Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 160 Doubts about Dimensional Demon God

Chapter 160 Doubts about Dimensional Demon God

Surtur's soul rushed left and right in the qi field of the general sent by Ju Ling, without any sign of surrender.

The fist-sized small orange-red light group broke free from the entanglement of the spirit energy again and again, struggling to impact the bondage of the energy field.

"Don't let him run away!" Sol opened his arms like an old hen guarding his cubs, running nervously around the periphery of the qi field, wherever Surtur's soul rushed, he would stop there.

It was as if if he dared to rush out, he would have to hit him with a hammer first.

The corners of Mu Chenxing's mouth twitched, tossing and tossing, what's the point?You don't know soul magic, and Mjolnir can't hit souls either.

Affected by Sol, Asgard's warriors surrounded the Qi field released by Mu Chenxing, but they could only watch and couldn't help at all.

To be honest, although Juling Dispatch is a skill obtained from a low-level universe under one person, it has a very high intention. It uses a perfect life to suppress an imperfect spirit, and its power depends entirely on the life level of the person using it.

Mu Chenxing's life level is not low. The void controller has redefined the body cells, and it can barely be regarded as a high-dimensional life of the reserve level. In essence, it is not much different from the Dimensional Demon God.

But it still couldn't suppress the soul of a demon god at the tail of a crane like Surtur.

It seems that this guy's soul should have achieved deep binding, embedding, fusion and other operations with some kind of cosmic law.

Probably the law of fire.

This is not scientific at all, but it is very magical. Most dimensional demon gods do this. There are many examples of this in the books of Kama Taj and Asgard.

Like a fairy tale, it is not obvious at first glance.

However, regardless of what Surtur's soul did, it was impossible to escape from his own hands today.

He's about to flip his cards!

The hole card is of course the Soul Gem.

The mind stone cannot control the soul, but it can suppress the mind.

Mu Chenxing is not an amateur like Loki, he only knows how to beat people with a scepter, and it depends on God's will to succeed.

He has the technology of thinking invasion and consciousness rewriting, using the mind gem as a support, invading consciousness, rewriting cognition, and completely disintegrating Surtur's rebellious heart, it is not a problem at all.

After some operations on the conscious level, the small orange-red light group completely quieted down, obediently followed the recovery of the energy field, and came into his palm.

There was no resistance at all to the innate qi's behavior of changing the source of the soul. In Surter's cognition at this time, he was just a split consciousness of Mu Chenxing, and now he was going to return to the original body.

Not only did he not resist, but he cooperated wholeheartedly, allowing the subject's innate qi to smoothly enter his soul source, and even the sea of ​​consciousness was completely opened.

The mind gem is really domineering, a soul at the level of a dimensional demon god is easily manipulated in the palm of his hand.

But Mu Chenxing didn't use his own innate qi to replace all of Surtur's soul origin.

According to the theory under one person, the soul is a form of expression of innate qi, Surtur's soul is higher than his soul, so he just occupied a part, mastered the life and death of the other party, and then built a loop .

He wants to use the other party's soul as a melting pot to exercise his innate qi and feed back his own soul.

In this way, his soul will grow extremely fast, until he can keep pace with Surtur.

As for the other party's experience, and how to bind the law of the fire system to the soul, you need to calm down and study it slowly. This is an enemy-occupied area. Who knows if a lot of enemies will appear in the next second? place of learning.

Put the spirit body into the acupoint, looked at Sol, who looked a little strange, and asked amusedly: "Surtur's soul has been sealed by me. What are you thinking? You don't think I will be the one who destroys Asgard. The next murderer?"

"Haha, how is it possible." Sol shook his head with a smile, and said with a complicated expression: "Surtur was dealt with too easily, I am a little... a little... I can't describe the feeling, Ragnarok Is it so easy to solve? I always feel that it is not so simple."

Of course it's not that simple.

The root cause of the real destruction of Asgard is your sister, the Princess Hela who can crush your beloved Meow Hammer with one hand and is deeply bound to the continent of Asgard.

