Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 221 The Stairway to Creation

Chapter 221 The Stairway to Creation

The magical dimension is very different from the real physical world, and lacks many, many laws of the universe.

Too many to count.

But the most important step is the self-consistent cycle of energy and matter.

This is an extremely complicated transformation system, too complicated for Mu Chenxing to understand, and most of the dimensional demon gods are also stuck at this step.

The mass-energy equation is easy to sum up, but why does the universe operate in this way?How can we achieve mass conservation and energy conservation?This difficulty may be greater.

His void controller can break the conservation of mass and energy, and the world controller can manipulate certain laws, but without invoking external energy injection, the closed material world can run for a long time through a perfect cycle of self-consistency.

This is something he cannot do.

At least the problem of entropy increase is a big problem.

Entropy is a measure of uncertainty, which can be commonly understood as a "chaos index", and is a unit of measurement for the sum of energy that can no longer be transformed into work.

Take burning coal to boil water as an example.

When we burn a piece of coal, its total energy is determined and will not disappear, but only part of the heat is utilized and transferred to water.This part is called effective work, and it can also be called ordered energy.

Other parts will be transformed into carbon dioxide and other gases, and together with the unused heat, they will be dissipated into the space.This part is called ineffective work, and it can also be called disorder energy.

When matter and energy are transformed from one state to another, there must be a loss of energy.Some of the lost energy can be used again, but some of it becomes chaotic, disordered energy that no longer participates in work.

This part is called entropy.

If the infinite superposition of entropy cannot be resolved through the circulation of matter and energy, then the material world will soon collapse, and heat death will be inevitable.

It is not difficult to manufacture a substance, but it is difficult to manufacture a material world, but it is even more difficult to maintain the circulation of the material world.

Those who can do this can be called Creation Gods.

Anyway, Mu Chenxing couldn't do it, and all the dimensional demon gods couldn't do it.

Many demon gods devour the multiverse, not to increase the space of their own dimensions, but to interpret the laws of the universe.

Of course, this is a rational demon god, and some demon gods have lost their true selves due to the impact of numerous souls and cosmic laws, and have become lunatics who devour for the sake of devouring.

Some demon gods even chose to commit suicide or disintegrate themselves.

This is what Gu Yi was worried about.

Creation is difficult and dangerous.

"I have my own method."

Mu Chenxing is different from other demon gods. The council is a real existence beyond the big universe. It can pull the magic dimension into the void, and naturally it can also pull the material world into the void.

As long as he can seize the ownership of the independent world, he can truly own a material world of his own, and then slowly analyze the operating rules of the world.

As for pulling a small world like Tarot into the void, it loses its energy exchange with the main material universe, and becomes a completely closed world, which makes it unable to use internal circulation to solve the problem of entropy increase.

He also has simple and crude methods.

The entropy increase of a closed system only needs the injection of external energy to reduce the entropy.

He smiled and looked at Gu Yi: "If you join us, I will tell you my method."

"Ah! I'm getting old, and I don't have that much curiosity anymore." Gu Yi smiled a little vicissitudes, shook his head and rejected his invitation.

She didn't know if Mu Chenxing could take that step. The time gem cannot see beyond the universe, and the future branches are vast, and it is impossible for her to understand everything.

Now, she just wants to retire.

"Okay, let's talk about the second thing." Mu Chenxing decided not to disturb the elderly looking forward to the wonderful life of retirement.

"I'm here to borrow someone from you. Borrow a person who is good at combining fighting and spells, and go to Fort Bud to be a teacher for a while."

His original purpose today was to find a fighting coach for the Rune Warrior, but if he couldn't find a permanent one, he should get a temporary one first.

It's okay for Coulson to do basic physical training, but asking him to figure out a complete combat system is a bit difficult.

"How is Modu? He is progressing well in learning the magic of the Holy Light, which is very suitable for your request." Gu Yi suggested.

"That would be great." Mu Chenxing was very pleasantly surprised by this proposal.

In recent years, Modu has been in charge of the training of Karma Taj's new apprentices. He is the best candidate besides Gu Yi.

