Chapter 231

"Magic?" Xingguang put his hands on the table and asked with a smile, "Do you want to tell me a fairy tale?"

She doesn't believe that there is magic in the world, it's all stories to coax children.

But it made her happy to find someone who agreed with her in a company she loathed.

Even if it was a fairy tale, she didn't mind listening to it. What's more, the person who told her the story was handsome and very eye-catching.

"Maybe, I can listen to it as a bedtime story." She leaned forward slightly, ready to listen to the story with a smile on her face.The things I experienced during this period were too depressing, my dreams were shattered, there were unspoken rules in the workplace, and I was abused by people on the Internet even though I was fighting criminals.

Now, it's rare to have a happy event, and she doesn't want to spoil it.

"You believe in superpowers in the world, but you don't believe in magic?" Mu Chenxing was quite speechless.

During this period of time, Xingguang didn't know about Compound No. [-]. She should still believe in the propaganda of the Water Group, believing that superpowers are awakened by nature, not created by drugs.

So why doesn't she believe in magic?
Magic does not conform to modern science, but superpowers do?
Thinking inertia really limits human imagination and cognition.

He snapped his fingers, drawing Starlight's attention away from his face.

I'm talking about magic to you, but what you care about is my appearance and superficiality.

"This is your superpower... No, is this your magic?" Xingguang smiled and looked around, coordinating with the handsome little brother's "magic" performance.

The lounge of Baiduoping disappeared instantly with a snap of the fingers, and the two of them seemed to be in the deep space of the universe, surrounded by a vast expanse of stars, and the stars danced around them like fireflies.

She stretched out her fingers and tapped the light particles around her lightly, feeling its light and heat, as well as the warmth and tranquility contained in the light particles.

"Is it an illusion, or what? Is this your ability?" She blinked her curious eyes, guessing about Mu Chenxing's superpower.

"This is magic, holy light magic."

"Holy light? But why can't I absorb it? My ability can absorb all the light, but I can't absorb the one you released. It should be an illusion?" She still thinks this is a superpower.

Since she was a child, she has never seen light energy that she cannot absorb, so she thinks that the holy light is a false illusion.

"Without my consent, of course you can't absorb it."

The biggest difference between Holy Light and Light Energy is that his will is mixed into it, forming a unique magical attribute.Moreover, there are hundreds of thousands of Holy Light spellcasters who are constantly strengthening the magical attributes of Holy Light by repaying their magic power.

Of course not everyone can absorb it.

Mu Chenxing did not rush to explain the reason for this. The inertia of modern people's thinking has great obstacles to learning magic. This situation is very common.

Over the past two years, during the promotion process of more than a dozen universes, most of them have encountered such problems.

Relatively speaking, ancient society had a higher recognition of magic.

For example, Ma Xianhong and Bi Yuan of the One-Man Universe, with the help of the Chinese government to promote magic among 14 billion people, the effect is not 01:30 worse than that of Yue Buqun who is proud of the universe, that is a thousand times the difference.

Yue Buqun promoted Holy Light magic in Guanzhong, Hanzhong, and Bashu. With just 3000 million believers, 10,000+ casters were born. He suddenly organized an army of tens of thousands of rune warriors and Holy Light mages. .

It is said that the troops have already left Wu Gorge, and they will soon occupy the south of the Yangtze River, not far from sweeping the world.

Mu Chenxing withdrew his thoughts, and pointed his fingers in the air. A few gleams of light were thrown into the body of Xingguang like swallows returning to their nests. The rest of the light disappeared without a trace with the deep background, and the two returned to the lounge.

"My energy has never been so abundant, but I don't feel the slightest pain or tearing." Starlight's iris is as bright as a [-]-watt circular light tube, the pupils and whites of the eyes are covered by the light, and the hair is also dyed. With bright gold, a different kind of charm exudes.

The temperament of the little country girl was washed away.

"Moreover, the uncomfortable parts of her body disappeared. It's amazing!" She stood up in surprise, looked her body up and down, squeezed her arms and touched her stomach in disbelief, to confirm her state.

Asked with surprise on his face: "Is this magic?"

She had never heard of superpowers that could both recharge and heal.

