Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 239 Do you want to see the cruelty of physical war 1?

Chapter 239 Do you want to see the cruelty of physical warfare?

Mu Chenxing is floating in the four-dimensional space near the warp point, and is manufacturing 128 generation detectors.

This is based on the collected data of the four-dimensional space and four-dimensional matter, as well as the damage status of the original detectors, and is updated from generation to generation.

The reason why it is manufactured in the four-dimensional space is because the 128th-generation detector can no longer exist in the three-dimensional space, and its material structure is infinitely close to the four-dimensional matter, and it will be disintegrated in the three-dimensional space.

After nearly half a year of research on four-dimensional fragments, the spatial topology model and the fourth-dimensional coordinate system are about to be successfully analyzed.

"Calculating out of thin air and sketching with reference objects reduce the difficulty by a trillion times. I pick up jewels in the ruins that others don't care about." Mu Chenxing shook his head in self-deprecating, and then expressed emotion:
"Really happy!"

In addition, he also turned his body into a pseudo-four-dimensional creation.

Speaking of this, it was a bitter tear. Tens of millions of micro-detectors were playing tricks in the four-dimensional space, and then he made up for the defense loopholes bit by bit according to the damage.

Coupled with the research on the decay of four-dimensional matter in three dimensions, the 128-generation detector and the new form of the body were finally explored in a stupid way.

He called it a four-dimensional form.

The name is tall, but the principle is quite simple and rude.

He created a total of 30 billion three-dimensional clones, and then aggregated them into one according to the structure of the four-dimensional space. If he wanted to enter the three-dimensional space, he would re-separate the original body and the clone.

The mutual positioning and mutual aggregation functions of the atoms of the sacred body provide the soil for the realization of this idea.

Although it still doesn't have the strength of real four-dimensional matter, at least it doesn't break like a paper man any more.

In fact, the elementary particles in the three-dimensional space will not be destructively damaged in the four-dimensional space. The biggest reason why the three-dimensional matter becomes fragile in the four-dimensional space is that there are countless loopholes in the macroscopic structure.

When the four-dimensional matter falls into the three-dimensional space, the macroscopic structure will split instantly, resulting in the result of decay into three-dimensional matter.

A four-dimensional matter that is less than one cubic centimeter in the three-dimensional projection will disintegrate into three-dimensional matter of tens of thousands of cubic meters after decay, and the overall volume will expand by tens of billions of times.

But what is interesting is that the space does not expand, but the occupied space changes after the matter decays, which means that after the disintegration of the four-dimensional space, a large part of it shrinks to the microscopic level.

Mu Chenxing hasn't researched this point yet, but it doesn't prevent him from using stupid methods to repair the macroscopic structure of his body into a form close to four-dimensional matter.

But whether it is manipulating 30 billion times the body matter in the four-dimensional space, or manipulating 30 billion clones in the three-dimensional space, the requirements for computing power are quite large, so large that it is impossible to act without a celestial-level computer.

Mu Chenxing's soul is very strong, but in the face of such a body, it can't meet the requirements, so he can only use an external computer to assist control.

Of course, this is just an experimental model, which is an over-product of a scientific research project. He still prefers to use holy light crystals as the basic material and protons as the basic unit to build a fifth-generation divine body that can switch between three-dimensional and four-dimensional.

Holy Light Crystal has perfect wave-particle duality, and can stably convert between energy and matter without attenuation.If his idea can be successful, after loading the fifth generation divine body.

He is both an energy life and a material life, and he can switch between three and four dimensions at will.

Exciting to think about.

If Trisolaran's sophon technology can be thoroughly analyzed, then he can even swim between two-dimensional and eleven-dimensional.

Of course, these are just imaginations and future research directions.

Now, he is going to visit the grave.

[The four-dimensional coordinate system has been constructed]

【Start calculating the micro-spatial structure】

The establishment of the coordinate system means that he is no longer "blind" in the four-dimensional space, and can accurately calculate parameters such as distance and size, and will not have his arm cut off inexplicably before.

But only with navigation, his space ability can only be activated after the structure of the space field is clearly analyzed.

In this way, he cannot distort, expand, fold, or penetrate the space field.

Can only fly slowly.

The feeling of flying in four-dimensional space is very strange. This is not a space independent of three-dimensional space, but three-dimensional space is a part of it.

