Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 169 I predicted your prediction

Chapter 169 I predicted your prediction
Mu Chenxing's ability to abuse vegetables can be ranked first in the Chaoshen universe.

Anything Kaiyuan can analyze and understand, the Void Controller can achieve instant kills, and can also kill in batches in different ways.

Anyone who can break through the energy force field through the mental scanning, the life of the opponent no longer belongs to him. Whether it is destroying the internal organs at the macro level or dismantling the molecular structure at the micro level, it is not up to the enemy to choose, it only depends on his mood.

Not to mention the silver blade domain, mind control, reality rewriting, space-time technology, as long as the energy and life level are not high enough, they will be instantly killed in front of him.

To him, the difference between [-] slags and [-] scums is really not that big.

It stands to reason that he is the most suitable to deal with those gangsters outside.The efficiency of killing the enemy is higher than that of Hexi and Yan combined.

As soon as Hua Ye led the fleet there, even if he attacked directly, there was a high chance of defeating the enemy.

However, if he did that, it would be difficult to keep Hua Ye.Tian Zha is nothing to worry about, Hua Ye is the focus.

What's more, Karl will also intervene.

Karl, the man behind the scenes, doesn't mean to rule the universe, he just doesn't want anyone to hinder his research.

Angels, scum, and demons, the three civilizations that might establish the order of the universe, attacked each other, consumed each other, became extremely weak, and no longer had the power to interfere with his research, so he had fulfilled his wish.

Mu Chenxing was sure that Karl would make a move, because in the future, the two would fight more than once.

He really realized the difficulty of dealing with the black hole engine and the difficulty of the big clock.

So he wants to lead Hua Ye to the preset battlefield.

In order to prevent some layouts on the Tiangong from being seen through by the big clock, two celestial-level computers, Qiyuan and Knowledge Treasure, worked together to encrypt, and he also added a camouflage with the reality controller.

I just don't want to confront those two bugs head-on, because I really can't beat them.

"The power of the galaxy, right? Very good, I remember you!" Hua Ye gritted his teeth and stared at Mu Chenxing. His imperial guards were all carefully selected loyal people, and there were many second-generation fighters among them. Gathering these people took a lot of effort.

But he did not act hastily, and more than 1 people were killed instantly. This method really frightened him.

Ruoning was also frightened, frowning and looking at Yan and Mu Chenxing in surprise, ready to run away at any time.

"Hua Ye, gather the army, it is considered a rebellion; Ruoning, take refuge in the scum, and rebel against the angels. You all deserve to die." Yan stood up and drew the king's sword, announcing the guilt of the two.

"By the way, why are Ruoning's wings black? Is she the only female angel with black wings?" Mu Chenxing's tone didn't have any sense of tension. He wanted to ask this question when he first activated the Wings of Time and Space.

Ruoning's outfit of black wings, black armor, and black stockings, paired with heavy makeup and an old yellow face, is the most fucking ugly of all the female angels he has ever seen.

Uglier than Morgana with heavy makeup.

Sure enough, angels can't wear heavy makeup. Once they put on heavy makeup, their appearance will drop thousands of times.

"Betraying Queen Keisha, taking refuge in the scum, becoming an angel without shame, changing the color of her wings, and classifying her as a female scum, she is quite self-aware." Yan hated Ruoning, the former leftist.

It's a disgrace to actually degenerate to the scum.

"Fart! I have never betrayed Queen Kesha. When I followed the queen, you were not even an atom! The only mistake made by Queen Kesha was to choose you as the heir. You, a little girl, can't lead the angels." " Ruoning replied angrily.

3000 years ago, Queen Keisha appointed Yan to replace her left-wing position. At that time, she was very dissatisfied. Now that the little girl who replaced her has actually become the queen, it is even more intolerable.

"Still playing the game of fighting for power and profit, it's really low-level. Leng has a master like you, and I feel sad for her." Yan frowned with disgust on his face, as if seeing stinky shit.

Mu Chenxing sat on the throne in a leisurely manner, looking at Ruoning and Hua Ye who were standing below, and had no intention of doing anything for the time being.

He didn't mind chatting a few words, just to delay the time.

Ever since Huaye landed in Tiangong, the deceleration force field has been quietly activated. This is the technology he obtained in the Transformers Universe.Hot Rod can only be used as a gun, and its action time and range are very small. He has done related research and optimized many functions.