"I borrowed Modu, will it affect your side?" He was a little embarrassed.

"Kama Taj still has a lot of mages who can stand alone." Gu Yi looked at the new mages who were practicing spells and fighting in the square, thought for a while and said, "Wang is a good mage."

Mu Chenxing knew this person. He was a middle-aged mage of Chinese origin. He had met several times in Karma Taj. In the original plot, he was an administrator of the library. After Doctor Strange disappeared, he took the position of the supreme mage.

Strength and character are good.

Gu Yi mentioned this person in front of him in order to let him get acquainted with the mage of Kama Taj.

After all, his shelter will be needed here for the next few years.

"Aren't you afraid of causing trouble? For example, Casillas." Mu Chenxing smiled unscrupulously.

A certain Supreme Sorcerer has set the stage, and it's time for the actors to enter.

Gu Yi ignored his ridicule, sighed, and said in a weak tone: "Casillas is very talented, but he is too extreme, and his heart is full of resentment.

The flame of resentment scorched his heart and blinded his reason, and my persuasion was useless.The human heart is the most unsatisfied. "

Mu Chenxing can understand this sentence. To be honest, Casillas can no longer be described as extreme.

His life was indeed unsatisfactory. His son and wife died of illness one after another. His heart was very painful, and he drank alcohol all day long to anesthetize himself.

Because of his high talent in magic, Modu took the initiative to find him and brought back Kama Taj.

After learning magic, he finally cheered up, and his desire to revive his wife and children is not to blame.

But resurrecting life is very difficult for mages, and it is almost impossible to succeed.Of course he couldn't find a way, and then he began to resent others, even Gu Yi.

But what does it matter to anyone else?
His wife and children were not killed by Karma Taj's mage.Without Modu bringing him back, without Gu Yi teaching him magic, he is still a worthless wimp who is drunk all day long.

Casillas is a man with a bad temper. He always has the idea that the whole world must revolve around him. When he suffers, he feels that others are sorry for him.

There are many people who have suffered. Many mages of Kama Taj are terminally ill and disabled. Ancient One taught them magic. With the support of magic power, they can prolong their lifespan and live like normal people.

If they are all like Casillas, then Gu Yi is really a heinous sin.

It's just that Dormammu is dead, the original dark dimension has been converted into the holy light dimension, and the energy that Ancient One now uses to prolong his life has also been replaced with holy light.

Mu Chenxing was very curious, how would Casillas and the people he wooed make trouble?

Is it a sacrifice to oneself?
But he doesn't harvest souls.

He opened his mouth, hesitated, and finally didn't ask anything.

He didn't know what to ask.

You can't ask Gu Yi, what kind of death method did you choose for yourself?Too embarrassed to say it.

Forget it, let it take its course, there are too many demon gods recorded in the magic books collected by Karma Taj, those who want to find trouble can always find an excuse to vent their negative emotions, and they will always find a tool to do things.

Gu Yi didn't write the script and arrange actors to play it, she just guided the vast future branches to a direction that is more beneficial to the earth.

Mu Chenxing didn't want to observe the timeline of the endless future just for a little guy.

It was too boring, it was a whiplash to the soul, and he would not suffer that kind of crime when there were no major events to predict.

The sun was about to set, and he was about to leave. He shouted to Modu who was guiding the newcomers in the distance: "Mo Du, Master Modu, come here."

Modu respects Mu Chenxing very much. He is the only person in Kama Taj who knows the true identity of the Lord of Holy Light. Hearing this, he walked over quickly, respectfully performed a mage salute, and said softly: "See Your Majesty, I don't know What are your orders?"

Mu Chenxing nodded appreciatively. He speaks Chinese well. If he didn't have a layer of black skin, he must be an authentic Chinese boy based on his fluent Chinese.

Jokingly said: "Mage Gu Yi sold you to me, come with me today."


Mo Du looked back and forth between Mu Chenxing and Gu Yi's faces in doubt.Where is this taking me?Haven't you heard that the Lord of the Holy Light takes souls?I haven't lived enough.

