Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 238 A New Game Begins

Chapter 238 A New Game Begins
Luo Ji's eyes were as sharp as ever, at least in the eyes of the Trisolarans.

But what they didn't know was that at this moment, Luo Ji's brain was running at high speed.

He is thinking.

Exhausted every brain cell, drained every trace of brain power, trying to understand the purpose behind the alien who appeared in front of him.

The behavior, language, and expression of the other party are played back in the mind over and over again.

To be honest, although the earth has been entangled with the Trisolarans for more than two centuries, this is the first time he has seen aliens with his own eyes.

To be able to go 45 kilometers underground without disturbing the whole set of defense measures, and to appear in front of oneself silently, the earthlings can't do it, and the Trisolarans can't do it either, otherwise, there is no soil for deterrence at all.

Apparently, Earth has really come into contact with a second alien civilization.

The other party did not leave a name, neither the name of the individual nor the name of the civilization.

It shows that they don't look down on earthlings at all.

Behavior sees through the heart, and the other party despises the earth from the heart.He also made no secret of this in the conversation, and even more contempt for the Trisolaran, no, not contempt, but indifference, that alien didn't even bother to talk about the Trisolaran.

But he made a friendly courtesy to me.

As far as sociological research is concerned, physical contact without aggressive behavior must be an etiquette behavior to express friendship.

He expressed his friendliness to me.

Is it an appreciation of the individual?

The information is very scarce, so we can only infer this for the time being, and this inference has a great probability to be correct.

Feeling the vitality of the body, which is not the vitality that a centenarian should have, Luo Ji thought that the other party had indeed expressed a friendly attitude towards him.

Although friendly aliens, at least aliens who are friendly to themselves, feel that it is somewhat contrary to the law of the dark forest he deduced, this is an extremely precious opportunity for the earth.

No one knows better than he how fragile deterrence is.

Just like two people sitting on a doomsday nuclear bomb, everyone has a detonator, but the strong side does not want to die together, so it can be threatened by the weak side.

But the balance will be broken one day.

It is difficult to maintain a game that relies on not being afraid of death for a long time.

Whether it is the weak who start to sacrifice their lives, or the strong who find a flaw, the balance will inevitably be broken.

"The earth needs opportunities. Is this an opportunity for the earth?" Luo Ji hesitated in his heart. The earth has no room for mistakes. If he makes a mistake, he will fall into the abyss forever.

He once again reviewed the whole process of contact with the alien, interpreting the other party's intention word by word, every detail of every expression had to be carefully considered.

The clothing worn by the other party is made of fiber, with the style of the pre-Crisis Era, which is very different from the current style of wearing a display screen on the earth, which shows that the other party's society has not chosen super-informatization.

Luo Ji wouldn't be foolish enough to think that the opponent's technological strength is not up to par. It should be because he doesn't want to waste resources on this, which means that the opponent's civilization still puts survival first.

But it may also be that the technology has reached a level that I cannot understand, and there is no need for information to be displayed.

Contacting alien civilizations is a very difficult thing, and Luo Ji felt a little headache.

He needs to make a judgment again, just like when he pointed a gun at his head and successfully threatened the Trisolaran, he needs to find a way for the earth again.

He didn't know where the road led.

He could only struggle with all his might in the dark.

"I know you can hear me, I will step onto the ground today, into destruction, or rebirth!" Now that a decision has been made, it must be executed efficiently.

Luo Ji clutched the switch of the gravitational wave broadcast, ordered the AI ​​at the base to issue a meeting command, then got up and walked outside, opened the heavy steel door more than one meter thick, and entered the elevator leading to the ground.

He was to meet on the ground with the President of the Planetary Defense Council and the Chief of Staff of the Solar System Fleet.

Fortunately, the whole set of buildings here has an independent closed air circulation system and a powerful refrigeration system.

Otherwise, due to the strong air pressure 45 kilometers underground and the high temperature of the mantle of nearly [-] degrees, it would take time to put on protective clothing, which would cause him to lose control of the switch for a long time.

The elevator was slowly going up, and it took more than 20 minutes to reach the ground. During this period, Luo Ji made a final review and determined his action plan.

Walking out of the entrance station on the ground, the base is empty, only a row of flagpoles cast long shadows in the setting sun. The flags of the United Nations and the Solar System Fleet are hung on the two tallest flagpoles, followed by the national flags of various countries.

