Chapter 233
"Huey, it's too extreme to completely destroy Compound No. [-]. What we want to attack are those criminals who illegally conduct human experiments, not destroy this scientific and technological achievement." Billy persuaded Huey on the phone.

Disagreement has emerged among the members of the picket team. Huey wants to completely destroy Compound No. [-] and fundamentally curb the evils caused by it.

Breastmilk wants to kill all superhumans. His family was accidentally killed by a "superhero" who had just awakened his abilities, so he tried his best to find the black material of those superheroes, and used Huey's hands to implement it. kill.

Frankie proposed to withdraw more than once. The Walter Group has fallen apart, and those superheroes dare not act recklessly anymore. He thinks enough is enough and it's time to stop.

He is now having a hot affair with a superhuman named Himiko who was rescued when he was chasing Compound No. [-], and the two are going to live a normal life.

And Billy believes that a certain tacit agreement should be reached with the government to bring society back to peace.

It's time for the chaos to end, as long as they punish the evil in secret, there is no need to expand the conflict.

"Compound No. [-] is no different from other new drugs. Technology has to improve, and we still have foreign enemies." He felt that the mistakes made by superhumans should not be attributed to Compound No. [-].

Guns kill people, that's the problem of the gun holders, it has nothing to do with guns, we can't just destroy the production line of guns and the scientific research materials of guns just because there are shootings in the society, right?

There is no such reason.

We destroy the weapons, what should we do when the enemy comes?Are you going to die with a kitchen knife and a wooden stick?
"Don't change the concept secretly Billy, I went to college and can clearly distinguish what is technological progress and what is the source of chaos. As long as Compound No. [-] exists for one day, the anti-human experiments will never stop."

Huey sat on the top of the Empire State Building, with his feet hanging outside the wall, overlooking the night view of New York. The lights in the community were like stars, and the lights on the road were like long rivers. There were countless crimes hidden in the bustling city, waiting for him. Correct yourself.

"Don't worry about the enemy, Billy, don't worry." Huey smiled confidently: "It is enough to have me here. Whether it is New York or the United States, I am enough.

You should focus on finding the headshot guy, that damn rat is hiding too deep, we gotta dig him out ASAP, don't we? "

He hung up the communication, not wanting to listen to Billy's nagging.

With super hearing and super vision, neither foreign enemies nor criminals can escape his blow.

The incomparably powerful strength gave him infinite self-confidence.

He is the guardian god flying in the air!Is the terminator of evil!
So, who should be punished next?He sifts through the vast sea of ​​people for targets.

A dazzling white light shot straight into the sky from the direction of Central Park, and exploded into a huge ball of fireworks at a height of a thousand meters. The burst of thousands of light beams was more splendid than the grandest firework show, comparable to a small sun, It pierced through the darkness of the night and illuminated half of New York.

The catharsis of energy is flamboyant and powerful, undisguised, and extremely arrogant.

"Heh, someone is challenging me." Huey sneered disdainfully, supported the wall with one hand, leaped down, and with the sound of the sonic boom, flew over Central Park in the blink of an eye.

With more than 800 acres of park in his eyes, he quickly found his target.


He slowly landed near Annie who was wearing a mask. Although the costume was changed, he still recognized the old man at a glance.

The half cape with gold silk on a white background, the top and skirt of the same color, and the high white leather boots are exactly the same style as the ones exposed on TV before.

Even if there is an extra blindfold, can others not recognize it?

It's really... a self-deceiving disguise.

He was one of the members of the former Super Seven. He had seen it. It was not long after his girlfriend Robin was hit by a locomotive and he hadn't gained his strength. On the bench in the park, the two met unexpectedly and exchanged ideas. Tell their own sorrows.

In Huey's heart, this little girl is a kind person, unlike those arrogant superheroes.

"You want to find me? What's the matter?" He slowed down his tone, not wanting to scare his former acquaintance.

After all, he has killed too many people recently, and his reputation is not good at all, and he can scare children to tears.

"Your so-called picket team has already caused social chaos. It can't go on like this. I'm here to stop you." Annie stated her purpose of coming, obviously not recognizing Huey.