"This is a good deal." Gu Yi put his hands behind his back, smiled unfathomably, and said, "Master Modu, thank you for your hard work."

"I know." Modu didn't know what he had come up with, and said with a generous face: "Your Majesty, I'm ready!"

"Well, very good." Mu Chenxing embraced Dijiang with both hands, regretting that he could not pat him on the shoulder as an encouragement, so he nodded solemnly and said: "I have developed a branch of the Holy Light mage, A rune warrior who focuses on melee combat.

I need you to figure out a combat system and teach it to my students.Thank you for your hard work, Master Modu. "

"Ah, that's it." Modu knew he had been tricked.

Really, a supreme mage, a dimensional lord, can't you respect your own identities?
Is it something you should do to make fun of my little mage?


I thought I was leaving this world.

He was angry and funny, resisting the urge to roll his eyes, and said with a smile: "I am willing to serve you, Your Majesty."

What can I do if I don't laugh?My direct leader and the biggest source of magic power, I can only choose to forgive.

"Haha, I'm leaving Master Gu Yi." Mu Chenxing said goodbye to Gu Yi with a smile, then opened the space door leading to Fort Bud, turned to Modu and said, "Let's go, Master Modu."

After finishing speaking, he stepped through the space door first, led Modu to the castle, and said while walking: "The main spell system of rune warriors is the spell of the protection system. Now there are two students who only learned one lighting spell." , is still in the basic stage of physical exercise.

You don't need to rush to teach them, first summarize the rough system of combining fighting and spells, and then improve this system through daily teaching.

If you have any doubts about the Holy Light spells, you can ask me. "

"Thank you for your attention, I will complete your order as soon as possible." Mo Du followed behind Mu Chenxing, responding to this honor.

It is a great honor for him to assist the dimensional lord in perfecting the magic system.

There are several time zones between Kathmandu and Sokovia. Karma Taj is watching the sunset, and it is only half an afternoon here at Fort Bader.

When the two walked into the castle hall, only the wooden maid came out to welcome them. Ethan was teaching the three of Wanda about optics in the classroom on the third floor.

"Arrange a room for you first. If there is anything missing, you can go back to Karma Taj to get it yourself. I don't have any rules here, just order casually." Mu Chenxing took Modu upstairs, and introduced:

"The second floor is the residential area, the third floor is the classroom, the fourth floor is the library and several magic laboratories, and I live on the fourth floor too. There are only six people here including you. You can follow the teaching arrangements later. .”

He didn't talk too much, there were only a few people, so how could there be so many messy things.

After Modu chose the room, he carried Di Jiang back to his residence.

The fluffy Dijiang is very obedient, he dare not move when he is hugging him, even if he puts it on the ground, he lies quietly on the spot.

It seemed terrified, with its little wings and short legs curled up, and if it had a neck and head it would certainly have been huddled under its long fur.

It's useless to say anything at this time, just let it stay quietly, and it will understand that Mu Chenxing didn't mean to hurt it.

"No head and no mouth, less fun to feed." Mu Chenxing muttered softly, walked to the desk and sat down, and took out the Tarot information obtained from Xu Wenwu.

Although he had scanned it a long time ago, he still carefully read it again.

The entrance and exit of the Tarot is in Jiangxi, and it has been in contact with China a long time ago, especially it has a great influence on Taoism. Many legends and stories have the shadow of the Tarot World.

That small world will be connected to the main universe every year during Qingming, and cannot be accessed at other times.

Mu Chenxing guessed that energy should be pumped out to maintain the stability of the world.

"It's September now, and the door won't open until nearly seven months away." He licked his lips. The strongest combat force in that world was a water dragon, and it wasn't difficult to occupy it.

As for the so-called array at the entrance.

Hehe, it's just a bamboo forest, he doesn't think that thing can block him.

The biggest problem is how to link to the origin of the world and become the real master of the world.

Occupying territory and owning the world are two concepts.

If you want to pull this independent material world into the void, you must first become its true master.

"It is too important to me. So, I have to be a robber."

(End of this chapter)

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