Chapter 176

If the management system of the Yin Division, or the mechanism of the Six Realms of Reincarnation, really covered all living beings in the Three Realms, then the moment Mu Chenxing appeared in this world, it would definitely be recorded.

So he wanted to see if his information was recorded in the book of life and death.

"Shangxian's Taoism is so profound that he has already jumped out of the three realms and is not in the five elements. I can't remember or find it in this book of life and death." Zhuanlun King replied respectfully.

They had checked it long ago, and there was no record of this person in the book of life and death.If there is, how can everyone not know this person's heel.

Mu Chenxing doesn't believe in words that jump out of the three realms and are not in the five elements. The three realms refer to all the spaces in this world, and the five elements are summed up by people in this world, and the attributes of matter and energy are classified.

Who can neither occupy space nor have the attributes of matter and energy?
It's just an auspicious word used to compliment people.

In order to confirm his guess, he asked: "Only creatures who have entered the six realms of reincarnation can be recorded in the Book of Life and Death, right?"

This is a question of the order of the chicken or the egg. When he saw the life and death books in several warehouses, he guessed that the so-called life and death books were probably just data records attached to the six reincarnations.

Only souls that have entered the six realms of reincarnation will be recorded and arranged for subsequent lives.

The six realms of reincarnation in the underworld probably control powers such as time, space, and fate.He would love to study it.

"Shangxian Huiyan!" Zhuanlun Wang praised without conscience.

This kind of common sense of the underworld is unknown to the people in front of him, so it can be seen that he is a field cultivator in the countryside, ignorant and lonely.

But he didn't dare to have the slightest contempt, not to mention that Ksitigarbha had confessed, even if he hadn't, he wouldn't dare to offend this kind of obsessive cultivator, who doesn't know the age of the immortal family.

This kind of monks don't have a lot of knowledge, but all of them can fight.

The other Yan Jun were also awakened in their hearts, and they were more careful in serving them.

Being ignorant of world affairs, ignorance of human relationships, and not knowing the severity of an attack are the labels of this kind of monks. They don't want to be in trouble. If they are beaten to death, wouldn't they be wronged?

One more thing is worse than one less thing, so hurry up and get it done.

So there is no hesitation in adding 30 years to Li Shimin's life.

Li Er is blessed, he is only in his early 20s this year, Judge Cui quietly added 30 years to him, and Shidian Yan Jun ordered another [-] years, he can safely and boldly prepare for his [-]th birthday.

After the matter was dealt with, they chatted a little more, Mu Chenxing wanted to leave, Li Er wanted to leave, and several Yan Jun wanted to send them away.

It really hit it off, and it couldn't have been smoother. Judge Cui became the guide again, and Yan Jun sent another Taiwei in front of the palace to escort him.A group of four people got off the Senluo Palace and headed out of Fengdu City.

Cui Ba has a mission to take the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty to visit the Underworld, intimidating and vigilant, so as to facilitate the introduction of water and land conferences and start a great plan to learn scriptures.

So take a detour.

Mu Chenxing didn't mind You Yinsi, but he didn't like to walk. He had already stretched his legs for several miles since he entered the underworld. Really stingy."

Judge Cui and the accompanying Taiwei didn't dare to say such words, and even Li Er was a little embarrassed. On his territory, it would be easy to get beaten for speaking like this.

He hastened to persuade: "Prince Muxian, the so-called guest can do as he pleases, and it's fine to walk a few steps."

"I don't like to walk." Mu Chenxing drove the void controller, using the spirit energy of the underworld as the base material, to create four tall horses with a saddle and a harness, all complete.

The neighing of the steed is lifelike, and it is not at all a pure energy creation. The universality and operability of Lingqi is indeed much better than other energies.

Anyway, light energy, dark energy, and vacuum zero-point energy cannot reach this level.

Not only Li Er was stunned to see this creation out of thin air, even Judge Cui and the accompanying Taiwei were extremely shocked.

"Let's go." Mu Chenxing stepped on a pure white horse and greeted the other three.

He can create some technological creations such as vehicles and spaceships, but he doesn't want to reveal the details, so he chose a common vehicle in ancient times: horses.

"My horse is called Bai Bai." He patted the mount under his crotch, pointed to the charcoal-red horse, and said, "This is Chitu."

He also named the light red and pure black horses respectively: "That's Rouge and Wuzhi."

He had developed a habit of giving names to manufactured objects.

After taking the name, he urged: "Hurry up and get on the horse."

With a height of 1.8 meters at the shoulder and a length of two and a half meters from head to tail, the horse has long caught Li Er's eyes straight.He is the king of horses, he loves horses as much as his life, and he also has several Dawan famous horses, but each one is not as good as the horses in front of him.

Almost drooling, he rolled onto Chitu's horseback.