Compared to her camouflage, Huey was wearing a black high-strength fiber battle suit and a black headgear with only her eyes exposed. Both her image and temperament have changed greatly.

Not to mention the stranger who only met once, even his father couldn't recognize him.

"Chaos? Is it true that Vought Group is stable by covering up the truth for you superheroes and fooling the public?" Huey asked back, and said disdainfully:
"Hundreds of deaths and injuries caused by superheroes are affected every year, and thousands of people are affected, but the public opinion is blocked by the Voight Group, and there is no way to speak out. There are more crimes hidden under the water. Is it the stability you said?
Of course, you guys think that's correct, but I don't think so. "

"What exactly do you want to do? The Walt Group went bankrupt, the superheroes were unrestrained, the police suffered heavy casualties, the maintenance of law and order was greatly reduced, social order was about to collapse, and the crime rate soared. Is this what you want?" Annie asked.

In fact, she doesn't know what the society is like. All these are news reports, but she knows that the reckless actions of superhumans will inevitably destroy the social order, and will also cause a large group of followers to flout the law. Create more chaos.

"Of course what the Water Group did was wrong. Although I don't know what to do, your unscrupulous killing is definitely wrong, so I want to stop you today."

Annie's words almost made Huey laugh.

"You come to fight with me without knowing anything, it's ridiculously naive." He shook his head, raised his right hand and opened his palm, then slowly clenched his fist, staring at Anne and said, "Then, I will Tell you what is right."

Before he finished speaking, he exerted force under his feet, and a pile of mud was lifted up by his great strength, and he rushed to Annie in an instant, and punched her between the chest and abdomen, knocking her into the air for more than ten meters, and fell heavily. When it landed on the grass, the smashed turf was rolled up, and mud and dust were scattered everywhere.

Huey has all the abilities of the people of the motherland, and his speed is no worse than that of a locomotive. He can easily reach several times the speed of sound, which has already exceeded the reaction limit of most superhumans.

He stared at Annie who fell to the ground, and said in a deep voice: "All order is dependent on power. With power, I can establish order and restrain those unstable guys. How can there be any chaos?
People should go to work and eat, they just haven't adapted to my power yet, after a while, they will get used to it, and they will naturally settle down.

I've stopped working hard, let's stop here, if you want to be a superhero, go find those gangsters and hooligans, if you don't want to, just go home honestly, I won't make trouble for you, you are not a bad person. "

Annie clutched her stomach, trying to resist the churning in her stomach. The punch almost made her vomit. She was careless just now and didn't dodge.

She raised her right hand angrily, and a holy light shot fiercely at Huey.

Huey's speed was very fast, but it couldn't be faster than light. The holy light beam as thick as a bucket exploded on his chest, and he was sent flying hundreds of meters away. It broke several tree trunks, and the smashed branches and leaves flew around.

Annie is not like when she was a "superstar" in the Walter Group. She needs to absorb light and electricity before she can release energy strikes. Now she can communicate with the Holy Light Dimension to borrow magic power. When she launches energy strikes, she just raises her hand. Don't give the enemy time to react.

She rubbed her belly and got up, ready to get closer to see the opponent's situation. She was here to stop the opponent, not to kill.

"Don't be dead, are you? The force just now was a bit strong." Just after muttering, two dark red lasers shot from the woods, and she quickly raised her hand to emit holy light to resist the enemy's blow.

The half-human-thick Holy Beam pushed away flatly, and the tiny laser was annihilated in an instant, and all the grass and trees blocking the way were burned. Pushing Huey's body instantly penetrated several kilometers of forests. A deep ditch was plowed on the fifth avenue, which was heavily inlaid on the wall facing the street.

If Anne hadn't interrupted the magic power in time, he would definitely pass through the building.

"Ahem." Huey coughed out a few mouthfuls of black smoke. The skin on his head, face, neck, shoulders, and chest was severely burned. The melted high-strength fibers were mixed with the carbonized skin, turning black and red. , sparks are mixed in the bloodshot, revealing a burnt smell.

