Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 145 The Divine Chapter Descends to Transformers

Chapter 145 The Mythical Creature Comes to the Transformers
There was not a single cloud in the blue sky, and the midday sun was shining directly down. Lake Mead was like a mirror with no waves.

The weather in early summer is a bit hot and dry.

In the Colorado River Basin, on both sides of the Black Gorge at the junction of Nevada and Arizona, there are dark red breccias like rust all over.

Standing on top of the 220-meter-high Hoover Dam, Mu Chenxing frowned.

Most modern Earth has this concrete gravity arch dam, but this world's Hoover Dam is a bit special.

It is because someone found a strange cube the size of a basketball court in the river here. The dam was built to hide the eyes and ears, not just a water conservancy project.

Now, inside the dam is the resident of the Seventh District, a special organization dedicated to dealing with aliens. There is not only the cube of the fire source, but also a large robot nearly 11 meters high.

Mu Chenxing knew that the guy was Megatron, not a robot in the ordinary sense, but a silicon-based lifeform.

Megatron is not the cause of his worries, and the battle between the two factions of Decepticons and Autobots is no big deal. He thinks he has the ability to deal with those Transformers.

What really stumped him was the super silicon-based life form sleeping deep inside the earth: Unicron.

Perhaps this statement is not correct. It should be said that during the long sleep of Unicron, his own gravity attracted some matter such as cosmic dust and small celestial bodies, and finally formed the earth.

Body size is evident.

The size is second to none, mainly because the energy attributes and body composition cannot be seen through at all, detailed data cannot be scanned, and Kaiyuan cannot be analyzed.

This kind of life form is beyond the records of the database and the calculation scope of Qiyuan. Like Marvel's Celestial Group, it cannot read the core data and formulate effective plans against the enemy.

Facing this kind of high-end life, Mu Chenxing, who is only a three-generation divine body, considers himself no match.

The Destiny Flying Sword made for him by Tiamat is a sharp weapon against the Celestial Group. It can create a singularity of energy and trigger a chain reaction of annihilation.

The annihilation reaction is different from the annihilation reaction. It will not release energy outside, nor will it destroy the body. Instead, it will completely annihilate all the energy of the gods, allowing them to die silently.

This is Tiamat's special tool for committing suicide without destroying Earth.

But for different species of Unicron, the damage effect is completely unclear.

Without core data, even simulation experiments cannot be done.

He was right inside the earth, and he couldn't figure out the effect of the blow. Who knew whether he woke up the opponent with a sword, or just exploded?No matter what the result is, billions of people on earth are responsible, and the end will definitely not be good.

Care must be taken.

Very troublesome!
Fortunately, the other party was sealed and temporarily unconscious, so he didn't have to worry about being slapped to death in the short term.

We have to find a way to weaken him, keep him in the current shutdown state, or kill him completely without causing large-scale geological disasters.

Mu Chenxing couldn't even wait to check the dark energy data of this universe, and started to use the backup energy to scan the entire earth when the main energy was not activated.

Fortunately, the council's mechanism for traveling through the universe is to rewrite information and directly reduce the dimension at the information level, not a conventional space shuttle, which allows him to travel through the dark plane with him.

Really helped a lot.

All kinds of equipment in the dark plane can come with him, which ensures that he will not be weakened too much after traveling. The specially made large dark blue is used as a backup energy source, which is enough for him to fight a king-level war and scan an entire planet. The consumption will not make him feel distressed.

The scanned results made the corners of his mouth twitch.

The Cybertronians have been to the earth more than 1 years ago, and almost all high-end Transformers have left traces on the earth, such as the Seven Supremes, the Twelve Knights, and now there are Optimus Prime and Megatron.

If he remembers correctly, there is also the leader of the previous generation of Autobots on the moon, Yu Natural Enemy.

It's so lively.

He had read a lot of Transformers stories in his previous life, including comics and movies, and a lot of information was contradictory. The specific situation of this world needs to be sorted out carefully.

Judging from the results of the preliminary scan, this world is biased toward the movie universe. In the convoy heading towards the dam not far away, the images of Sam, Mikaela, and Bumblebee fit the shape in the movie.

The current time is 2007, and it should be the plot where they were captured by the agents of the Seventh District.

This is good news.