These flags flutter peacefully in the breeze.

They can only be blown by the wind.

In the distance is the endless Gobi, and farther away you can see the continuous Qilian Mountains, with a few touches of silver on the top of the snow.

The two sentries at the base were saluting him, and he nodded slowly.

The two children were harmed by the wind, sand and ultraviolet rays all year round. Even with the cover of the combat uniforms, their skins were still a little black and red, not as white and delicate as modern people, revealing a bit of the masculinity of the old era.

Even though their bodies were slender and weak, Luo Ji felt that their arms and thighs were not as strong as his centenarian's.

"Alas~" He sighed, without saying anything, some words are not yet ready to be said.

He stood in the sun with his head held high, waiting for the person who should listen to him.

One and a half years later, when a new sword-wielder replaces him, the Trisolarans will launch an offensive. He doesn't know whether this sentence is a prophecy from the unknown alien, or an inference based on the existing information.

Credibility is questionable.

But the other party told him the location of the six hidden water droplets, the credibility of this information is very high.

People on earth also have speculations about the three-body hiding water droplets near the earth, and the warning circle built with oil film material is to prevent.

If it wasn't really powerless, how could the warning circle be only 500 million kilometers? The PDC can't wait to build the security circle outside the solar system.

"A new game is about to start." Luo Ji was cheering himself up and notifying the Trisolarans.

The Trisolarans paid great attention and vigilance to Luo Ji's first step on the ground again after 54 years.

The plan to change the sword-bearer had already started, and even three and a half years ago Trisolaran sent a second fleet of 410 five spaceships to the solar system.

Two and a half years earlier, the Second Fleet had passed through the dust cloud.

This is a rather risky operation. If the human dark forest deterrent system cannot be destroyed within five years after setting sail, after the fleet is discovered through the dust cloud, it is very likely that a deterrent operation will be triggered.

Planning has to go smoothly.

The Trisolarans have invested enormous resources in this, decades of cultural reflexes are the foundation of this plan, and Cheng Xin is the sword-wielder chosen by both Trisolarans and Earthlings to replace Luo Ji.

Seeing that there are variables in the plan, they must make corresponding adjustments.

Sophon applied to the United Nations to meet with Luo Ji.This sophon is a bionic robot, and it is the spokesperson of Trisolaris on the earth, not those tiny detectors that monitor the earth at the microscopic level.

The request quickly reached Luo Ji's ears.

"I also have something to say to the Trisolaran, let her come here." He didn't refuse, it was impossible to refuse, he came to the ground to talk to the Trisolaran.

Everything on the earth is under the surveillance of the Trisolarans, and it is impossible to hide it if you want to. Although scientists on the earth have long been researching the technology of shielding sophons, until now there is no satisfactory result.

He did vaguely know a few so-called shielded rooms that could avoid Sophon's surveillance, but the narrow blind spots were of little significance.

Many things simply cannot be hidden.

He didn't want to hide it either.

The United Nations and Fleet International attached great importance to this meeting, and a large number of fighters arrived at the ground of Broadcasting Base Zero in advance, and made strict defenses.

Later, the chairman of the PDC and the chief of staff of the fleet accompanied Sophon.

Tomoko is a beautiful and supple woman, wearing a gorgeous kimono, with a small white flower in her bun, her voice is as soft and soft as her body, and she exudes a soft beauty from the inside out.

Like a clear spring among flowers.

The femininity on her body is as strong as a drop of concentrated paint. If she is thrown into a large lake and melted, the whole lake will be the color of a woman.

It's hard to imagine her as a robot.

Many people are confused by Tomoko's gentle appearance, ignoring her true identity.

But Luo Ji was not included. In his eyes, this was an enemy with venom dripping from his sharp teeth, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time.

"Mr. Luo Ji, it's an honor to talk to you." Luo Ji's prestige among the Trisolarans was very high, and the Trisolarans were full of awe of him, which was clearly revealed in Sophon's eyes, even It is also slower and deeper when bowing than when facing other people.

"I know you guys know he's coming, he's found us." Luo Ji stared into Sophon's eyes, as if he had seen the Trisolaran opposite him through four light-years.

He actually didn't know whether the Trisolarans really discovered that there was one more alien or some extraterrestrials on the earth, he was just testing.