After everyone got on their horses and sat down, the four horses started to move forward without greeting. The hooves of the horses were light and their bodies were stable, and the riding experience was quite good.

These four horses have void controllers to create their bodies, energy coding technology to build energy cycles, and thought coding technology to create simple intelligent programs, which are highly technological.

Space-level civilizations can't understand it.

But it can only be used as a horse, and the technological overflow is extremely serious.

Li Shimin doesn't understand these principles, he only knows that this is a heavenly horse made by immortals using magic.As for Judge Cui and the Taiwei serving in front of the palace, this kind of underworld official has never seen much in the world. Apart from awe in his heart, he can only praise the great immortal.

Guided by Judge Cui, the horse team left Fengdu City and ran towards Yinshan.

Yinshan Mountain is a huge mountain range that cannot be seen. There are many peaks, vertical and horizontal valleys, no vegetation, and filled with smoke. It is a dangerous place in the underworld. Its full name is Nether Back Yin Mountain.

There are countless evil ghosts and evil cultivators hidden, who refuse to obey the jurisdiction of the underworld, and do not enter the six realms of reincarnation. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva set up a dojo here to suppress the evil ghosts.

Of course, Judge Cui did not take them to pay homage to Ksitigarbha, but went across mountains and ridges to the eighteen levels of hell on the back of Yinshan Mountain.

Mu Chenxing was very disappointed with the eighteen levels of hell, it was too different from what he had originally guessed.

He thought it was eighteen small worlds, different spaces, etc., but he found out that it was eighteen prisons.

Eighteen prisons were built at the foot of the Yin Mountain, where all kinds of torture were performed and evil spirits were punished.

Although all kinds of torture looked horrific, he was not interested.He was neither a sadist nor a masochist, and had no interest in visiting.

On the contrary, Li Shimin was quite frightened, because he had committed many crimes. Looking at the tortured soul, he was unavoidably frightened.

This is the purpose of Judge Cui.

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, and the Emperor Tang could not be frightened, he led several people out of the prison and continued on the road.

The horseshoes were flying, and the wind was fast, and it didn't take long to come to the muddy water of Huangquan, a place full of blood.

This is a wave like yellow pus and blood, and there is a long river of fierce beasts and evil spirits floating in it.The whole river has no source and no return, the width of the river is no less than a hundred feet, and there is no grass on both sides of the river, and it is full of cliffs.

Three long bridges span the river, one gold, one silver and one wooden.

The golden bridge is wide and noble people walk; the silver bridge is stable and good people walk; the wooden bridge is old and dilapidated, with no poles or rails, but it is a place for those who did evil in their lifetime to pass.

The ferocious beasts and evil spirits in the turbid water of Huangquan will leap up from time to time, dragging the souls on the wooden bridge down.Anyone who falls into the water will sink here, and will not be reborn forever, and can only struggle in pain, in vain.

Therefore, the wooden bridge is also called Naihe Bridge.

Seeing this, Li Shimin couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and the progress of Judge Cui's mission has increased again.

Mu Chenxing and others were greeted by Liangqiao envoys, passed the Golden Bridge, crossed the Yellow Springs and bad waters, and came to the City of Death.

There are many wronged souls who died abnormally in the City of Wonderful Death.

They have grievances themselves, and they have violated the fate arranged for them by the six circles of reincarnation. They have sin karma on them, so they can only stay here and wait for the resentment and sin karma to be eliminated before they can re-enter samsara.

This actually means the BUG storage area of ​​the reincarnation system.

Every soul in the dead city is a bug, so no matter whether they were good or bad people in life, they are all condemned as sinners.

It may be because the souls born naturally in this world are not enough to support the reproduction of life, so there is a great power to create a reincarnation system, using the souls of the past to make up for the lack of life in the yang world, and to support the reincarnation of life from generation to generation.

Let the world continue to develop, not dead.

It's really a virtue.

The Yin Division is the yamen that manages the six reincarnations, and the underworld is the temporary place for the soul.This space is full of man-made traces, and it is also full of traces left over from the war.

The cliffs that cut with knives and axes, the evil water miasma that corroded the mind, the barren land like a desert Gobi, and the cracks in space like stars all showed how fierce the battle was.

Today, the Yin Division can no longer fully occupy the Underworld. Not to mention the Buddhist Ksitigarbha King occupying the highest position in the Underworld, there are also ghosts and evil cultivators occupying territory in many other areas, who refuse to submit to the jurisdiction of the Underworld.

This should be a far cry from what it was.

No one would intentionally build a blessed land that supports life and reproduction into such a sinister and dilapidated appearance, right?It doesn't make sense.

What the hell is going on in this world?
Mu Chenxing sat on the horse and thought about the problems he discovered in the past few days. Journey to the West was very strange from beginning to end.

