Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 255 The Curse of Knowledge

Chapter 255 The Curse of Knowledge

"The first time I met Karl was 7000 years ago, which was the 6000th year of the establishment of the Merlot Heavenly Court, and also the 5000th year of the collapse of the Kamigawa civilization."

Kesha recalls the distant past.

At this time, the four of them had already arrived in the Tarot World. Kaisha and Hexi took a fancy to a towering mountain, and planned to build a future residence by themselves.

Standing on the cliff, looking at the sea of ​​clouds flowing under her feet, she continued: "At that time, Karl was very immature. Although he was over 1 years old, he still had a youthful appearance that had never seen the world.

At that time, Space wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Angel. I knew they wanted to use Angel's manpower and resources. After all, there were not many people left in the Kamigawa civilization.With those few people, nothing can be done.

I agreed.

That was the first meeting between the angels and the Kamigawa civilization, but we have heard the legend of Kamigawa as early as the time of Huaqian. Their technology is much stronger than ours.

I won't pass up the chance to eat Kamigawa's legacy.

Facts have proved that this decision has greatly promoted the development of our technology, and the angels have been enhanced in all directions within a short period of time.

This point, Hexi felt the deepest. "She smiled and looked at Yan, who was listening carefully, and said that these were not just to clear up Mu Chenxing's doubts, but also to enlighten her own students.

Queen of angels, you must know tricks.

"Indeed, we gained a lot of high-end knowledge during that time." Hexi sat in the gazebo that was just built, and she liked the viewing position very much.

Relying on the cliff, coming to the sea of ​​clouds, looking up, it is vast and boundless.The eaves at the four corners of the pavilion are hung with simple copper wind chimes, which jingle with the breeze.

There is a mood beyond the world.

While setting out the tea set to make tea, he said: "At that time, our divine body technology had only reached the second generation. With the help of Space and Karl, we quickly developed the third generation of divine body technology.

Not only the rapid breakthrough of genetic technology, but also the star map of the Shenhe civilization has expanded our understanding of the universe.

We also obtained the underlying structure drawings of the big clock, allowing us to also master the construction technology of astro-level computers.They are sincere. "

"They are indeed very sincere, so I approved Space Space's request to establish a super seminary in Tiancheng." Speaking of this, Keisha frowned, walked to the gazebo, and sighed helplessly after sitting down: " I am still not sure whether this decision was correct."

"Let your successor judge." He Xi urged with a smirk.

"Ah?" Yan looked helplessly at Hexi, who was provoking trouble, and Kaisha, who was waiting for her answer.

It is clearly recorded in Tiancheng's historical materials that after the establishment of the Super Seminary, Karl began to spread the theory of void and the theory of ultimate fear among the angels.

In the end, it led to Tianqi Wang Liangbing's betrayal of Tiancheng, which opened the prelude to the war between angels and demons for more than 1 years.

But she still said firmly: "Queen Kaisa's decision is extremely wise! If the theory of void and ultimate fear is allowed to spread in Tiancheng, the angels will fall apart."

"Little flatterer." He Xi commented on Queen Yan's flattering behavior.

"This is my students' recognition of me." Keisha smiled and pulled back the topic: "At that time, Carl was just a scholar.

Until the people of the Kamigawa civilization were expelled from the Angel Nebula by me, he separated from the space and others, went to the Styx galaxy alone, and slaughtered several civilizations to study the power of the void.

Since then, I have become obsessed with the so-called Age of Void.

I don't know if he's out for revenge, or simply wants to explore new territories, or is driven mad by ultimate terror.

His life form has transformed into a phantom body, and his thinking mode has also undergone a very big change. She paused, looked at Mu Chenxing seriously, and commented: "You are like Karl who just arrived in the Styx galaxy."

Which way will you go? "The emotions in her eyes are complex, and her tone is meaningful.

"I'm different from Karl, I have friends." Mu Chenxing glanced at Yan who was looking at him with concern, and highlighted: "I have a wife."

After getting a sweet smile, he continued: "I never thought of giving up my emotions, I just encountered difficulties, that's all."

"I will overcome it." He was not promising others, his words were self-affirmation.

He believes that he will solve the problem of emotional loss.

"I'm very confident, but you don't seem to have found the direction to solve the problem." Kesha couldn't hear the slightest worry in her tone.

