Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 258 Big brother who drives the spaceship, come on

Chapter 258 Big brother who drives the spaceship, come on

"I'll block it, you guys run!" The unlicensed rider jumped off his bicycle, stepped on the glass shards all over the floor, and rushed into the mall hall through the gap made by the ice cream monster.

In fact, as far as the scene is concerned, Ice Cream Freak is still very safe.

It is more than ten meters away from Mu Chenxing, and 20 meters away from Yanzu who is sitting on the little wooden horse, so there is no danger of death for the time being.

Of course, this is Mu Chenxing's perspective.In the eyes of the undocumented knight, the "scared" couple who were only a dozen meters away from the weirdo were facing a major crisis in their lives.

"Run!" He yelled again, and rushed towards the strange man without hesitation.

It's very imposing, but unfortunately, not only Yan doesn't like his fighting ability, even if he hides on the second and third floors of the shopping mall, there are many ordinary citizens farther away who also look down on this C-level hero.

"How is it an undocumented knight? Why didn't a high-level hero come to save us?"

"A C-level hero can't beat a weirdo, right?"

"Undocumented knights have defeated ghost-level monsters, don't look down on people!" Although there are some people who refute, such voices are too rare, and most people are still very pessimistic.

Their pessimism is not unreasonable. Before the undocumented knight who rushed forward had time to get close, he was severely whipped on the shoulder by the ice cream monster's arm as thin as a spoon, and his whole body was like a spinning top being whipped away by a whip. , flipped several somersaults in the air, and hit the ground head-first.

The fall was quite violent, several tiles on the ground were smashed, and blood spattered all over the floor.

The difference in strength is visible to the naked eye. Once the undocumented knight defeated Bei, his head was broken and he couldn't recover.

"Don't disturb me eating ice cream, bastard! Anyone who dares to grab ice cream will die!" The ice cream monster was enraged, and stared at Mu Chenxing with red eyes.

No way, who made him stand closest.

"Death!" The monster's big fan-like hands scooped up a ball of basketball-sized ice cream from his body, and smashed it viciously at him.

"I wanted to see the fighting instinct of the undocumented knight. Since you want to die, I'll let you do it." Mu Chenxing curled his lips, rather bored.

He didn't want his clothes to be stained by the sticky body tissue of the monster, nor did he want to perform a stage play of a hero fighting a monster for the crowd. With a roll of his mind, the battle ended in an instant.

The Heroes Association has been established for three years. Heroes of different levels receive different salaries and perform so-called "heroic activities". People in this world have long been accustomed to the protection of heroes and take protection for granted.

What used to be priceless "heroism" has now become a clearly priced consumer product, an SABC grade, and upgrade points.

To the general public, the hero who fights the eccentric is no different than the entertainer on the stage or the monkey in the circus.They have a religious fanaticism for powerful heroes, but they are incompetent and weak when facing weirdos, and they are critical of heroes who fight hard but are beyond their power.

Typical spectator psychology.

and enjoyment in it.

Is the weirdo not evil enough, or is there a mistake in the hero's positioning?Mu Chenxing couldn't distinguish carefully.

For the past month, his attention has been dragged by Yan, and he has no time to seriously study the problems of this earth. Even the previous experimental project has lagged behind the expected progress by a lot.

The [-]-year-old Angel Queen is simply a goblin, and it takes too much energy to deal with it.

The ice cream geek died inexplicably in his scattered thoughts, at least in the eyes of onlookers, the geek somehow collapsed into a lump of sticky cream scum, and the body tissues thrown out were also stuck in the wrong place. on the empty ground.

He died without any dignity at all, not at all like a weirdo should be.

"So weak." Most people couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts, and only a few people said it out of etiquette.

The undocumented knight is lying on the ground with his head bleeding, so he must give the hero some face.

A C-rank hero is a hero too.

But no matter what, the weirdo was finally solved, and it was time for them to return to their daily routine. They should go to work, go home, and life must continue.

"I rushed over right away, are you doing heroic activities nearby?" Mu Chenxing squatted beside the unlicensed knight and asked.

The undocumented rider arrived faster than the police station in the shopping mall area, and should be patrolling nearby.At least one hero activity per week is the association's requirement for C-level heroes, but this guy is looking for people in need of help on the streets almost every day.

