Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 161 5-ton Standard Transformers

Chapter 161 The [-]-ton Standard Transformers
In a few days, the star field coincidence every 5000 years will come, and now there are many space-disturbed locations on the earth.

Mu Chenxing didn't know where the secret place hiding ether particles would be connected.

You can only leave a mark on Jane and wait patiently.

The coincidence of the Nine Realms has little effect on ordinary people, but the mages of Kama Taj will probably be busy for a while. The dimensional array protecting the earth is shaking frequently. There must be many extradimensional creatures taking the opportunity to break into the earth.

Mu Chenxing is not interested in those little monsters, nor does he want to cause trouble.The mage has much more experience in dealing with this kind of thing than him, and if he goes there rashly, it will only disrupt other people's arrangements.

Why bother to be disliked?
He found the roof of a building, and while conceiving a new equipment design, he followed Jane's movements.

This wait is three days.

In the past three days, the design of the new equipment has become more and more mature, and Jane has lived up to expectations and disappeared into an abandoned museum.

Both are good news.

"Don't panic, I'm going to save you right now." Mu Chenxing stretched, stood up, raised his legs, and walked to the corridor where Jane disappeared in one step.

There is a lot of dust and sundries in the corridor. It seems that it has been vacant for a long time. There are some traces of wind and water erosion, and there is a musty smell. There is nothing unusual on the surface.

But under the scanning of the probing eyes, the naturally formed worm gate and the signal source from the opposite of the worm gate all showed that he came to the right place.

Reality gems, here I come.

With anticipation for the harvest, he walked through the worm gate without hesitation and entered an extremely dark cave.

Not far forward, she found a huge stone that was taller than a person. Jane fainted beside the stone, and a majestic energy particle was flowing in her body.

It is undoubtedly ether particles.

Mu Chenxing had no good way to extract the ether particles from Jane's body, so he used the micro-wormhole transport technology to transport every atom of Jane from the ether particle package to behind him.

This kind of precise space transportation is one of the most superb techniques in the super god universe. It can even transport high-energy particles on the surface of stars, combine them into a stellar storm to attack the enemy, and transport an ordinary person with ease.

The blood-red ether particles, like smoke and running water, rolled endlessly on the spot, and the host who had just possessed it suddenly disappeared. If there is wisdom, it will definitely be very confused.

It's a pity that it has no intelligence. The blood-red particles are like bloodthirsty swarms. After a while of tumbling and flying, they rushed towards Mu Chenxing aggressively.

Forget about being possessed, the etheric particles made by the dark elves with the Reality Gem are extremely vicious weapons that can absorb the energy and vitality of the host, and can transform everything it touches into dark matter.

It looks very powerful, but it shows that the dark elves don't understand the reality gem.

The power to change reality has been lowered, and it has become too fierce. It is not a good choice to possess this thing.

Mu Chenxing opened his palm, mobilized the power of the space gem, trapped the ether particles in the space barrier, and compressed it into a fist-sized space ball.

Holding the space ball, supporting Jane with her thoughts, she returned to Earth through the worm gate, dialed her companion's phone, and left.

He is now full of thoughts on how to turn the ether particles back into reality gems, and he doesn't want to waste his time elsewhere.

The ether particles should be the Reality Gem, feeling the idea of ​​the dark elves, and then using their own power to change their shape and function. This is his guess, but he thinks it should be the truth. Otherwise, why can the dark elves process the reality gem?

Of course, the reason is not important, the important thing is how to change back.

This question is worth thinking about.

He decided to go to Mars and think about it.

The reason why I went to Mars was because I didn't want to start a war on Earth.The existence of ether particles will inevitably awaken the dark elves, and they will definitely come to snatch it, so just find a desolate place and wait for the enemies to come.

Mars is very cold, about minus [-] or [-] degrees, and it is also very desolate. There are sand dunes and gravel everywhere. The atmosphere is extremely thin, and the harmful radiation seriously exceeds the standard, but it has no effect on Mu Chenxing.

He found a hill and sat down, held the space ball in his hand, and muttered in a low voice: "How can I make you change back?"

Before he could think of a good way, the blood-red dust-like ether particles suddenly turned into a magnificent ruby.

