Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 237 I Come To Witness Your Existence

Chapter 237 I Come To Witness Your Existence

"Damn it, it's been a long time since I've had such a fragile experience." Mu Chenxing looked at the broken right arm from the elbow, and the severed limb floating not far away, but couldn't locate it accurately, feeling a bit pained.

The atomic structure of the sacred body can well defend against blows from three-dimensional space. Even if injured, the atoms can quickly locate and heal again.

But in the four-dimensional space, the defense ability and the mutual positioning function between atoms are greatly reduced.

The reason is not difficult to understand. Whether his body structure or detection methods, they are all systems with only three coordinates, while in the four-dimensional space, there is one more coordinate.

If he is a perfect circle in the three-dimensional world, it can resist blows from all angles.

Then, in the four-dimensional space, it is like a circle-like structure drawn by dotted lines, with many defenseless loopholes.

He is fragile here beyond imagination, and he is a handicapped patient with severe impairment of sensory organs.

"I don't even know if I'm lucky or unlucky." He had mixed feelings, both excited and pained.

It was not because of his recklessness that he strayed into the four-dimensional space.

In the original book, the Gravitational chases the Blue Space, and it will take a year and a half before encountering the four-dimensional debris located in the Oort Nebula with a range of dozens of astronomical units.

However, if you want to enter the four-dimensional space, you don’t need to reach this area. You need to find the warping point that follows the birth and death and moves irregularly.

After Mu Chenxing surpassed the two spaceships and came to the area in the calculation, the flying speed had dropped below the speed of light, and he opened the probing eyes and electromagnetic wave detectors to carefully look for the warping point.

But who the hell would have thought that that thing would appear suddenly, without any sign at all.

After entering, he realized that he had entered the four-dimensional space.

It was only after entering that he truly realized that the three-dimensional space cannot see the four-dimensional at all, but everything in the three-dimensional world can be seen from the four-dimensional space and can have an effect on it.

Before he could get excited, a fragment of matter that was fast and slow, and it was difficult to calculate the precise distance, cut off his right arm, and then, flashing and flashing, it quickly went away.

Mu Chenxing knew it was an illusion, he just didn't grasp the sense of space here.

The feeling of being in a four-dimensional space is difficult to describe in words, just like a flat person in a two-dimensional painting living in a three-dimensional space. No matter how colorful the painting is, the two-dimensional person in it can only see the side of the world around him .

Only when a two-dimensional flat figure floats out of the painting, enters the three-dimensional space, and looks back at the painting, can the whole picture be seen.

In the same way, only by looking at the three-dimensional world from the four-dimensional space can we truly see what the three-dimensional world looks like.

This reminded him of a poem: It looks like a mountain in the horizontal direction and a peak in the side. The distance and height are different. I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, but because I am in this mountain.

If we compare the three-dimensional world to a painting, what we saw before was only the appearance of the painting when it was placed perpendicular to the plane of the eyes, that is the side view of the painting.

Only when viewed from four dimensions can the painting be laid flat to him, and the whole picture of the painting can be seen clearly.

But now in his field of vision, nothing can block the things behind, and the inside of any closed body can also be seen.

This visual effect is extremely shocking.

A magnificent giant painting unfolded.

Hundreds of millions of times the amount of information flooded into his brain at the same time, and he felt slightly dizzy.

Fortunately, this is the deep space of the universe where matter is thin, otherwise, he suspects that he will crash.

It is so clear that he can directly see all the structures of matter with the naked eye.

Of course, the principle of perspective still works, and you can't see clearly if you are too far away.

Looking at three dimensions from four dimensions, there is no concept of "seeing through", and everything is juxtaposed outside, just like when we look at a circle drawn on a piece of paper, we can see inside the circle without "seeing through" anything.

All levels are unfolded, and even the internal structure of solids can be seen in all their cross-sections, as if all the details of the entire universe are juxtaposed.

The word "juxtaposed" may cause misunderstandings. There is no change in the shape and spatial position of matter. The familiar image in the three-dimensional world is still there, and it is a part of the details, juxtaposed with other infinite details.

Things are exposed to the view at all levels, and what was originally closed and blocked are juxtaposed in parallel, revealing infinite details.

Infinite details generate infinite information, giving him a dizzying sense of depth, like an infinitely nested Russian doll, or like two mirrors reflecting each other, resulting in an infinitely extending mirror corridor.