But Mu Chenxing shouldn't know this information, and naturally he can't say it.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover." He habitually said a sentence in Chinese, and then explained to Sol: "When the enemy shows up, rush up and overthrow them, isn't that all right? It's useless to think about it, don't you Good at that style."

"Haha, that's true. But you are turning a corner and saying that I have no brains, right?" Sol is not really stupid, and the point of the words can still be heard.

How could Mu Chenxing admit it, and quibbled: "I'm telling you to do what you are good at."

"I always feel like you're mocking me." Sol muttered, then stopped dwelling on this topic, raised his hammer, and shouted loudly at the sky: "Heimdall!"

Following his words, the Rainbow Bridge fell, bringing everyone back to Asgard.

After returning, Muspelheim's battle situation will naturally be reported to Odin. The fire giant's crown was cut off and Surtur's soul was sealed, which received great attention.

This is something Odin cannot do.

Therefore, Mu Chenxing was left to talk alone.

"May I see your short sword?" he asked.Back then, he also wanted to cut off the crown, but failed. He had a lot of interest in weapons that could do this.

When I was young, I was ambitious and high-spirited, and I thought I could defeat the perfect Surtur. Then, the cripple who was deprived of the eternal fire was naturally no threat, so I just threw it aside.

Thinking about it now, it's a bit sloppy.

Playing with the short sword handed over by Mu Chenxing, feeling the energy fluctuations on it, he commented: "It is indeed a sharp weapon of the gods. I can feel the breath of the god group. Is it the one in the heart of Midgard?"

He knows some things about Tiamat, but he doesn't understand clearly. How many people can know so clearly what happened a billion years ago, at least he doesn't know about God.

When returning the short sword, he reminded: "The Tianshen group is very old, no one knows what they think, so don't believe everything."

"Thank you God King for your warning, I will keep it in my heart." Mu Chenxing withdrew his fate and took the opportunity to make his own request: "I wonder if God King can let me borrow some books about souls. If you can kill him completely, that would be even better."

Now that I have just sealed the giant soul that destroyed Asgard in the prophecy, people will definitely be worried. It is not suitable for wandering around. Why don't you take the initiative to stay here? I just asked for some information that is not easy to be dismissed. I took the opportunity to study it soul.

The soul is an inescapable subject in the study of dimension demons, and the high-dimensional world of Marvel is almost completely occupied by dimension demons. They have their own defense methods. It is difficult to discover the true appearance of high dimensions only by scientific observation. The world is not as intuitive as Marvel.

Therefore, with Surtur's soul as a ladder, it is a breakthrough to explore the high-dimensional world.

"Yes." Odin had no reason to refuse.

This matter was settled in this way, and for a period of time thereafter, Sol continued to suppress the rebellion in the Nine Realms, while Mu Chenxing settled down in the Van Golf Hall.

Day and night, I studied Asgard's information on souls, compared with Surtur's soul, and began to slowly uncover the mystery of the Dimensional Demon God and how to engrave the law into the soul.

Through research during this period, he believes that those dimensional demon gods are all liars.

The law of fusion and the law of control are all smoke screens released by those guys. The universe is there, the law is there, and they have never really controlled it.

The reason why latecomers think they are the law is nothing but a huge deception.

Those dimensional demon gods study the laws of the universe, learn the laws of the universe, and then engrave the learning results into their souls, and then spread the "laws" they have mastered, so that subsequent mages can walk along their path from the beginning.

And regard them as true laws.

Over time, they have really become the embodiment of the law in people's eyes.

Plus the magic of the lending system works its way.

If things go on like this, those dimensional demon gods will naturally become stronger and stronger, making it difficult to be surpassed.

And Mu Chenxing thinks that the biggest problem is that the ancient civilizations of the Marvel universe are all magic systems, and they are all related to the Dimensional Demon God.

This is not right.

Where is the pure technological civilization?
Who stipulates that scientific and technological civilization must be an emerging civilization?Why did the technology of the Marvel Universe start so much later than magic?
Counting carefully, Marvel's high-tech civilization is only a few of the Cree, Skrull, Nova Corps, etc., basically still in the space age.

None of them dealt with higher dimensions.


