Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 259 A Hearty Battle Is Needed

Chapter 259 All need a hearty battle
Poros sat lazily on the throne with his chin propped on one hand, and the huge one-eyed eye that occupied a third of his face was slightly squinted, looking a bit bored.

Across the universe for more than a hundred years, there is no creature that can be his opponent, let him lead his subordinates to burn, kill and plunder.In the early years, he was still a little interested, but in recent years, he has become more and more boring.

He couldn't even see an existence that could make him feel a little bit threatening.

It's really boring.

He wanted an opponent strong enough to have a hearty fight.

Therefore, when a prophet told him that in the depths of the distant universe, there was a planet called Earth, where he would get what he wanted, and he set off without hesitation.

This search lasted for 20 years.

The long interstellar voyage was extremely boring. I hope that the prophet didn't lie to him, otherwise, he would definitely blow the other party's civilization and its mother star into pieces.

"The spaceship is slowing down. We will cruise at sub-light speed and arrive at the target planet after 26 time nodes." Goryuganshupu, who looks like a big dark blue octopus, strictly abides by his duties and bows to the leader. report:
"It has been confirmed that the target planet is Earth. There are signs of civilization on it, but they are very weak. They have not yet had the ability to leave their parent star." He dared not go any further when he said this.

The leader listened to the words of the prophet and came here to find a strong man. The earth has been found, but the level of civilization is too low. Will there really be a strong man here?

Can such a weak civilization, which is inseparable from its mother planet, be able to breed a powerful warrior who is enough to please the leader?
He doesn't think that there is enough life on this planet called Earth. This 20-year interstellar voyage is probably a waste of time.

But he dared not speak out.

If the leader is angered, he will definitely die, the kind of death without a whole body.

"Well, land as soon as possible." Poros replied without opening his eyes. He is bored now and looking forward to it.

He doesn't understand the level of civilization on the earth, and he doesn't care about such insignificant things, as long as there are strong enough fighters on it to please him.

When the huge spacecraft was approaching the earth, Mu Chenxing was expressing his point of view: "Keep the enemy out of the country."

"The earth does not have defense measures against alien invasion, not even a combat readiness plan to resist aliens, and we are not qualified to launch a full-scale war.

The only way is for extraordinary individuals to raid the enemy ships and implement decapitation tactics.

We cannot allow the other party to land on the earth, it will be an extremely tragic disaster, and the casualties will exceed everyone's imagination. He looked at Saitama, Genos, and the undocumented knight, emphasizing: "Don't have any illusions, aliens are not here to make friends with us." "

No one knows better than him what the purpose of the dark matter pirate group that has broken into the solar system is.

People are here to fight, and Poros doesn't care how many lives will be affected in the process of fighting, and whether it will destroy the planet Earth.

"Aliens?" The undocumented knight had a guilty look on his face. The aliens who came in a spaceship were not easy to get along with, and he was very flustered.

The level of the enemy is too high, which makes this C-level hero who is used to fighting low-level weirdos on the streets on a bicycle feel at a loss.

Be it alien invasion or beheading tactics, this kind of he able to participate?
"Let's report it to the association!" He was so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"I think so too, teacher, what do you think?" Genos turned his head to look at Saitama, regardless of whether the inference of Mr. Mu, who came to the door today, is correct or not, it is about aliens. Get ready early.

"Aliens...should be very powerful, right? There must be a fierce battle." Saitama's bulb-like head seemed to be glowing, and his face was full of anticipation.

It seems to see that the superstore is discounting.

Genos sighed, feeling a little helpless that the teacher couldn't grasp the key points of the matter, and reminded: "Teacher, please be sober, we can't fly into space to fight aliens. I think it's better to report to the Association , maybe the sixth place in the S class, Metal Knight has a way to provide flying equipment."

One-Punch Man's Earth is in a pre-nuclear civilization, and has not yet developed the technology to develop outer space. It is limited to launching some communication satellites into low-earth orbit, which has not reached the level of manned spaceflight.

Genos felt that if anyone could build a space vehicle, this person must be the Metal Knight who has mastered the highest technology.

Besides, although he recognized that the teacher's strength is unmatched, but in the face of aliens, it is better to call a few more S-class heroes.

