Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 175 It must be the innate magic weapon that has obtained the Tao

Chapter 175 It must be the innate magic weapon that has obtained the Tao

Judge Cui, surnamed Cui, was a subject of Li Yuan, the founding king of the Li Tang Dynasty. He was first the magistrate of Zizhou, and then the minister of the Ministry of Rites. He had eight acquaintances with Wei Zheng.

This time I came here to welcome Emperor Taizong.

After saluting, and reporting his name, he originally wanted to drive away the stranger who frightened His Majesty the Emperor with his talk, but when he looked carefully, cold sweat broke out.

What is this murderer?
"You know me?" Mu Chenxing frowned slightly, Judge Cui's expression changed drastically, how could he not guess the reason.It seems that in just a few days, his name has spread quite widely.

Moreover, seeing the frightened face of the other party, his reputation is probably not very good.

"Cui's impolite, pay homage to Mugong." Judge Cui bowed tremblingly.

He didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, this man had beaten Dharma protector Jialan and also fought with Guanyin Bodhisattva without losing the wind.

Even Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has specially confessed to Lord Yama of the Ten Halls that he should be greeted with kindness and not be neglected.

As a mere judge, even if he was killed, no one would stand up for him.

Li Shimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, was quite surprised by this behavior. He led the army at the age of 19. He was used to seeing intrigues and tricks. He traveled all over the country and met many heroes. He has a lot of experience. The ignorant emperor.

Judge Cui is so modest and respectful, it means that the stranger in front of him has a lot of background.

He is alone now, and he is going to enter the ghost realm of the underworld again.

So, crossing his hands as a salute, he said enthusiastically: "It turned out that the head of the Muxian was in person. Forgive the lonely king for his mortal eyes and ignorance of real people. He has sinned."

Mu Chenxing bowed his hands in return: "Your Majesty, I am from the Huaxia Human Race. Since the Infernal Minister invites the king of my clan, how can I ignore it? Your Majesty is relieved, I will follow you to the underworld today, and the guarantor king is safe and sound." .”

When he was studying in his previous life, he had a good impression of the ancient Mingjun Li Shimin, and when he came to this world, he could be regarded as loving his house.

Besides, the Underworld had no intention of embarrassing the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, but just frightened them with the reincarnation of the Yin Division to draw out the play of learning scriptures from the West.

Selling it in advance by yourself is completely beneficial and cost-effective. It just happens to plump up the character design, mislead the local immortals and Buddhas, and reduce some unnecessary suspicions. Why not do it?

He knew what was going to happen next, but Li Shimin didn't know. Hearing this, he felt happy, and he got a powerful bodyguard who was feared by the underworld. Where can he find such a good thing?

He quickly thanked him, promised a lot of profits, and promised to become a duke and a king, with the intention of winning people's hearts.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be like this. Wealth and honor in the world are like floating clouds to me, so don't mention it again." Mu Chenxing was not interested in being a prince and noble in the Tang Dynasty. He used Li Shimin as an excuse to go to the underworld, so he was willing to give back some help, which was regarded as repaying the favor.

He doesn't like to owe favors.

Even if the other party doesn't know it, he knows it himself.

"Your Majesty has a letter in his sleeve, which was brought to Judge Cui by Wei Zheng. You might as well take it out to get in touch with him. The so-called county magistrate is not as good as the current one. It is always good to have an acquaintance in the underworld."

He didn't say this with his mouth, but directly used his thoughts to invade the technology and spread it to Li Shimin's consciousness.

This is the first time that this kind of technology is used to invade the soul. Fortunately, the mind controller is more powerful, otherwise this technology for brainwaves, I don't know if it will be successful.

The words that suddenly appeared in his heart made Li Shimin stunned for a moment. He blinked, and then he understood.

Haha laughed, and said in his mouth: "Master Muxian doesn't know something. Judge Cui and Wei Zheng who are in front of me are friends of eight obeisances, and they are actually our own people."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to help Judge Cui up, took his hand and said affectionately: "Wei Qing has a letter, which is being sent to Mr., but it is a coincidence that we meet here."

Cui Ba was grateful to Emperor Taizong for his rescue, but Mu Chenxing didn't dare to get up if Mu Chenxing didn't say anything, and stuck there in a dilemma, suffering unspeakably.

He quickly thanked him, and took advantage of the situation to salute Mu Chenxing Jishou, and this time he got a response.At least the ceremony of meeting has passed, so it is not neglected, and there is no need to worry about being challenged later.

With a sigh of relief in my heart, I took the time to ask about Wei Zheng's letter.

He is Wei Zheng's sworn elder brother, and the descendants of the family are often cared for by his brothers, and the friendship is quite deep, and he often dreams of his brothers at night.

After receiving the letter and reading it carefully, it is to ask him to let the emperor return to the sun.

