Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 18 I'm Not a Plane Merchant

Chapter 18 I'm Not a Plane Merchant
"The process of attracting investment is too cumbersome and long. Are you really willing to wait?"

Anyway, Mu Chenxing didn't want to wait, he was anxious to test his ability.

"What's your crooked idea?" Tony was a little confused, afraid that the kid in front of him would come up with another criminal plan.

Ethan is also a little worried. A powerful person always lacks awe of the rules. Maybe his starting point is not bad, but if he does not worry about things, he will cause large-scale damage, and these damages will eventually fall to On civilians without power.

"Am I a villain reserve in your eyes? Do you need to be so nervous?" Mu Chenxing's eyes almost rolled to the roof of the shed. The two of them didn't believe in their reputation too much. He has always kept his word.

"You guys are going too far!" He was a little annoyed.

"I apologize for my rudeness." Ethan nodded with a smile. He decided to believe in that kind child who still had the heart to save others in a dangerous situation.

"Okay, Mr. our scout leader, tell me about your plan." Tony picked up the glass and leaned against the window again.

Mu Chenxing glanced at him, and complained, "Have we changed from a problem children's sorority to a boy scout? You really know how to pretend to be young!"

"Improved, hasn't it?" Tony toasted, bowed his head in a reserved salute, and raised his eyebrows with an extremely nasty smile.

"Well, you make sense." Mu Chenxing shook his head, not planning to share his common knowledge, and said, "When others invest too slowly, we should find a way to make money by ourselves. Cross-border trade is lucrative, so, cross-universe trade What about trans-epochal trade? No one has collected tariffs yet, so you can earn as much as you want?"

Both Tony and Ethan nodded. Although the follow-up processing will be a little troublesome, as long as you pay attention to the scale, it will not cause problems such as financial crisis.

"So, you want to resell supplies across the universe?"

"No, it's not me, it's you guys. I'll take you to find a buyer, invite him to join the council, and handle the rest yourself." Mu Chenxing is not interested in being a businessman. What's the use of asking for so much money?He only cares about power.

He was going to take Tony and Ethan to find a universe whose timeline was in ancient times, and then invite a native to be the third director, and let the three of them buy and sell the rest by themselves.

It is so troublesome because the directors do not have the right to travel through the universe alone. They must be led by the director or invited by the local director to travel to the corresponding universe.

"Then let's be a cross-universe trader?" Ethan turned to ask Tony.

He suddenly felt a little excited. This is probably the longest trade route in human history, right?The three of them made history as a joke?

It's dreamy enough.

Although he has traveled across the universe, he still feels an unreal dreamlike feeling.

"OK, when are we going to leave?" Tony Stark felt very motivated. He missed home, Pepper, Happy, and Jarvis. He didn't want to wait for a moment.

"Prepare weapons, bring some handicrafts, and find an ancient world to trade."

The three agreed, and immediately set off to the supermarket to buy a gun.

Yes, that's right, many supermarkets in the United States sell guns.

It's the same as selling Chinese cabbage.

"Glock 17, fires 9mm Parabellum pistol, muzzle velocity 360 m/s, gun length 185 mm, weight 0.62 kg, magazine capacity 17 rounds, effective range 50 meters. Simple, light, good guy for self-defense .” Tony picked up a pistol and then picked up a shotgun:

"Remington M870, fires 12-gauge shotgun, holds 7 rounds, has a length of 1060 mm, weighs 3.6 kg, and is one of the universal self-defense weapons."

After introducing the two gun models he had chosen, he looked at Mu Chenxing narrowly: "It's a pity that underage children can't use them."


I don't need it at all!
Mu Chenxing looked enviously at the real thing in their hands.

Remington M870 and Glock 17 have many advantages, classic old guns, good stability, strong versatility, but the most important thing is cheap, which is the main reason why they chose them.

The Glock was less than 500 yuan, and the Remington civilian model was only 500 yuan. The two sets of guns plus accessories and additional bullets cost a total of [-] yuan.

After buying more than 300 yuan of glass crafts, the three rushed back to the apartment and set off.

The first world to come is the No. [-] universe that was originally positioned. The French on the street makes Mu Chenxing completely unable to understand the clues of this world.Watching a white taxi rush out of sight like a raging bull, they decide to try their luck in the next universe.

The council's concept capture was quick.

The place where the second world descended was Budapest on the Danube River. Hungarian language was also a barrier to communication. A group of people were shooting at each other in the subway station. The three of them did not dare to stay longer and continued to look for a suitable place for trading. ancient universe.

I don't know if it was bad luck, but it wasn't until the sixth world that they met an ancient Chinese man in a long gown with a bun on his head.

This world is actually not very friendly to Tony and Ethan, but they have been a little dizzy after traveling through the universe many times, and they unanimously decided that this is the place. Anyway, the local directors who joined have no communication barriers with them.

Here is a flat land between mountains, some wooden houses and attics with flying eaves and brackets are built on the mountain, and the thin clouds and mist permeate it, the artistic conception is beautiful and refreshing.

Looking far away, the mountains are majestic and rough, steep and steep, and the peaks stand tall like knives and axes. There are few green shades on the mountains, and only sporadic weeds are dotted in the crevices of the stones. feel.

The ancient man who witnessed the sudden appearance of the three was a man in his 40s with a five-strand long beard, a face like a crown jade, a light robe and a belt, and a man dressed as a scholar.

He forced himself to be calm, and bowed his hands in a salute: "I am not a group in Xiayue, but I am the head of Huashan. I don't know if the three eminent men are here, what's your business?"

Tony and Ethan couldn't understand the ancient Chinese language, so they all looked at Mu Chenxing, waiting for him to talk.

Mu Chenxing also bowed his hands back: "The next three have traveled here, if there is any disturbance, please don't blame Sect Master Yue."

The head of Mount Hua, Yue Buqun, has come to the world of Swordsman. This person has the nickname of Junzijian, but in the end he is judged as a hypocrite. He is a pitiful person.

He was not a treacherous and evil person at first, but due to internal fighting in Huashan Mountain, almost all disciples were killed or injured, and only he and his wife were left who could sustain the scene. The external situation was severe, and it was still a matter of right and wrong to teach an apprentice Yes, the final outcome is really embarrassing.

Mu Chenxing decided to give him a chance, took out a galloping horse crystal ball with laser engraving inside, and said with a smile, "Master Yue likes this?"

The sky-blue glass ball, which is slightly larger than a palm, is crystal clear, and the 3D shape of the galloping horse inside is lifelike, shining brightly and dazzling in the hand.

This thing sells for ten dollars in a supermarket in Seattle, and it is estimated that it would be worth at least a thousand taels of gold in the Ming Dynasty.

I just don't know how Yue Buqun will choose?
Inside the sect, there were no outsiders. Although the three of them appeared rather abruptly, their steps were sloppy and their breathing was heavy. Naturally, the martial arts people could tell the truth at a glance.

Mu Chenxing unfolded the force field, waiting for Yue Buqun's choice.

Whether he can seize the opportunity to change his destiny depends entirely on whether he can curb his greed.

(End of this chapter)

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