The power ceiling of the cinematic universe is much lower and much safer.

Watching the convoy drive into the interior of the dam, Mu Chenxing still stayed quietly at the top of the dam in optical camouflage.

It was not until the dark energy and space structure data had been verified and all the modules of the gene engine self-checked that there was no abnormality before being transferred to the confidential area where the fire source was placed.

His arrival was silent and did not alarm anyone, because all eyes were on Simmons, the commander of the seventh district, who used the fire source to turn the mobile phone into a small robot.

A palm-sized, very cranky little robot.

Holding a machine gun that looks like a toothpick, it beats the bulletproof glass chamber to bits and pieces, and launches missiles fiercely, but it's a pity that it's useless.

"When a disaster is approaching and you don't know it, you are really not doing your job properly." Mu Chenxing interrupted everyone watching the "little pet".

"who are you?"

A stranger suddenly appeared in the confidential area, and all the detectives present raised their guns to face each other, and their hearts were abnormally vigilant.

A few pistols and rifles couldn't hurt Mu Chenxing at all. He didn't care about being pointed at, but instead spread his wings in a wicked way, and said slowly: "Guardian, the will of the universe, etc., whatever you want to understand .”

To be honest, if the wings on his back are white and he has a European and American appearance, in Laomei, a country with a strong religious atmosphere, someone must kneel down on the spot to show their piety.

It's a pity that the wings of Galaxy Force are black, and he also looks like a handsome oriental guy, which doesn't quite fit the European and American imagination of angels.Therefore, the effect is not good, and the fear of the people present is much more than the worship.

"Devil? Fallen angel?" Simmons swallowed, braced his trembling legs, and carefully asked this Asian man who suddenly appeared with a pair of black wings, black hair and black pupils.

The purpose of using religious beliefs to achieve effective communication was not achieved. Mu Chenxing sighed and said flickeringly: "The demons are a bunch of ugly little monsters. There are no fallen angels in this world. Your beliefs are really messed up."

The world of Transformers is a purely materialistic universe, and he has no burden in his heart when he talks about it.

Anyway, there will be no real demons or angels coming to expose it, so you can say whatever you want.

"Are you an angel?" Sam stroked his back with a puzzled face, and asked hesitantly, "Isn't it white?"

"I like black." Mu Chenxing didn't give a clear and positive answer, but the meaning in the words was already revealed.

"Okay, there's no need to worry about this kind of problem. Aliens have already come to your world, and the attacks have happened several times, but you still haven't made enough preparations. I'm really interested in watching the little pets here. "

He shook his head, made a high-backed chair casually, folded his wings, and sat on the chair, looking contemptuously at the people raising their guns.

Creation out of thin air proved his extraordinary again, at least the agents of the Seventh District will no longer use him as an infiltrated spy.

"Put away your weapons." Simmons waved his hand, ordered his subordinates, then nodded respectfully at Mu Chenxing, and asked cautiously: "This...angel, I didn't know that you come here. What's the matter?"

It doesn't matter if this is an angel or a demon, or something else, he can't afford to provoke him anyway. If you are more polite, he will probably die in an ugly way.

He didn't want to use his life to verify whether the person opposite was a mythical creature.

Mu Chenxing pointed to the source of the fire seed: "Remind the source of the disaster, and let's see if you are worth protecting."

During the conversation, a little Decepticon sneaked into the control room, disguised as Lost on Mikaela's mobile phone, but Mu Chenxing didn't remind or stop it.

Some people don't cry until they see the coffin.

He wants to take away the fire source, but he doesn't want to be chased by humans and Autobots in the future. The best way is for Megatron to make a big fuss. In the name of protecting humans, he "keeps" this fire that attracts the attention of Decepticons. "Dangerous stuff".

He must take the fire source that can give life to electronic products and study it carefully.

Creating life is so attractive, although it is another form of life.

It's such a pity that such a technological creation was destroyed. Mu Chenxing decided to intervene to change its ending.

The script unfolded very smoothly according to his vision. Lost destroyed the refrigeration equipment, and the staff of the seventh district were unable to prevent the awakening of Megatron. After being frozen for more than 100 years, the leader of the Decepticons was finally free.