"I'm going! It really is an unreasonable gem of reality. It changes as soon as it is said. You also suddenly became an ether particle at the beginning?" Mu Chenxing shook his head. This gem is the most incredible gem among the six infinite gems. The most BUG exists.

I don't know if I can use it well.

After dismantling the space barrier, looking at the Reality Gem quietly lying in his palm, his first thought was to use its power to enhance the function of the Void Controller.

The Void Controller is still at the primary level of defining matter and rewriting advanced concepts. He is not sure whether the Reality Gem can rewrite information and achieve concept strikes, but it is definitely no problem to enhance the ability to define matter.

But he didn't change it directly.

The Void Controller is a product of science and technology. Whether it is creating matter out of thin air or rewriting concepts, it is all in line with scientific logic. He also knows the principle of it. If it is directly modified with Reality Gem, the consequences will be unpredictable.

The most important weapon in his hand suddenly becomes only usable, and he doesn't know the principle, which makes him feel uneasy.

You must test out the function of the Reality Gem and analyze its principle, otherwise you must not touch your own foundation.

As a result, an extremely dreamy scene appeared on Mars. Forests, fields, oceans, volcanoes, glaciers, etc. that existed naturally, as well as scenes in myths and legends, appeared and disappeared one after another, just like a movie.

Various legendary creatures also appeared one after another, and then disappeared.

Gravity, electromagnetic force, strong and weak mutual force, electron degeneracy, neutron degeneracy and other energy force fields, as well as various particles, all that Mu Chenxing knew, all appeared on Mars.

There is also a small hole at his feet that was smashed out by neutron star matter, a small hole like an abyss.

The weight of one cubic centimeter and one billion tons almost didn't smash his feet through.

As for the tens of tons of white dwarf matter per cubic centimeter in the other pit, it looks very light.

After some experiments, Mu Chenxing tested the limitations of some of the functions of the Reality Gem, as well as the upper limit of his own knowledge.

Knowledge is limited, so there is no need to go into details. Gemstones can't realize things that you can't think of, but gemstones can't do many things that he can think of.

The Reality Gem isn't everything.

It cannot touch other areas of infinite gems.

For example, the range of action is limited, without the blessing of the space gem, its range of action is not large.

For example, the soul cannot be created, and the mind cannot be manipulated, and the timeline cannot be changed naturally.

And it consumes a lot of energy.

Most importantly, it can only change the three-dimensional world and cannot involve high-dimensional fields.

Mu Chenxing couldn't use the reality gem to transform himself into an existence like the Dimensional Demon God.

Although it is limited, it is also very powerful. If the energy can keep up, he can even use the reality gem to turn Mars into a second earth, or a small burning sun.

Sink the gemstones into the dark plane, analyze them with Qiyuan, and connect the energy to the gene engine at the same time. The energy of the three gemstones acts on the body at the same time, and every cell seems to be carrying an extremely heavy burden.

Numbness and tingling pain spread all over his body, and he couldn't help moaning.

The taste is really sour and refreshing, but the feeling of the evolution of the gene makes him quite excited, just like the feeling of tearing and recovering muscle fibers when lifting iron, it is both painful and refreshing.

This period of time was not short, but the dark elves did not appear. Mu Chenxing didn't want to wait, and continued the project he was working on before.

Create a standard equipment with low consumption and high combat power.

This is something that is being considered after the dwarves have obtained the gravitational manipulation and consciousness connection technology.

Imitate Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer, and create a piece of equipment for each director to enhance combat power.

Holding a few catties in your hand and hitting tons of weapons on the enemy, even if it has no other functions, it is still a good guy with a particularly high cost-to-kill ratio.

In fact, he has two techniques for manipulating gravity.

One is the gravity adjustment system and gravity engine system of Super God Universe.

The effect of acting on the weapon is to increase the weight of the weapon from tens of catties to a thousand tons, but the owner of the weapon has to bear the adjusted weight, which is not suitable for promotion.

Therefore, he asked for their technology from the dwarves, and has completed a certain analysis these days.

The gravitational technology of the dwarves is indeed suitable for building equipment, and the technology of the super god universe is more suitable for large-scale equipment such as battleships.

Do it when you think of it.

Mobilizing the power of the Void Controller and the Reality Gem, a ten-meter-wide, one-meter-thick, 2000-meter-long vibrating sword, weighing [-] tons, appeared in midair out of thin air.