Mu Chenxing was suddenly shocked. If you count it seriously, the super god universe is also one of Marvel's parallel universes, where there is also a hater alliance composed of Captain America, Iron Man, and the Hulk.

Then, it is too strange that there is no civilization of more than 10 years in the super god universe.

Excluding all kinds of magical materials and non-replicable black technology products, in terms of technology alone, the extinct Kamigawa civilization and the current angel civilization are all more advanced than the technological civilization of the Marvel universe, and they have all reached the point of studying the laws of the universe and stages of higher-dimensional worlds.

The more you think about it, the worse it gets.

The previous Pangu civilization did not know the specific situation, but the Shenhe civilization was destroyed by the inexplicable void.

Could that void be a certain dimensional demon god?

Thinking of this, Mu Chenxing broke out in a cold sweat, feeling like a lamb living in the sheepfold, waiting to be slaughtered.

"Xiao Fan, say something."

[Waiting for the order of the director at any time]

"Thank you!"

He breathed a sigh of relief, and his sense of security increased greatly.

"Researching the Dimensional Demon God really requires maintaining a mentality."

It's really easy to get freaked out.

He shook his head slightly, and recited the mantra of purifying the mind to calm down his heart completely.

During this period of study, apart from getting more questions, it is not without concrete results.

The growth of the soul is very impressive, and he also tried to engrave the power of thought into the soul. The first extraordinary power he got, finally became one with his soul and body.

As a result, he felt as if he had awakened some kind of sixth sense, successfully turned his mind into instinct, and successfully advanced the scan of mind to the molecular level.

If he really came across a method that could knock his soul out of the body, he would have enough power to fight back against the enemy.

This is an added bonus of experimenting.

The biggest achievement is Surtur, with the assistance of the Mind Gem, he completely completed the thinking coding of the soul of this giant of fire.

Having built a stable and self-consistent logical thinking system, he no longer needs to carefully suppress it with the mind gem. He has now fully recognized his identity as the soul of Mu Chenxing.

Not only can it be used as a soul furnace to improve the quality of the soul of the subject, but it can also defend or attack enemies at the soul level, but what he is best at is to load energy and help fight in the material world.

If the crown of the fire giant can be repaired and the eternal flame can be obtained, a 400-meter-high lava giant can be added to assist in the battle.As for the law of fire he comprehended, it belongs to the understanding of pure magic, Mu Chenxing still needs time to learn.

The law is still very profound, anyway, it can't be figured out in ten and a half days.

Now he has three spirits, the one with the strongest combat power is Surtur, the one who can assist in healing and controlling the mind is Qu Tong, and only Su Malimao can't use it.

If you meet Hexi later, you might as well return his old lover to him, it's useless anyway.

Mu Chenxing's recent energy is mainly focused on the soul and mind, but most of Qiyuan's computing power is still used in various projects in the dark plane.

The most important thing is of course the manufacture of the mind controller, followed by driving the space gem to expand the dark plane and strengthening the space structure.

Now his dark plane can no longer be regarded as a space bubble, and is progressing like an independent space. Maybe one day, this place will become his dimensional world.

It just needs to be filled with the laws of the universe.

"Hey! It's so easy to say, it's just paying it back, I'm really drifting." He rolled his eyes at himself, recently researching the dimension demon god is going crazy.

I have to go outside for a walk, the day when the Nine Realms will reunite is coming, and I have also proved to Odin that his seal is very stable and there will be no mistakes, so I can go out.

During this period of hard study, everyone tacitly agreed, and no one mentioned Surter's matter, but both parties were satisfied, so naturally there would be no conflicts.

After saying goodbye to Odin and Heimdall, and asking him to say goodbye to Sol and the four warriors of Asgard who were away on the expedition, Mu Chenxing was sent back to Earth by the Rainbow Bridge.

He went deep and simple in Asgard, with few acquaintances and no entanglements, and walked very freely.

Of course, there are not many acquaintances on Earth, and there will be no troublesome human relations. I just reminded Tony and the others to start preparing for the battle, and then found Sol's long-distance girlfriend, an astrophysicist, simple.

He didn't meet her face to face, but just watched her whereabouts secretly, because Mu Chenxing didn't know the exact location where the Reality Gem appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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