Two days ago, I had some exchanges with Hexi about the void engine's attack program against angel genes, and discussed the deceleration technology, because the space-based computing group also has similar means to change the flow of time, but it focuses on thinking suppression and Rule rewriting belongs to void technology.

The two complement each other, and the technology is further advanced. The deception, maneuverability, and actual combat effects have all been greatly improved. Coupled with the support of the space-time controller, it is truly possible to adjust the flow of time at will, allowing the enemy to fall into it without losing time. The point of self-knowledge.

Hua Ye led people aboard the Tiangong, then walked into the main hall of the palace, and after a few words, a day and night had passed outside.

During this period of time, He Xi led the angels to destroy Tian Zha's fleet.

The star life she controlled alone destroyed hundreds of warships.

The current two wings: Zhuihe Moyi, and the previous sacred right wing Zhixin, these three third-generation gods, led the Tianren and the space-based battleship group, cut in from different directions, and achieved good results.

But Angel's loss is not small.

Tian Zha's genetic engine, weapons and equipment, and external calculation groups are all behind, but their combat experience is so rich that the new generation of little angels can't match it.

Taking advantage of the number of people, they have made a lot of gains. Without their support, those miscellaneous soldiers would have fled long ago.

There are also some powerful mercenaries who can also fight with angels.

Fighting fiercely for a day and a night, Angel's carelessness caused them to lose more than 100 people.

This is a rare major battle loss in more than 1 years, which is equivalent to losing one percent of the standing troops and one ten thousandth of the population.

Count all enemies, only demons have ever done it.

Now being beaten like this by Tian Zha, whom they have always looked down upon, and blocked their offensive, maintaining the battle situation.This made all the angels very upset.

You know, the Angels have done a lot to suppress a civilization with just a small team.

Compared with the problem of the new generation of angels' lack of understanding of the cruelty of war, Hexi is much calmer.

War means sacrifice.

No war has ever been won without casualties.

She even had the experience of killing thousands of companions in a single battle.

"It's so well protected. When did it start?" Hexi couldn't help but reflect on the battles the angels have experienced in these years.

The older generation of angels retires batch by batch, and the new generation grows up batch by batch. The genes are getting stronger and better equipped, the cruelty and hardship of war are gradually disappearing, and the voice of glory and justice is getting louder and louder. Victory is increasingly taken for granted.

"There is nothing wrong with protecting your companions, but the king must stay awake." She looked at the remnants of the enemy and the Tiangong, which had already been surrounded by angels. It remains to be seen whether the new generation of kings can shoulder the future of angels.

And Wang Yan, the angel with high hopes, is holding the king sword, intending to kill Ruoning, who has taken refuge in Tianzha and is willing to degenerate.

Hua Ye, who had a donkey's face and a greasy, wretched image of a middle-aged man with kidney deficiency, had no intention of helping at all. Instead, he walked to the side on his own, found a seat, and sat crookedly without any image. He looked like he was watching a good show.

"Aren't you afraid that your concubine will be beheaded here?" Mu Chenxing asked curiously.

"Hey, what have you guys seen before? How could Ruoning not even be able to wear a short skirt? Take a good look at it." Hua Ye really looked down on the new generation of angels, they were all protected by Kesha in their infancy Little boy.

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed." Mu Chenxing smiled meaningfully.

Hua Ye ignored his words, as if he was back in the days of watching the wrestling in the old Tiangong, cheering up his fighters with great interest: "Ruoning, I am optimistic about you, teach her a lesson."

Of course he wasn't heartless, it's just that the imperial guards under him died inexplicably, and he needed Ruoning to test the enemy's intelligence.

"Cut, come down if you want to kill me." Ruoning carried her usual bow and arrow into her hand, and yelled at Yan: "I haven't taught you for so many years, do you really think you are awesome?"

She said it very arrogantly, but her heart was pounding. More than 1 soldiers died as soon as they said they would die. It's too weird. The most important thing is that the space ability of the Galaxy Force on the opposite side has not been suppressed, which means Yan's silver blade Fields can be expanded at any time.

This is obviously a trap to lure them in.

You can't stay here for long.

Facing Yan who flew down from the throne, he shot an arrow in the head, making a full-faced posture to deal with the enemy, and then mobilized the micro wormhole to carry it away.

Fortunately, she had a bit of a conscience, and she didn't forget to notify Hua Ye when she escaped.

But just as Hua Ye mobilized his energy and was about to blow through the palace and rush out, with a scream, Ruoning's figure pierced by seven silver blades reappeared in the middle of the palace.

