Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 222 It's up to you to choose whether to save or destroy the world

Chapter 222 It's up to you to choose whether to save or destroy the world

"Phil's talent is good, especially he has a high affinity for the magic of the Holy Light. But he yearns too much for Captain America, and he always imitates subconsciously, which will limit his future."

Modu stood on the sidelines of the training ground and watched as Coulson threw the shield in the air. The round shield spun and hit the target, then refracted back and was firmly held in his hand.

To be honest, this flying shield was really good, but he was not optimistic about this kind of fighting skills, and reported his judgment to Mu Chenxing.

"This is his choice. We must respect the wishes of the students themselves." Mu Chenxing's attitude is indifferent, and he is not training cannon fodder soldiers. There is no need to require every student to be exactly the same as if they were carved out of a mold.

He is willing to respect everyone's individual wishes.

Which weapon to choose and which combat technique to prefer depends entirely on the preferences of the students.

Coulson chose a buckler influenced by his idol, Pietro chose a one-handed sword, and Ethan built himself a pair of retractable metal flying wings.

They followed their temperament and did not interfere.

"It's your hard work. You need to teach them different weapon usage skills."

"This is what I should do."

Modu didn't find it hard. He had to teach dozens of newcomers before, but now he only needs to teach three, which is much easier.

Kama Taj's main combat system is to use runes to restrain magic power, shape it into various weapons, and kill enemies in melee.

He is good at many weapons, such as knives, guns, swords and halberds, axes, hooks and forks, sickles and sticks, whips, maces and hammers, kidnappers and shooting stars, what with corrugated, bladed, ropes, chains, and inverted teeth Hooked, with piercing crescent eyebrows.

Eighteen kinds of weapons, no one knows how to do it.

Even with crossbows and firearms, he can use them at will.

Teaching three novices is not difficult.

It has been more than half a year since I came to Fort Bard. Melee combat, rune construction, magic power accumulation, and the combination with spells have established the framework for a complete combat system.

The rest is for the trainees to train year after year to hone their combat skills into instinct.

It can be regarded as fulfilling the mission.

What's more, the lord of the holy light personally taught the holy light magic, where can such a good thing be found?He didn't find it hard at all.

"I think they can burn the fourth magic rune. Pietro and Coulson are already familiar with the runes of the Holy Light Barrier, and Ethan is learning the runes of the Healing Light recently, and he can basically master them. "

Modu was actually very envious of these three students. He only needed to offer sacrifices to the Lord of Light to burn magic runes into his soul. It was very convenient to master spells, and the casting of spells would be particularly stable in the future.

But he glanced at the side of the training field, holding Di Jiang in his arms, and was excitedly watching her brother Wanda playing swords, and suddenly felt that the three students who had to rely on sacrifices to quickly learn spells were nothing but waste.

The gap between people can't be said.

This little girl's magical talent exists for the purpose of striking others down.

He even had the feeling that even the Supreme Mage might not be as talented as Wanda.

No wonder Mr. Mu, who is the lord of the dimension, wanted to stay for her, and even built a college just for her.

In half a year, this child has learned the seven systems of spells, and the only difference is the ability to cast spells and actual combat experience. I have to admire it.

Modu has learned magic for more than 30 years, and this is the first time he has seen such a genius.

"After this sacrifice, the cultivation of rune warriors will return to the normal path, and I will leave for a while. Modu, you can help Wanda for a while and show her the world of magic. Fort Bard is willing to follow Together, Karma Taj bears the responsibility of resisting the dimensional invasion."

The time to open the Tarot World is coming soon, and Mu Chenxing feels that magic is almost taught, and Wanda has basically learned all the spells of the Holy Light system.

Pietro and Coulson have already burned the lighting technique, strength increase and magic power blessing, and after burning the Holy Light Barrier, the combat system can be considered to be initially formed.

Enhancing physical fitness, strengthening weapon attributes, and energy shields can be said to be enough for both offense and defense.At least there is no problem with the US team [-]-[-].

The benefits end here.

If they want to learn spells in the future, they need to condense the runes by themselves, and then use the magic power of the holy light at the time of sacrifice to complete the burning alone.

This is the normal process for a rune warrior to learn spells.

Activating their mental power, changing their physique, and burning runes by themselves are small things.It is impossible for everyone to be treated like this.

As for Ethan, who joined the Fort Bard School of Magic as a teacher, he was reserved for Wanda's bodyguard. He was equipped with dark alloy armor and a [-]-ton sword-shaped Transformer. Few people on earth could beat him.

