Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 234 It's Rude To Leave Without Saying Hello

Chapter 234 It's Rude To Leave Without Saying Hello

Mu Chenxing didn't mean to accuse anyone, nor would he judge who was right and who was wrong.

Right or wrong, it's hard to judge. There are people who do bad things with good intentions and those who do good things with bad intentions. Nothing can be simply measured by right and wrong in the long river of time.

He encouraged Annie to find Huey to fight, just to give his students some practical combat experience.

In the end, the fight was... really ugly.

Neither Annie nor Huey have any talent for fighting, at most they can overwhelm others with force.

To put it bluntly, these two people can only fight against each other.

Forget it, Mu Chenxing shook his head, whether he gave Huey strength or taught Annie the magic of the Holy Light, he didn't want them to become the guardians of the world. If they don't have the qualifications of fighters, they don't have it.

There is no need for them to protect the world or something.

It's just that when passing by, I saw two delicate flowers blooming, and stopped for a while.

Now, having seen and seen enough, it is time to go, there are still things waiting for him to do.

As for what will happen to the rice with an ancestor flying in the air, and which direction the world will develop as a result, he doesn't really care.

Civilization itself will find its way.

He doesn't want to interfere too much with any civilization without a world-destroying disaster.

The earth that develops step by step and walks out of a road leading to a higher civilization is the real civilization with a spiritual core, tenacity and vitality.

This is also the reason why he has been hesitating whether to invite all the earth under the council to send councilors to participate in the multiverse civilization affairs.

Communication has advantages and disadvantages. Whether to present the multiverse in front of the pre-nuclear civilization Earth, he discussed several times with several directors, but finally failed to reach a consensus.

Just like what Yue Buqun said, the natural moat has become a thoroughfare, but there are a few more enemy countries.

Mu Chenxing knew that Lao Yue was worried about the all-round crushing of ancient society by modern society, but his words were not unreasonable.

The struggle has long been engraved into the bones of the earth's civilization. Sometimes the competition for resources is not based on demand, but on the desire of those in power.

Desires are endless.

Mu Chenxing didn't want to cause trouble for himself for the time being, to coordinate, or to warn those dishonest people, at least until he found enough management talents who could separate their thinking from their own civilization, he gave up the idea of ​​forming a council.

After all, the council didn't have much to do at first, but after the councilors were elected, there were things to do.

"I left you some books, you will start to study by yourself in the future." He withdrew his thoughts and turned to Annie.

The magic book of the holy light department was not only left to Annie, the observers of this world had already created it, and they went to Huaxia with relevant knowledge to find suitable candidates a while ago.

"The teacher is leaving?" Annie asked reluctantly.

When Mu Chenxing met her for the first time, he said that he would not stay for too long, and it was considered "overdue" if it could be extended from three days to one month.

"Yes, take care of yourself and your mother, and hope to see you again one day." He waved Annie and sent Annie home, then smiled at Huey, "Goodbye, Huey."

In Huey's farewell sound of "Goodbye, sir.", he disappeared into this world labeled as the NO.18 universe.

Mu Chenxing did not go to the new world, but teleported back to Marvel.

Something happened to Marvel, and he was going to check it out.

Not long ago, Ethan told him bad news in the chat group: Gu Yi died.

Fort Buddler communicates with Karma Taj, and Modu is a good bridge. In the past two years, he has led Wanda and others to participate in the battle to expel the invasion of dimensions many times.

Therefore, not long after Gu Yi's death, Ethan received the news and learned about the general situation.

The murderer was Casillas, who assassinated Gu Yi because he was dissatisfied with the Supreme Mage's favoritism towards Strange, and was then killed by Strange who was present.

Of course the truth is not this, just by Casillas?Kill ancient one?

Another 1000 years of practice is not enough.

But this is what Ancient One needs, and Casillas really wants to kill Ancient One. He has long been dissatisfied with Ancient One's ability to obtain a long life, but he is unwilling to teach him the spells of prolonging life and bringing the dead back to life.

So, things became like this.

Looking at Gu Yi in the coffin, or Gu Yi's body, she lay quietly in the afternoon sun, without a trace of unwillingness to die on her face, let alone the resentment of being killed, as if she was just asleep.

