Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 230 The Super Humans Here Are Really Down-to-Earth

Chapter 230 The Super Humans Here Are Really Down-to-Earth

The back alleys of the dilapidated buildings are covered with dust, the ventilation and lighting are not good, it is dark and narrow, and there is a musty smell.

The tube building in the style of the 70s and [-]s is not popular, it should be an abandoned factory dormitory area.

In the sky, a guy wearing a cloak of the Stars and Stripes is approaching this place at high speed, and his flying posture is a bit superhuman.

A burly white man with a mustache bent his body slightly, as if trying to hide his ears and steal the bell, he wanted to run fast and keep his movements down.

The narrow back alley has limited space, and Mu Chenxing has become the biggest obstacle blocking the road.

He knew he was getting in the way of others.

But what the other party said made him unhappy.

Then slap in the face.

"Crack!", a strong man turned around in the air for three and a half weeks, and then fell on all fours.

The left half of the cheek was swollen visible to the naked eye, and the saliva mixed with the bloody teeth spewed out. The man shook his head and looked confused.

Mu Chenxing felt that the other party must be regretting the spitting of fragrance just now.

"Let me take a look at this world." Ignoring the stunned Bai Pi, he began to read the dark information of this world.

"Well, in the modern technological society, in 2019, this is New York, the United States. The Water Group, Compound No. [-], uses chemical reagents to induce genetic mutations?" The information he read made him understand the world where he settled.

It was very similar to a TV series called Black Robe Pickets that he had seen in his previous life.

There are quite a few super humans in this world, and Walter Company has secretly produced hundreds of them.

Let’s say they have ambitions. They don’t have the idea of ​​manufacturing super soldiers on a large scale, engaging in military coups, and ruling the world by force.

Instead, more than 200 "superheroes" were packaged, and they played the capital routine of traffic stars, making shows, making movies, accepting advertisements, selling peripherals, and managing the fan economy in a decent way.

Let’s say they have no ambitions, and in the name of superheroes, they reach into all aspects of society, and even want to get involved in national defense.

This operation is very strange.

Capitalists are really amazing creatures, they dare to do any business.

"You... who are you?"

Bai Pi who fell on the ground staggered up, his eyes were full of fear, his left cheek was swollen like a piece of meat floss bread, and his right cheek was covered with dust, which perfectly concealed the expression of fear .

They didn't do a good job. The transparent man, a member of the Super Seven, was kept nearby. If he was found by the motherland in the air, he and his companions would die.

The Asian man in front of him is surprisingly powerful, and he must be a superhero. Things are going to be difficult. Frankie's girlfriend is planting a bomb in the distance, but under the current situation, there is probably no chance of detonating it.

Not only could he not attract people from the motherland, but he was also blocked in the back alley. The reaction of the Water Group exceeded his expectations.

He was desperate.

"Billy Butcher." Mu Chenxing stared at the guy who dared to scold him, and vaguely saw the green light on the other's head that shot straight into the sky.

This man is very sad. He thinks his wife was killed by the people of the motherland, and he only wants revenge, but the reality is that his wife was taken to sleep by the people of the motherland, and even gave birth to a child, and he abandoned his family and husband without saying a word. , hidden.

He didn't know whether he should tell this poor man about such a cruel reality.

Considering his miserable situation, Mu Chenxing decided to forgive this person for his offense.

"Caught two little mice." Just as Billy was racking his brains to figure out how to get out, the Homelander floated down from the air, playing like a cat and a mouse.

"Where did you hide the transparent people? Tell me, maybe I won't kill you." He told a lie that no one believed, and landed in this dirty and narrow alley.

"Us?" Billy felt a huge surprise in his heart, these two people are not in the same group!

"How do we know where the transparent man is?" He turned around and hid behind Mu Chenxing, provocatively said: "People from the motherland, we are not afraid of you, my friend is the strongest superhero!"

Isn't it too obvious to sow dissension?But the most speechless thing is that such a low-level provocation of the motherland actually believed it, and looked over with anger.

The eyes are really full of anger, the kernels of the eyes are red, and the lasers in the eyeballs can rush out at any time.

Mu Chenxing curled her lips, she only has a body but not a brain.