And the task of resolving the enmity between the Wanda brothers and sisters and Tony was also given to Ethan.

Entering the Tarot World this time, Mu Chenxing didn't think he would be in any danger, but it would probably take a long time.

He is bound to win the independent material world!

After clapping his hands and attracting everyone's attention, he said, "That's all for the morning training, take a break, and after lunch, go to the fourth floor to burn runes."

"Great! I can learn new magic again." Pietro jumped three feet high, waving his arms excitedly, from an ordinary person to a superman step by step. He wants to master the power and end the war in his hometown.

The two middle-aged uncles, Ethan and Coulson, naturally won't be as forgetful as the younger ones, but the smiles on the corners of their mouths tell their good mood.

The cool breeze in April brings the breath of mountains and water, and blows the sweat all over the body, which makes people feel refreshed.

The few people practicing martial arts were going to take a shower and change clothes, but Wanda who was watching the excitement naturally didn't need it.She put down Di Jiang in her arms and let the little guy move freely.

Then he walked to Mu Chenxing's side, and asked reluctantly, "Teacher is leaving? Will you come back?"

The south wind has already blown, and the rainy season is coming. The clouds in the sky are light gray, blocking the sun, just like the girl's mood at this time.

"Yes, I'm just going to do something, and I'll come back to see you when I'm done." Mu Chenxing had no intention of ever leaving.

If it weren't for his inability to borrow the magic power of chaos, talents like Wanda must have been recruited into the council, and it would be impossible to ignore them.

The problems of Sithorn and the Book of Darkness still fall on her.

"Can I go with the teacher? I have learned all the spells, and I will definitely help the teacher." The past six months have been the most peaceful days for Wanda since her parents passed away. She did not want to leave the teacher.

Mu Chenxing couldn't agree to this request, not because the Tarot World was so dangerous, but because there were still many things waiting for Wanda here.

Their brothers and sisters want to change the status quo in Sokovia. Whether it is to expel the US garrison or clean up Hydra and anti-government militants, they need to show their strength.

There is also the reconciliation with Tony through the process of pursuing the Winter Soldier, contacting the magic world with Mordo, and recruiting apprentices to strengthen the academy.

Wanda has a lot of things to do, how can she waste time in the small world?

"The place I'm going to is not dangerous, but it will take some time, you don't have to worry." Mu Chenxing raised his hand and rubbed Wanda's hair, persuading him:

"As I told you, many dimensional demon gods and monsters living in other dimensions are spying on our world. I hope you can shoulder the responsibility of cultivating mages and protecting the earth after I leave.

Your talent is excellent, and you are destined to become a powerful mage in the future. I hope you can use this power to protect the weak. "

Protecting the world is very much in line with the thinking of seventeen or eighteen-year-olds. Wanda has experienced wars and sufferings, and she has the ideal of protecting her homeland. She nodded and promised without hesitation: "Teacher, I will not let you down."

"Okay, from now on, you are the dean of this academy. I have already told Ethan and Modu that they will assist you."

Mu Chenxing's words were not just empty talk. The supercomputers in the underground of Fort Buddler, the servants and guards of the castle, their highest authority was transferred with the words.

The method of controlling them also reached Wanda's mind.

Needless to say about trivial matters, it was Qingming when the sky turned around, and Mu Chenxing sent the cute creature Di Jiang to the mountainous area of ​​Tianmen Mountain in Jiangxi.

Wearing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we walked through the bamboo forest, passed through the waterfall, and entered the world of Tarot.

The place leading to the outside world is a cave with a diameter of more than three meters. It is very smooth and almost a perfect circle. It looks a bit like a large loach drilled out, or it may be a dragon.

Walking out of the cave, the vision suddenly opened up.

The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the grass is green, the trees are verdant, and there are groups of strange animals.

A piece of peace and tranquility, the mind is clear.

Truly a paradise.

The only incongruity is that there are large holes left on the top of several mountain peaks. Mu Chenxing judged that this place has experienced a landslide and tsunami-like battle.

After continuing to fly forward for a certain distance, I visited the white fox with nine tails, the ugly and cute unicorn with a long face and thin face, the fire phoenix soaring into the sky with golden red flames, and various rare birds and animals.

Released Di Jiang, who had been away from home for a long time, back to the ethnic group, and landed in a village by a lake.

The village is small, with a big hall with flying eaves and brackets in the middle, and some thatched houses scattered around.