It can be said that he is the most professional and helpful hero, and he is so involved that he is disgusted by his peers.

His injuries were not too serious, with several large cuts on his scalp, forehead and nose, loose teeth, contusions to his cervical spine and shoulders, a fractured arm bone, and some concussions.

He would definitely not be able to get up by himself, and it would take one to two weeks to heal when he was sent to the hospital, but Mu Chenxing healed all the injuries with a single holy light.

"Thank you very much." The undocumented knight was amazed at the rapid disappearance of the injury. He stretched his arms and got up. Since the husband who treated him was still squatting on the ground, he sat on the ground politely and asked, "Are you new to the association?" The hero? The superpower is healing?"

"I didn't join the association, and I don't like certain systems of the Heroes' Association."

To be honest, Mu Chenxing is a bit contemptuous of the Heroes Association's approach. The points, rankings, and popularity are completely deviated from the original intention of the establishment.

You must know that almost no human being can resist the temptation to climb the list. This is the hierarchy that appeared in the primitive tribes in prehistoric times to compete for the right to consort and food distribution, and it has long been written into the genes.

Using such means can indeed mobilize the enthusiasm of heroes, facilitate the daily management of the association, and can greatly explore the commercial value of some heroes.

However, is this kind of ranking competition promoted by the association, participated in by the person, and followed by fans, really what a hero should do?

Are you going to chase after the end?

But he was not interested in discussing these issues with the undocumented knight, and asked: "I heard that you defeated a ghost-level monster last month, why are you still at C-level? Shouldn't you improve your ranking? After all, the higher the level, the higher the salary will be." better."

"The association did mention me to level B, but I refused." The undocumented knight took off his helmet and scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "I am not the one who defeated the king of the deep sea, and my ability is not suitable for higher levels. "

He has been at the C level for a long time, and he has refused to be promoted several times. He thinks that his ability is low and he cannot adapt to high level battles.

In fact, his physical fitness is not bad, similar to that of Marvel's Captain America, but his fighting skills are almost meaningless, and his weapons and equipment are also quite simple. It seems that his combat effectiveness is very poor, and he is always beaten.

If you let Captain America ride a bicycle, wear a hard plastic half body armor and helmet, and fight with bastard fists, you will also be beaten.

It's just that Rogers has a stronger will to fight, and he can be beaten all day long.

"Don't belittle yourself. You are already much stronger than most people. You seem to lack a bit of a strong mentality, and you are always denying yourself." Mu Chenxing spoke very straightforwardly, and he didn't mean to beat around the bush.

He understands the sophistication of the world, but he doesn't bother to do those meaningless things, and advises from the bottom of his heart: "Whether you want to help others or realize the justice in your heart, no matter what, a hero can't just appear in the world." Where it is dangerous, he has to defeat the enemy.

Although being strong is not the only criterion for a hero, as a hero, one must be strong.

Momentum alone is not enough.

You patrol the streets day in and day out, trying your best to help others, which is good, but not good enough, you have to become stronger, at least stronger than the monsters who attack humans, in order to become a real hero . "

The character of the undocumented knight is really gentle. These words are actually somewhat offensive. After all, it is always disgusting to be told that he has no strong mentality and is not a real hero. But he doesn't mean to be angry at all. He lowered his head in shame.

"I know my abilities are limited, and I don't have the talents of those powerful heroes, I..."

"Okay, stop it, when will you let go of self-denial?" Mu Chenxing interrupted the undocumented knight, he believed that the biggest shackles were the self-denial in his heart.

No matter which world, if you want to become strong, you must first have a strong heart.

If the physical fitness is not enough, use skills to make up for it, if it is not enough, use weapons and equipment to continue to improve, always deny yourself, and you will not be much stronger in your life.

"You need to participate in a real battle between the strong. It's not to delay time, but to kill the enemy and fight between the strong with all their strength."

Mu Chenxing thought for a while, then pulled up the undocumented knight and asked, "Do you know the bald cloaked man who is the fifth C-level man? Come on, take me to find him."

The fifth place in the C-level is Saitama's current ranking in the Heroes Association.

