Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 19 Yue Buqun's Transformation

Chapter 19 Yue Buqun's Transformation
Yue Buqun's reaction was beyond Mu Chenxing's expectation.

He knelt down on both knees with a plop, raised his hands to his forehead, and bowed his head respectfully: "Yue pays homage to the celestial being. He doesn't know that the celestial being is here with his toes, but he is disturbed by trifles in the world? If there is a place of dispatch, Up and down Mount Hua, I wish to do the work of dogs and horses!"

Lao Yue's heart is like a mirror, these three people appear out of thin air, it is by no means a show of lightness, he still has this vision.

The style of clothing is simple, but the material is strange. He has traveled all over the world for so many years, and he has never seen anything before, so he must be a person with a lot of history.

As for the heavy breathing, there is no sign of practicing martial arts, isn't that what it should be?How can an expert measure like an ordinary person?This must be the state of returning to the original and returning to the truth.

He was so sure because he had the feeling that someone had seen through his internal organs, and the three people in front of him must be masters without a doubt.

The youngest people take things out of thin air, and the treasures in their hands are rare in the world. This is the way the legendary immortals test the hearts of ordinary people with treasures.There are many such links in the story of Clashing with the Immortal Fate, and he has heard about it a long time ago.

Treasures are priceless, but how can they compare to the opportunity to be valued by immortals?

How can it be unclear which is more important?

My fairy fate is over!
Huashan great prosperity, hopeful!
Mu Chenxing didn't know about Yue Buqun's imagination. He took out this beautifully shaped modern handicraft just to see how greedy the person in front of him was. If you rush up and snatch it, then you have passed the test.

What he was looking for was a dealer, and it was enough not to be blinded by immediate interests, and he didn't have to pay so much attention.The modern society is dumping the business of the ancient society. It doesn’t matter if you earn more and less. The profit is tens of millions of times, so there is no need to worry about it.

"Master Yue please hurry up, we are not immortals." He said polite words, but he didn't mean to approach at all, the reaction speed of martial arts practitioners must be faster than him, so it's better not to get close for the time being.

"Thank you, Shangxian." No matter what the other party said, Lao Yue believed that the three of them were immortals.

When Yue Buqun got up, Mu Chenxing lightly tossed the galloping horse crystal ball in his hand to him, and said lightly, "Give it to Master Yue as a meeting gift."

Yue Buqun really felt the meaning expressed by this posturing, the immortal didn't care about the treasure in his eyes at all.

Otherwise, how could you throw it in the air and give it away?
But he still saluted respectfully: "Thank you Immortal for bestowing the treasure, Yuemou deserves it."

Although his mouth was polite, it did not delay his action of putting the baby in his arms.

"Don't be ashamed, you will be busy in the future." Mu Chenxing didn't bother to waste time, and directly sent an invitation to join the council.

When inviting directors to join, a piece of information will be sent directly into the other party's mind, which includes the purpose of the council and the rights of the directors.

As long as you read it, you can understand everything.

Yue Buqun doesn't quite understand what multiverse is, but it's not a problem to understand it as a world like the Three Realms and Six Paths.

This is even more bizarre than his imaginary fairy coming to the world.

How can such an opportunity be let go?The pressure from the Songshan faction was getting bigger and bigger, even if it was a deal with monsters and goblins, he would not hesitate.

As long as he can keep the foundation of Huashan, he is willing to do anything!
To be a member of a great power that spans all realms is something one can only wish for!Not to mention that he still has a lot of rights as a director.

Am I becoming the guardian of this world?He instantly felt that his identity had become extremely precious!

The real-time communication system within the members was installed, and the communication barriers disappeared. Tony and Ethan could finally understand people's language. The four of them shared their names and introduced themselves briefly.

Yue Buqun is a gentleman who respects etiquette, and he bowed to his seniors one by one: "I joined Yue Buqun after finishing school, met the chairman, met senior Yishen, and met senior who stole you Big Brother Shi."

Mu Chenxing almost burst out laughing. Although language is no longer a barrier to communication, everyone's word habits and accents are still very distinctive.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the topic got to the point. Yue Buqun heard that Tony and Ethan intended to do business with this world, and immediately assured him that everything would fall on him and that the two seniors would be satisfied.

In the matter of commerce, both parties benefit, and only a fool will refuse. Huashan has two or three big cats and kittens because they have no money. When they have money, why not grow up?
The three of them were discussing how to do business in the world, become bigger and stronger, and when the atmosphere was getting better, a Huashan disciple in his early twenties came running in a hurry, and shouted anxiously from a long distance: "Master, Master, someone is worshiping the mountain."

"Hustle and panic, what a shame!" Lao Yue scolded, feeling that his face was shameless, this apprentice was too embarrassing for him, and when the disciple walked up to him, he taught in a serious voice with a straight face: "Calm down, be careful Discuss."

"Yes, I know my mistake, and I will report it to my master. Lu Bai, the crane master of the Songshan sect, brought people from Hengshan and Taishan to worship the mountain. My wife has already received her in the front hall, and ordered me to come and report to my master. My wife said that the person who came was not kind."

"Hmph, when did the Songshan faction get better at it!" Yue Buqun frowned and cupped his fists in apology: "There are so many miscellaneous tasks in the door, and Yue is rude, how about inviting the three seniors to the back hall to serve tea?"

"Let's go together. You and I have become an alliance. We are both prosperous and wealtered. I want to see what these villains look like when they hit the door. Does Master Yue not mind?" Mu Chenxing really wanted to see him laughing What does Ao Jianghu's martial arts look like?

When he scanned Yue Buqun with his mind power, he felt disturbed, and he had to concentrate to break through the energy barrier, which should be the effect of internal force.

After feeling the inner strength, he wanted to see if there was any merit in the martial arts moves in this world.

The three of them were there just now discussing the business experience, how to sell modern handicrafts at a good price, and what ancient things are more valuable in modern times. He is not interested in these. He just wants to see the power systems of different universes so that he can learn from each other and strengthen himself. body.

Yue Buqun was naturally happy to see his proposal come to fruition. With three "superior people" sitting in charge, the head of Huashan suddenly felt his waist stiffen.

We also have backers!
With awe-inspiring momentum and staring eyes, he came to the front hall and appeared in front of all the young people who came to pay homage to the mountain.

Da Ma Jin Dao sat down at the head seat, and without waiting for the other party to attack, he first asked: "Senior brother Lu, why do you bring a group of senior brothers from Taishan School and Hengshan School together with the abandoned disciples of Huashan? Qi Lianzhi, where do you put Huashan in my actions?"

First of all, occupy the commanding heights of morality, so that he can advance, attack, retreat, and defend, and be invincible. He has long wanted to do this, but he was weak before, afraid that the Songshan faction would become angry and no longer care about face, so he kept forbearing.

It's different now, and the depression in my heart can finally be vented.

Without waiting for Lu Bai to refute, he stared at the three middle-aged men among the mountain-worshiping crowd, and reprimanded him coldly: "Feng Buping, Cheng Buyou, Cong Buqi, you will break out of the door that day and abandon the Huashanmen. Now, what face do you have to return?
What do you want to come here today?The ancestors of Huashan are above, do you have a sense of shame? "

(End of this chapter)

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