Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 183 The Immortals Addicted to Political Games

Chapter 183 The Immortals Addicted to Political Games

Lishan Laomu, also known as Lishan Laomu, attained Taoism in ancient times. It is said that she, Nuwa and Fuxi are figures of the same era, and her status in Taoism is extremely respected.

Indifferent temperament, no religious sect, belongs to the Qing Dynasty cultivator who devotes himself to practice and dislikes fame, wealth and disputes.

The translation is that it is one of the great powers of the Jade Emperor.

She glanced at the collapsed cliff and burnt black wreckage of Mount Wutai, sighed softly, looked at Mu Chenxing and said, "I'm so embarrassing, I want to ask fellow Taoist for favors."

"If you have any advice, you can be honest." Mu Chenxing came to this world not long ago. He neither knows Lao Mu Lishan nor has anything to do with her lineage of gods. intention.

"Fellow Daoist speaks quickly, so I don't want to be a fool. I came here this time to resolve a grievance." Mrs. Lishan paused for a while, and then continued to speak when she saw Mu Chenxing listening quietly. :

"The old body has some friendship with Pilanpo Bodhisattva. Since the separation of the Yulan Society 350 years ago, she has retreated and cultivated. She has never left the cave, and has not participated in the siege of fellow Taoists. The sun golden needle that appeared here today is Due to affection, I was borrowed a magic weapon by my colleagues."

This fairy family who came out of nowhere, with unimaginably powerful mana, suppressed Manjusri Bodhisattva who occupies a favorable location all the way, and beat Manjusri, one of the four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, without the power to fight back.

Facing the ancient Buddha who attacked through the Buddha Kingdom, he was also able to handle it with ease.

This surprised many people.

Wutai Mountain is the nail nailed by the Buddhist sect on Nanfang Buzhou. It has already attracted attention, but the previous battles were so powerful that more people paid attention.

Thinking of this person's record, he was terrified.

Within a few days of his birth, the four great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, plus Lingji, all fell into his hands. Those were the four golden immortals and one Taiyi, none of them were mediocre.

Especially Guanyin Bodhisattva, the teacher of the Seven Buddhas, who would have thought that she would fall?Counting the Three Realms, there are less than ten fingers who can win Avalokitesvara.

Even if it is oneself, it will take a lot of effort to win the battle. As for the extermination, there is no guarantee.

You can see what this man can do.

She didn't want her friend to suffer an innocent disaster, so she had to come here to intercede in person.

That old rooster is really not eye-catching, and she is so confused in closed doors, can the magic weapon of becoming famous be borrowed casually?
Is that a magic weapon?What is lent is life.

The great catastrophe is approaching, and the slightest involvement will kill the catastrophe.


Old Mu Lishan sighed, took out a cyan jade bottle the size of a baby's fist, put it in the palm of her hand, and handed it to Mu Chenxing.

"In the early years, the old man was fortunate to have acquaintance with the Supreme Master, and he was so kind to him that he presented a Nine-Turn Golden Elixir, which he passed on to fellow Taoists today. I also hope that fellow Taoists will hold your hand high and not pursue my friend's crime of offense."

Nine-turn golden elixir is extremely rare, not to mention how many rare materials are needed, the difficulty of refining alone is extremely high, only the Supreme Lord can make it.

Each one is extremely precious.

It has the magical effect of life and death, flesh and bones, and immortality.

She was a little distressed to give up one today.

Sun Wukong curled his lips, thinking that Lishan Laomu is also stingy, and a Nine-Turn Golden Elixir can also be used as a favor?He still looks reluctant, as for it!Back then, my grandson ate five gourds, which were as crunchy as chewing beans.

But at least he knew some ways of the world, so he just smiled and never opened his mouth to make trouble.

But he still doesn't know until now that what he ate in Tushita Palace at that time were only cooked pills and raw pills, not Jiuzhuan Jindan.If the monkey swallowed such a rare treasure as five gourds, the Taishang Laojun would be so heartbroken.

Not to mention going into the Eight Diagrams Furnace to refine it into a diamond that is not bad and has piercing eyes, it will be turned into ashes immediately, the kind that can't even be swept away.

Mu Chenxing was very interested in the Jiuzhuan Jindan, ginseng fruit, and flat peaches from Journey to the West. He reached out to take them without any pretentiousness, and thanked him happily: "I have written down my favor, as long as Pilan Po Bodhisattva does not come If you trouble me, I will naturally not come to disturb you."

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist, for your generosity." Lao Mu Lishan gave a slap in the face. She was able to escape the robbery for her friend so easily, which was somewhat beyond her expectations.

