Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 177 Self-service combat mode

Chapter 177 Self-service combat mode

Mu Chenxing has always been puzzled about how he will be treated after entering the underworld.

Lord Yan of the Tenth Temple knelt down to greet him, his attitude was respectful but without any enthusiasm, he thought it was because of fear, he wanted to dismiss him early, but when he left, he didn't arrange carriages and horses, this is not right.

There is no carriage and horses, so we can only walk, and we have to accompany Li Er to visit the Yin Division, which is very time-consuming and does not conform to the idea of ​​wanting him to leave the underworld early.

Until I came to the place of reincarnation, everything became clear.

He didn't see anything wrong with Six Paths of Reincarnation, and he hadn't seen it before, so even if there was anything abnormal, he couldn't tell it.

But he found four bodhisattvas hidden in mid-air.

This is obvious, to ambush yourself.

Therefore, Mu Chenxing will definitely not enter the gate of reincarnation.The Six Paths of Reincarnation is a man-made creation. Since it is man-made, it must be able to be controlled by man, so there may be some means waiting for him.

Going in is equivalent to throwing yourself into a trap.

"Three of the four great Bodhisattvas have come, I'm not small." He didn't want to raise his head to talk to people, so he spread his wings, put on his armor, and flew into the air.

"Wouldn't it be good for fellow Taoists to return to Lingshan with the poor monk, to participate in Dafa with us, and to enjoy enlightenment?" Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva on the left stepped on a nine-grade lotus platform, holding a pure mutton fat jade bottle in his hand, showing a thousand techniques body, mouth is still persuading.

"This kind of invitation is really sincere. I'm so fucking moved." Mu Chenxing opened his investigative eyes and scanned the surroundings carefully.

Except for the four bodhisattvas and the six reincarnations below, the energy fluctuations in other areas are very gentle. It seems that there is no ambush like a preset magic circle. It is estimated that they came a little hastily and have not yet fully arranged.

Facing the encirclement on all sides, he needed to open a gap quickly so as not to be attacked by the enemy.

"Amitabha, poor monks don't like to fight. If fellow Taoists can appreciate our sincerity and don't want to argue, then everyone will be happy." Ksitigarbha, who is facing the front, holds a pearl the size of an egg in his left hand and a handle in his right. Xi Zhang got up and stood on Di Ting's back, saying words that even dogs would not believe.

Di Ting under his feet originally looked like a white dog with long horns on its head. After he took out the magic weapon, it also showed a fighting shape: tiger head, single horn, dog ears, dragon body, lion tail, unicorn feet.

This look that looks like a dragon but not a dragon, like a tiger but not a tiger, like a lion but not a lion, like a unicorn but not a unicorn, and like a dog but not a dog, is not as good-looking as a white dog.

"I'm here to subdue demons, so why talk too much." Samantabhadra on the right is obviously a man of action, displaying a Dharma body with eight heads and six hands, holding Wugou double swords, Changhong lock, Tai Chi talisman, The wishful stick, with the foot on the three-dharma golden lotus, looks like it is about to move, and it looks like it will pounce on you at any time.

Lingji Bodhisattva behind him held the Feilong Baozhang, sacrificed the Dingfeng Orb, and showed a golden body of Zhang Liu, ready for battle.

From the perspective of energy fluctuations, this one is obviously far behind the other three.

There is nothing wrong with that, those three are all four of the four Bodhisattvas who are qualified to become Buddhas, and Guanyin, who is the leader, is one of the five elders of the heavenly court, stronger than him, which is quite normal.

Mu Chenxing turned his head and glanced at Lingji, without the slightest nervousness of being surrounded, he said as if chatting: "I heard that all Bodhisattvas have obtained the Golden Immortal Status, but the one behind me looks like Taiyi, who can hold me for a while?"

The immortals and Buddhas of Journey to the West each have their own spells, but the cultivation system is not much different in essence, and they all pursue becoming immortals and attaining the Tao.

Immortals are divided into ghost immortals, human immortals, immortals, earth immortals, and heavenly immortals.

These five classifications actually belong to different origins, heels, or immortal books bestowed by the heavens, and are not divided according to strength.

Some are not much better than ordinary people, such as Seven Fairies, Baihua Fairy and so on.

Some people dare not mess with anyone, such as Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, he is an Earth Immortal, but the Jade Emperor, Buddha, and Sanqing all want to give him face.

These five kinds of immortals summarize all immortals and Buddhas, but there is a special group among them, also known as golden immortals, also known as great powers.

Gold does not refer to gold, nor is it the golden element among the five elements, but it means indestructible, eternal and immortal.

There are also differences among golden immortals. The highest state of Taoism is called Da Luo Jinxian, which means the highest and broadest, all time and space are eternally free, immortal and immortal.Mu Chenxing suspected that there was no Da Luo Jinxian in this world, otherwise, how could he be trapped in such a small world?

