Chapter 182
According to legend, in the Han Dynasty, Manjusri Bodhisattva and Bodhisattvas taught the Dharma in Mount Wutai for more than 500 years.

Today, there are temples built on the top of the five platforms. There are more than 300 Buddhist temples and more than 1 monks and nuns in the whole mountain.

There are Bodhisattvas appearing here, and the whole mountain is protected by a large array. The officers and soldiers cannot enter, and the Taoist sects cannot attack. It has become the only Buddhist and pure place in the Tang Dynasty, and many Buddhist disciples come to seek refuge.

So, Mu Chenxing came.

A group of aggressive monks guarding the mountain and the guardian hair god fell silently to the ground.

Afterwards, a Heavenly Blade Judgment pierced through the formation protecting the mountain, and high-energy photons hit the place where Manjusri Bodhisattva resides: Dafu Lingjiu Temple like a torrent.

Manjusri is protected by the golden lotus of the seven treasures, and communicated with the earth veins to bless him. Under the judgment of the sky blade, he struggles to support.

Wutai is the last piece of pure land in the hearts of Tang monks and nuns, and the last stronghold of Buddhism in Nanfangbuzhou. Once this place is lost, the thousand-year plan of Buddhism will be wiped out.

Manjusri had to persevere, he could not retreat, let alone lose.

Once the retreat is defeated, the Great Tang's extermination of Buddhism will be completed, all monks and nuns will lose their support in their hearts, the emperor's edict will truly fall into place, and the ban on Buddhism will become a general trend, and will follow the great Tang's soldiers It spread, and eventually, it got out of hand.

He couldn't pinch Mingwang's seal with his hand, and began to borrow mana from the Buddhist heavens.

Let you be fierce and blazing, how can you defeat our Buddha with boundless magic power!

Is Mu Chenxing afraid of the energy competition?
He is really not afraid.

Although the sun in this world is not a star and cannot extract star energy, it is supported by the dark energy of sixteen universes. The void controller converts dark energy into high-energy photons to launch the Heavenly Blade Trial, which is more convenient than extracting star energy.

It is equivalent to extracting sixteen stars at the same time, and it is still a star with endless energy.

To be honest, his full-power Heavenly Blade Judgment can split the earth.

If it hadn't been for the fear that too much power would cause irreparable damage to the planet, and deliberately reduced the energy output, Manjusri would have been burned to coke long ago.

Even so, the jet of photons impacting the Seven Treasure Golden Lotus still emitted a large amount of high-energy radiation, and the heat energy continued to accumulate, making the entire Mount Wutai seem to be roasting in an oven.

The mountainous area known for its coolness seems to have turned into a flaming mountain, and the late autumn season of September ushered in unprecedented high temperature and heat.The glare of the glare on the top of the mountain caused tears to flow, and the scorching heat made the beard and hair curl and the skin cracked.

Under the transpiration of water vapor, the line of sight is distorted. The forest and some wooden buildings all over the mountain have begun to smoke, and they will burn at any time.

Jackals, tigers and leopards, roe deer, badgers, pigs, pikas and birds, all the animals living here fled to the outside of the mountain in groups. Frightened, even if the natural enemies were by their side, they fled regardless.

The fire all over the whole mountain will ignite at any time, and it will inevitably kill all mortal monks.

Manjusri knew this, but he had no spare energy to help. Who would have thought that the enemy's magic power would be so profound?The endless stream seemed endless, and even suppressed the Buddha kingdoms of the heavens.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well have rushed out and tried my best at the beginning, maybe I could kill a way out.Now, riding a tiger is hard to get off, and the moment you withdraw your hand, you will be burned to ashes by the opponent's attack.

Sorry for the first time.

Not only the Bodhisattva could see the difficulty of burning the mountain, but everyone knew that disaster was imminent.Panic began to spread, and the monks who were originally solemn treasures all changed their colors.

All kinds of life began to be staged in Mount Wutai.

Those who regard death as home and are willing to dedicate themselves to faith, suppress the panic in their hearts, endure the pain of high temperature, and recite scriptures, sit cross-legged on the ground, quietly waiting for the moment of destruction, looking forward to rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, or Nirvana Rebirth.

But more people, driven by their survival instinct, staggered down the mountain with both hands and feet.

During this period, yelling and scolding were endless, and pushing and trampling occurred from time to time.

Sadness, fear, anger, despair, sadness, fierceness and other emotions change on everyone's face, and the teachings of the scriptures cannot match instinct after all.

The six roots are pure and the five aggregates are all empty, not everyone can do it.

As time goes by, the chaos intensifies. The screams of falling from the cliff, the wailing of being pushed down and trampled on the mountain road, the conflicts, fighting, shouting, and pleading when the road is seized, all kinds of voices are mixed together, like ghosts crying. howl.

The entire bodhisattva dojo is like a purgatory on earth.

