana tend to be in plant form, and polar devouring beasts are in favor of animal form, but they have both animal and plant gene fragments in their bodies.

This flower of mana is already giving birth to life, in the manner of a plant giving birth to a seed, and an oviparous animal preparing to lay an egg.

It needs more life plasm.

That's why it emits pheromones, which set off a fishy smell, attracting those beasts that store a large amount of life source in their bodies to provide energy for the breeding of new life, and by the way, improve the evolutionary level of individuals with high contributions.

The change in the breeding method will make the Mana ecology no longer rely on the old ecological environment, and completely become an ecological structure with independent evolution ability, completing the last step of ecological invasion.

"Is this thing born with wisdom?" Mu Chenxing didn't see the performance of advanced intelligence in Mana creatures, but their evolution rate is too fast, and the steps of ecological invasion are quite clear, which is consistent with the pre-arranged plan. Same.

It is difficult for people to regard them as ignorant and low-level beings.

"Yes, but not high." Bai Yuekui explained: "The global brain of ASH has been parasitized."

"Do you know what that is?" she asked tentatively.

After the cataclysm, it is difficult for people to understand ASH, the product of the combination of genetic technology and mechanical technology, let alone the global brain. The technological regression after the cataclysm is very serious.

"I know." Of course Mu Chenxing knew about the kind of artificial intelligence with human brain circuits, but he didn't think it was a strong artificial intelligence.

Although the ASH brain-computer combination computer has a part of the human way of thinking, they are products of failure, have not reached the design standard, cannot achieve real self-judgment, and are just an excellent weak artificial intelligence.

Can parasitism give birth to wisdom?Isn't the spine Gu that parasitizes the human body even more awesome?
But I haven't seen any polar devouring beasts as smart as humans.

Mana creatures do have the ability to affect the mind and interfere with thinking, but they have not entered the level of advanced intelligent life.

Wisdom is not determined by a pile of fat and neurocortex in the cranial cavity. This field also involves the soul level, and it is not so easy to cross that threshold simply by parasitizing the body.

"I don't think parasitic artificial intelligence will give them wisdom." Mu Chenxing expressed his opinion.

"The source of life is a very magical energy. It not only contains the DNA information of the living body, but also contains a part of the soul. Under the nourishment of this energy, it is only a matter of time before the birth of wisdom. The massive data in the global brain is just a matter of time." A catalyst that allows Mana creatures to have a certain self-judgment ability."

Bai Yuekui seemed to be lost in memory, and said happily: "Fortunately, it was blown up early, otherwise I don't know what the Mana ecology will evolve into."

A deep sadness lingered on the calm face, and that story once broke her heart.

For things that have been destroyed, it is difficult to analyze the real data. The technology of Chaoshen Universe to interpret dark information has not yet reached the point of time regression. Mu Chenxing can't understand this answer.

But it doesn't matter, even if the mana creatures are born with wisdom, their combat power will be the same. What he is really interested in is the evolution speed of these creatures, and he came here to observe in the spiritual spring.

He stayed in the spirit cage world for several days. Although he had compassion in it, he wanted to select a few directors to lead the human beings in this world out of the predicament, but the biggest reason was the evolution speed of mana creatures.

They evolve so fast, it's unbelievably fast.

The triangle with the fastest evolution of the original gene in the super god universe is not even worthy to carry the shoe of the mana creature.

Mu Chenxing wants to find out the reason and use it to evolve his own underlying genes.

Although he is now a three-generation divine body, freed from dependence on matter, theoretically speaking, his lifespan is infinite, but that is only achieved with the help of a micro dark matter computer.

If one day, the micro-machines in his body are shut down by the interference of the enemy, he will only be a 20% developed brain domain, fused with the male angel gene of 3 years ago, and a little bit of superpowers.

The fighting strength was reduced to nothing but bones and scum.

In the multiverse, such enemies do not exist.

The weakness is too great, and it must be made up for, at least when being targeted, he can react to escape.

In addition to strengthening the defense measures of the dark plane and super genes, it is also a good choice to evolve your own biological genes.

"I want to visit the Lingquan, do you want to go with me?" He invited again.

Bai Yuekui was very aware of the danger of the spiritual spring, and questioned: "Are you sure you can enter? Once human beings enter the spiritual spring controlled by the flower of Mana, they will be sucked away from the source of life and become a pile of unconscious meat .”

"This is an opportunity, it depends on how you choose." Mu Chenxing didn't want to explain.

Who really trusts strangers they meet for the first time?There is no use in saying more reasons.

It depends on whether the other party dares to take risks.

Bai Yuekui hesitated.

The members of the underground team who were startled by Mu Chenxing's sudden appearance just now tried to persuade him.

"Boss, this kid appeared too suddenly. We don't know who he is, so we can't take risks!"

"Boss, don't get on top. I know you can fight, but it's better not to participate in unnecessary battles. Pay attention to cell activity."

"Let's think of another way, boss, it's really unnecessary!"

The tone of their persuasion was very urgent, because they knew how much their boss wanted to go to the Lingquan to find a way to destroy the ecology of Mana.

