Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 168 Silver Blade Domain

Chapter 168 Silver Blade Domain
The Angel Nebula is an elliptical cluster of galaxies with a maximum diameter of nearly 100 million light-years, which is relatively small in the cluster.

It is surrounded by a particle cloud six light-years thick, which is why it is called a nebula.

Angel's first line of defense is inside the particle cloud, using more than 20 billion stars to build a flow of ultra-high temperature particles that wraps the entire galaxy cluster.

This is a natural high-temperature radiation area with a thickness of more than 5000 million kilometers formed by the impact and friction of the outer charged particle cloud and the stellar storm.

Angels made artificial improvements and built a lot of celestial engineering, which can control the reaction of stars and the flow rate of high-energy particles. Even space warships are difficult to defend against the high temperature and high radiation.

Basically, the space-level civilization has no possibility of passing, and the general god-making civilization is also difficult to surpass, which is called the nine-star domain by the angels.

When Mu Chenxing designed the defense line of the solar system, the high-temperature area that envelops the entire galaxy was built on the top of the heliosphere, which was the line of defense that was imitated.

At this time, the Tiangong was moored outside the Nine-Nine Star Region. The angels did not send guards, and there was no light or sound on it. It was quietly floating in the colorful particle cloud.

It has been floating for five days.

In the past five days, many people boarded the ship to investigate, but no one was able to return, and no news could be delivered.There, it seems to be a dead zone, and all life that approaches are swallowed by it.

In the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of thousands of kilometers, a large number of spies from Tianzha and other civilizations gathered in advance. A rough calculation shows that there are at least tens of thousands.

These people clustered here and there, forming small groups one after another, chatting about messy topics, gloating to see the newcomers rushing towards the Tiangong ignorantly and fearlessly, and then disappeared without a sound.

It was in such an atmosphere that Hua Ye surrounded the Tiangong with a huge fleet.

"Send someone to warn those guys, let them be sensible and submit to me, otherwise, they will be killed on the spot!" He stood on a spaceship in the shape of a galley, looking at the Tiangong with nostalgia.

It was his palace, his glory, his authority.

"It's been more than 2 years, hahahaha, this king is back!" He knew it was a trap, but he just wanted to laugh. It's different now, he has been strengthened, so strong that he doesn't even know how strong he is .

"Go, send someone up to check the situation. Those little skirts are waiting for me to pamper them." Now that he has arrived and put an end to the hidden danger of those little skirts helping other people become kings, Tiangong should return his arms.

"The dark information has been disturbed, so you can't see through the layout above, be careful." Ruoning warned.

"Yes." Kunpeng, the newly appointed head of the Imperial Guard, respectfully responded, and then sent several teams to land on the Tiangong from different directions.

Although the hundreds of thousands of troops under Hua Ye's command are still using the large fleet tactics of more than 2 years ago, Tian Zha's tactics are not rigid. Their basic combat unit is a small team of four.

The configuration of a team commander with three fighters is very flexible and changeable. In addition, they are all 2 years old and nearly [-] years old. They have extremely rich combat experience, even if the combat system is incomplete and lacks the support of supercomputers. , is not easy to deal with.

The Tian Zha sent out all possessed the second-generation super genes, so it was easy to detect the enemy's situation.

At least the people on Hua Ye's side think so.

It's a pity that a few silver lights flashed, and a dozen second-generation sky slags instantly became space junk, floating incompletely around the Tiangong.

"Silver blade! Queen Keisha's silver blade!" Ruoning couldn't calm down any longer. She put her hands on the railing, leaned forward and stared at the dark Tiangong, and said angrily: "The new king of angels, Yan That little girl is up there."

She guessed right, Yan was indeed in the palace hall of the Tiangong, but it wasn't Yan who shot.What she is better at is cutting people head-on with the King Sword, or controlling Thunderbolt to play a five-thunder strike, or using the Heavenly Blade Judgment to blast the enemy into scum.

Queen Keisha's silver wings are not very easy for her to use.

Not to mention the tactics of dismantling it into a silver blade and using space technology to kill the enemy. She is not good at transporting micro-wormholes.

"I'm fine here by myself, and I need you to command other places." Mu Chenxing sat on the throne of the Tiangong, with several light screens opened in front of him, monitoring different areas, and his force field enveloped the entire Tiangong An area of ​​thousands of square kilometers.