Mu Chenxing couldn't help complaining: "Not even a farewell, not enough friends."

The two should be considered friends, right?
In his opinion, yes.

Therefore, Gu Yi was a person who didn't have enough friends, and he didn't say goodbye to him when he left.

He is a little sad.

Even knowing that Gu Yi was not really dead, he was still a little sad, because he might never see him again.

"Strange? You took over the supreme position of the Ancient One Mage?" He looked at Doctor Strange beside him and asked knowingly.

This is Karma Taj, a secret place in Kathmandu. Many mages rushed over to see Gu Yi off.

The reason why he asked this question in public was because he wanted to use the identity of the Lord of the Holy Light as a platform for Strange, who had little experience.

This was something agreed upon with Gu Yi.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Strange saluted as a mage tremblingly.

He was seriously injured in the battle with Casillas, and even after being treated with Holy Light, his body was still very weak.

Mu Chenxing raised his hand and tapped his forehead lightly, and a golden magic rune disappeared in a flash. This was the magic contract between him and Kama Taj.

Ancient One helped him construct seven series of holy light spells at the beginning. He promised that mages of the Karma Taj line can borrow one and repay one for borrowing magic power, that is, no interest is charged, and deferred payment is allowed, and others will repay it on their behalf.

This contract was signed with Gu Yi, and now it is natural to sign it again with the new supreme mage.

If he chooses not to sign after Gu Yi's death, Karma Taj's mage can also borrow magic power from him, but the interest will have to be calculated separately, and naturally there will be no other preferential treatment.

After all, without the Supreme Mage as the guarantor, it is impossible for him to issue loans to every Karma Taj mage with confidence. The mages here can contact too many demon gods, and they are not the holy light mages who specialize in the first line.

The reason why the magic contract was signed in front of all mages was to publicly acknowledge Strange's status.

With the backing of a dimensional lord like him, Strange's life in Karma Taj will definitely be much easier.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Once a top doctor, he fell to the bottom due to a car accident, dragged his sick body through untold hardships to find Karma Taj, learned magic to cure his illness, and encountered the jealousy of Casillas. He was assassinated to death, and before he died, he was chosen to succeed the supreme mage.

Strange's life can be said to be full of ups and downs, and people can understand it naturally.

This thank you really comes from the bottom of my heart.

Mu Chenxing waved his hand, sighed, and said softly, "You don't have to be polite, let's send Master Gu Yi one last time."

Hundreds of mages bowed their heads in silent mourning, and the grief permeated the mountain peak of Kama Taj. He was also infected and depressed.

The mage's funeral did not have so many complicated procedures. After a few minutes of silence, Gu Yi's coffin was carried into the secret room.

How to deal with the dead body is Kama Taj's secret. He didn't participate in it. He thought it was nothing more than using runes to drive away the residual magic power, and then banned burials to ensure that the soul and body after death would not be desecrated by others.

He knew that Gu Yi's soul would definitely not be desecrated, because he had already left. As for the body, it was just a combination of organic matter, and she didn't care.

After the funeral, Mu Chenxing found Strange again, this time in private.

"You inherited the will of Master Ancient One and will continue to protect the earth, right?" he asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Strange had never experienced sitting face to face with a dimension lord, and he was a little nervous.

The dimensional demon gods recorded in the book are very different from normal human thinking, and appear moody. He can't guess the intention of the Lord of Light.

"If the earth in the multiverse needs help, are you willing to contribute your own strength?" Mu Chenxing asked again.

In fact, if he had not made an agreement with Gu Yi, he would not have wanted to invite Strange to join the council.

This person's personality is not so stable, he has a lot of thoughts, is bold, and dares to do anything, which is an unstable factor.

But since he promised, he will not break his promise.

When Strange heard two questions, he felt a little strange. Shouldn't protecting the earth be our own business?Why do you, a dimensional lord, behave more positively than me, a mage on this earth?

Is there any deep meaning here?

What are these two questions trying to test me for?

He was confused, but he still replied sincerely: "I am willing, Your Majesty."