It’s no wonder that she lacks knowledge. The superhumans created by the Walter Group with Compound No. [-] have many messy superpowers, but healing ones are extremely rare.

The "superhero" is injured and sick, and has to take medicine and injections to see a doctor.

"Is this really magic? You're not using your superpowers to trick me into playing?" She asked uncertainly.

Mu Chenxing didn't answer her question, but raised a finger to his mouth: "Shh."

"Shh?" Xingguang was very puzzled, did he want to kiss after meeting for the first time?too fast?
Her doubts were quickly answered.

There was a knock on the door of the "Dangdangdang" lounge.

She glanced at Mu Chenxing a little at a loss, and before she could decide whether to invite someone in, the door was opened.

Ashley, assistant to Vice President Madeleine, walked in, walked straight to the small dining table, looked at the stars, and said, "The current public opinion is very unfavorable to you, your approval rating is declining, and the company's stock is also falling because of you." Frustrated.

The president, Ms. Madeleine, asked me to tell you not to respond to any information on the Internet, the professionals of the group will deal with it, and do not appear in public these days, we have to let this matter cool down.Understand?Don't get into trouble again. "

"Uh, understand."

Xingguang's eyes rolled back and forth, and her eyes switched back and forth between Ashley and Mu Chenxing. This president assistant seems to have a vision problem. How could she turn a blind eye to a living person beside her?You're almost stepping on someone else's foot.

Mu Chenxing winked mischievously at Xingguang, kicked his feet, and slid out with the chair for several steps, widening the distance from the assistant lady.

"What's wrong with you?" Ashley looked at the small dining table suspiciously, but found nothing suspicious, and reminded: "You must pay attention to maintaining your figure. As a public figure, you must pay attention to your image. It is best not to touch some things. Don't make trouble for the group."

"Oh, oh, I know." Xingguang covered his mouth in surprise, really couldn't see.

Ashley frowned. These monsters are really troublesome, and newcomers are even more troublesome. She warned, "Be honest and stay with the group." After speaking, she turned and left.

It wasn't until the assistant walked out of the door that the shivering "little star" Xingguang took a few steps to close the door, looked back at Mu Chenxing and asked, "Are you going to be invisible?"

"No, I can see you." She was puzzled.

"Just treat her like no one else." When Mu Chenxing didn't bother to explain that he didn't want others to see him, others would turn a blind eye to him.

Changed the subject and asked: "Is someone scolding you on the Internet?"

"I'm obviously saving people. There are not all videos circulating on the Internet, only the part of beating people. Many people scold me, saying that I am using superpowers to bully ordinary citizens. Really, it's so annoying!"

Xingguang was so wronged that he wanted to cry, why didn't he understand the reason?There are too many bad guys, there must be someone deliberately hacking themselves.

"Living under the spotlight, there are many people who praise and slander. The public can only passively accept information, and it is too easy to be incited." Mu Chenxing didn't mean to help clarify the facts.

Those who don't talk about this matter will come forward soon, and things will eventually go in a direction that is beneficial to Starlight.

Even if he has been slandered all the time, he still won't help.

Those who are manipulated by the media and public opinion can only be puppets. Does a hero need to care about the number of fans?Need attention?Do you need to consider the advertising price, peripheral sales, and the number of viewers of film and television dramas and variety shows?
do you need?

What real superhero cares about this?
"Do you regret saving someone?" He asked Xingguang.

"Is that right? I just feel aggrieved." Xingguang lowered his head and sighed, and sat lazily back beside the small dining table, feeling a little depressed.

"If you really want to be a superhero, then go back to being Anne. Starlight is just a doll wrapped in bright capital, a puppet hung by silk threads. Heroes don't look like this." Mu Chenxing stood up, Get ready to end this conversation.

Before leaving, he raised his hand and tapped his temple, and said: "If you think about it, call me, and I will teach you more powerful strength. I will wait for you for three days, and after three days, I will leave."

Hearing this, Xingguang suddenly felt a sense of reluctance. She was too lonely, and she was like a strange alien in the Walter Group. Where to?"

"I don't know. Start a journey again, a journey that doesn't care about the destination." Mu Chenxing smiled to say goodbye, and then disappeared before Xingguang's eyes.