The relatively inferior ones are called Taiyi Golden Immortals. Taiyi is to practice other methods and barely reach the realm of Golden Immortals in some aspects. It is not orthodox. layered.

For example, Lingji behind him, and Monkey King under Wuzhi Mountain, they are all Taiyi Golden Immortals.

Especially Sun Wukong, the monkey practiced the Dapin Tianxian Jue, and received the position of a heavenly official.

When he learns the scriptures and becomes a Buddha, his realm will be promoted to the Taiyi Golden Immortal above Hunyuan Yiqi, which is a higher level than Taiyi Jinxian, called Hunyuan Daoguo.In fact, it is still not orthodox, but it is already a real golden fairy in terms of realm.

The information Mu Chenxing has collected in the past few days can only be interpreted to this extent. The data is too specific, and he has not grasped it yet, because he has not dissected Jinxian yet.

Needless to say, today is a good opportunity.

His words angered Lingji, he looked down on others too much, what happened to Taiyi?Taiyi is also the result of thousands of years of hard work, and he is also a Bodhisattva who has obtained the Tao.

Can't take it all at once?
The other party has been imprisoned but doesn't know it, and dares to belittle him like this, really damn it!When your true spirit is destroyed, let's see if you still dare to be arrogant?

He shouted: "Arrogance!"

The treasure stick in his hand soared into the sky, and amidst the shining Buddha light, it turned into a hundred-foot-long dragon with golden scales and silver claws, red eyes and white beard, flying in the air, winding and roaring, boiling with killing intent.

"Amitabha." Avalokitesvara understood part of Mu Chenxing's strength. The weapon was terribly heavy, and the Feilong Baozhang was no match for him. Lingji couldn't be left to fight alone. He shouted, "Do it!"

Following her words, Lingji held up the Wind-fixing Bead, which stopped all the wind in all directions. The air in a radius of thousands of miles seemed to be frozen, and it was extremely difficult for all the creatures trapped in it to even move their fingers.

The pearl in the hands of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva radiates brilliance, illuminating the gray sky and the earth in every detail, making it difficult for any illusion, mist, or blindness to be performed.

The Puxian Bodhisattva sacrificed the Taiji Talisman, the Yin and Yang qi circulated, and all spaces were blocked.

The six arches of the place of reincarnation suddenly shot out six streams of black and yellow energy, which turned into six chains, precisely wrapped around Mu Chenxing's limbs and waist, and successfully restricted his movements.

This wasn't over yet, the chain instantly penetrated into his flesh, entangled towards his soul, intending to drag his soul into reincarnation.

"It's hard to handle, I was caught. Is this what you rely on? You use the magic weapon to attract my attention, but the killer is the six reincarnations?"

All the actions of the other party were completed in the blink of an eye. The movement of the particles was suppressed by the wind, and the space was blocked. There was also an extremely clever detection method. bound.

"It's your honor to be captured by the four of us together." Puxian Bodhisattva sacrificed the Changhong lock and pierced the target's lute bone, adding another imprisonment.

"That's all." Lingji sneered, it's really ignorant to dare to underestimate himself at this level.

Guanyin frowned slightly, it was too relaxed, she felt something was wrong.

But before he could say a word to remind him, he suddenly heard Ksitigarbha sobbing in pain, turned his head and saw Mu Chenxing holding the head of Di Ting, standing on top of Di Ting's corpse fixed in mid-air by Ding Fengzhu, Ksitigarbha The Bodhisattva Wang has disappeared.

what happened?The space has been locked, how did he get there?With Mani beads shining all over the world, the hearing ability of Di Ting is not easy, and the underworld is the territory of Ksitigarbha, how could it be defeated and suppressed in an instant?

What a weird ability.

"Oh, I'm in such a mess right now." Mu Chenxing, standing above Di Ting, looked at Mu Chenxing, who was bound by six chains, and was chained through the lute bone by Changhong, and taunted.

"It's called tactics, you know what, how do you sneak attack without me attracting attention?" Mu Chenxing sarcastically said.

The space is blocked, the opponent's numbers are superior, and the detection methods are strict. It is not a good way to fight head-on.

You can only use coquettish operations, such as pulling your future self to sneak attack the enemy.

It's a pity that the space-time controller can only pull one over in the future timeline for the time being. If it can pull four over, it will be over in one go, saving a lot of trouble.

Now, there's no need to pretend anymore, the chains of the six realms of reincarnation can't bind his soul, and it doesn't make sense to tie his own body.Every atom of the divine body can be positioned relative to each other, that is, his body can be broken down into atomic states.

Whether it is the chain of the six realms or the Changhong lock of Samantabhadra, it can neither lock his body nor seal his energy.