"At this time, why don't you fight back? What is your hidden trump card?" Mu Chenxing murmured silently in his heart, waiting vigilantly for the enemy's ultimate move.

Sticking to the dojo, relying on the formation and the magic weapon to resist his attack, intending to use up enough spiritual energy to force him to retreat, it seems that there is no problem on the surface.

But the principle of long-term defense is bound to be lost, he does not believe that the other party does not know, there must be a killer move.

It is only logical to consume his energy first, and then use ultimate moves to control the enemy.

So, what kind of surprise did Manjusri prepare for him?

It's very exciting.

He slightly increased the output of energy, and gradually pushed down the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus. The Grand Hall of Lingjiu Temple was crushed bit by bit by the opponent's magic weapon. spread.

This magic weapon is about to reach its limit, it's time to do it.

If you don't do it again, you won't have a chance.

Mu Chenxing's judgment was not wrong, a space fluctuation suddenly appeared on the right side, and a hole was broken in the space barrier that he had blocked.

To attack from the right side of his sword?Good choice.The Heavenly Blade Judgment is still suppressing Manjusri, and there is indeed a flaw on the right hand side.

Compared with the hidden ultimate move, he actually cares more about how the enemy breaks the space blockade.

"Xiao Fan, analyze the enemy's means of breaking through the space barrier." While he was giving orders to the smart assistant in his heart, the mind scan and the attention of the probing eye tilted to the right.

A lion's roar came, the force field oscillated endlessly, and the force scan was instantly abolished.

Shit, Journey to the West is too f-cking for mind power, and his mind force field will be shaken to the point where he can't do anything.

A big lion's mouth covering the sky and covering the sky, biting towards him with one bite, completely blocking the body like a hill behind.

This should be Manjusri's mount, the Green Lion Spirit, which is said to be able to swallow [-] heavenly soldiers in one bite.

The cowhide boasted quite loudly, but Mu Chenxing didn't believe it. If the heavenly soldiers and generals were so good, the Jade Emperor would have been kicked out of power long ago.

The green lion's attack is mighty, but the real ultimate move is not it, but attached to the lion's mouth and jaw, a faint green flame, only the size of a soybean grain, looks like the light of an oil lamp, unremarkable, but look After arriving, I felt that my soul was trembling.

Really Nima is insidious. Fortunately, he has two detection systems. The scanning of mind power is disturbed, but the detection eye can still operate normally, and he clearly sensed the enemy's sneak attack.

There must be someone else who launched the sneak attack. This thing is completely different from Manjusri's spirit energy attribute.

It is normal to have a helper, Buddhism is a great religion, who would be so stupid as to single out with himself?
One-on-one is not a Buddhist tradition.

A halberd that looks a bit like a harpoon suddenly appeared, and nailed to the upper teeth of the green lion at a very high speed. The electric field of more than [-] million volts burst out suddenly, and the electricity made the lion spirit bark like a dog, like an epileptic Stiff and trembling like a seizure, the magical power of devouring naturally stopped.

The body returned to its original shape, but the mouth was stuck by the lightning halberd, and it couldn't be closed no matter what. The jumping electric arc hit the inner organs directly along the throat, and after a while, the big lion could be turned into an electric shock from the inside out. Grilled lion, and it's the burnt kind.

At the same time that the ultimate move appeared, Manjusri was also counterattacking. Regardless of the damage of the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus, he held a Vajra Sword, glaring and frowning, pushing the defensive magic weapon against the photon jet of the Heavenly Blade Judgment to attack upwards, and wanted to hack to death Mu Chenxing's hideous appearance.

A dark green flame the size of a soybean also rushed out from the mane of the green lion's mandible, shooting towards it like a tracer bullet.

Do you want to attack from both sides, and accomplish all your achievements in one battle?
No, Mu Chenxing suddenly realized something was wrong, there was something in the west-slanting sunlight.

is a needle.

A needle refined with light.

Eyebrows are as thick and thin, five to six minutes long, like a scorpion's tail needle, hiding in the sun, waiting for the right time.

It is probably the sun golden needle refined from the eyes of Pleiades Xingguan. This is the first thought that came to his mind. In the original book of Journey to the West, Pleiades Xingguan’s mother, what is the name of the old rooster Bodhisattva, the specific name He didn't remember that it was the old cock who used this kind of needle to break the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord.

It seems that they have come to join in the fun.

Attack from three sides, the most powerful is the light, the most difficult to defend against is the sun lily, as for Manjushri, it has already been used up, so don't worry about it.

Mu Chenxing reacted in an instant, the energy output of the Heavenly Blade Judgment suddenly increased, the Seven Treasure Golden Lotus was completely torn apart by the high-energy photons, and at the same time as the energy jet hit the body of Manjusri Bodhisattva, the green lights close to him were instantly transported to the body by the space. Sun Jinzhen body.

These two are awesome magic weapons. According to Journey to the West, their attributes are called one yin and one yang. Just touching them is like dry wood meeting a raging fire.

