Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 235 People on Earth Are Unworthy of Gratitude Luo Ji

Chapter 235 People on Earth Are Unworthy of Gratitude Luo Ji

The place where Mu Chenxing settled down is a small plain at the foot of a mountain. The environment is really good, the sun is shining brightly, the air is fresh, the land under the blue sky is covered by forests and grasslands, and the intoxicating green is delicate and charming.

It is the season of late spring and early summer, and the climate is pleasant.

But after initially scanning the whole world, he didn't have a good impression of this world.

The year of the earth at this time is called the 61st year of the Deterrence Era.

Since the beginning of the era of deterrence, almost all heavy industries have moved to space orbit, and the ecological environment has recovered rapidly, and it has approached the level before the industrial revolution.Due to population decline and industrialization of food production, arable land is also disappearing, and the earth is turning into one big park.

The city in the distance was like a forest of Christmas trees, the forest soaring into the sky, and the shining buildings hung like leaves from every branch.Numerous floating vehicles shuttled through the forest like swarms of insects.

The technology is advanced, the social security system is perfect, heavy physical labor is replaced by intelligent machines, and the quality of life of the people is quite good.

But under all the brilliance, there are countless sophons hidden, watching the earth all the time, and the enemies four light years away are watching.

Mu Chenxing knew that he had been discovered by Sophon, but he didn't care about those aliens like slimes.

That kind of space-level civilization does not pose any threat to him. Whether it is the magic or technology he has mastered, to the Trisolarans, it is no different from a myth. They cannot see through it, let alone understand it.

"This world is too dangerous." He sighed with a wry smile.

Trisolarans are not even considered bigger bugs in this universe.At this time, the earth was crushed by small bugs.

He certainly wasn't afraid of bugs.

What really makes him feel dangerous is to launch two-way foils at every turn, wishing to turn the entire universe into a two-dimensional singer civilization, and those zeroers who want to restart the universe.

The advanced civilizations in this world don't want to protect the universe, they are comparing whoever can blow up the universe to pieces will be awesome.

The law of the dark forest is rampant, every civilization lives itself as a hedgehog hiding in the dark, every thorn flows deadly venom, and every eye looking into the deep space of the universe is a sniper eyepiece, ready at any time Kill the enemy.

It's like a bunch of war-torn survivors suffering from terribly severe PTSD.They don't feel safe without killing everyone in sight.

Under such a background, people on earth now live delicately and leisurely, and the mainstream culture pursues softness and beauty.

Mu Chenxing didn't know how to comment on such a social trend of thought, and he didn't try to capture Sophon, although the manufacturing technology of this thing was very useful to him.

Expand the protons in the nucleus in two dimensions, and then fold them back to eleven dimensions. Manipulating microscopic particles reduces and increases the dimension. Is this something that a civilization that has initially entered the spaceflight level can do?
The god-level civilization of the super god universe can't do it.

But the facts are right in front of his eyes, and there is no room for doubt. He feels that this technology will definitely help him perfect the Five Generations Divine Body project.

But the situation in this universe is a bit complicated. He doesn't want to act rashly, and he is ready to hold his hand and collect more information.

Invaded the earth's household registration system, programmed himself as an AD person who had just been awakened not long ago, and came to the nearest city.Great Peking has become a huge forest of several thousand square kilometers, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

Walking on the branches of towering giant trees, each branch is an extremely wide street, and there are many information windows floating on the road, making the street like a colorful river.

From time to time, a few windows float out of the mainstream of the road, follow him for a short distance, and then float back into the mainstream after finding that they are not interested.Information technology and projection technology are quite developed.

The pedestrians on the street have fair and beautiful faces, long hair and shawls, slender and soft bodies, as if their bones are made of dough, their manners are elegant and soft, and their voices are carried by the breeze, soft and sweet.

Femininity is so strong that it chokes the nose.

Mu Chenxing frowned in distaste, a large part of them were men, with exquisite makeup, graceful figure, men who were more sissy than women.

Zhen Nima responded to an old saying, two rabbits walked side by side, and An Neng could tell whether I was male or female.

He couldn't tell with the naked eye, so he simply avoided the flow of people and walked alone on the edge of the street near the sky, looking lonely and different.

In fact, not only he is avoiding others, others are also avoiding him.