"All the information here is isolated, you can't escape." Mu Chenxing has observed the future hundreds of times, and Ruoning has escaped hundreds of times, how could he be unprepared.

Tian Zha was able to break through Angel Nebula's defense, not because Hua Ye could fight, but because Ruoning was too familiar with the defense system.

This kind of key person is the key target, how could it be possible for her to escape.

Ruoning coughed up blood, and when the silver blade entered her body, she used her space ability to avoid six of the vital parts, but one dagger still pierced her heart.

This weapon is obviously also made of dark silver, but she just can't carry it.

Not only can it not be moved, but it can also release energy singularities. The chain annihilation reaction completely destroyed the energy system of the divine body, causing her genetic engine to collapse instantly, making it impossible to repair the injury at all, and even unable to speak.

She is going to die.

She doesn't want to die!

Ruoning stared at Hua Ye with pleading eyes, but Hua Ye didn't even look at her.

When she was dying, she only heard the pretentious words of the young Galactic Force: "The moment you saw me, your fate was already doomed."

Mu Chenxing didn't say this to Ruoning, killing a third-generation god with the Flying Sword is enough for the other party to be honored, so there is no need to pay attention to it.

His words were addressed to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye's black hole engine has killed him more than 100 times, and he must not be allowed to run away today, and the opponent will not be able to use that kind of play that directly creates a black hole around him.

Black holes, not only have infinite gravitational force and are difficult to escape, once they are sucked into the event horizon, they have to face forced dimensionality reduction, and it is directly reduced to zero.The mechanism of the council to travel through the universe is to reduce the dimension at the information level, and the speed cannot keep up with the black hole.

Before he had time to travel through, all his cells were torn apart, and then spread all over the universe. He could only watch but couldn't speak, couldn't do anything, it was no different from being dead.

He didn't want to have tea with Kaisha, so Hua Ye had to die.

[Build void barriers, reflect light energy, anti-dark energy, and anti-void]

[Turn on thought suppression]

[Adjust the time flow rate, the enemy's time will be slowed down by [-] times]

Hua Ye was suppressed in the golden void barrier, like a fly trapped in amber, but Mu Chenxing did not launch a fatal blow. He knew that neither fate nor the final ruling could kill him with one blow.

During the previous period, Qiyuan had been analyzing Hua Ye's body data as much as possible, but the black hole engine was beyond the scope of Mu Chenxing's knowledge, so it was really difficult to analyze thoroughly.

This is not a matter of the length of time, even if he accelerates himself for 1 years, he still can't understand the black hole engine made of void particles.After all, it was the product of Karl's nearly 2 years of research on the big clock, and it really couldn't be cracked casually.

"Start the black hole engine and smash it for me!" Accompanied by Hua Ye's crazy voice, the purple-black void energy rushed around like a frenzy.

All physical constants are invalid, and all the rules of the main material world do not exist. This is the void studied by Karl.

The black hole engine showed some clues of the void.

Time, space, thinking, and reality are all invalid. Hua Ye uses the energy of the black hole engine to break away all restrictions.

"Chen Xing, retreat!" Yan's face was so dark that water could condense. Tian Zha, who was originally looked down upon by her, used extremely high-end void technology, which obviously surpassed that of angels.

When she ordered Mu Chenxing to run away, she shook the Wang Jian in her hand and rushed towards Hua Ye.

I'll go, this little ancestor is going to send it up!

The next step of the ultimate explosion of void energy is extremely fast rewinding. The black hole can be formed at any time. At this time, Hua Ye can't touch it, and he can't control it.

Mu Chenxing hurriedly rolled his mind, grabbed Yan's waist tightly, and then quickly teleported to the nebula outside Tiangong before the energy of the black hole engine interfered with him.

The Heavenly Palace under the feet suddenly erupted a force field that spread ten kilometers, and then retracted extremely quickly in the blink of an eye, like a black hole that rose and died in an instant.

This is the masterpiece that Mu Chenxing learned from the black hole bomb technology from the dark elves, combined with the energy of the black hole engine sponsored by Hua Ye.

Seeing that a large building disappeared, as if Tiangong had been bitten off, he looked at Yan seriously, and said, "I don't need anyone to sacrifice for me."

Without waiting for Yan to reply, he turned his head to the sudden appearance of Carl's projection and said, "You are one step too late, Mr. Carl. Next time, you should act faster."

I know many of your reactions, so I move faster than you.

(End of this chapter)

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