"Please wait a moment." Tomoko bowed deeply, then sat quietly with eyes lowered, as if thinking.

Luo Ji knew that his temptation had achieved his goal, and four light-years away, the sophon controllers should be discussing nervously.In the universe shrouded by the law of the dark forest, encountering aliens is not a good thing.

Any decision involves life and death.

About three or four minutes later, Sophon looked up and said, "We want to share information."

Luo Ji shook his head and rejected the request of the Trisolarans. This is an opportunity from the earth, not from the Trisolarans, but he didn't say anything dead.

"In the initial contact, the other party has good intentions, and I can't tell you the specific conversation. I can ask you a question for the next contact."

After a pause, in order to make his words more believable, he said in a deep voice: "But you have to make compensation for this problem.

The six water droplets lurking outside the earth's alert circle need to be revealed and must be followed by our probes, the three with the sun as the background must retreat to the orbit of Saturn, and the three hidden near the nuclear waste dump must retreat to the orbit of Jupiter .

This requirement is not difficult to meet. I don't want you to violate the agreement again, because we are a community of destiny. "

The galaxies of the two civilizations are too close, and there are direct communication records. If one is discovered, the other cannot escape.

But this time, in the face of unknown alien civilizations, the earth has taken the initiative.

Most importantly, the earth has been exposed, it is no longer a safe place, and the value of occupation is approaching zero.

Tomoko bowed deeply again, leaving a sentence of "We will consider it.", ending the meeting.

The Trisolarans are actually already thinking about whether they should flee or not. The biggest gain from this meeting is to confirm that the person who suddenly appeared on the earth, could not be detected by Sophon, and lost his location many times is an alien visitor.

They don't know anything about the universe like the people on earth, and they never report any illusions.

Watching Sophon, who was flamboyant, exit the base, Luo Ji relaxed. He successfully proved to the Trisolarans that the alien civilization had landed on the earth, and the threat of the Trisolarans for more than 200 years would come to an end.

In the future, we must turn our minds to that unknown civilization.

The Trisolarans can be threatened by the law of the dark forest because their positions are exposed to the eyes of the people on earth, but there is too little information about that unknown civilization, so what can we use to compete with them?
Luo Ji frowned into a pimple. He was over 100 years old, and he still had to worry about this kind of thing. Those young people were really useless!
Mu Chenxing didn't know that the old man Luo Ji used himself as a bargaining chip to negotiate with the Trisolarans and achieved initial success.

Now he wants to calculate the fourth coordinate system with all his heart, and then go to the four-dimensional fragments to witness the dying four-dimensional civilization.

He doesn't care if he can get the other party's inheritance, the value of this four-dimensional fragment alone is already infinitely high.

With the data sent back by the detector, he has a lot of inspirations, and he has higher requirements for the five generations of gods, and he wants to upgrade the dimension.

Not only do you have to upgrade yourself to a four-dimensional creature, but you also can't perish in the process of dimensionality drop like those civilizations trapped in the debris.

Therefore, the five generations of gods he expected must have the ability to switch dimensions, or to actively shrink high-dimensional matter to the microscopic level.

This function is a must.

Seeing how the matter in the four-dimensional fragments fell into three dimensions with the collapse of dimensions, he became more convinced of this idea.

Dimensional drop is invisible, at least it cannot be detected with his current observation method, and there is no directly observable dividing line on the edge of the four-dimensional fragments.

However, as the four-dimensional fragments collapse, the matter in them enters the three-dimensional space, and will instantly decay into three-dimensional matter, the main components of which are hydrogen and nitrogen, and some heavy particles.

These four-dimensional substances that enter the three-dimensional space are all small in volume in the four-dimensional space, but they become three-dimensional in the fourth-dimensional part, and their volume suddenly increases, and they expand in a straight line and release energy.

A piece of four-dimensional matter whose mass is only tens of grams in three-dimensional projection can form a long line of tens of thousands of kilometers after three-dimensional expansion.The line is very thin, very straight at the beginning of appearance, and the width cannot be seen with the naked eye.

At first, it will emit blue light, then the color will gradually turn red, and as the energy level decreases, the straight line will start to bend, break into many small segments, and finally disappear.

It is the decay of these substances that reveals the boundary between three-dimensional and four-dimensional. Mu Chenxing wants to become a high-dimensional creature, but he does not want to become a luminous line, let alone disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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