Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 254 You Are More and More Like Carl

Chapter 254 You Are More and More Like Carl
Keisha is in a strange state right now.

Her body was bombarded into an atomic state, but the most basic calculation unit of the sacred body is each independent atom. In theory, she is equivalent to no injury, but the body is scattered to various regions of the universe by the big clock. Unable to aggregate.

Of course, Keisha didn't think about joining, she let her own holy atom drift in the universe.

By chance and coincidence, a very special state of life was created. Her soul can switch between its own atoms all over the universe at will, and observe any place it wants to observe.

It's kind of ubiquitous.

It is equivalent to a high-tech version of soul projection.

This is a form of life that even the highest civilization in the Super God universe cannot detect, but from the perspective of observing the three-dimensional world in the four-dimensional world, everything is invisible, and Mu Chenxing can see clearly.

He didn't receive a reply to his previous question, so he curiously established a thought link and asked, "Queen Keisha, are you still able to communicate now?"

He was not sure whether the former Queen of Angels still retained the thinking logic of the main material life.

"I can feel some impolite thoughts in your mind." Keisha's thought fluctuations conveyed her emotions, a little surprised and a little dissatisfied.

Full of emotions, as expected of an old angel of more than 3 years, his ambition is awesome, he has been wandering alone in the universe for so many years, his mentality is surprisingly stable, and his soul is astonishingly strong.

"Queen Keisha, do you need me to help you reunite your sacred body?" Mu Chenxing asked.

Keisha was first shattered by the supernova explosion, and then scattered and transported to various parts of the universe by Karl with a big clock, which was tantamount to being crushed.

She is now disconnected from the treasure house of sacred knowledge, unable to borrow external devices, the computing power has been greatly reduced, and the difficulty of self-aggregation is extremely high. of.

"Why gather? It's interesting to look at the universe from another angle. It turns out that Karl didn't destroy the angel's justice. Justice is justice. It's not just my idea. Many people are already practicing justice.

That's fine, I'm relieved.

Thank you so much for everything you do to Angel, I see it and take it to heart. "

Keisha talks a lot. She has been wandering alone in the deep space of the universe for several years, unable to communicate with other intelligent life. She also feels lonely, right?

"When the gluttonous and giant wolf civilizations invaded the earth, they only wanted to slaughter life to please their gods; Karl wanted to use the souls of the earth people to study the energy of the void;
Demons want to use our bodies to resurrect their warriors, spread genetic viruses, and select excellent evolutionary bodies to expand their forces; Lieyang wants the star core of the earth.

Only angels, want to protect us.

There is an old saying in China that the grace of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. We are willing to be the most steadfast allies of angels. "Mu Chenxing recounted his reasons for supporting Angels all these years.

Then he asked: "Queen Keisha, I don't know if your current state is a path of life evolution, but in the long run, won't you feel lonely?"

He is a person who doesn't like noise. Relatively speaking, he enjoys solitude somewhat, but enjoying solitude and being unable to communicate are two different concepts.

Just like people who like to be alone no matter how much they like to be alone, they can't live comfortably in the confinement room.

Those are two completely different feelings.

"I have become less sharp. Angel needs a new leader. Yan is doing well now." Mu Chenxing understood Kaisha's words.

The current angelic civilization was created by female angels led by Queen Kesha. The queen of angels for more than 2 years and the king of the gods for 7000 years, her prestige is unmatched.

As long as she exists, no one can take her place.

And she thinks she can't lead the angel forward anymore.

Therefore, she was not afraid of death at all, and she never thought about reuniting her body.

"Queen Keisha, you should have noticed the anomaly on me and Yan, right?" Ever since killing Hua Ye and Karl, Mu Chenxing has not hidden his trans-universe teleportation anymore.

Recently, the other side of the earth has also disclosed part of the information of the Council and the Senate with the coalition government.

He believed that Keisha should be able to see some problems.

"You can go to the outer universe, what's the situation over there? I'm really curious." Sure enough, as he expected, Keisha discovered something.

"If you have concerns, I can help you explore the multiverse. I have been to eighteen outer universes."