The energy conduction system is built inside the sword body with Uru metal, and the dark iron element is mixed into the sword body as a means of shielding and detecting.

【Build Weapon Engine】

[Load the gravity control system]

【Load interatomic force adjustment system】

[Load the thinking link system]

The entire giant sword began to shrink, becoming a one-handed sword one meter long and two fingers wide.

This is not fixed. The size adjustment range of the weapon is set between [-] centimeters and two kilometers. The weapon shape can also be adjusted according to each person's preference, and the weight can also be adjusted later.

The current weapon engine is still connected to Mu Chenxing's energy supply system, but instead of continuing to load the energy system, he took out the fire source obtained from the Transformers universe.

The fire source can activate a device with an energy circuit to become a Transformer.However, when activated, the material of the receptors will be changed, making them into silicon-based strong artificial intelligence.

Mu Chenxing didn't like these two points.

Deformed metals containing silicon-based compounds are too brittle, and their performance is not as good as that of vibrating metal-based dark alloys.

And he believes that weapons and equipment do not need to have self-awareness and independent thinking.The Eternals betrayed the Celestials, and the Autobots betrayed Cybertron. This is a lesson.

Therefore, it is necessary to add a gear to the fire source, and the functions of manufacturing mechanical life and manufacturing equipment must be distinguished.

With the Reality Gem and the Mind Gem in hand, this matter is not difficult.

A new type of Transformers was born.

It weighs [-] tons, is made of dark alloy, leader-level fire, weak artificial intelligence, and particle deformation mode.

The first form is a single weapon.

The second form is a full-cover mech with a gravity-driven engine, an ion jet auxiliary flight device, and weapons such as plasma ray cannons and self-extending weapons.

The third form is the vehicle form, temporarily blank, and the director who received the equipment will scan it by himself.

Let the newly born Transformers switch between the first and second forms a few times, experiment with flying and attacking movements, Mu Chenxing made a little modification, and it is finalized.

The prototype is finalized, and the mass production is easier.

The relevant data is brought into the Void Controller, and the Reality Gem extracts the sand dunes and gravels of Mars, and begins to convert the materials according to the data model.

Substance conversion saves energy compared to creation out of thin air, so deep ravines appeared one after another on the surface of Mars, or it can also be called canyons.

As one long sword after another was put into the storage space, one canyon after another gradually formed a beautiful vocabulary: FUCK.

Of course, this is a beautiful scenery that can only be appreciated from a bird's-eye view from a high altitude, and it can also be seen in space.

"Well, it's almost there. I'm looking forward to what kind of expressions the astronomers on Earth will show. It must be very interesting." Mu Chenxing clapped his hands with a smile, and decided to call it a day.

The new transformers manufactured this time are not old or young, there are more than 1000 of them, and a fraction of them are enough for the director and observer troops.

The new Reality Gem was too fragrant, it was a bit over the top, so I confiscated it, and then I simply spelled out the letters so that I could use them to swear.

Curse the dark elf in the invisible battleship floating above his head.

"It's really fast, we arrived in just over a day." He muttered, mobilizing the power of the space gem, and directly teleporting the enemy's battleship from outer space to the surface of Mars.

He has the ability to throw those dark elves into the sun, but one of them has the power wave of the Reality Stone in his body.

It should be the cursed warrior, right?

In the original plot, the cursed warrior had a good horse, and Thor's hammer was pushed aside by him with his bare hands.

How much does Mjolnir weigh? So far, Mu Chenxing has not scanned it out, but it is at least a million tons, and it can be hit to the side with one hand. How powerful is this thing?
He was really curious.

Watching the dark elf's battleship shake for a while, then it stopped steadily on the surface. A group of soldiers wearing white masks and black armor surrounded the leader and walked towards him.

"My name is Malekith, from Walt Alheim, Midgard, hand over the ether particles."

"Spicy chicken shreds, a good name." Mu Chenxing nodded. In fact, he only understood these four pronunciations. It was only because he had watched a movie in his previous life that he could confirm that it was the name. He didn't understand anything else.

The ancient civilization that was almost wiped out 5000 years ago, the language they use is completely different from the language commonly used on earth.

"If you can't speak a language I can understand, then you don't need to exist." Mu Chenxing was about to give the other side a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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