There are no more than a hundred villagers here.

[Spatial structure scanning completed]

[Energy radiation scanning completed]

【The world model has been established】

Listening to the report of the smart assistant Xiao Fan, looking at various data of this small world.

Mu Chenxing couldn't help sighing, "This world is really small."

The Tarot World is a world with a round sky and a round place, with an area of ​​only 10,000+ square kilometers, which is equivalent to a province, so small that he couldn't believe it.

How does such a small world complete the self-consistent energy cycle?
However, the sun and stars in the sky are actually projected from the outside world. It is not complete at all, but it can maintain its independence.


The word "Dongtian Fudi" came to his mind.

"Outsiders, you are not welcome here, come and go wherever you come from!" A thin old man with a gray beard shouted at him, interrupting his thoughts.

Beside the old man stood a dozen or so young people, each holding a stick, and they were ready to strike if they disagreed.

"The environment here is quiet, and I don't want to kill." Mu Chenxing glanced at the other side of the lake, where the mountain ash was bulging, dark, and lifeless, as if it were two worlds from this side.

The crescent-like lake separates the two worlds, life and death are distinct.

"Two choices." His voice echoed throughout the world: "I will help you kill the guy who is sealed over there, and clear away the hidden dangers in this world, and you will take me as the master.

Or, I will kill all of you and become the master of this world.

Choose as soon as possible, I don't have much patience. "His voice was not loud, but it shook in the minds of every creature.

"You... who are you?" More than a dozen villagers were so shaken that their hands and feet went limp, and the old man at the head needed the support of his companions to stand firm.

Such momentum made them fearful, and a large group of villagers from the village behind them were rushing towards this side, each holding a bow and arrow, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.There is also a suanni with a head height of two meters and a brown lion-like appearance, following in the crowd.

Powerful alien beasts are constantly emerging from the mountains and forests, and they are also gathering here.

Mu Chenxing ignored the old man's inquiry and the approaching strange beast. His eyes penetrated the deep lake water, looking at the water dragon at the bottom of the lake that was waking up from its deep sleep.

He didn't say what he said to the villagers in the first place, and the choice is not in the hands of the strange beasts in the mountains. This dragon is the big boss of the Tarot world.

Soon, the water dragon emerged from the lake, with green scales, red beard, and golden eyes, more than 50 meters long, and looked very mighty, but not as good-looking as the third prince of Yulong that Mu Chenxing had seen in Journey to the West.

Moreover, this dragon can't speak, so it is estimated that its cultivation base is not very good.

The lake is surging, the dragon is glaring, the birds and beasts are screaming and screaming, and the war is about to break out.

Surrounded by enemies, Mu Chenxing's figure seemed extremely small.

"Have you figured it out?" He looked at the water dragon with a smile, and said slowly: "I have given you options, and the choice is up to you. Life and death are all in your mind."

The scenery in this world is beautiful and the creatures are peaceful. He really doesn't want to kill, but if the other party dares to block his way, he doesn't mind slaughtering this place.

The water dragon's whiskers fluttered around, its golden eyes shrunk into slits, and its anger burst into flames, stirring up the lake, but it never launched an attack.

"Outsider, you have been bewitched by the spirit of darkness. You don't know how terrible it is. Wake up quickly. The dragon is protecting all human beings, and there must be no loss." The old man called Shui Bo by the villagers persuaded Mu Chenxing .

He saw Shenlong's hesitation, and understood that this outsider who broke into Tarot alone must be stronger than he imagined.

After Shui Bo, a middle-aged woman came out from the villagers, and tried to persuade: "Sir, please listen to me, the spirit of darkness devours the soul and pollutes the world, and only the dragon can seal it.

Once you let it out, our world and yours will be destroyed.Please think about it calmly, don't conflict with the dragon, the energy of the dragon should be used to suppress the spirit of darkness. "

"You feel that you can't use the energy to suppress the spirit of darkness, so you hesitate?" Mu Chenxing looked at the water dragon in the lake, and said with a smile: "Then I will take care of your worries and let you let go and fight with me again." One."

He raised his hand and pointed at the cave halfway up the mountain on the other side of the lake, which was sealed with layers of scales. A beam of blazing white energy light emanated from his fingertips. The scorching torrent of photons distorted the space, and the sealed scales rushed away like a piece of paper. Instantly broken.

A huge amount of energy rushed into the cave, and a heart-piercing roar came from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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