"I can hear you showing off."

"Well... a little bit."

"Hehe, exploring the multiverse is really exciting. So, what do I have to pay?" Keisha is not afraid of death, but she doesn't like being alone.

"I have established an organization called the Pan-Earth Alliance Council, and you need to join my organization and become one of its directors.

Please rest assured that the purpose of the council is peaceful coexistence. I have no will to conquer or rule anyone, and I am equal to the directors of each universe, and I have no measures to force anyone. "

Mu Chenxing wanted to invite Kaisha, but he really didn't mean to use her, just like Tiamat created galaxies, and he never bothered.

The same is true for other directors, they are all in the state of stocking, and they will not force anyone to do things for him.

The Council was never a centralized organization, it was a federation of equals.

"I want an extra seat." Keisha has no fear of the council, she has already learned a lot about the situation, not to mention that the current Queen of Angels has already joined, so what is there to worry about?

"Hexi?" Mu Chenxing guessed.

"That's right, she's almost growing hair." Keisha's emotions were full of disgust.

"No problem." Mu Chenxing agreed happily.

One sheep is also chased, and two sheep are also herded. There is a precedent of Tiamat, who is dedicated to creating galaxies, and it doesn't matter if there are two more retired angel queens.

"Do you need me to go back in time and resurrect Liang Bing?" he asked.Three kings of angels, maybe their reunion is a very interesting thing.

"No need, death is death, what's the point of being resurrected, life and death are the precious things of life." Keisha rejected this proposal that was very touching to her.

Life can be long, but in the end it comes down to death. This is a complete life.

Coming back from the dead doesn't fit her philosophy.Death is not terrible, life and death are the greatest meaning of life.

"Have you been able to do this? You've grown so fast, it's amazing." She was also very optimistic about this little boy at the beginning, but she never thought that this little guy who was loaded with the power of the galaxy with a spare gene would be Surpass yourself in just a few years.

Is the Pan-Earth Council the reason he grew so fast?

The multiverse is really exciting.

"Then, thank you for reuniting my body for me." She couldn't wait to start a new journey.

"My honor." Mu Chenxing first exited the four-dimensional space and returned to the three-dimensional world.

That's a little bit inaccurate.

The three-dimensional space is actually a part of the four-dimensional space, but the four-dimensional matter will degrade into three-dimensional matter when it enters the three-dimensional category, so there is a material boundary.

In fact, the space field is one, and it is not divided into independent space structures with clear barriers.

It is impossible for him to assemble Kaisha's body in the four-dimensional space, where the sacred body is very fragile and cannot withstand the impact of even a particle of four-dimensional matter.

"Yan, I need to link to the treasure house of knowledge, mobilize all the worm bridges in the known universe, and reunite the sacred atoms scattered by Queen Keisha."

In fact, he can do this with only his own external computer, especially after using the multi-phase atomic matrix technology to upgrade to four-dimensional matter, Kaiyuan's computing power has increased by more than ten billion times.

However, why use stupid energy when there are shortcuts?There is no need to consume so much extra energy.

"Queen Keisha? Where are you? Wait for me, I'll be there soon!" Yan didn't know that his little male god said he was going to space, but why he suddenly proposed to revive Queen Keisha.

Before she even had time to ask, she carried Angel Xi and flew to Mu Chenxing's side, which was not far from Tiancheng, and was still within the range of Angel Nebula.

The authority of the sacred knowledge treasure house was naturally opened on the way.

"Yo, the children are all born, you are really fast enough." Kesha teased Yan through the thought link, of course she knew whose child Angel Xi was, so it would not delay her making fun of her students.

"Queen Keisha, I finally see you again!" Yan's eyes were filled with mist, his nose was sore, without the slightest aura of an angel queen, like a little girl who hadn't grown up yet.

"Yeah!" Angel Xi, the little guy, was still alive and kicking in the space, stretching out his little hand to wipe Yan's tears.

"It's not a meeting for the time being, you can't see me yet." Keisha has never stopped observing Kazuhiko Amagi, and for her, it's not a reunion after a long absence.