They really knew Bai Yuekui very well, just as they were worried, Boss Bai only thought for a short time before decisively agreeing to the invitation.

"Okay, I'll go with you to have a look inside."

After finishing speaking, he instructed his team members: "You guys are responding outside, pay attention to maintaining the original state, and don't be discovered by the Pole Devourer."

"A good choice. Believe me, you won't regret it." Mu Chenxing activated the void controller's ability while speaking.

[Build defensive barriers, isolate energy interference, and shield thinking erosion]

After the defensive measures were established, he imitated Karma Taj's mage, waved open a space door leading to the interior of Lingquan, and stepped in first.

This was done for Bai Yuekui to build trust.

This action was not in vain, Bai Yuekui also stepped over the space door and followed his footsteps.

This spiritual spring is more than [-] meters underground, and the energy concentration inside is very high. The bluish-white mist floats above a small pond, and the surroundings are burrows surrounded by black soil and giant python-like roots.

Lingquan is not formed naturally, but a high-level mana flower gathers energy and builds a nutrient pool-like terrain for itself at the root.

Completely surrounded by soil and root system.

If the foundation of the mana ecology is the flower of mana, then the foundation of the flower of mana is the spiritual spring.

Destroying the Lingquan can effectively stop the evolution of Mana's ecology.

Of course, it's just a regional delayed evolution.

Mu Chenxing has no intention of destroying the Lingquan for the time being, but is using Qiyuan to analyze the energy properties in the Lingquan.

Inside this small pond is real water, water molecules made of hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms, just the molecular field of the water molecules, filled with other particles and energy waves.

Properties are very complex.

Not just bio-energy, but also electromagnetic particles and radiation particles from stars, and astral fragments.

If it hadn't been used to detain the spirit body, Mu Chenxing would not have recognized it, it was too weak.

The food habits of the flower of mana are quite mixed, the magnetic field energy of planets, the radiant energy of stars, and the biological energy captured from animals and plants are all within the scope of his diet.

Subterranean plants obtain thermal energy for survival, surface plants use photosynthesis, animals absorb organic matter, and parasites absorb energy.

It even touches on the category of spiritual bodies.

The life form of Mana Flower is really domineering, no wonder the evolution rate is so fast, this trip is not in vain, Kaiyuan has recorded all the data of Lingquan and Mana Flower, and it will not take too long to calculate the results. Accelerating the evolution of one's own primitive genes is just around the corner.

Mu Chenxing is in a good mood.

He smiled and asked, "Did you find anything? This Lingquan has many similarities with your underground one."

"Have you been to the underground shelter?" Bai Yuekui was a little surprised. People who have never been to the underground could not know that there is a transformed spiritual spring there, but she knows all the underground residents, but she has no impression of the man in front of her.

"Curiosity, let's take a look around." Mu Chenxing hadn't actually been to the underground shelter, but only collected information there when scanning the earth.

The cultivation system deduced by Bai Yuekui has a lot to do with a "dead" spiritual spring underground, and the underground residents also use it to complete their cultivation.

The reason why it is said that the spiritual spring is dead is because the underground pond has almost no activity, which is very different from the one in front of me.

The biggest difference is that the Flower of Mana has always maintained an energy cycle with the Lingquan, and the surrounding area is full of living soil.

If it weren't for the defensive barrier built by the void controller, which can isolate energy transmission and shield external perception, it would be impossible for them to stand and talk peacefully by the side of the pool now.

"Who are you? Are you from before the catastrophe?" Bai Yuekui finally couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart.

"I am a traveler, and I am about to embark on a new journey." Mu Chenxing did not answer directly, but sent an invitation to Bai Yuekui to join the council.

This is a 100-year-old beauty who wants to have a figure, a good looks, an IQ, and a heart, and can open up a new evolutionary route in the last days and lead the development of civilization.


Her cell activity was decreasing, and her telomeres were severely depleted, to the point where she could not fight at will. Maybe she would receive a box meal after a few more serious injuries.

It's a pity that such a character died.

Her idea is quite good, and the human beings in the spirit cage world also need someone to guide them. At least the communication between the lighthouse and the underground needs an opportunity.

Mu Chenxing is willing to help.

"Multiverse? Earth Alliance? It's unimaginable, I feel like a frog in a well." Bai Yuekui shook his head mockingly, and happily joined the alliance.

Her world needs help, and it doesn't matter if it's an angel or a demon, it won't be worse than it is now.

"There is your future in the lighthouse." Mu Chenxing opened Bai Yuekui's immortal body, distributed the corresponding benefits, and introduced Mark in the chat group, then broke open the Lingquan, killed Mana's flower and came to fishy Xuan's Pole Devourer.

Smiling and waving his hands, he disappeared into the world of the spirit cage.

The harvest in this world is not bad, but it only makes up for his own shortcomings, and cannot increase his upper limit, and has no long-term value.

The journey of exploring new worlds must continue.

Mu Chenxing cheerfully started the shuttle journey, until he stood on the body of a super life form, he couldn't laugh anymore.

If this thing is awakened, it is estimated that a slap can kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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