The fairy Buddha in Journey to the West has no means of shielding dark energy.

His wings vibrated, and with all his strength, he broke free from the six chains in an instant. He grabbed the Changhong lock with his right hand and yanked it violently. Hundreds of tons of force exploded, pulling this magic weapon glowing with colorful rays of light out of his body. Body.

"I'll go, it's wrapped tightly enough, the collarbone is fucking broken." The pain was really painful, but it didn't have any effect. The fourth generation of gods completed the reorganization of the wound in the blink of an eye.

During the period when he broke free from the shackles, the future self was already holding a big sword and fighting with eight Samantabhadra Bodhisattvas with six heads and six hands. two halves.

These two weapons can no longer be used by themselves, and the computing power has also been greatly reduced.

The Void World couldn't be pulled over from the timeline, that is to say, he could only pull over himself with a fourth-generation god body.

The external system placed in the void world needs to be shared with the current self.

This operation is equivalent to summoning a self-aware clone, and it is not permanent. The space-time controller is under great pressure and needs to be resolved quickly.

"Master Guanyin, it seems that we are about to start a second battle." He glanced at Lingji who was driving the golden dragon to attack him.

[Void controller starts]

【Construct the Void Barrier】

[Redefining Ling Qi, define it as zero]

[Turn on thought suppression]

Lingji Bodhisattva, who was imprisoned in the golden void barrier, lost his mana in an instant, his golden body dharma disappeared, he could not use Taoism, and his consciousness was suppressed, but his body nourished by spirit energy was still much stronger than ordinary people. Probably equivalent to an enhanced version of Captain America, or a bankrupt version of Hulk.

The golden dragon incarnated by the Flying Dragon Staff was not imprisoned, and still rushed towards it with its teeth and claws. This magic weapon has a certain degree of autonomy, which is quite interesting.

The cold light of the silver blade flickered for a moment in the void barrier, and Lingji's Dao body was sliced ​​into mutton slices amidst his screams.

At the same time, the hundred-foot-long dragon in the air was chopped into pieces of metal.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of degrees of high-temperature flames ignited in the void barrier, burning Lingji's body and soul.Mu Chenxing doesn't know exactly what kind of vitality the Taiyi Golden Immortal can reach, so the corpse must be completely destroyed.

These operations didn't take long, when the thousands of palms of Guanyin Bodhisattva came over, Lingji was almost turned into ashes.

"Nie Zha, die!"

The death of Lingji Bodhisattva completely enraged Guanyin. Palms shining with golden Buddha light came densely from all directions. Hundreds of hands wrapped Mu Chenxing in the center, wishing they could crush him in one go.

And Samantabhadra Bodhisattva was also furious, and shouted: "The law is like the heaven and the earth!"

The eight-headed and six-armed Dharma figure grew bigger as if blowing air, and it grew to a height of more than a thousand feet in a blink of an eye. If it were in the human world, the clouds would probably only reach his chest.

The two swords and the Ruyi stick in his hands became extremely huge, no matter what, they would have to be hundreds or thousands of feet high, and they were like smashing people with a mountain when they swung them.

A stick can smash a river, and a sword can cut a canyon. A few attacks can completely change the landscape near the place of reincarnation. Qi was torn to pieces.

He is venting his anger.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was suppressed somewhere, Lingji Bodhisattva's Taoist body was destroyed, and his true spirit was trapped and burned. He couldn't resist the heavy weapon in the hands of the opponent's clone, and Guanyin couldn't hold the enemy's body.

The originally good situation was reversed in an instant.

It was agreed to take an innate magic weapon for my Buddhist sect, but the other party's ability was strange, and four of them were damaged in a short period of time.

His anger went straight to the sky, and he wished he could smash the enemy's avatar into a pulp with a stick!

"Just now, relying on the weight of the weapon, you deceived me into being powerless. Come on, come on, now you dare to fight me for [-] rounds!" The roar of the thousand-foot giant almost resounded throughout the underworld.

Fatianxiangdi has not only become bigger, but also has a huge increase in strength and magic body strength. He has the confidence to defeat the enemy head-on.

"Stop fucking playing, you don't know the pressure of the space-time controller!" Mu Chenxing avoided Guanyin's endless attacks while urging his future self to end the battle quickly.

Avalokitesvara is indeed the head of the four great Bodhisattvas. Not only did he break the barriers of the void, he took away Lingji's true spirit with the Jade Purification Bottle, and he continued to interfere with the space, blocking his dodge.

The most important thing is that her real body has hidden somewhere, the void controller can't lock the target, it's hard to launch a fatal blow, and it's impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

I urgently need my future self to defeat Puxian, whether it is coming to attack Guanyin, or rolling back to my own timeline, returning the weapon to myself, and releasing the pressure of the space-time controller, is the key to breaking the game.

(End of this chapter)

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