It's not difficult, he is the judge in charge of the case, and he is in charge of the book of life and death.And Yan Jun hooked Emperor Taizong to deal with the three Caos in the case of Jinghe Dragon King's complaint, and had no intention of killing people.

He patted his chest and promised: "Your Majesty is relieved, I will take care of sending His Majesty back to the sun, and climb up the Jade Tower again!"

After finishing speaking, he waved back and called out a pair of boys in green clothes holding banners and canopies.

This is a courtesy to Emperor Taizong, but now it is not good to favor one over another. We can only let the boy lead the way as a guard of honor, and act as an attendant, leading Emperor Taizong and Mu Chenxing to the Yin Division.

There is no fixed portal in Chang'an leading to the underworld. The boy's flag and the badge of Judge Cui are the keys to pass through, which can directly open the barrier of space, as if changing scenery with each step, and enter the underworld naturally.

Now that he came in, Mu Chenxing found a way. He didn't need any keys or other means of passage. He only needed to record the space coordinates, and he could travel between the two worlds at any time.

With Magistrate Cui leading the way, they didn't take any road to hell, and they didn't see any flowers from the other side.

The space of the underworld is extremely vast, and Mu Chenxing doesn't know if there are such things.

Anyway, after walking a few steps, the group came to a city. There was a big sign hanging on the gate of the city, on which was written the seven gold lacquered characters of "Ghost Gate of the Underworld".

On both sides of the gate, there are armored ghost soldiers guarding, and there are teams of ignorant souls escorted by ghost soldiers waiting to pass the level.

But when the boy in green in front shook the banner, no one dared to disturb him, and the group of five entered the city without hindrance.

This city is Fengdu City.

The area of ​​the city is very large, covering tens of square kilometers, not smaller than the area of ​​Chang'an. There are millions of souls living in the city, including ghost soldiers and ghost officials in service, and souls who stay here for unknown reasons.

Li Shimin was entangled by several such souls.He was pulled by his sleeves, his hair was pulled in a bun, and he was scolded like a dog.

Listening to their yelling, it should be Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji, etc. Li Er's father and brothers, all of whom were the Li family members affected by the Xuanwumen Incident.

What a coincidence, so coincidental that people have to suspect that this is a deliberate arrangement.

Judge Cui was Li Yuan's subordinate before he was alive, so he couldn't speak out and reprimanded him, so he could only cover his face with his sleeves and hurriedly rushed to the periphery to find ghost soldiers for help.

Mu Chenxing was not used to this, when the qi field opened, it shook Li Yuan and others to the side of the road, and dragged Li Shimin away from the farce.

The souls of Westward Journey are particularly interesting, they have quality.

The ubiquitous spirit qi gives the soul a support. After the death of the body, the soul can exist independently for a long time, and even instinctively use the spirit qi to simulate the clothes and injuries it suffered before it was alive.

For example, a beheaded person instinctively thinks that he has no head, so his soul state is headless.The same goes for those who lack arms and legs.

They can still walk like they did in life, because they are used to this way of moving, and they instinctively believe that this is the way they should be.In fact, the principle of their movement is to float or swim forward in the ocean of spirit energy.

As for grabbing and pulling clothes made of spirit energy, and fighting with fists like in life, it is also an instinct.

Really interesting.

Other worlds don't have such a strong spiritual qi, and it is even more difficult to achieve this step, and many souls even dissipate as soon as they leave the body.

This is why Journey to the West, the underworld yamen that manage ghosts like Yinsi can appear, right?
There is no such thing in other universes, anyway, Mu Chenxing has never seen it.

Just looking at this wave of ghost fights, he felt that the trip was worthwhile.

After entering the city from the gate of ghosts, he walked forward for a few miles and came to the foot of a building several tens of feet high.

This is the architectural style of the Qin and Han Dynasties.

To put it bluntly, it is a group of palaces built on a super large mound of earth.The main hall is on the top of the platform, the gate tower is under the platform, and various corridors, pavilions and watchtowers are built according to the platform.

This place is the Senluo Palace.

The area where Yan Luo works and lives in the ten halls.

Green tiles and red walls, golden nails and jade roads, colorful yarns like clouds, surrounded by fragrant clouds.Except for the ox head and horse face with the helmet and armor, there is no gloomy taste, but it looks like a resplendent emperor's residence.

"It's quite enjoyable." Mu Chenxing looked at the huge archway in front of him that said "Gate of the Underworld Headquarters" and admired it.

At this time, Yama of the Ten Halls had already stepped down and arrived under the gate tower.

Yan Luowang is the general name of the ten halls of Yan Jun among the people, but it is actually wrong. Their real honorific titles are Qin Guangwang, Chujiang King, Song Emperor, Wuguan King, Yama King, Pingping King, Taishan King, Metropolis King , King Biancheng, and King Zhuanlun.