Although the Saitama Great Demon King is basically fighting monsters in seconds with one punch, which is not an evenly matched battle, but he has the expectation of a fierce battle with every enemy, and he never delays the idea of ​​saving people. Fight with the mentality of killing the weirdo and ending the crisis.

This is exactly what the undocumented knight lacks the most.

Moreover, there happens to be a guy who has the heart of a strong man and comes to Earth with the purpose of finding an opponent.

I hope the battle between them can enlighten the undocumented knight.

The most important thing is, looking around the whole earth, the only person who can walk two rounds under Saitama, let him be a little more serious, and let Mu Chenxing see how strong the big devil who breaks through the limiter can be. Poros, who was specially found by the spaceship.

Saitama's home is not difficult to find, it's an uninhabited area in Z city, although the unlicensed knight doesn't know the exact location, but it doesn't prevent Mu Chenxing from finding the right place.

"Go and knock on the door." He raised his finger to the unmanned apartment that Saitama rented without paying rent and utility bills.

"Oh, okay." The undocumented knight didn't even know why he listened to the person he met for the first time.

I always feel that the gentleman who healed his injury today has the feeling of a very great big shot, and he will start to act according to the other party's instructions unconsciously.

"Dang, Dangdang" There was one long knock and two short knocks on the door. From the way he knocked on the door, it could be seen that the undocumented knight was a very polite person.

"Oh, Mr. Satoru, what's the matter?" Saitama, whose head was like an egg that had been peeled off its shell, opened the door and asked in pajamas.

He knew the undocumented knight. The two were classmates in the same school in middle school. Last month, they took each other's bicycles to support the battlefield where the King of the Deep invaded.

"Mr. Saitama, this gentleman is looking for you." When the undocumented knight wanted to introduce to both parties, he realized that he forgot to ask for the name of the person who healed him.

It's... so rude.

Mu Chenxing took over the conversation: "Hello, Mr. Saitama, my name is Mu Chenxing. I have taken the liberty to come here this time. It is related to the prophet Shibabawa's prophecy about the earth. Can we go in and talk about it?"

"Who...Who is Xiwa?" Saitama looked dumbfounded, as if he didn't know Mr. Xiwa.

"Master Shibabawa!" The undocumented knight yelled in surprise, he shook his arm a little excitedly, and expressed extreme indignation at Saitama's ignorance of the greatest prophet on earth:

"Master Shibabawa is the most powerful prophet in the history of mankind. He has predicted the timing of earthquakes and monsters many times, without any mistakes!"

"That's right, Lord Shibabawa's prophecy has not been wrong so far." Saitama's perfect housekeeping robot Genos affirmed the words of the undocumented knight.

"Oh, you also know that Shiwa?" Saitama scratched his flat face, and there was no strong demeanor in his dull expression.

It's like a dead house that hasn't been out for 20 years.

Yan, who was following behind Mu Chenxing, carefully looked at this bald man who had no sense of threat, and really couldn't understand why his little male god cared so much about this man.

"Three, please come in." Genos was more polite than Saitama, and he couldn't do the thing of leaving the guests at the door.

"Master Shibabawa recently made a prophecy that the earth will face an extinction crisis, but he didn't mention the specific situation. And I am an astronomer, and I happened to discover a superluminal flight path in the Oort nebula."

Mu Chenxing didn't lie. It wasn't long before the great prophet made the prediction of the earth's crisis. He just said it in advance.

As for introducing himself as an astronomer, it is not a lie. It is estimated that no one on the entire earth can surpass him in astrophysics knowledge.

Therefore, he talked without blushing: "Comparing the two with each other, I think the crisis of the earth should come from interstellar invasion."

In order to prove his statement, he took out his mobile phone and showed multiple sets of pictures of the spacecraft's track taken in the Oort Nebula.

Included are optical photographs and associated images of the microwave background radiation.

However, he did not show the clear and detailed photos of the spaceship of the Dark Matter Pirates, because the earth's technology at this time could not track the large spaceship that was decelerating.

He is really looking forward to the fight between Saitama and Poros, and wants to see the actual combat effect of the earthlings in this world after they break through the limiter.

So, big brother who drives the spaceship, come on.

(End of this chapter)

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