The available directions are no longer up, down, left, right, front, back, and the angle of space is exponentially enlarged.

If the overall space is a house, you can only see the walls from a three-dimensional perspective. If you want to get to the back of the house, you have to walk around the walls.

Can't find another way.

But now Mu Chenxing has a fourth coordinate system, he can choose to open the door and walk through the house, or choose to walk through the roof, or choose to walk through the ground.

There are countless more choices.

Those micrometeorites and material fragments that cannot be seen from a three-dimensional angle, or whose distance cannot be observed, are no longer a threat. He can calculate the angle, speed and distance of those former "shadow killers" approaching him.

Soon he came to the "Lord of the Rings" who was closest to him without any surprise or danger.

For his size, the dull brass-colored "Lord of the Rings" can be said to be indomitable.

It’s not how big this thing is, but Mu Chenxing’s body size is still the size of an ordinary person, although Mu Chenxing’s body mass has increased by 30 billion times. The four-dimensional matter has a huge depth and tolerance, and it’s not a simple superposition of length, width, and height. His body shape Has not changed much.

If compared according to the three-dimensional volume, the diameter of the Lord of the Rings is about 100 kilometers, and the diameter of the inner ring is about [-] kilometers.

Its outer surface is covered with criss-cross collision scratches, without any light or energy radiation.

It's been a long time since I stopped here.

Mu Chenxing knows that it has the ability to communicate, it may be artificial intelligence, or it may be a picture of thinking.He sent the thesaurus and logical model of the Shenhe language family.

This is the first step in communication between civilizations.

At that time, the Kamigawa civilization spread this model to almost every corner of the known universe, causing many civilizations to choose this language family as their mother tongue without contacting the Kamigawa people.

There is no way, thinking fluctuations have penetrated into the genes of intelligent life in the Shenhe body. When many civilizations were still primitive tribes, individuals had already begun to communicate in the Shenhe language.

What you think you invented writing is really just a discovery.

This also created a unique vocabulary of the Super God universe-the orthodox language of the Shenhe language.

Even though the people of Kamigawa are almost dead, the Kamigawa language is still the mainstream language family in the universe.

The sense of identity between the Shenhe civilizations has a fairly solid foundation, and it is very convenient to communicate.

The signal you send out in this galaxy may be received by other galaxies, and the meaning can be understood without translation.

Mu Chenxing was thinking about the impact of Shenhe civilization on the super god universe, while waiting for the analysis language model of the Lord of the Rings. After only a few minutes, he received a message from the other party in Shenhe language: "I am the cemetery."

He didn't ask what the cemetery was, where it came from, why it was parked here, none of that mattered.

"What is your civilization called? I would like to witness your existence," he said.

The space field structure of the four-dimensional space has not been clearly analyzed. He cannot build a real four-dimensional space, and cannot remove the tombstone left here. He can only remember it and pass it on in the form of information.

"The cemetery is dead, and the cemetery has no right to make decisions." The Lord of the Rings' feedback was equivalent to rejecting his proposal.

"Okay." Mu Chenxing didn't feel any disappointment, and he didn't come here with the purpose of robbing the tomb.

It is too dangerous to tamper with unknown civilization creations.

He didn't want to do such a deadly thing, and said regretfully: "I can leave your image to prove that you once existed, although I don't know your names."

"Thank you. Go away, you are too fragile. You will die here."

Mu Chenxing sighed, left the Lord of the Rings in a depressed mood, and visited other artificial creations one after another. Few of them could communicate, and most of them had no information feedback at all. It may be because they lost the ability to receive and send information, or Just don't want to pay attention.

"I went around and didn't even ask for a name." He was a little frustrated, the four-dimensional civilization here was quietly waiting for the end of the world, maybe he really shouldn't bother them.

If one day, he also came to this step, he might not even leave a tombstone for himself, right?

Maybe this is death, the body decays, the soul dies, and not even a trace of memory remains.

"I don't want such an ending. I want to transcend the universe after all." Reminiscing about the lost civilization and recording some video information, he regained his spirit and left the four-dimensional fragments.

Three billion clones were taken back into the small void world, and he felt that his body was as light as a piece of paper.