The white sacrifice under the crotch releases the spirit energy, and walks forward against the surging grievances, just like a flat boat going up against the current.

Li Er rode along on the red rabbit in fear, those souls all came for him, clamoring for his life in disorder.Fortunately, I was lucky enough to meet the head shepherd, so that I could escape safely.

This made Judge Cui very anxious.

The task may be difficult to complete.

But he didn't dare to stop Mu Chenxing, he was the immortal who would be greeted by Yan Jun of the Ten Temples, so he had to follow behind and walk silently.

A group of four people walked out of the city of vain death quietly amidst the farce arranged by the conscientious people in the underworld. The shouting and cursing of the smoke and dust on the 64th road at the end of the Sui Dynasty and the anti-king on the 72nd road were all ignored.

They couldn't break through the spirit energy shields released by a few horses, so they could only stare blankly, watching their former enemies drift away.

After crossing the city of death in vain, the six realms of reincarnation are within a short distance.

There is no space-time vortex, and there is no such thing as the way of heaven and the way of Asura described in the novels read in the previous life.

There are only six gates in the place of reincarnation, more than ten feet high, and the gates are open.

Groups of souls led by ghost officials entered the gate in an orderly manner, without a trace of noise, disputes, or cursing.

Quietly step into reincarnation.

"Those who do good will ascend to the immortal way, those who are loyal will transcend the noble way, those who practice filial piety will be reborn in the blessed way, those who are fair will be reborn in the human way, those who accumulate virtue will be reborn in the rich way, and those who are vicious will sink into the ghost way." Judge Cui explained.

If you don't hurry up, you will die, the Emperor Datang is leaving.

"After your majesty returns to the sun, you should keep in mind what you have seen and heard today, and advise the world to do more good deeds. It is best to hold a water and land ceremony to save the souls of unjust deaths. Only in this way can you be safe and healthy and enjoy peace."

"Okay, I remember." Li Shimin agreed full of words, he was anxious to return to Yangshi, let alone hold a water and land meeting, even if he held ten meetings, he would not hesitate.

"The last official will leave." Judge Cui saluted Li Shimin and Mu Chenxing, and then left on foot. He didn't dare to steal the BMW of the Xian family.

"Master Mu, let's set off." The accompanying Taiwei specially sent the two of them back to the world. After Cui Pan left, the rest was his task.

"You guys go first, I have something else to do." Mu Chenxing got off his horse, threw the reins to Li Er, and urged, "I'll leave it to you, let's go."

The technological content of the four BMWs is quite high, but they are just toys made by hand and used for transportation.

It is more powerful than ordinary horses, runs faster, and has stronger endurance. It can release a shield of spirit energy, cross mountains, cross rivers and seas, and absorb spirit energy to complete the energy cycle. .

Not much use.

"Thank you, Immortal! Thank you, Immortal!" Li Er was so happy that his nose popped out.

This is the Celestial Horse of the Immortal Family!

Running fast and steady, what is traveling thousands of miles a day and eight hundred nights, standing aside, what is called flying like lightning?Riding on a pegasus is called flying like lightning.It can also protect the body and life, and walk through the jungle of evil spirits like walking on flat ground.

This is a treasure that you can't ask for!
The fairy gave him four horses!
Haha, so happy.

He already counted the Pegasus horse that was ridden by the Taiwei who sent him back to Yang as his own.

The head shepherd said it and gave it to himself.

That's all mine!
"Thank you for the gift!" He grinned widely, unable to stop laughing.

"Okay, let's go quickly, or it will be too late." Mu Chenxing waved his hand, and four BMWs carried Li Shimin and the accompanying Taiwei into the gate of Guidao.

In the underworld, whether it is returning to the sun or reincarnating, you have to leave the gate of reincarnation, especially Li Shimin has changed the book of life and death, and you have to walk through the place of reincarnation.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation will not wash away memories, and what Journey to the West wears away memory and spirituality is called the Mystery of the Fetus, which only happens when one is conceived in the womb of the mother.

After Li Shimin left, Mu Chenxing sneered, shook his head and said, "I said that the Hades of the Underworld's attitude towards me was not right, so he was waiting for me here."

After speaking, he turned and looked at the gray sky of the underworld, and asked loudly: "Aren't you afraid that I will smash the six reincarnations? I have always liked nuclear peace."

"Amitabha, the poor monk doesn't like to fight. He just wants to invite fellow Taoists into my spiritual mountain." Ksitigarbha sat cross-legged on Di Ting's back, revealing his figure.

With his appearance, Guanyin, Puxian, and Lingji appeared one after another, surrounding Mu Chenxing in the center from all sides.

Innate magic weapon, the virtuous live in it.

(End of this chapter)

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