Super vision, super hearing, super body, flying, laser, the whole low-profile version of Superman just doesn't work well.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, he raised his footsteps and walked in front of the motherlander in an instant, and slapped him with a slap.

The cell strength of the people from the motherland is very high, with strong muscle strength, extremely tough skin, bones, tendons, and very fast reaction speed, but none of this can stop Mu Chenxing from slapping his head on the neck Turned five or six times.

The red light in his eyes went out, and the motherlander, whose neck was twisted five or six times, fell to the ground like a straight wooden stake.

The way the back of his head was on his chest and his face behind his back showed his current state—dead to death.

Mu Chenxing's super gene is not good at strength, but it does not prevent this beggar version of Superman from being killed with a slap.

If he wanted to, he could even slap the people of his country into atoms.

The super humans in this world are not very strong, at least, not for him.

"If you want to die, keep running." He looked back at Billy who had turned around and was about to run away.

It's not a good bird to force people, and he naturally wouldn't be polite to this guy, he said in a deep voice, "Take me to see Huey, and you can live."

"Hugh...Huey?" Billy turned around and swallowed as he watched the dead homelander. He hated the most powerful superhero of the Walt Group, hated him so much, and fantasized about killing him countless times. The look of dead opponent.

But he always felt that it was unreal to see the people from the motherland who were slapped to death like a fly so easily.

The enemy just died like this?I can't even resist, and I don't even have the strength to struggle.It was beyond the limits of his imagination.

"Hugh... Huey, do you know Huey?" He stuttered and asked, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what he wanted to say.

"lead the way."

"Oh, oh, ok... ok." Billy didn't greet Franky who was nearby, but took a deep look at the corpse of the native man, limped out of the alley, and silently turned to the other side of the factory area. Go to one end.

As he walked, he thought about ways to get out.

They came here by car, the distance is not close, and they can always find a chance to escape. He cheered for himself from the bottom of his heart.But when I think of the death of the motherland, I feel very guilty.

"Sir, thank you for avenging me. My wife was killed by the people of the motherland." He tried to draw in the relationship.

"You're slow." Mu Chenxing impatiently interrupted Billy's follow-up words. He didn't like to walk long distances, and he didn't like to press the road with rough men.

He reached out and grabbed the opponent's shoulder, and teleported to the room where the transparent person was imprisoned in one step.

How could he not know Huey's location, he just wanted to take a look at the three members of the black-robed picket team who initially met.Therefore, Frankie who was waiting in the car was also teleported back to this room.

At this time, the iron cage in the room has been opened, and the naked and transparent man is bullying Huey, who is holding the blaster.

It probably means that you, a weak chicken, dare not kill people, let alone detonate the bomb stuffed into his ass when the people of the motherland are nearby.

Very arrogant, very proud, very good at killing.

Without so much nonsense, he might have gotten away with it long ago.

The transparent man who thought he had captured Huey, saw the sudden appearance of three people, and immediately froze with complacency on his face.

The little rookie Huey can be manipulated by him, but the former FBI agent Billy and the arms expert Frankie are both ruthless people, and he cannot be fooled.

Billy and Frankie, who experienced teleportation for the first time, were in a daze.

There was a cold scene in the room.

Only Huey was panting heavily, fighting between heaven and man in his mind, struggling with the problem of whether to kill or not to kill.

Mu Chenxing didn't want to visit the demonstration site of Super Kaiselu.When he thought that the detonation point was in the large intestine, and the rice fields that burst out were splashed everywhere, he felt sick.

Reaching out to grab the detonator, he asked, "Huey, if you also possess the power of the people of the motherland, what would you do?"

Thanks to the publicity of the Walter Group, many superhumans are big stars, especially the captain of the Super Sevens, the Homelander, who is definitely the most beautiful superstar in the entire United States.

No one knows the superpowers of the people of the motherland.

"Me? I...I'm going to kill the locomotive!" Huey still can't forget the way his girlfriend was hit by the locomotive and turned into plasma. He wanted revenge.

They didn't do anything wrong, they didn't hurt anyone, why should they suffer such an innocent disaster?Why are those superheroes who are glamorous on the surface, but are so dirty and dirty in private?
The world should not be like this.