Whispered conversations like "People of the Commonwealth", "rude", "barbaric", "dirty" kept drifting into my ears.

"Modern people" in this era are relatively weak. Boys and girls and Erweizi can be praised as masculine and masculine. The appearance and dress of most people tend to be feminine, and only weak women are suitable. public aesthetics.

A man like Mu Chenxing who can praise a handsome guy in the multiverse is a symbol of roughness, savagery, and danger in this era. The number of people is extremely rare, and only the newly thawed AD will maintain this style.

I don't know whether it has evolved or degenerated. He has seen a matriarchal society and also understands single-sex civilizations like angels, but this is the first time he has seen this kind of self-castration-style social form.

He shook his head lightly, ignoring those ignorant and fearless stupid creatures.

He could blow out that weak body and soul in one breath, but there was no need to argue with them.

Most of Kaizen's computing power is exploring the deep space of the universe through microwave radiation, preparing to build a detailed solar system model first, and then expand the star map outward.

And he was browsing the information window on the street, killing time.

Among the many messages, a picture was incompatible with the surroundings, which caught his attention.

It was a man, from AD, with a haggard complexion and disheveled hair, standing beside a black tombstone.

He and the tombstone were in the cold shadow, but his eyes seemed to reflect the morning light on the horizon, faint but bright.

There is a line of subtitles below: In his time, murder was punishable by death.

The outrageous slander in the information flow, Mu Chenxing's left ear came in and his right ear came out, he just looked at that picture, that person.

Just because that person was called Luo Ji.

A warrior who comprehended the law of the dark forest and defended the earth in despair.

Mu Chenxing carefully flipped through the relevant dark information and studied Luo Ji's life.

You don't need to look at it when you are young, it's a fool's errand.It's a real blessing to change a girlfriend every week.

Later, after realizing the law of the dark forest, he has always held the control of deterrence.In his hand, he first held the detonation switch of the sun nuclear bomb chain, and later held the launch switch of the gravitational wave.

The Three-Body Problem and the Earth, the strategic balance of the two worlds, is like an upside-down pyramid, palpitatingly supported on his needle-like origin.

The Dark Forest Deterrence is the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the two worlds, and Luo Ji is the hair of the hanging sword.

He is called the sword bearer.

Years passed in a strange balance. Deterrence has been established for 61 years, and Luo Ji, who is over a hundred years old, is still in charge of the control of deterrence.

His image in people's eyes is also slowly changing, from a savior, day by day, to an unreasonable monster and a tyrant who destroys the world.

Nowadays, no one likes Luo Ji.

The hawks who advocate a tougher policy on Trisolaran don't like him.

The hard-liners' attempt to completely disarm Trisolaran failed to pass the harsh conditions, and they believed that Luo Ji had not fulfilled his duty.

Moderate doves also dislike him, and even vilify him.

They accused Luo Ji of leaking the coordinates of the 187J3X1 star system, causing that star system to be destroyed, and suspected of destroying the civilized world. This is extremely barbaric and criminal, and must be tried.

Very "respect for human rights" idea.

But those naive idiots didn't realize that without Luo Ji's "barbarism and evil", would the Trisolarans respect the human rights of the earth?
They don't think about it, they just enjoy the peace brought about by others.

Anyway, up to now, no one is grateful to Luo Ji.

The slogan chanted by the people is - replace the sword bearer.

The whole society is afraid of Luo Ji and the savagery of the AD people. They prefer gentle and beautiful guardians to murderous warriors.

So, the gentle and beautiful Cheng Xin was awakened.

The gift DX3906 that Yun Tianming once gave to Cheng Xin has now been proven to be not a naked star, but two planets. Judging from the mass, orbit, and atmospheric spectrum of one of the planets, it is very likely that it is a star that is similar to the Earth. Very similar terrestrial planets.

Therefore, Miss Cheng Xin, who owns a world, is praised by the people on the altar. Even though the earth's aerospace technology can't reach there at this time, a large number of people still regard her as a god.

Because she is gentle and beautiful, and there is a world, which perfectly fits their fantasy of the guardian.

And when Cheng Xin went to the United Nations headquarters to participate in the transfer ceremony of the two planets in the DX3906 star system, it attracted a lot of crowds.

Mu Chenxing blocked the monitor and sent it to the plaza of the United Nations Headquarters in New York. He wanted to see Cheng Xin's appearance with his own eyes. She was able to touch the hearts of more than one billion people.