Feeling high-dimensional space seems to be a baptism of the soul, and concepts such as freedom, openness, profoundness, and infinity suddenly have new meanings.It even made Mu Chenxing temporarily ignore his injury.

He obsessively observed the surrounding environment, the galaxy in the distance, and his own body.He tried to touch his skin from one direction, as in a three-dimensional world, and tried to touch his bones or internal organs directly from another direction.

That is a direction that does not exist in the three-dimensional space, the fourth coordinate point.

When the initial vertigo had passed, he discovered a neglected sense, distracted by the infinite detail of his surroundings, the sense of space itself, or the instinctive intuition of a fourth dimension beyond three. .

Not calculated with any aids, but his biological intuition.

He calls it a high-dimensional sense of space.

In the four-dimensional space, the space seen by the naked eye is also uniform and empty, but there is an indescribable sense of depth.

This depth cannot be described by distance, and it is contained in every vibrating string of the space field.

Between square inches, there is no bottom.

"It's such a fascinating world." He closed his eyes and recited a mantra for purifying the mind. God knows how long it has been since he regained his composure in this way.

The four-dimensional space is fascinating, but also dangerous. Once you lose your mind, you will surely die.

Calms the emotional turmoil, and then transforms into the photon form.

In the three-dimensional space, the photon form is dozens of times weaker than the material form of the divine body.

But in the four-dimensional space, as he guessed, the defense effect of the energy form is infinitely higher than that of the material form, because the three-dimensional matter has almost no defense ability here.

But the photon form still made him feel insecure.

After carefully groping for a certain distance, he finally found the broken arm and successfully ended the disabled state.

The next step is of course to look for warping points.

Risking his life to explore unknown territory is not a good choice, he is going to quit first.

The warping point is not difficult to find, it is generally spherical, light is refracted inside the sphere, and the objects inside are also deformed to a certain extent, resulting in the discontinuity of the shape of the object.

Of course, this is only caused by the optical effect in the four-dimensional space, not the real deformation.

The situation in the three-dimensional space is different. The warping point that appears in the three-dimensional world has no light refraction effect, and is completely invisible. It can only be perceived through the disappearance of objects that have entered the four-dimensional space inside the space it includes.

This is simply the most perfect trap in the dark and empty space of the universe, and Mu Chenxing excused himself for "falling into the trap" in his heart.

Carefully touched the warping point closest to me again, and exited the four-dimensional space.

"Scan all the warping points in the airspace, calculate the fourth-dimensional coordinates through the interaction of two dimensions, and build a four-dimensional space model." He gave orders to the intelligent assistant Xiaofan.

[Received the instruction, turn on the world controller]

[Start to calculate the spatial structure]

【Build topology model】

【Calculating... 1%...】

[Estimated calculation time is 178 years, request to increase computing power]

Xiao Fan's feedback was not very good.

Mu Chenxing sighed, he didn't want to wait for such a long time, and ordered: "Qiyuan runs at full power, suspends all scientific research projects, and invests all computing power. Turn on the void controller to manufacture micro-detectors, and explore the four-dimensional space in depth."

Kaiyuan now includes the big clock and his original astro-level computer. Running at full power can burn the energy of hundreds of stars every minute, and it needs to extract a large amount of dark energy from seventeen universes.

The huge energy flow will form a dark energy tide, which will have a considerable impact on the local earth.

Of course, it will not cause any disasters, but the fluctuations of cosmic microwave radiation, gravitational waves, and photoelectric radiation are relatively violent, which will cause some troubles for local astrophysics and quantum field physicists, and may also cause some Inspiration or trauma.

Mu Chenxing didn't know the specific effect, it was the first time he did this.

[Receive the instruction, the Kaiyuan computer will run at full power, and the calculation time is expected to be 28 years]

[Activate the void controller, and the micro-detectors will continue to release]

【Receiving data, importing...】

With the celestial computer running at full power in the void world, and the swarm-like miniature detectors pouring into the four-dimensional space, the progress of the calculation has been greatly accelerated, but the process can no longer be fully grasped.

As the explored data is continuously imported, the correct and false data streams are constantly refreshed, and the topological model of the four-dimensional space is constantly improved and reconstructed.