None of the people who were close to this place could escape. Thousands of corpses and various detection spacecraft had already been placed in the palace.

These are the spies who came over before, transported to the palace by the space, and then killed.

As for the person Hua Ye sent, he deliberately killed them with a silver blade in front of the enemy, just to mislead the opponent's thinking.

Ke Yan never left, making his misleading tactics a reality.

"You should go," he urged.

"It is enough for the other battlefields to be commanded by King Tianji, and I am only responsible for your safety. Whether it is Tiangong or Tianzha, it is not as important as your safety." Yan placed a chair next to the throne, lazily Sitting on it, with his chin resting on his hands, he looked like a fatuous man who had no intention of governing.

"Sitting on the throne of the Heavenly Palace, there is a peerless and beautiful angel next to you. Would you be dreaming?" She smiled and teased the little male god in front of her.

"Young master is at war, don't disturb me!" Mu Chenxing cast her a contemptuous look. Although your Queen Keisha was blown into an atomic state, she did not die, but turned into a miraculous life form.

Maybe she's looking at you right now.

Your appearance as a foolish king who ignores the government is very likely to make her angry.

"Aren't you going to use the opportunity of this war to gain prestige and integrate the first-line angels of Tiancheng?" Although he used a questioning tone, his attitude towards making suggestions was very serious.

Yan shook his head slightly: "Angels don't like to fight for power and profit, it's too low-level. Now...they just haven't agreed with my ideas. The fall of Queen Keisha has a great impact on all angels. They need time. I need time too."

"Will inheriting justice and order make it difficult for them to agree?"

"Justice and order are what all angels swear to uphold. My philosophy is not just to uphold justice."

For the first time, Mu Chenxing knew that Yan had other ideas, and asked curiously: "What is your idea?"

"Pursuing you." Yan smiled lightly and told his thoughts.Pursue the power of the galaxy and let the next generation of angels bid farewell to single-sex civilization, that will be a very beautiful future.

Mu Chenxing knew that what Yan said about pursuing herself was just teasing people, her real purpose was to observe.Observe the difference between the power of the galaxy and Tianzha, observe the male angel gene modulated by the female angel, the specific personality and thought.

Evaluate whether this gene has the value of promotion.

But if you observe me, you will find the wrong target. When I activated the genes, the council blocked the changes made by the angels at the level of consciousness.You should observe Ge Xiaolun, that is the expression of the original male angel gene after being modulated by you.

I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

Ge Xiaolun is very depressed now.

Qiangwei's departure hit him hard, and he was bored in the dormitory of the Super Seminary, and he hadn't gone out much for almost a year.Maybe he will become the tutor of the college in the future, but now, he lives himself as an otaku, an otaku who hides in his room and licks his emotional wounds.

Of course, Mu Chenxing would not say this, and there is no need to say that the angel cannot only observe himself, Ji An and Ge Xiaolun must also be on the watch list, how to judge that it is the matter of the angel, he is not in the mood to participate.

Maybe Xiao Lun's performance is still a plus.

The brain circuits of angels are not normal.

"The enemy is coming up again, don't disturb me." Mu Chenxing brought his attention back to Tianzha's temptation.

Many people were sent out this time.

Taotie, Sirius, and other fleets of the Styx galaxy dispatched thousands of individual aircraft and small gunboats. These guys are indeed the lives of cannon fodder, regardless of whether they are under the hands of Tian Zha or the demons, they are all carrying out the task of sending them to death .

There are hundreds of small triangles performing fire reconnaissance with them.

Mu Chenxing only has six silver blades in his hand. He can indeed make more, but it is not necessary. With the support of the space-time controller, the six silver blades can be used everywhere and can hit different targets at the same time.

In the surrounding airspace of the Tiangong, the cold light from the silver blade is like a shower, the flickering space door is like the ripples of raindrops on the water surface, and the exploding aircraft are like splashes of water.

Thousands of fighters didn't even touch the side of Tiangong, and within minutes it became a piece of space junk surrounding the huge hull.

"Silver Blade Domain! Yan has mastered Queen Kaisa's Silver Blade Domain? Impossible!" Ruoning grew up with Kaisha, and she knows too well how terrible Queen Kaisa's manipulation of the Silver Blade is.

Accurate calculations combined with space technology can manipulate the silver blade that is indestructible, and can even be summoned directly within the enemy's body.In the face of this kind of tactics, the number is meaningless.