Even if she doesn't have the confidence to suppress Mu Chenxing like she once suppressed Karl, but with more than 3 years of life experience, she has encountered too many such and such difficulties, and what she is facing now is just the temporary confusion of young people, and she will not care.

"As a senior, maybe you can share some experience." She smiled and looked at Hexi.

A similar situation, as the Tianji King who laid the foundation of angel technology, once appeared.

"This is a kind of psychological problem that scholars may have when they study certain fields with great concentration and depth. Some people call it the curse of knowledge, and some call it a thinking disorder, but I prefer to name this problem as Attention Skew Syndrome.

The specific manifestation is that it is not positive to external stimuli, and when it is severe, it will lose emotional thinking, and the body is completely controlled by rational thinking, like a machine without emotion.

It's only fair that there is always a price to pay for knowledge. "

Hexi clearly pointed out the core of the problem: "How much attention do you allocate to scientific research projects? I'm talking about attention, not computing power."

"More than 90.00%, I don't have the habit of refining my attention."

In recent years, Mu Chenxing has invested too much energy in upgrading his divine body, researching the four-dimensional space, becoming familiar with the dimension of holy light, etc. It is a bit exaggerated to say 99%, but it definitely exceeds 95%. It can be said that he has devoted himself to scientific research field.

He understood He Xi's words.

It is easy to understand that many scientists are unkempt in life, have many eccentricities, and may even be unable to take care of themselves.

Because thinking about other things in the mind takes up a lot of memory, it will naturally behave differently from normal people.Taciturn, indifferent, or mentally retarded, or neurotic, this is the impression left by many outstanding scientists to the outside world.

"Is this the case for me too?" He carefully retrieved his past experiences, and felt that at least he did not show mentally handicapped behavior, and he was inexplicably relieved.

It may be because there is no time to lose face, or it may be because He Xi pointed out the core of the problem, allowing him to clarify the crux.

"How long has it been since you ate food or drank water?" He Xi slowly pushed the full teacup along the stone table to Mu Chenxing, and asked while pushing.

In fact, the divine body of more than three generations no longer needs to eat, drink, and breathe.It only needs to absorb energy to meet the needs of survival.

However, people are not machines. Eating, drinking, and breathing are long-established habits. Not needing the body does not mean not needing the mind.

Tasting food is a kind of enjoyment, it is a very effective psychological massage, and it is an excellent means to relieve mental fatigue.

Long-term hunger strikes and water abstinence, especially without external restrictions, represent psychological obstacles.

"Two years...More than three years." Mu Chenxing pondered for a moment, thought through many issues, and nodded his thanks: "Thank you very much Queen Kaisha and Queen Hexi for your pointers, I think, I understand."

"As long as you know."

Keisha and Hexi did not intend to continue this topic, nor did they give a treatment plan or recommend a psychiatrist.

The young man in front of him is only in his 20s, but he is a true god of civilization.

For the main god, any behavior that influences his thinking is an extremely bad provocation.

Not to mention that there is no need for psychological treatment, even if the intervention of a psychiatrist is needed, the moment the doctor appears, he will be killed without hesitation.

None of the main gods of civilization, and the followers of the main god, can tolerate someone who can influence the thinking of the main god.

"Bring it here." He Xi spread his left hand in front of Mu Chenxing, and changed the subject naturally.

"What for?" Mu Chenxing was at a loss, asking for a reward for answering a question?This is not the style of angels.

"My Ansu silver dagger, I have been waiting for you to return it to me for a long time, but I haven't seen any action after waiting, do you really want to keep it for yourself?" He Xi didn't mean to ban the Ansu silver. The four people sitting have dark silver weapons, and Keisha has granted permission to use them by default.

Her star life, the arsenal she inherited, Mu Chenxing has a void controller, and can make dark silver weapons by herself.

Keisha didn't mention it, so she naturally wouldn't talk too much.

What she wants is the dark silver dagger that she made during the Royal Academy of Sciences in the Tiangong era, which has a special meaning to her.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot, my fault." Mu Chenxing didn't forget, he just didn't want to bring up the sensitive topic of Su Mali, so he didn't return the dark silver dagger.

Now that He Xi was clearly asking for it, he naturally took advantage of the situation and returned the token of love to Zhao in its entirety.