Anyway, Mu Chenxing didn't know how long it would take to truly grasp the structure of the four-dimensional space, and Xiao Fan couldn't figure it out either.

It may be one day, or it may be 100 years. The uncertainty is too great to use three-dimensional technology to explore four dimensions.

"Are you in danger? The treasure house of knowledge has detected a huge dark energy flow, and the big clock is running at full power?" Yan dialed his communication nervously, and asked anxiously: "How are you? Do you need me to go there? "

"I'm not in any danger, and I haven't encountered any enemies. I'm researching something interesting, but I'm a little claustrophobic." Mu Chenxing comforted Yan.

He was not joking, after returning from the four-dimensional space to the three-dimensional world, he suddenly felt that the previous world was so narrow and stuffy, with a sense of suffocation, very similar to the pathological reaction of claustrophobia.

Even in the boundless space, he still has a sense of occlusion.

"Claustrophobia?" Yan let go of his worries and joked, "Did you get into a small dark room?"

"No, I'm in the Oort Nebula. I don't have a star within a thousand kilometers around me, but I just feel like I'm in a small box." Mu Chenxing frowned, it's hard to describe his awkwardness at this time.

"Forget it, I can't explain it clearly now, I'll show you something good later." He was not interested in chatting, and his heart was full of four-dimensional space.

"Okay, I'll wait to see your good stuff." Yan hung up the communication in a considerate manner.

The exploration of the interior of the four-dimensional space is still going on, and the specific size of the space inside cannot be calculated at all.

However, the projection range of space debris in the three-dimensional world has been preliminarily explored clearly. The three-dimensional projection of four-dimensional space debris is spherical, with a radius between forty and fifty astronomical units, which is about the same size as the solar system in the narrow sense.

It is moving away from the solar system, or in other words, it is collapsing while moving away from the solar system.

【Discover artificial artifacts】

The detector sent back a video. In the four-dimensional space, a circular object was found. Due to the lack of space coordinates, it was impossible to determine the distance, let alone measure the volume accurately. It is estimated that the three-dimensional diameter is between [-] and [-] The diameter of the hoop is about [-] kilometers, like a space magic ring.

Circuit-like complex structures can be seen on the hoop.The whole is closed, there is no three-dimensional expansion, and the interior is completely invisible.

Obviously, this is an artificially constructed four-dimensional object.

Subsequently, the released detectors found more unknown objects in the depths of the four-dimensional debris.

They vary in size and shape, but all bear distinctly man-made features.There are pyramid-shaped, cross-shaped, polygonal frame structures, and various irregular combinations.

There are more than a dozen that can distinguish the shape, and there are a large number of objects that can only be seen in the distance, and there are hundreds of them in total.

Like the "Lord of the Rings", there is no sign of any activity, no detectable signal, and it is a closed four-dimensional entity.

Mu Chenxing knew in his heart that it was the remnants of the four-dimensional civilization that called himself "tomb". Many of them were dead, and there might be some alive, but he didn't have the technology to rescue them.

The moment the four-dimensional matter and the four-dimensional life fall in the dimension, they will decay into three-dimensional matter and enter into complete death.

There is no four-dimensional world in this universe anymore, here is just a fragment, like a small puddle after the sea has dried up.Inside the puddles are dead or four-dimensional civilizations waiting to die.

As early as I don't know how many years ago, the flame of the fall from three-dimensional to two-dimensional has been ignited. It is very likely that one day in the future, a two-dimensional creature will be like myself, thinking of the splendor of the three-dimensional civilization in a low mood.

What are the beings in this universe thinking?Wouldn't it be fun not to smash the universe into pieces?
They just like hunting in the dark forest so much? !
Some advanced civilizations have the power to end all of this. It is difficult to plan the order of the universe, and even in some people's eyes, it is thankless, but it is better than everyone dying together, right?

Don't talk about restarting the universe. Without transcending the universe, if you want to successfully restart the universe while ensuring the survival of your own civilization, it is a paradox and it is impossible to succeed.

"Increase the investment in detectors and build a four-dimensional coordinate system as soon as possible." He wants to sweep the tomb before more tombstones fall into three dimensions.

Those civilizations built tombstones just to leave something after their demise, to let other intelligent life know that they once existed.

He wants to remember, to witness, the existence of those civilizations.

(End of this chapter)

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