Calculating the four-dimensional space structure is a rather time-consuming project. The millions of micro-detectors in it are enough to complete the task of collecting data, so he doesn't need to stay here all the time.

"Let's go to the earth and have a look." The moment the thought came up, he was teleported to Luo Ji's side.

Luo Ji is no longer in the underground Radio Station Zero, but is wearing insulated clothing similar to electrician uniforms and leather gloves. In an extremely small conference room, the only constant is the radio control switch in his hand. Still clenched tightly.

There are three men and one woman in this meeting room, they are the top executives of PDC and Starship International, Mu Chenxing doesn't want to waste computing power on them, and is too lazy to scan their dark information.

"Huh? Has the Three-Body Problem withdrawn?" He looked at Luo Ji with some doubts.

During the analysis of the four-dimensional fragments, all his computing power was concentrated there, and the earth and the three bodies did not pay attention. After reading Luo Ji's dark information, he discovered that the old man used himself as a cover to fool the three bodies away.

At least ten water droplets have returned.

"Perhaps... I should charge for portraits?"

It wasn't until he opened his mouth that several people present realized his existence.

Luo Ji raised his left hand to stop the panic of the other four people. He stood up, bowed slightly, and said calmly, "On behalf of the earth, I thank you for your help. As long as we can come up with something, you can just ask."

"Forget it, you don't have what I want." Mu Chenxing waved his hand, walked to the seat next to Luo Ji and sat down.

This small conference room is really small, only a few square meters, with only a few chairs, not even a conference table. The walls are made of metal filled with high-voltage current. The whole space is narrow and closed, with a sulfur smell. It's the stench of ionized oxygen.

It should be a sophon shielding room.

Seeing that Mu Chenxing sat down, Luo Ji also sat down on the chair, pressed his palms, and motioned for the others to sit down.

Then, after hesitating for a moment, he stretched out his left arm to wrap around Mu Chenxing's shoulder.

He did not forget the first meeting. The other party performed such a courtesy. In the past six months, the earth has not detected any attack from aliens, nor has it detected any high-power interstellar broadcast signals, which means that this is a courtesy to express friendship. .

The other party has never disclosed his identity information, so he has to take the initiative to break the ice and build a communication bridge between civilizations.


Mu Chenxing was puzzled, why are you hugging me, you bastard old man?You're not a pretty chick!

Immediately, he reacted, and said dumbfoundingly: "Take your hands down, this is not a courtesy, it's just a habitual action of mine. But you understand correctly, hugging shoulders is indeed a friendly behavior.

You can refer to the customs of China, I am from China. He looked at Luo Ji with a smile, until the centenarian with white beard and hair retracted his arm in embarrassment, and then continued:

"I didn't lie to you before, I am a native of Earth, and my mother is Huaxia."

He turned his body slightly, stretched out his palm, and said, "Let's get to know each other again, my name is Mu Chenxing."

Everyone knows the handshake ceremony. Luo Ji reached out to shake hands without hesitation, and asked suspiciously, "Earth? Parallel universe?"

He wasn't sure if the other party's words were deceitful, but the gap in technology was so obvious that he could only choose to follow along.

"Are you satisfied with the gift I gave you last time?" Mu Chenxing can sense other people's emotions, and he knew that Luo Ji didn't believe that he was from Earth. He didn't bother to explain, "I'll give you another gift." .”

"Oh, I didn't know you would come, and I didn't intend to return the gift. I'm so rude, ashamed, ashamed." Luo Ji said ashamed, but his ears were already frozen, looking forward to hearing something meaningful this time. valuable information.

He used the information the other party told him last time to fool Trisolaran.

"You already have an understanding of the relationship between civilizations in the universe, but you don't know what interstellar war really looks like, and you don't know what physical war is." Mu Chenxing stood up, stretched out his palm to Luo Ji, and invited road:

"Would you like to take a look at the cruelty of physical warfare?"

"Physical war?"

what is that?Luo Ji had never heard this word before, and his face was full of doubts.

"Physical warfare is part of the planning of the universe. It determines the genetic form of the mainstream civilizations in the known universe." Mu Chenxing pointed at Luo Ji and gave himself a backhand nod, saying, "It shouldn't be difficult to understand."

After finishing speaking, he said with a smile: "Of course, no civilization in your universe has launched such a war. Therefore, I decided to launch the first physical war from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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