There are many powerful heroes, and I am not afraid that Mr. Mu, who suddenly came to the door, will have any conspiracy.

When not fighting, Genos's IQ is still online.

"Oh, outer space." Saitama scratched his face and asked cutely: "How high do you need to jump to reach outer space?"

Although he has received a systematic modern education, he has already returned the knowledge he has learned to the teacher, and has no clear understanding of outer space.

The twelve constellations used for divination are his most "proficient" knowledge of astronomy.

He really thinks he can jump out of the atmosphere, jump into outer space, and blow up aliens, and he is eager to try.

Fierce battles are waiting for him in space!

It had been a long, long time since he had encountered an evenly matched opponent, and he was looking forward to a happy battle in his dreams.

Perhaps, he really has such ability, but his student Genos obviously doesn't believe it, and the undocumented knight also has an idiot expression on his face.

Outer space is not a swimming pool, you can just jump into it.

"Jump? Interesting." Yan leaned on Mu Chenxing's side and chuckled softly.

This earthling named Saitama, judging from his thinking fluctuations, he really thinks he can jump into the deep space of the universe.And the expression of my little male god actually showed approval, and even had an attitude of wanting to encourage the other party to give it a try?

Very strange.

You must know that it is not an easy task to get rid of the gravity of the astral body relying on pure physical strength, even the fourth generation of gods is difficult to do.

This person named Saitama, whose body structure is just ordinary carbon-based cells, why does he have such confidence?And why does his male god have confidence in him?
Her curiosity was piqued, hoping to see something interesting.

Mu Chenxing was really curious about Saitama's physical fitness, and also had the idea of ​​encouraging him to jump into outer space, but he threw this idea out of his mind in a flash.

Regardless of how far Saitama can jump, the momentum when he pedals will definitely have a considerable impact on the earth's crust, and it may cause disasters such as earthquakes. That's not good, let's let those innocent people go.

"I can send you to the spaceship of aliens." Mu Chenxing looked at Saitama's and others' questioning eyes, and said with a smile: "As an astronomer, I think it is very reasonable to have the ability to transport space. thing, isn't it?"

"..." The undocumented knight was speechless. Do astronomers have anything to do with space abilities?When did astronomers have such high requirements?Isn't it enough to have a telescope?

"What's your purpose?" Genos stared at Mu Chenxing vigilantly, and took the initiative to come to the door to report the alien invasion, formulate a counterattack strategy and provide a means of raiding the alien spacecraft.

All this shows that the other party has come with a purpose, and he is even doubting whether the so-called alien invasion that threatens all human beings exists or not.

The smell of conspiracy is too obvious!
As soon as he stood up and prepared to continue to question, Saitama jumped up from the stool excitedly: "Wait for me to change my clothes, and then raid the alien spaceship."

After finishing speaking, he rushed into the bedroom without waiting for others to react, and happily changed into his combat uniform.

This made the momentum of Janos's gathering plummet. When he met such a heartless teacher, it was difficult for him to question him.

"I don't have any malicious intentions, I just came to find the strongest hero on earth to deal with the aliens who will bring disaster to mankind." Mu Chenxing explained with a smile.

It's not wrong to say that he has other purposes. He really wants to see Saitama's physical fitness in battle, but he has no malice in it.

Just curious.

He smiled and looked at Genos and the undocumented knight, and asked: "I will break into the alien spaceship with Mr. Saitama, how about you? Do you participate in the battle or wait for us to return from victory?"

"Of course I will follow in the teacher's footsteps." Genos was worried about letting the teacher step into the unknown battlefield alone.

Who knows whether it is a real alien spacecraft or a trap set by the other party in advance.

He took out his mobile phone, dialed the number of the association, and warned Mu Chenxing: "I will contact the association and invite many S-level heroes to participate in this operation. You'd better not have any bad plans."

Mu Chenxing didn't care about Janos' defense, it's human nature, it's really suspicious that he came to the door suddenly, there's no need to get entangled in the attitude of the other party.

He shook his head with a smile, and said: "The seventeen S-class heroes of the Hero Association, how many do you think can participate in the battle against aliens?

The No. [-] Blast is missing, and the No. [-] Tornado has powerful telekinetic power, but the little girl's physical fitness is not strong, and it is difficult for her to adapt to the outer space environment.