There are only 42 billion people on Earth in the Three-Body Universe, and nearly one-third of them support her.

Really curious.

When I set foot on the square, I happened to witness a famous scene.

A young mother with a baby in her arms walked up and handed the baby who was several months old in her arms to Cheng Xin.

The cute little baby smiled sweetly.

The young mother chanted from the crowd: "Look! She's the Virgin Mary, she really is!"

Then she turned to Cheng Xin, clasped her hands together with tears in her eyes, as if she was praying: "Beautiful and kind Holy Mother, protect this world, don't let those barbaric bloodthirsty men destroy all this beauty."

The crowd cheered in response.

Then, Cheng Xin decided to run for the sword bearer election.

Mu Chenxing resisted the urge to slap and wake everyone present.

Naive people, naive idols, standing blindly on the cliff, but without the slightest sense of crisis.

Cheng Xin has a beautiful body and a gentle temperament, but in this era, she shouldn't stand high.She doesn't have the qualifications of a fighter.

The enemy four light years away is gearing up, and six water droplets are lurking outside the warning circle 500 million kilometers away from the earth, but here they are cheering for the Virgin.

"Is this world worth saving?" He was full of hesitation.

Mu Chenxing decided to ask the wise men of this world.

The Deterrence Control Center is the deepest structure built by human beings, it is located 45 kilometers underground, it has penetrated the earth's crust, and penetrated into the mantle below the Moho discontinuity.

The pressure and temperature here are much higher than that of the earth's crust, and the main component of the formation is solid peridotite.

Of course he wouldn't take the elevator that went deep into the ground. He couldn't go through the normal procedure, but was directly teleported to the core area of ​​the deterrence control center.There is also a name here, called the Gravitational Wave Cosmic Broadcasting System Control Station No. [-], which is written on the outside of the steel gate.

The first thing that catches the eye is the vast void and emptiness.

This is a semi-circular hall, facing a semi-curved white wall, the surface is somewhat translucent, as if made of ice, the floor and dome are clean white.

As simple as a grave.

It also looks like an empty eyeball without pupils, revealing a kind of desolate daze.

Then he saw Luo Ji.

Luo Ji sat cross-legged in the middle of the white hall, facing the curved white wall.

His hair and beard are long, but not messy, neatly combed, and they are also pure white, almost blending with the white wall, which makes the neat black tunic on him particularly eye-catching.

He just sat there, steady and motionless, without the weakness of a centenarian at all, like a warrior who could draw his sword out of its sheath at any time.

The right hand holds a red strip, which is the hilt of the sword-bearer-the activation switch of the gravitational wave broadcast.

The basic principle of gravitational wave emission is the vibration of long strings with extremely high mass density.

The most ideal transmitting antenna is a black hole, and a large number of miniature black holes can be connected into a long chain to emit gravitational waves in vibration.

However, the difficulty of this technology is unimaginable, so the only solution is to use degenerate matter to form vibrating strings.

This should be regarded as the third generation of deterrent equipment.

It has to be said that in the past two hundred years, the people on earth have really exhausted their minds in order to survive the threat of the Trisolarans.

Luo Ji didn't react at all to Mu Chenxing's arrival, he just stared at the white wall in front of him, at the enemy four light-years away.

He has been looking at the Three-Body World for 54 years, from a cynical person to a real Wallfacer who has faced the wall for 54 years.

A guardian of earth civilization who has been holding a sword for 54 years.

During these 54 years, he has been holding fast in silence without saying a word.

He can no longer speak.

Completely turned himself into a deterrent machine, a landmine that was on the verge of triggering every second for half a century, maintaining the terrifying balance of the two worlds.

Changing places, Mu Chenxing admitted that he would never be able to do this step. Such a tenacious will is amazing.Although physically weak, there is no doubt that the person in front of him is a powerful warrior.

"Although I admire your behavior, it makes me feel very shameless that you ignore me like this."

With a light swipe of his fingers, he healed Luo Ji's vocal cords and throat muscles, and healed the centenarian's body as well.

"Obviously, I'm not your illusion." He smiled to release his kindness.

It's a pity that he winked at the blind man.

Luo Ji's eyes were still fixed on the white wall.

"Another alien?" His voice was hoarse and dry, but there was no trace of fear in his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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