Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 236 Special Etiquette for Type 5 Contact

Chapter 236 Special Etiquette for the Fifth Type of Contact
"If I say I'm from Earth, you won't believe me, right?"

Mu Chenxing didn't expect to get an answer, and indeed he didn't get one.

With a chuckle, he walked to Luo Ji's side and sat down. He didn't sit face to face, but sat side by side cross-legged next to the centenarian.

He doesn't want to use the difference in position to affect the other party's psychology.

That makes no sense.

Sitting facing each other like negotiating will aggravate the resistance, while sitting side by side like friends is good for communication and so on. For Luo Ji now, it is impossible to have the slightest influence.

Mu Chenxing just wanted to experience Luo Ji's perspective, to experience the feeling of staring at that curved white wall, clearly unable to see anything, yet able to frighten the enemy.

Obviously, this is a very difficult thing. After being on the scene, he clearly felt the panic that the enemy could see him, but he could only face the wall and wait.

Without great perseverance and perseverance, in this position, you will soon be driven crazy.

"You have a pair of eyes that can stare at the enemy." He admired Luo Ji even more, and wanted to draw him into the council even more.

It is not difficult to prove the existence of the council. No one will believe it if you drag the other party through the universe several times, but it is very difficult for people to believe in the purpose of the council's peaceful coexistence and agree with this concept.

He is not in a hurry to prove anything, because it is useless to be in a hurry, he just said softly in the tone of chatting among friends: "Sophon can't capture the information that I came to you, I can detect any detection method based on electromagnetic and optical quantum signals." shield.

Trisolarans cannot see or hear our conversation, and now they can only see you staring at them intently as always. "

There was still no response to this sentence. Mu Chenxing didn't know whether Luo Ji believed it or not. Anyway, the old man didn't move at all, and even the rhythm of his breathing didn't change.

He didn't care, and continued, "I came here this time because I actually have a question I want to ask you to answer. I've been around the surface world, and I may know your plight better than you yourself.

But I don't know if this world is worth saving.Believe it or not, I do have the idea of ​​saving people on Earth, and I also have the ability to save you. "

It's not that Mu Chenxing is boasting, nor is it that he underestimates the singer civilization and the return to zero, he really has a way to completely save the earthlings of the Trisolaran universe.

At worst, he can transfer people to other universes.

Seventeen cross-universe giant insect bridges have already been built above the clouds in the Tarot world, and it is not impossible to build another set for this world.

"I've never seen your confidence before." Perhaps it was the absolute confidence in Mu Chenxing's voice, or perhaps it was Luo Ji's desire to find another way out for the earth after deep contemplation, and he said slowly:
"Perhaps your technology is much higher than that of Trisolarans, but we don't know what price we have to pay to get your help."

There is no free lunch in the world, let alone between civilizations, how can there be help without expecting anything in return?

In this universe where the law of the dark forest prevails, kindness is an obstacle to survival.

He didn't believe that this alien who suddenly appeared in front of him would help the earth without asking.

But no one knows better than him how fragile the deterrent to the three bodies is, and how dangerous the situation of the people on Earth is. If he can find a better way out, he doesn't want to give up any chance.

Mu Chenxing smiled, not afraid of your request, but afraid of your refusal to communicate. He put his arms around the shoulders of the little old man Luo Ji, looked at the white wall in front of him, and said disdainfully: "Three-body people are nothing to you. very powerful.

It will take hundreds of years for you to close the technological gap with them, and tens of thousands of years or even longer for Trisolarans to close the gap between me and them.

Don't mention any technological explosions, even if they have a technological explosion, I am confident enough to suppress them. "

He paused for a moment, then turned to look at Luo Ji: "But, now is not the time to talk about the technological gap and the price you need to pay. My question is, is your world worth saving?"

Being on top is not a business, he has no habit of begging others for help.

And someone like Luo Ji who has a lot of life experience, it's best not to be too proactive, it will make him doubt your motives even more.

Luo Ji didn't quite understand the question, and asked, "Is it worth saving? Are you talking about the moral aspect, or the material aspect?"

There are great differences in thinking patterns between different civilizations. He must understand this problem. No matter how cautious he is in contact with alien civilizations.