The destination of the teleportation is not in any corner of the earth, he went to the surface of the sun.

In the new universe, the device for stabilizing solar radiation is still waiting for him to install it.

And as he basks in the sun at ultra-close range, Huey, the new homelander, finally adjusts to the supersensory distraction.

Super vision is easy to control, but super hearing is really tormenting. The collision of clouds in the sky is like muffled thunder ringing in the ears. Got goosebumps all over.

The movement of a car in the distance seemed to run over his head.

The beating of the heart, the peristalsis of internal organs, the friction of bones and muscles made him feel nauseous.

"Is it better?" Frankie asked cautiously.

The ravines on the wall that had been scorched by lasers made him have to be careful in every movement, for fear of shocking this newly born super person.

Nima, can you transform into a native of the motherland by being patted on the shoulder?
It would be nice if I was the one being photographed just now.

Not only is Frankie afraid, but the transparent person is even more afraid. Before, I was bullying him in front of this kid, but now that he has become a super bully, it's over.

People from the motherland, no one present knows the weight of these three words better than him. Now he doesn't even dare to think of resistance.

When a laser came, the diamond skin couldn't hold it back, let alone a bomb stuffed in the rectum.He took the initiative to get into the iron cage, and sat obediently with his knees hugged, hoping that this performance would win him a way out.

"Bang Dang", Huey seemed to have been bombed, and almost jumped up from the ground. Frankie's heart nearly jumped out of his mouth following Huey's movements, and the transparent person in the cage wanted to scold his mother.

There is a bomb next to you, and you don't know how to be careful when you enter the door? !
Don't you know how to hide from such an unstable awakening of superpowers?

"What's the matter? Don't shrink back like a bitch who has been raped." Billy dragged the body of the motherlander back to the basement, threw the body into the corner of the wall, turned his head and shrank back to the wall. Huey in the corner.

Before Huey could respond, Frankie scolded softly: "Shot, you can't keep your voice down!"

"Little sweetheart, are you acting like a spoiled child to me? You don't have the slightest audacity to swear." Billy laughed indifferently, the swollen half of his face distorted his expression, revealing a little self-destructive tendency.

The man of the motherland is dead, and his great revenge has been avenged. His heart is empty, and he doesn't know what to do in the future.

"I'm fine, just get used to it, and I'll adjust my perception in the future." Huey stood up grinning, shook his head, walked towards the door, and said as he walked, "I'm going to kill the locomotive, don't you Participating, it's too dangerous."

Billy grabbed Huey's arm and cursed: "You're going to die, you know? You don't understand anything. Kill people? Have you ever killed a chicken? Take the initiative to send it to your door to be killed, idiot!"

"The speed of the locomotive is too fast, it's dangerous for you to go this way." Frankie also persuaded in a low voice.

He didn't know Huey before, but he couldn't bear to watch the young man die.

"I can't bear it anymore, I can't bear it for a second." Huey can't forget the miserable appearance of his girlfriend who was knocked into blood plasma, and he can't forget the helpless man standing on the side of the road like ants holding her pair of severed hands. measures.

Now, he has strength.

He wants revenge!

Don't want to waste a minute or a second.

"Stupid! Who the hell made you wait. I said I would help you kill the locomotive." Billy looked at the transparent man viciously, and shook his head at Frankie: "Kill him, let's go find the wolf Claw girl. If I don't find something to do, I don't know how to live in the future."

There was an explosion in the airtight basement, and shortly after, a series of videos circulated on the Internet.

The remains of the motherland pay their respects.

The transparent man broke the news.

Confessions of a locomotive.

Wolf Claw female real name report.

The private life of the superheroes under the Walter Group begins.

The whole American country is crazy, what is their idol, and finally saw the light.

The shares of Water Group fell again and again, and its reputation stinks like manure.

The death of the motherland is tantamount to a death knell for the group.

Unknown people wearing masks claiming to be pickets are still posting on the Internet, and there will be more revelations in the future.

People are looking forward to it.

Huey sat on the sofa at home and listened to his father's complaints, touched his eyelids, smiled and picked up his backpack.

His journey has only just begun.

It feels so good to have power!

(End of this chapter)

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