Yama is just one of them.

The ten Yan Jun bowed their heads respectfully: "Meet the Immortal!"

They didn't dare to be disrespectful, just now, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sent another letter, saying that it was inconvenient for him to come forward, and asked them to greet them with the courtesy of elders, and they should not be neglected.

Mu Chenxing returned the salute, a little confused by the situation, he has nothing to do with the underworld, even if it hinders his combat effectiveness, he doesn't have to be so polite, right?

What the hell is kneeling down?

But it was impossible for him to kneel back.

After the two parties met, Mu Chenxing and Li Shimin were welcomed into the main hall to talk, and the underworld party respected the whole process.

This puzzled him.

Not to mention he was puzzled, deep in the underworld, Di Ting behind Yinshan Mountain was also very puzzled.

"Master, don't you want to see him? Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sent a message, let us treat each other with courtesy, you will be very rude if you don't show up."

"In what capacity do we meet?" Ksitigarbha shook his head slightly.

A few days ago, he received a letter from Guanyin, knowing that this monk who claimed to be a Huaxia human race and called himself Mu Chenxing was coming to the underworld, so he ordered Di Ting to investigate carefully.

The result was a surprise.

Listen to the swearing report that that person is a magic weapon with an incomplete form. Although he has become a Taoist body, there are still some remnants in his body that cannot be exhausted.

I can't hear the specific situation.

Mu Chenxing's four-generation divine body technology is too different from the system of Journey to the West. Di Ting doesn't know the principle, but it hears the difference between the atomic structure of the sacred body and ordinary human cells, and thus misunderstands it. The shape is not complete.

He was understood as a utensil becoming enlightened.

The human beings in Journey to the West were created by Empress Nuwa with the Dao of Good Fortune, and they were born with the Tao body that is most suitable for practicing Qi and Taoism.Therefore, after the aliens are born with spiritual wisdom, as long as they have the heart to seek the Tao and find the inheritance, they will transform their bodies into the appearance of human beings.

This step is called transformation.

The inference of Truth Listening has been carefully considered and has a theoretical basis.

Reliability is high.

The Ksitigarbha King was convinced, and based on this, the result of inquiring around was that the Buddha could not see through his origin, and the Haotian Mirror of the Great Tianzun could not see his heels.

Once all the information was synthesized, he carefully verified it, made a bold guess, and came to a conclusion.

This person must be an innate magic weapon to obtain the Tao.

So the question is, how to calculate the position?The innate magic weapon was born earlier than the Buddha.What kind of etiquette should I use to treat each other?Should we be respected as seniors or peers?
Respected as a senior, how should Buddhism deal with itself?

Peers talk about friendship, what should I do if I irritate the other party?
It's fine if you don't make a fuss, but if you make a fuss, you're afraid you'll have to fight.It's not uncommon to fight for the sake of skin.

"It's better not to see." Ksitigarbha said softly, "If you don't see, you will have no worries." Then he continued to chant sutras with his eyes closed. He was not interested in fighting at all.

"Then should I listen or not?" With this attitude, Di Ting hesitated whether to continue to pay attention to Mu Chenxing.

But the question was not answered, so it could only lie on the ground and continue to listen.

Hearing the conversation between the target and Lord Yama of the Ten Palaces in his ears, he couldn't help curling his lips. What's the point of getting entangled in such a trivial matter?

Just those Hades, they can stab you to death with one finger.

In fact, its worries are a bit superfluous, Mu Chenxing has no disputes with several Yan Jun.

After welcoming him into the main hall, King Qin Guang first explained the reason for inviting Li Shimin over, and told him that the Jinghe Dragon King had already been dismissed.

He also ordered the judge to check the lifespan of the Tang emperor.

Judge Cui hurriedly went to the back hall to look at the book of life and death, and found that Li Shimin was destined to die in the 13th year of Zhenguan on the general book of Tianlu, the king of all kingdoms.This is not good, it is now the 13th year of Zhenguan, if the report is based on this record, I am sorry for the entrustment of Brother Wei Zheng.

Therefore, I secretly searched for thick ink and large brushes, and changed 13 years to 33 years, adding 20 years of longevity.

This behavior was clearly scanned by Mu Chenxing, and he also understood what the Yin Division's book of life and death existed.

It's not a psychic magic weapon at all.

The so-called life and death book is a household registration management system of the underworld. In the back hall of the Senluo Palace, there are several warehouses of life and death books, which record the detailed information and longevity of the living beings, and they can still be changed.

So after Judge Cui came out to report, Mu Chenxing made two requests: check his own records, and add 30 years to Li Er's life.

I want to see his own information, because I want to confirm the recording scope and operating mechanism of the book of life and death.

As for Li Er, that was incidental.

(End of this chapter)

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