In the same way, the silver fangs ranked third and the atomic warrior ranked fourth, their fighting methods are either martial arts or swordsmanship, how much combat power can they display in space?Whether they can stand firm is anyone's guess.

As for the fifth child emperor and the sixth metal knight, what do you think will be the consequences of using their technological products to fight aliens who can navigate in the universe?Holding a bow and arrow to fight a machine gun?Under the technology gap, the consequences can be imagined.

As for the heroes at the back, I don't think they are qualified to participate, and if they go, it will only increase casualties.

So, I came directly to find Mr. Saitama. "

The Hero Association is the only one who can really participate in this battle without any problems. Unfortunately, this number one S-level hero is entangled with the so-called god on Earth, and has no time to pay attention to other things.

In addition to the leader Poros, the dark matter pirate group also has three high-level fighters and more than 1 fighters. If it is really necessary to bring a bunch of heroes to fight in a spaceship in outer space, Mu Chenxing will probably spend a lot of money Energy to protect those people.

Very troublesome.

He doesn't want these troubles.

As soon as Mu Chenxing's voice fell, the communication of the Heroes Association was connected. During the inquiry of the operator, Genos pondered for a moment, and replied: "There is no need, the dial is wrong."

He couldn't drag everyone to die because of suspicion.

"I'll keep an eye on you." He said seriously.

" should I answer? Come on?" Mu Chenxing looked at the mechanically modified man with a smile, thinking that the other party was a bit aggressive.

If you really want to do something to you, I'm afraid you have no room to resist.

"Well, don't be so serious, Mr. Devil Transformer, Mr. Mu is a good person. He helped defeat the weirdo, protected many citizens, and even saved my life. I believe Mr. Mu is definitely not a bad person." The undocumented knight felt that the atmosphere was a little bit Heavy, quickly made a sound to smooth things over.

Before Janos could say something, Saitama had already changed into his combat uniform, and the bald man in yellow, white cloak and red gloves took his place, and said excitedly, "Let's go!"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Saitama, I have something to ask Mr. Undocumented Knight." Mu Chenxing turned to look at the undocumented knight, and asked seriously: "Waiting for others to come to the rescue, waiting for others to quell the danger, are you really willing?" Do you want to defeat a powerful enemy with your own hands?"

The implication of this passage is quite obvious, which is to ask the undocumented knight if he dares to fight aliens.Both Saitama and Genos felt that the words were a bit forceful, but they didn't speak. They didn't think they had the right to decide how to go forward for others.

"Of course I also want to follow Mr. Mu and Mr. Saitama to fight aliens, but I'm afraid of holding you back. After all, I am a person without talent." The undocumented knight was very depressed, and his weak strength made him feel Very ashamed.

He has already become a hero, but needs protection from others time and time again. He feels ashamed.

"I can give you strength, but I can't give you the heart of a strong man." Mu Chenxing stood up, patted the undocumented knight on the shoulder, and said, "I'll ask you one last time, are you willing to follow me?" Let's go to the battlefield together? Putting life and death at risk, and fighting heartily once."

"I'm not afraid of death!" The undocumented knight looked back into Mu Chenxing's eyes and said excitedly, "I've never been afraid of death, I'm just... I'm just...too weak!"

"Then come with me, you need a battle, put everything aside, a hearty battle." Mu Chenxing smiled and patted the green helmet of the undocumented knight, and said with disgust: "Throw away this thing first, The color is unlucky."

"Huh? I... I seem to feel... light?" The undocumented knight didn't have time to express his love for the helmet, and asked suspiciously about the light surging into his body.

"It always feels like you did something bad to him." Saitama poked the trembling body of the undocumented knight suspiciously.

Mu Chenxing cast him a disgusted look: "Don't say such misleading words, what can I do to him?"

"The second experimental target?" Yan guessed the behavior of his male god in his heart.

 The condition was recurrent, the vestibular nerve was edema, the whole world was dizzy, and he was vomiting all the time, and his intestines were almost vomited out.

  I lay in the hospital for more than half a month and almost lost half my life.After several injections of hormones, I finally recovered today. This book will continue to be updated and will be finished. I won’t be a eunuch. I don’t want to lose my character.

(End of this chapter)

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