It looks very miserable on the outside, and the pain is really painful, but the actual injury is not as serious as it looks, the muscles are not damaged, and the tendons, bones, and internal organs are not too damaged. The eyes, ears, nose, etc. The sense organs such as the tongue and the tongue are blocked by the arms, but they have not lost their functions.


This kind of failure was something he had never encountered before. The pain and disfigurement on his body made him completely furious.

Struggling with all his strength, he broke free from the wall of the high-rise building, ignoring the terrified onlookers. After a loud noise, he had already rushed back into the park, facing Annie who walked to the edge of the woods, and wanted to check the results. kick.

One kick kicked the person out for 50 meters.

He didn't intend to stop at all, he caught up with Annie who fell out, pinned her down on the ground, and punched her with fists.

Every punch exceeds the speed of sound, and every punch is accompanied by blood.

The sound of the sonic boom and the sound of the ground shaking were intertwined, as dense as setting off firecrackers.

Like hooligans in the streets, the two superhumans competed in ground skills, causing the turf to splash and dust to billow.

"If the fight goes on like this, people should die." Mu Chenxing watched from a distance the two rookie chickens pecking at each other, feeling a little bored.

A speed and strength are fully dominant, but there is no awareness of dodge and guerrilla, and he can only swing the bastard punch hard.

One is full of energy, but only emits light beams, and can be easily approached by people.

"Even if you don't know how to use the energy barrier, can't you use the energy burst at close range? You'll be stupefied after being punched a few times. It's really a shame." He shook his head helplessly. Watching being beaten to death.

Across the space, I came to the battle scene in Central Park. Looking at the crushed grass and the smashed earth pit, as well as the battering and beaten fighters in the earth pit, I said disgustedly: "Let's stop here, really. Bad fight."

The beggar version of Superman Huey is now worthy of the name, the battle suit is in tatters, the upper body is almost naked, the skin is burned on a large area, black and red, chapped, bloodshot, stained with dust, in a mess.

He gritted his teeth and held his fists motionless.

Of course, he didn't stop obediently, but was restrained by his thoughts and couldn't move.

Annie, who was lying at the bottom of the pit, did not look much better. Her nose was blue and her eyes were swollen and her face was covered with blood. There were several broken pieces of cloth hanging on the arm that blocked the attack, and she almost suffered a comminuted fracture.

Blood and mud covered his whole body, like a doll abandoned in a garbage dump.

Mu Chenxing hooked his fingers, used his thoughts to help the two of them out of the pit, and snapped their fingers.

He's liking it more and more now.

With the sound of snapping fingers, the injuries of the two recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The clothes on their bodies, the destroyed grass, forests, and streets also became intact within a few breaths, and everything seemed to return to before the battle.

If it weren't for the occasional phantom pain, Huey and Annie would really think that the dangerous battle just now was just their hallucination.

There is a risk of death, extensive injuries, and bloody battles are really dangerous for two rookies.


Annie rushed over tremblingly, hugged Mu Chenxing and would not let go, she was now sweating coldly from fear.

The black and red guy who was as ugly as a demon just now almost killed himself. She grew up so big, facing death for the first time, her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were trembling.

"Thank you, teacher." She was extremely thankful that she had a great teacher.

"Let go, I've been teaching you for nearly a month, what the hell have you learned? It's embarrassing!" Mu Chenxing really hates iron and steel, Annie's superpower is too suitable for Shengguang, and it is not a perfect match. Too much.

But this person's combat awareness and combat talent... Sigh~, let's not talk about it.

He took off Anne who was hanging on him, looked at Huey, and asked amusedly, "Is it fun to be an ancestor?"

Huey has been so arrogant recently that no one cares about it, but in front of Mu Chenxing, he is so nervous that he doesn't know where to put his hands.

It's not just that the other party gave him strength, but there is a feeling in his instinct that the person in front of him can stab him to death with a single finger.

"I feel like I'm doing the right thing. It wasn't right before. I want to be a real superhero." He replied honestly.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to blame or question. I said at the beginning that you can do whatever you want. Anyway, this is your world. Whether it is prosperous or depressed, it is your own choice. , I respect your choice."

(End of this chapter)

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