"Stop probing, it's useless. No matter how many people are sent up, they will all die." She was trying hard to think about the solution, anyway, she didn't believe that the [-]-year-old hairy girl could be as invincible as Queen Kaisha.

Hua Ye couldn't stand it anymore, he gritted his teeth and said Kesha's name. That woman brought him endless humiliation, and it was also the ultimate fear in his heart.

"There are only two ways." Ruoning thought for a long time, and came up with two tactics: "One is to destroy the Tiangong with a salvo of the fleet's main guns; the other is to board the ship yourself with me."

"You asked me to destroy Tiangong with my own hands? Are you crazy!" Hua Ye slapped the railing on the spaceship angrily, but he didn't dare to vent his anger on Ruoning. looking at her.

He could only hold his breath, and sat back on the sofa bed angrily, frowning in silence.

He was reluctant to destroy the Tiangong, it was his reliance on integrating Tian Zha.Karl's grandson is using him, how could he not know, but he is also using Karl.

When he overthrows the Heavenly Court of Melo, integrates Tianzha, and obtains Kesha's arsenal, then Karl can die.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, the Tiangong cannot be destroyed.

But he never mentioned the matter of boarding the ship himself, and he was apprehensive.The silver blade is whizzing, why not cut him into pieces?

"Cut, are you scared?" Ruoning held her arms and said contemptuously, "You bastard! The core technology of the silver blade field is fast and flexible micro-wormhole transportation. Your black hole engine can rewrite space. Don't tell me you block it!" Can't stop the silver blade attack that can't be transported in space."

"Huh? Can it still be like this?" Upon hearing that there was a way, Hua Ye immediately regained his spirits, and said with a wretched smile, "Hmm... Hehehe, very good, Ruoning, I can't treat you badly, hahahaha."

In addition to being able to create miniature black holes, the black hole engine is also a void engine, which can partially rewrite the rules of the universe, so there is no problem in rewriting the space medium.

Hua Ye laughed and finished rewriting the surrounding space structure, then turned his head and told Kunpeng: "You are in charge of the command here, those angels who have defected, go and reorganize them. More than 1 soldiers return to the team, and those little skirts send I have received a great gift from the king.

Those who refused to surrender were slaughtered. After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, took Ruoning and tens of thousands of Tianzhu Imperial Guards, and flew towards Tiangong cautiously.

Sure enough, Ruoning's deduction was correct, until they landed on the ground of Tiangong, they were not attacked by the silver blade.

"Hahahaha, little skirts, my king is here." Hua Ye smiled smugly.

Mu Chenxing also smiled: "Inform Hexi that the plan is going well, and they can do it."

Tiangong is a bait to lure Hua Ye's fleet to Angel Nebula.The purpose of interfering with the dark information and sniping the reconnaissance troops is to let Hua Ye board the ship himself.

Without the slag king in charge, how can the mob resist the angel's attack?It was originally planned that Yan and Hexi, two fourth-generation gods, would lead the team. Who can resist this configuration?It must be foolproof.

It's a pity that Yan Lai is by his side, so He Xi, a fourth-generation god, can only do it outside.

But it doesn't matter, a fourth-generation god leads several third-generation god bodies, and eight or nine thousand angels, to deal with forty to fifty thousand scum, plus hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous soldiers who are not even super fighters, it's nothing big problem.

Anyway, Mu Chenxing alone can push those little guys down.

As for the battle on the Tiangong, that's another matter.

"Get down from the throne!" Hua Ye, who walked into the palace hall with a lot of scum, angrily yelled at Mu Chenxing. At the same time as the sound of yelling, there was an attack from dark energy.

Mu Chenxing opened the space door with a wave of his hand, neutralizing the enemy's attack.Hua Ye's void engine can modify the space medium, and his void controller is of a higher level, as well as celestial-level computer and space-time controller, so how could it be suppressed by the opponent.

The embarrassment of Ge Xiaolun's ambition to be shut down as soon as it is closed, and the big sword to be broken as soon as it is broken, will not appear on him.

"Scrap King Huaye, in view of your rudeness, I will kill [-] of your subordinates first, as a warning to others." Mu Chenxing snapped his fingers, and all the Scum Guards who landed on the Tiangong fell to the ground in an instant, without breath. .

He stared at the startled and angry Hua Ye, but he was thinking about another opponent, the battle on the Tiangong, his opponent was not just the scum in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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