He believes that he has the responsibility to inherit the legacy of the supreme mage Gu Yi, and he also wants to protect his homeland from the bottom of his heart. As for the earth in the multiverse, he is willing to lend a helping hand if he can.

Mu Chenxing could tell that these words came from the heart. Although he didn't use his mind to invade, he could still perceive emotions.

Nodding in satisfaction, he sent out an invitation to join the council.

Now it is not the same as before. His standards for directors have been improved a lot. Only those who have potential, ability, or a particularly good heart will be invited to join.

Ordinary people can no longer see him.

According to the current standards, several of the directors who have already attended are not up to the standard, but who made them catch up with when they were weak at the beginning? This is fate.

And Strange, who received the invitation message, widened his eyes in surprise. Even mystical novels dare not write like this in his own situation, right?

I became a doctor first and became the top in the world; I learned magic later and became a supreme mage; and now I am invited to be a member of a multiverse force. Will I become the chairman of this organization?'s not impossible.

He squeezed his chin, smiled shyly at the Lord of the Holy Light who was staring at him suspiciously, and quickly put away the wild thoughts in his mind.

Dimensional demon gods are moody, so it's best not to provoke them.

"Chairman, please give me more advice in the future." He has no reason to refuse, at least he can establish a good relationship with the master of the Holy Light Dimension, and the mage of Kama Taj will not have to worry about magic power.

No wonder this man signed such a favorable contract with Master Gu Yi, no, it should not be described as a discount, no interest is charged, it is simply a gift.It would be nice for other demon gods not to seek the soul of the mage. Those who only charge ten times the interest can be given a generous name.

He felt he knew the truth.

"The directors who join the association have several basic benefits." Mu Chenxing took out a three-foot long sword and a black orb. These are [-]-ton sword-shaped Transformers and dark alloy armor.

After explaining the function, completing the scanning of biological samples, binding the highest authority, handing it to Strange, and then allocating a storage space of one cubic kilometer, and finally said: "I want to rewrite your cells, and your cells The lifespan has increased to a thousand years, so don't use magic to resist."

Originally, this benefit was to burn the entry-level fairy body, but later with the accumulation of knowledge, it became the function of rewriting the attributes of body cells, directly increasing lifespan and absorbing free energy.

Although Strange said he was uneasy, he still calmed down and replied, "Okay."

Having reached this point, it's not something he can refuse, he can only bite the bullet and accept the transformation.

Body modification doesn't have a good reputation in the Marvel world, and his voice trembled a little.

He thought that some bad experiences would be left behind, but in the blink of an eye, he felt that his body was full of vitality, and the state of injury and weakness before was swept away.

"So fast?"

The transformation in his heart is the kind of lying down in the nutrition cabin, inserting tubes on his body, injecting chemical substances and so on. Even if he uses magic, he has to draw some formulas and outline some extremely complicated runes.

How could it be like now, nothing happened, and it was over with a blink of an eye?

"Remodeling... finished?" He asked uncertainly.

"The rewriting has been completed, and the four basic benefits of the directors have also been distributed. There is a file library in the internal chat group. I suggest you go and take a look at the information in it. If you have any questions, you can ask other members.

There is no mandatory task for the director, but I hope you abide by the philosophy of the council. If you commit a serious crime, I will annihilate you from soul to body. "

Mu Chenxing gave some instructions with a smile, stood up and said his farewell. New members always have many questions. Strange's performance is already very calm, and he doesn't want to delay the time for newcomers to understand the council.

After walking out of the room, he sighed in a low voice: "I can't drink any more tea."

Gu Yi, I have done everything I promised you. Start a new journey with peace of mind. I wish the journey a colorful and colorful journey.

He smiled and glanced at the antique Kama Taj in the afterglow of the setting sun, and started his journey.

I hope the new world can make me happy.

It's a pity that the speed of time travel was too fast, and he didn't finish his wish, so naturally he couldn't realize it.

"This world..." Mu Chenxing looked up at the sunny, cloudless sky, feeling that this world was sick.

I had a condition called Post-War Traumatic Stress Disorder Syndrome.

(End of this chapter)

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