"There is another one." Hexi made a pair at the beginning, and gave one to Su Mali when he was in the Royal Academy of Sciences. Later, when he followed Kaisha to resist Tiangong, the remaining one was taken away by Liangbing.

Liang Bing died in Mu Chenxing's hands, and the demon's wings were also captured by him, and An Su's silver dagger naturally couldn't escape.

"It's not with me." Mu Chenxing shook his head, and explained: "Leng Bing gave Qiangwei that dagger a long time ago, if you want to take it back, I can help you get it back from her."

"Give it away?" He Xi was a little distracted, sighed slightly, and then said: "Since she gave it to Qiangwei, then follow her wishes, it's not a big deal anyway."

For Mu Chenxing now, the Ansu silver dagger is really nothing, but in the entire Super God universe, Ansu silver is a strategic material, even if it is placed in the multiverse, it is an extremely high-end material.

In the past 3 to [-] years, only seven people have used dark silver weapons.

Only He Xi could say that An Suyin is not something extraordinary.

But he will not comment on the other party's words. To be honest, it is really embarrassing to kill someone's first love and take away his token of love.

He picked up the teacup on the table, raised his head and drank the scalding hot tea in one gulp, and then offered his farewell:

"Queen Keisha, Queen Hexi, the access authority of the seventeen universes has been opened to you, so I won't bother you to decorate your new home anymore, and I wish you some pleasant experiences in your future journey."

Kaisha and Hexi have already accepted the invitation to become directors. Like Yan and Tiamat, they don't need other benefits of the council except the storage space, so naturally they don't need to talk too much.

The questions I wanted to ask were answered, and the things that should be returned were also returned to the real owner. He didn't want to stay here any longer.

As for solving the problem of your own emotional indifference, of course, you will not recover immediately as soon as you figure out the crux of the problem.Freezing three feet does not happen in a day, and it is impossible to thaw in an instant.

But the root cause has been found, and the solution is much simpler.

He didn't think about giving up on the scientific research project, nor would he slow down the speed of advancement, just adjust his focus.


Seeing Mu Chenxing flying down the cliff without looking back, Yan opened her mouth and swallowed the words she wanted to persuade. She had a lot of suggestions for her little male god to consider, but Keisha had just been resurrected, and the council Not familiar with it, she can't leave it alone.

"The eyes are straightened, and the heart is flying away." He Xi pursed his lips, pretending to tease: "We old guys are getting in the way of a little angel, it's really annoying."

"If you want to chase, chase after it. Chasing love is a very beautiful thing." Keisha smiled very relieved. She likes to see female angels boldly pursuing true love.


"Go." Keisha raised her hand to interrupt Yan's words, and said with a smile: "The lives of us retired old angels don't need to occupy the queen's mind and do what you should do. There are some things we can't say , but you can."

"I see."

Yan was really worried about Mu Chenxing's situation in his heart, and he was afraid that he would go from one corner to another. This was not unfounded, I heard that Pipixi's character was formed in this way.

She glanced at Hexi, nodded to Kaisha, then flew down the cliff with Angel Xi in her arms, and caught up with Mu Chenxing.

"I think you should put those scientific research projects aside first, go out for a walk, and relax." She put forward her opinion seriously.

"Slack?" Mu Chenxing blinked, recalling the previous experience of relaxation, his face was a bit complicated: "I went to the outer universe to relax before, but I encountered even more troublesome things."

He was talking about Journey to the West.

There are some people and things in that world that he can't understand, and he hasn't established a cross-universe channel so far, mainly because he is afraid that he can't help but cause large-scale killings after he passes by.

Those gods and Buddhas looked uncomfortable to him, but they were not guilty of death, and killing for no reason was a bit too much, so they simply avoided them, out of sight and out of mind.

"I'll go with you. Let's take a stroll and see different scenery. Don't always think about your research project, just stay with me."


As far as the scenery is concerned, Yan’s knowledge treasure house and his Kaiyuan have established a fairly complete universe model. Apart from the unique outer universe, how can there be a different scenery?
During the process of the council's dimension reduction and elevation, Mu Chenxing hopes that this randomly selected world can give him a little surprise.

 I didn't pay attention to it when I had heat stroke a while ago, but the intracranial neuritis recurred, and I lay in the hospital for several days. I will continue to update it next time, and I won't be an eunuch.

(End of this chapter)

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