Before coming here, I was still worried that this person would be violent and easy to kill, and he would not be good at speaking. It seems that he was a little preconceived and biased.

She took another look at the miserable situation in Wutai Mountain. There was no vegetation for hundreds of miles around, and people and animals were all turned into charcoal. It was like a black rope purgatory. She couldn't help persuading: "Everything bears the yin and embraces the yang, and strives for peace. Lonely, widowed , Not a grain, it is abandoned by the heavens. May fellow Taoists think about it carefully, and leave the old body."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Lishan flew away on the cloud. Mu Chenxing could understand what she said, and it was nothing more than using the way of yin and yang to express the concept of balance.

The Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court wants balance, and Buddhism and Taoism also need balance. Balance is indeed the mainstream thought in this world.

There is no essential difference from the emperors in the world who use different factions to balance the court situation.

Li Er also hesitated on the issue of destroying Buddhism. The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism is good for him to control the country. If it weren't for the dimensionality reduction attack of his own "immortal", he would not want to completely wipe out any of them.

This is not only the case with the emperor, but also the officials who govern the local area. Balancing local forces is an important means for an official to control the local area.

It's just that I didn't expect the gods to be like this. They are already immortal, and their thinking is still stuck in political games. This kind of way to pass the time is quite different.

Maybe the world is too small to seek outside, but to roll inside?
According to the old lady Lishan, it seems that there are some people in the Taoist sect who do not want to completely destroy the Buddhist sect.

When she persuaded herself to make a move, she left some leeway, don't kill too hard, it's better to fight without breaking?
From this point of view, it is estimated that going to the dojo where the Taoist sect stands in the human world will not have much effect, at most it will show your face and stand up.

Forget it, Mu Chenxing shook his head, he didn't want to stay in this world forever, why be so petty.

Worry about this, worry about that, no point.

I'll talk about it when I get angry.

At worst, just leave.

If you are in a hurry, you will blow up the whole world. It's not impossible to destroy the world, you just don't want to.

If you run into a black shop while traveling, if you feel bad, just overturn the table!His strength is enough to support his temper.

So far, he hadn't thought of looting anything from this world. The biggest gain was the Nine-Turn Golden Pill, which was sent by the old woman of Lishan, begging for favors. She thought that what she gave was a pill, but it was in the hands of Mu Chenxing. Here, as long as the composition of matter is analyzed and understood, void controllers can be mass-produced.

The only thing to consider is how to eat.

The Taoist Golden Elixir has infinite uses, but there are also corresponding methods of taking the alchemy and refining it.If you don't understand the Taoism in it, you will waste the power of the medicine, or you will be poisoned to death by erysipelas.

It may also be that what is eaten is what is taken out, and what is taken out is not absorbed at all.

This point must be paid attention to, Jindan cannot be eaten casually.

Asking the monkey is not a good choice. Sun Wukong knows the way of taking pills. He can only roughly use the three-flavored fire to make a ball. If the Taishang Laojun helped refine it with the Bagua furnace, the gold he ate It is unknown how much of the medicinal power of Dan will be wasted.

Relatively speaking, ginseng fruit and flat peach are much more friendly, and ordinary people can also eat them, and they will increase their lifespan without any hidden dangers.

Putting the golden core into the void world, after a glance at the analysis process, Mu Chenxing's attention turned to visit the ginseng fruit and flat peach.

The power level of the local monks is almost understood. You can consider going to Wuzhuang Temple and Tianting to have a look. If you can get the data templates of ginseng fruit trees and flat peach trees, you can combine Lieyang's high-energy level food technology to launch the earth version of high-level food. Energy crops to achieve the goal of promoting the evolution of the whole people.

At worst, it can also improve life expectancy and promote the development of genetic engineering and super genetic engineering.

He never thought that the distribution of flat peaches or ginseng fruits to the whole people would not be able to be manufactured by the void controller, and the planting and production capacity of fruit trees would not be able to meet the needs of more than one billion people.

The universality of Journey to the West is too low, and other universes do not have such a rich and active spirit, and the things here can't be adapted to the local environment at all.

And if the immortals of Journey to the West go to other universes, there is a [-]% chance that they will become water without a source or a tree without roots. After using up the magic power in their bodies, they will probably be strong and supernatural beings.

It may also become a fish out of water, and survival is a problem.

For this point, you can use Guanyin Bodhisattva trapped in the storage space as an experiment later.

Therefore, the technology of the ordinary universe is the most universal power system, which is why he is not very interested in the exercises and Taoism of Journey to the West.

There is no value in switching systems.