The reaction of the two was extremely intense, but there was no sound of explosion or violent flash. Instead, a gray mist was released, instantly annihilating all nearby matter and energy.

A gray scar seemed to appear in the sky, and it gradually disappeared after a while. In this short period of time, Manjusri Bodhisattva had been burned to ashes by the enhanced power of the Heavenly Blade Trial. The entire Wutai Mountain Range, the fire rose, and the magma flowed in all directions. , the mountain collapsed, and thick smoke billowed.

"Amitabha, sins and sins, Taoist friends have a cruel heart!" An old but angry voice came over.

Mu Chenxing didn't have time to find the guy who was hiding and talking, because Xiao Fan's feedback had arrived.

[Detected as subspace intrusion technology, part of the structure of the space barrier was replaced by subspace]

This is the means to break through the blockade of one's own space and open the door of space for a sneak attack. It should be the Buddhist kingdom of the heavens and Buddhas, and you have gained insight.

[The enemy is trying to retreat, the subspace is peeling off]

Xiao Fan's reminder is very timely, since he came, he must leave some souvenirs, he doesn't have the technology to capture the subspace, but it doesn't mean he will just watch the enemies come and go freely.

"Disturb the space field, launch space shocks, cuts, twists, and blow it up for me." These attack techniques are immature, and the specific effects cannot be controlled. Mu Chenxing felt that it was not enough. He emptied all the vibration gold bullets in the accelerator that had been accelerated in one go.

All 36 meteors shot into the enemy's subspace.

Ran Deng struggled to get out of the entanglement, cut off the connection with the human world, and looked at the 36 mushroom clouds soaring into the sky, and the space cracks one after another, as well as the earth with thousands of ravines and collapses in the Buddha Kingdom. The mountains, the charred creatures, and the fallen monks.

I couldn't help but sighed, one of the 24 Buddha kingdoms of the heavens was destroyed, and it would take thousands of years to repair.

If the sneak attack fails, it damages the magic weapon and destroys the Buddhist kingdom.

Time and life.

The catastrophe is approaching, and Buddhism is worrying.

How can it be?

Mu Chenxing didn't have as much emotion as burning the lamp. After the Manjusri Dojo in Mount Wutai was pulled out, there was no obstacle in the Great Tang Dynasty to destroy Buddha.

The Daoist didn't make any effort this time, and he needed to give himself an explanation. He called the little white dragon to put out the fire, while waiting for his allies to explain.

It is not difficult to put out the fire. The void controller modifies the temperature of Wutai Mountain and the surrounding area, and the little white dragon controls the water to spray it once.

The whole process takes a total of two hours.

In the past two hours, quite a few people have come. Some nearby monks, monsters, mountain gods, and land came to pay their respects. To be precise, they were afraid of death and came to surrender.

Some local officials also came to inquire, but the person he wanted to wait for did not show up.

There is no tacit understanding between Daomen and himself.

Do you want to find out their faults and let them have a better understanding with you?

For example, when he went out of Liangjie Mountain to the Western Regions, he left the Buddhist ashram in Nanfang Buzhou to Taoist disciples. As a result, these people only picked soft persimmons and allowed Mount Wutai to open the gate to accept the fleeing monks and nuns.

Buddhism can use bodhisattvas to guard their homes, won't you send out a god to do them?Even if Tianzun can't move lightly, those celestial masters, spiritual officials, immortals in the upper cave, etc., wouldn't it be good to have a few more?

At this time, do you still want to play the way of fighting without breaking?
If Sanqing can fight against the Buddha, can't the other disciples be more active?

Mu Chenxing decided to go to the Taoist dojo for a while, let the great immortals get to know him, and maintain the relationship of allies by the way, and then seek revenge from the old rooster Bodhisattva. If he wants to attack him, he must pay the price.

By the way, the old lady of this little rooster, Pleiades Star Officer, should be Pilanpo Bodhisattva, right?

"Great Sage, do you know Pleiades Star Officer's old lady?" He was afraid that he would find the wrong person, and it would be bad if there was an oolong. After all, it was related to the Heavenly Court Star Officer, so it's better to be more cautious.

"I don't know." Sun Wukong's tone was a little low, mainly because he was hit today. He thought that his combat power belonged to the top wave of the Three Realms, but it turned out that he was not qualified to intervene in some battles.

It's not a taste in my heart.

"Okay, let's go to Longhu Mountain for a stroll first, and then ask someone about it." Mu Chenxing stood up, called Xiao Bailong, and was about to set off.

But he saw an auspicious cloud floating from a distance, and then it landed on the mountain where he was. An old Taoist nun nodded in salute: "You are polite, I have seen it before."

Mu Chenxing didn't know him, so he didn't know how to address him, but Sun Wukong helped him out, and bowed his hand in return: "It turned out to be Lishan's old lady, old grandson is very polite, I've seen it before."

(End of this chapter)

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