"We will be reunited soon." Mu Chenxing comforted the tearful Yan.

Qiyuan possesses all the information of the Great Clock, and was able to monitor the known universe, but later transferred the control authority of the Great Worm Bridge all over the universe to the angel's treasure house of sacred knowledge.

Now the two celestial computers work together to gather the sacred atoms scattered in the deep space of the universe and return them through the Great Worm Bridge.

One after another, the space gates were born and died around me, and a huge amount of blue flashes illuminated the dark deep space of the universe, as if a blue giant star was releasing its own brilliance.

Under Yan's expectant eyes, and under Angel Xi's babbling exclamation, Queen Kaisa gradually condensed from a projection-like illusory image into a real body.

"I knew you would not die so easily, the sacred body I researched is not so fragile!" Hexi, who rushed over after receiving Yan's message, smiled very happily.

"Queen Keisha..." Yan choked up and flew to Keisha's side. There were thousands of words in his heart that he wanted to confide, but when he stood beside the teacher, he felt that there was no need to say anything. He was surrounded by great joy and peace. she.

Just standing by Queen Keisha's side is enough, and there is no need to worry about everything. She has been used to such a life for 7000 years.

"Amazing space manipulation technology, even cold ice can't do this, you have already surpassed us." Keisha moved her shoulders and rubbed her wrists, familiar with the reunited body.

He sighed: "I have to say, I am a little disappointed, but it also makes me feel inexplicably relaxed."

She looked at He Xi and said with a smile, "Our era is over."

"I've been retired for several years, and life is quite easy now." He Xi responded to her queen and her sister with a smile.

It is time for us, too, to enjoy life under the aegis of justice.

That's great.

"You won't be able to relax for a few days, I'm going to explore the multiverse." Keisha doesn't have the habit of drinking tea, taking a bath in the garden, and leisurely retirement.

"Man, I've been tired for tens of thousands of years." The smile on He Xi's face couldn't hold back anymore, she had an ominous premonition.Ever since she was rescued from the execution platform by Keisha, she hasn't been idle for more than 2 years.

"Aren't you going to let me go after I've retired?" She felt tired.

Based on what she knew about Kesha, this tomboy couldn't sit still.

As for going to the outer universe, there is nothing surprising about it. Kazuhiko, the power of the galaxy, did not deliberately keep it secret, and she also had some guesses about the outer universe.

"Queen Keisha, aren't you planning to go back to Tiancheng?" Yan was very disappointed when he heard that Kaisha was going out for a while. He thought that when the teacher came back, she would be able to resign and live a happy life with her male god.

Now it seems that his plan is going to fail.

"Yan, you are the queen of angels, don't call me queen anymore. Also, you have done a good job, keep it up, the calculation of the treasure house of knowledge is just a possibility, don't take it too seriously.

Remember, you are the king, you are the one who controls everything, the treasury of knowledge, and other people or equipment are all tools to assist you, understand? "Kesha thinks that her students are good everywhere, but they lack a bit of arrogance.

Still young, a bit lacking in momentum.

"I just want to keep the position of Queen Kaisha and wait for the crown prince to grow up." Yan thinks highly of the position of queen, but he doesn't want to sit by himself, but to hold the throne for the heir chosen by the teacher, that's all.

"Wait for this little one to grow up? Then you have to wait." Kaisha reached out and poked Angel Xi's small face, her eyes were full of doting, this is the future of Angel, the clear golden road.

"Queen Kaisha, I have a miniature material world that is separated from the big universe. If you don't mind, you are welcome to settle in. We can be neighbors.

I actually have a lot of questions, and I want to ask you for advice. "Mu Chenxing took over the conversation, wanting to ask about his indifference.

He was a little impatient waiting for the three angels present to talk about gossip, and he didn't know when it would end.

A bunch of nonsense, is there anything to talk about?Pure waste of time.

"I know what you want to ask. You were talking to me, right?" Kaisha turned her head to look at Mu Chenxing, and said with a smile, "It's a very simple question. You are more and more like me. Carl."

(End of this chapter)

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