After tearing off the shackles of restraint, smashing the laboratory where he was held, killing and wounding a group of staff, he transformed into a small Cybertronian shuttle, rushed out of the Hoover Dam along the corridor, and prepared to call Subordinates, snatch the fire source.

The situation is very unfavorable. Simmons, the commander of the Seventh District, understands that their firepower alone cannot stop the attacks of those alien robots.

Sam seized the opportunity and managed to convince several bigwigs to release Bumblebee.

But how could the Hornet be alone against the upcoming Decepticons?
The fire source must be transferred!
This is what most people think.

But some people think otherwise.

Mikaela approached Mu Chenxing and pleaded pitifully: "Mr. Angel, did the Lord give up his believers and let aliens kill him? As a kind and holy angel, do you really have the heart?"

Mu Chenxing knew that this chick was using aggressive tactics for him, but he had no intention of refusing, what a good excuse, it would be a pity not to use it.

He smiled back at Michaela's plea: "Your little trick worked."

After speaking, he hooked his fingers, and the fire source cube, which was shrunk down from the size of a basketball court to the size of a football by the bumblebee, flew into his hand without any haste.

The bumblebee, who wanted to snatch it back, was lifted up in the air by Nianli. While scratching his limbs like a dog planer, he used the loudspeaker to play the messy lines collected from the radio.

"This is a dangerous time!"

"The game is over!"

"Put me down, you rascal."

"Act quickly!"

Well, I have to say, Bumblebee's act of playing the radio while struggling has a lot of flair for being funny.

Seeing such a big robot struggling in the air, the other people who wanted to snatch back the source of fire, took back their steps embarrassingly.

"Their goal is this. I will take it outside to attract the attention of the enemy, and prevent the aliens from destroying the dam, so as not to flood the innocent people downstream." Mu Chenxing held the fire source, looked at the crowd and said:

"I am waiting for you at the top of the dam. If you are worried, you can go and watch me, and if you want to defend the enemy together, you can."

After speaking, the person and the seat disappeared in an instant, and the bumblebee floating in the air fell on its back with a bang.

"The war has begun!"

"Warriors, take up your weapons!"

He got up, played two lines, and rushed out of the dam with bang bang bang bang strides.

"Get ready to fight!" Simmons gave Mikaela a hard look, and ordered his subordinates loudly.

The source of fire is not under his control, and there is no excuse for withdrawing.

This chick is busy!

He didn't suspect that Mu Chenxing had escaped, and the surveillance screen could clearly see the man who claimed to be an angel, sitting leisurely on the armchair, basking in the sun on the top of the dam.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Speed ​​up!" Simmons urged his fighters loudly.

The armed personnel in the seventh area obeyed the orders and quickly rushed to various defensive positions. Naturally, they would not rush out of the dam foolishly. Going to such an open area is courting death.

Therefore, the only ones rushing to the top of the dam were Bumblebee and Sam and Mikaela, who had no fighting qualities and felt safe with their Transformers partners.

When they rushed to the place, Megatron was already lying on the road more than ten meters wide with his head in a different place.

In fact, not long after Megatron rushed out of the dam, he was beheaded by Silver Blade after sending the message to summon the Decepticons.What should be done has been done, and he is still allowed to celebrate the new year?
As for displaying the corpse, it was just to attract Megatron's diehard loyalists, to see if anyone came over to snatch the corpse.

It's better to be scared away, Mu Chenxing is too lazy to entangle with a bunch of young people.

"Go and evacuate the people on both sides, let them hide away, the enemy is coming soon." Seeing Sam and Mikaela, two ordinary people following up, he waved and arranged a relatively safe task for them.

The embankment of the Hoover Dam is a two-lane road connecting Nevada and Arizona. It is more than 300 meters long and more than ten meters wide.Forty kilometers to the northwest is Las Vegas, the casino city, so there are not a few vehicles passing here.


Sam looked at the corpse of the big robot lying in the middle of the road with engine oil flowing all over the floor, then at Mu Chenxing, who was sitting leisurely on the chair with his legs crossed, and his wings hanging on both sides of the backrest, feeling a bit dreamy .

He had heard the name of Megatron mentioned by Optimus Prime, and every time his tone was very fearful, but now he was easily killed by a man with an Asian face who called himself an angel.

Maybe angels are real.

But why do you look so Asian?

The Lord likes Orientals?

(End of this chapter)

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