Not only must he try his best to understand the intention expressed by the other party, but he must also engrave every word of this conversation in his mind so that it can be reviewed and analyzed.

This is a very exhausting job.

Mu Chenxing patted Luo Ji's tense shoulders, and said casually, "Don't be so nervous. Although your current language is a mix of Chinese and English, and I am more accustomed to Chinese, there should be no semantics in our communication. the fallacy above.

By the way, my mother tongue is also Chinese, and there is no translation process in our communication, and there will be no deviation of word meaning during translation.

As for the question of whether you are worth saving, it has nothing to do with material things. The resources I need and the resources you need do not overlap at all, and we will not have conflicts in terms of resource competition.

As for morality, there are indeed some things that I can't understand, but they are not too big of an obstacle.It is mainly your social thoughts, which makes me very incomprehensible.

I don't know how much you know about the world on the ground, but the current mainstream thought is like an adult lying in the cradle, degraded into an infant, and proud of it, there is no soil for the birth of a man .

I'm not sure such a civilization would be viable yet.This is the question that bothers me and why I am here to communicate with you.

To be honest, if it wasn't for this problem, maybe your enemy would have disappeared, and you wouldn't even notice my presence. "

This passage made Luo Ji silent for a long time. He has never experienced the fifth kind of contact with his arms around his shoulders. Maybe this is some kind of etiquette?He guessed in his heart.

He tightened the control switch of the gravitational wave broadcast in his right hand, dispelling the idea of ​​returning the salute. This is the key to preventing the enemy from invading, and he cannot relax in the slightest.

He never thought that the alien civilization would pay attention to the social form and mainstream thoughts of the earth, and express their...worries about the earth?
If he understood correctly, the other party was indeed expressing concern.

Worried we won't survive?

Isn't this too friendly?

He even doubted whether the law of the dark forest he deduced was correct.After all, Earth has only been in contact with the Trisolarans, an alien civilization, and has no mature understanding of the universe.

Even many scholars on the earth have some doubts about the law of the dark forest. It's just the reaction of the Trisolarans that made the people on earth confirm this law.

For a while, he really didn't know how to discuss the social thoughts of the earth with the aliens.

In the past few decades, he has focused all his energy on how to deter the Trisolarans, and he really lacks attention to the social form of the earth.

"The social structure is not static. From ancient times to the present, many of our scholars have thought deeply about this issue."

He himself felt that this answer was unsatisfactory, and asked: "I wonder what your opinion is on this?"

"I don't have an opinion." Mu Chenxing shook his head. It seemed that Luo Ji hadn't thought about the social problems of this world. Deterring the Three-Body Problem occupied his entire mind.

Mu Chenxing decided to end this meeting, whether it is the problem of the earth or recruiting people to join the meeting, he should not act too hastily.

I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Express your kindness first, and then look at the situation.

"I'm leaving, let's talk about it next time." Mu Chenxing retracted his arm from the other party, stood up and said, "It's fate to meet, let me give you a gift.

About a year and a half later, the new sword-wielder will come here to hand over to you, and after the handover is completed, the three bodies will launch an offensive.There are a total of ten water droplets in the solar system, which will collapse the defense of the earth in 15 minutes.

Now there are only four in your line of sight, two of which are following Gravity to pursue Blue Space, and two are being followed by your probes.

There are six water droplets lurking not far from the outer perimeter of the 500 million-kilometer warning circle, in space between 800 million and 2000 million kilometers from the earth.

Three of them have been using the sun as a background for a long time, using transit interference to cover themselves.The other three are among the piles of space junk floating in the region, mostly reactor waste from early fission nuclear power plants in Earth orbit.

I think, knowing this information, you should be able to take corresponding measures. "

The combat power of the Trisolaran around the earth is these ten water droplets, two of which watched the Gravity from the Oort nebula, and eight participated in the destruction of the three gravitational wave emitters underground, which disintegrated the Earth's opposition Trisolaran threat.

And all the weapons on the earth have no ability to stop the water droplets.

Such weapons made of strong mutual force materials cannot be handled by conventional means.