"Okay, as you wish." Mu Chenxing patted Huey's shoulder lightly, and the void controller instantly rewritten his cell structure. Super senses, super body, flight, and Cyclops were all defined.

"From now on, you have all the power of the people of the motherland, so let me see, will you become the superhero you expect, or will you become the ancestor who does whatever you want."

Mu Chenxing smiled and left.

Heroes are not packaged by the media. In such a big environment, where will Huey go?

In fact, he didn't really look forward to it, he just passed by, saw it, and did it casually, all for entertainment.

The only thing that can interest him a little in this world is starlight.

Those "superheroes" who appear to be sanctimonious on the surface, but are privately packaged as male robbers and female prostitutes, he doesn't care what kind of persona these people have set up in front of the public, let alone whether they will collapse their houses.

They're just a group of actors obsessed with fame and fortune, clowns who make people laugh, they can't do anything big.

And the super power of starlight awakening to absorb light and electricity, as well as her conscience that has not yet been deceived, made him decide to investigate to see if this girl is qualified to learn holy light magic and lead the world as a holy light mage.

The "superheroes" in this world are so down-to-earth, they live like actors and stars, sorry for the word hero.

The security measures of Vought Group were full of loopholes. He swaggered in through the main entrance, then took the elevator, and walked into the office area of ​​the Super Seven without hindrance.

Optical invisibility, electromagnetic shielding, and thought induction, he truly exists in this world, but in the eyes of others and in the records of the monitor, he does not exist.

Like a ghost.

Xingguang was not in the luxurious conference room, but curled up on the sofa in his own lounge, depressed and confused.

The life of a superhero is completely different from what she imagined. Most of the idols in the past were disgusting, but her mother's expectations made her unable to shrink back.

So what is your dream?

"Are you thinking about a dream or about a hero?" Mu Chenxing sat beside the small dining table in the room, looking at the confused girl nestled on the sofa like an abandoned kitten.

"Who are you? Why are you in my room? Are you the new assistant?" Xingguang looked up and asked.

Mu Chenxing didn't answer her question, and said with a smile: "You came to the Walter Group full of longing, and joined the Super Seven team that you've longed for since you were a child, but what you've seen and heard is all about money, fame, comparison, and rivalry.

Those glamorous superheroes are completely different from what you think. You see dirty, nasty, obscene, and shameless. Those people are just actors under the camera and actors arranged by the script.

They are beasts dominated by desire, not worthy of the word hero at all.The public is just a fool led by public opinion, they can't see the truth, you are disappointed, you are in pain. "

"Who are you? Are you also a superhero under the group?" Xingguang felt that these words had reached her heart, and the life after joining the Walter Group was terrible.

"You don't think any of this is right, do you?" She desperately needs to admit that superheroes can't just be a bunch of nasty bastards and acting bitches.

"I'm not a superhero, and I have nothing to do with the Water Group. I'm here to find you today." Mu Chenxing pointed to the chair opposite the dining table, motioning for Xingguang to sit down and talk.

After she sat down, she asked softly, "Annie, do you know how to change all this?"

"I don't know." Xingguang sighed and replied in frustration.

The Walter Group's assets are hundreds of billions, and there are more than 200 superheroes. It involves a wide range of industries. How can it be possible to change this kind of business group with her ability alone.

Not to mention change, she had to submit to the oppression of the group and the bullying of her colleagues.

"There are many ways to change, collecting criminal evidence and reporting to law enforcement agencies; exposing the group's dark secrets to the public; finding like-minded people and uniting to resist; hiding and assassinating criminal superhumans, and so on.

However, in my opinion, those are only palliatives but not the root cause.And I don't know how to do that.

I think that all tragedies and grievances are due to your current lack of power. Only when you have enough power can you have the right to change or make rules.

When you are strong enough, you will find that the world is full of good people. "Mu Chenxing continued to guide her thoughts.

"But I don't have such powerful superpowers." Xingguang also wants to become stronger, but becoming stronger is not something that can be done just by talking about it.

"Annie, do you believe in magic?" Mu Chenxing finally revealed the ultimate purpose of this visit.

(End of this chapter)

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