Now Qiyuan's key scientific research project is to analyze the body of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and the life level of the Golden Immortal will soon be revealed.

The obtained data shows that Samantabhadra's body is also a carbon-based life, but the internal structure of the cells has changed greatly, which is very suitable for the storage and conduction of spirit energy, and even the transformation of matter and energy.

Mu Chenxing speculates that if such development continues, the evolution from material life to energy life may be completed.

Maybe this is the way of refining emptiness?
After evolving into an energy life, can one truly use the body to carry certain laws of the universe?One with the rules?

Perhaps, this is also a good evolutionary route.

The evolutionary route of the super gene has fallen into a bottleneck, and he has no clue about the five generations of gods.

The super gene of the Super God universe is a route of micro-machines combined with body cells. The first, second and third generations of super soldiers are 0.1 nanometer-level micro-dark matter computers embedded in bases to build genetic engines.

By the third generation of gods, the mechanical and biological genes are completely combined to form a new gene chain with both biological and mechanical characteristics. In essence, it is already a new species.

The four generations of gods continue to develop towards the microcosm.Every atom in the body is a basic unit that can survive independently, that is to say, every atom is a complex system, equivalent to a genetic engine.

Without the ability to strike at the atomic level, it would not be able to cause too much damage to the fourth generation of gods.

It's easy to understand, right? You can cut radishes, cabbage, and tomatoes with a kitchen knife, but you can't cut atoms with a normal kitchen knife.

The more microscopic the matter, the fewer ways to strike.To a certain extent, it may even become indestructible.

Then, according to this line of thinking, is the Five Dynasties Divine Body heading towards the proton inside the nucleus?To make the proton the basic unit of the divine body, it needs to complete the operation at the quark level.

The difficulty is too great.

almost impossible.

Anyway, the Kamigawa civilization has developed for more than 3 years, and the survivors after its demise, such as space and Karl, have studied it for more than [-] years. This kind of thing is impossible.

The angelic civilization, which has developed for 10 years, cannot do the same.

You know, there is no matter directly composed of quarks found in the universe, and even protons need to combine with electrons to form neutrons to form neutron star matter.

Further down is the black hole.

Within the event horizon of the black hole, all physical constants will disappear, which is the category of void technology studied by Karl.

Mu Chenxing felt that it was a waste of time to try to get into the corner on this road and never catch up with Karl.

Perhaps, it is also a good way out to study the conversion of material life to energy life.

He did a simulation experiment. If photons are used as the underlying material to imitate the carbon-based structure to construct human cells, then the computing power of Qiyuan, a celestial-level computer, is not enough to control the body.

Controlling an ordinary human body built by photons requires countless times more computing power than calculating the operation of galaxies. He suspects that the computing power of a large clock may not be enough.

Obviously, this method is not feasible.

"Need a real fairy corpse of the level of refining the virtual and combining the Tao."

He hurriedly drove this thought out of his mind. If there is such a god, he might be able to blow himself to death in one breath.

As for an elemental creature like Surtur, he is not actually an energy life form. His existence is a soul plus a set of external armor. It looks somewhat similar to an energy life form, but it is fundamentally different.

A long way to go.

Mu Chenxing sighed, and greeted Xiaobailong and Sun Wukong: "Let's go to Longhu Mountain."

I must go to worship the mountain, first express my attitude, and then see the reaction of the Taoist sect.

When the three of them set off to visit various ashrams in Nanfangbuzhou, there were two people talking about Mu Chenxing in Yuxu Palace on Kunlun Mountain.

"This man's heels are unknown, and his background is confusing. How could Brother Dao bet on him?" A monk with curly hair and big ears, sitting cross-legged on a cloud bed, asked a Taoist with a high crown and a wide robe opposite him. .

"One thought is extinguished, one thought is prosperous, and the whirling world is all in one thought." The Taoist stroked the jade ruyi in his hand, his indifferent eyes seemed to be observing something, and he hadn't blinked for a long time.

"Whose thought?"

"It's not you, it's not me, and it's not Da Tianzun."

"Brother Dao really wants to destroy my Buddhist sect? The Great Heavenly Venerable will not agree. If you want to go your own way, the Taoist sect will be in danger."

"The Great Heavenly Venerable does not want to destroy the Buddha, and Taoism has no intention of destroying the Buddha. The moment he is born, we have no right to choose. Tathagata, it is useless to compete with us."

Tathagata pondered for a moment, then asked in a harsh voice, "Brother Yuan Daoist, who is he?"

"The calamity of the end of the Dharma, the calamity of the stars, and the calamity of destroying the world. I can't see clearly."

(End of this chapter)

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