It looks awesome, but Mu Chenxing is not interested in it.

He has a way to deal with that thing, and most of the god-level civilizations in the super god universe can also take down the water droplets.

The easiest way is to decipher the control program of the water droplets, or intercept and interfere with the Trisolaran's remote command.

The computing power of the dark matter computer is enough to crush the computing equipment of Trisolaris.

Their dimension reduction and dimension enhancement technology for making sophons is very powerful, but after the two-dimensional expansion of protons, they use the method of etching circuits to manufacture computing units. The computer technology of this kind of integrated circuit is quite primitive, similar to that of the earth using photolithography. The principle of machine-made CPU is not much different.

Computing power.

Let's put it this way, in front of Mu Chenxing's big clock, the calculation ability of the entire Trisolaran civilization is about the same as that of kindergarten children counting on their fingers, and even Deno No. [-] can beat them.

And the three-body quantum entanglement communication system is also very rough, and blind spots can appear a few light-years away.

Whether it is computing power suppression or cracking the communication system, the difficulty is not high.

In addition, force field interference, micro-wormhole transportation, dark energy bombing, and ultra-high temperature radiation can all deal with water droplets.

The material of the water droplets can indeed block a certain temperature conduction and reflect a certain energy bombardment, but that is limited.

Temperature is actually a very terrible weapon, Lie Yang has a very deep research on it.Infinite light energy and infinite heat energy are the basis for them to gain a firm foothold and become famous in the known universe.

Theoretically speaking, enough temperature can destroy everything, including space-time, the universe will be torn apart at a high enough temperature.

To deal with weapons and equipment made of strong mutual force materials such as water droplets, only 200 billion degrees are enough.

At 200 billion degrees, the protons and neutrons in the nucleus will break free from the shackles of the strong force and become a single free particle, that is, the nucleus begins to be ionized.

At 2 trillion degrees, protons and neutrons cannot exist stably, and will break down into more fundamental particles-quarks and gluons.

As the temperature rises, matter will continue to decompose into the elementary particles that make them up. This is actually the reverse process of the birth of the universe.

When the temperature reaches 2 quadrillion degrees, all particles with mass will have the same properties as photons and will no longer be constrained by mass. Whether they are positive particles or antiparticles, they will all start to run at the speed of light.

This is what happened within 1 second of the universe just being born.

If the temperature reaches 1.4 million million million million million million degrees, the entire universe will "restart".

Because the energy represented by 1.4 billion trillion degrees is the temperature when our universe was born, which is called the Planck temperature.

It is at this temperature that vacuum energy decays into matter, creating all matter particles.

If this temperature can be reached, space-time will have no meaning, and the universe will be destroyed and then restarted again.

This is why Rayna of the Sun is called the greatest disaster in the known universe, because the design concept of the Sun's Light is to destroy everything with temperature.

The three god-making projects designed in space were to resist the invasion of the void. No one knows how powerful the void creatures can be, so the three god-making projects are doing everything possible to increase the threat level.

Quite brutal.

They are all theoretically able to deal with disasters at the level of extermination, or are existences that pull the enemy to die together.

According to this theory, the light of the sun is responsible for the destruction of the world.

In fact, Mu Chenxing thinks that restarting the universe with high temperature is more reliable than restarting the universe by reducing the dimensionality of the three-body universe.

It may also be that his understanding of dimensions is not deep enough, so he has such an idea.

Therefore, he was going to explore the four-dimensional fragments, and it also allowed Luo Ji and the leaders of the earth to have enough time to discuss himself, the "new alien".

The four-dimensional fragments are not difficult to find, just follow the route of Gravity and Blue Space and look for them outward.

The speed of these two nuclear-powered stellar spacecraft is not fast. The design speed is only 15% of the speed of light, and it takes a long time to accelerate to reach it.

Mu Chenxing surpassed them in one minute, and then accidentally plunged into the four-dimensional space.

He does not yet have the technology to distinguish between three-dimensional and four-dimensional boundaries.

Looking at the broken arm, he was a little dazed.

"Are three-dimensional creatures so vulnerable in four-dimensional space?"

(End of this chapter)

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