Pan-Earth Alliance Council

Chapter 260 I Came to Watch the Fun

Chapter 260 I Came to Watch the Fun

"The aesthetics of these aliens are very retro. Are they cavemen?" Slightly mocking words came out of the mouth of Genos, who was holding on to the wall and trembling slightly.

He didn't believe that this place was a bullshit alien spaceship, and he questioned it despite the dizziness and sense of dislocation in his brain.

In the blink of an eye, they followed Mu Chenxing, who claimed to be an astronomer, from his home to a gray-black cave with a lavender glow. The dim light and rock-like appearance made him think it was a cave. .

Even if the top of the cave is more than ten meters high, it is undoubtedly a cave. How can it look like any alien high-tech?
What about the portholes?What about weightlessness?What about metal gates that open and close automatically?What about lighting fixtures?What about signage and displays?Whose spaceship looks like an underground mine?

Aliens are dirt rats?Specialized in digging holes in the ground?

The credibility is too low, whoever believes it is a fool!
He felt that this place must be a trap, and the inexplicable dizziness confirmed this judgment.

Who has ever heard that a robot can get dizzy?It must be some kind of electromagnetic interference, a means specifically used to deal with him.

Because in his electronic eyes, both Saitama-sensei and the unlicensed knight were observing their surroundings without any influence.

Having fallen into a trap, Genos regretted his carelessness. He realized his own shortcomings, just like he was not well prepared for every battle in the past.

You still have to study hard with the teacher.

Of course, there was no need to panic. He was not afraid of any enemy and believed in the teacher's fighting power.

No conspiracy can defeat us!He firmly believes that all enemies will be defeated by the teacher's iron fist!
"What nonsense are you thinking about in your mind?" Mu Chenxing glanced at Genos, who was holding on to the wall to stand still, and warned: "Don't use earthlings' aesthetics to speculate on alien architectural styles. It's different. Species vary widely in their thought patterns.

Well, the sense of shock from the space transmission will soon recede. This is the passage leading to the bridge. Surveillance is everywhere. Prepare to fight, the enemy will arrive soon. "

There is a huge speed difference between the earth's revolution speed and the sub-light speed cruising alien spacecraft. Even if his space technology is quite good, it cannot completely eliminate the shock caused by the slight inertial difference in the moment after the transmission.

This has basically no impact on the super soldiers, but the brain of Genos, the mechanical cyborg, has not been strengthened and modified, and his shock absorption and defense measures are not enough to offset this impact.

Dizziness is inevitable.

Mu Chenxing suspected that this guy might spray engine oil.

As for Saitama, this shock is not as harmful as a mosquito.

The undocumented knights were not affected because they were blessed by the Holy Light Magic.The holy light barrier that Mu Chenxing released on him penetrated deep into every cell, and based on this, he applied energy amplification to each of his body cells.

This is a difficulty that ordinary Holy Light mages cannot imagine. It is equivalent to releasing two spells simultaneously and accurately more than 30 trillion times. It is impossible to do it without an ultimate understanding of the human body structure and super powerful computing power. of.

The difficulty can be imagined.

Of course, the magic effect will also be exponentially magnified.

Just two blessing spells strengthened the undocumented knight to the level of a second-generation super soldier, and it was an all-round enhancement of physical strength, limb strength, and energy resistance.

In the current state of the unlicensed knight, every punch and kick is a powerful weapon. It can at least produce an impact of [-] tons, and will not tear his body apart due to the sudden increase in power.With his current physical strength, even if he faces a nuclear explosion-level attack, he has a high chance of surviving.

It was enough for him to fight in the spaceship of the Dark Matter Pirates.

Mu Chenxing named this level of magic control the super gene version of spell casting skills.It is estimated that only angels can learn it in a short time.

"The enemy is coming, it's up to you." Needless to say, Saitama and others also saw the aliens surrounding them from both ends of the passage.

That strange, colorful image is definitely not from Earth, at least not a normal Earth person.

"So many!" The unlicensed knight looked at the large group of monsters that almost filled the passage, and cold sweat broke out on his head.

A group of monsters that he couldn't even count. Some were more than two meters short and some were five or six meters tall. They spoke in a panic and strange tune that he couldn't understand, and charged at them with their teeth and claws. He didn't know what to do.

There are too many, and there is no association to report the threat level of the monsters, and there will be no support.

This is a fight to the death. He clenched his fists to encourage himself.

But his nervousness was quickly dispelled by Mu Chenxing's nonchalant tone: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, the gravity here is 1.4 times that of the earth's surface, the oxygen content is twice that, and there are no harmful substances in the air. The radiation index is not high either, so feel free to fight boldly."

The undocumented knight almost rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Mr. Mu, isn't it a bit late for you to say this now? We've all been breathing for a long time."

"That proves that there is nothing wrong with my detection results." Mu Chenxing smiled nonchalantly and pointed to the right: "Less than one kilometer ahead is the command module. Mr. Saitama, come on!"

Saitama punched each other with his fists, and all the cells in his body were eager to fight. He seemed to see a fierce battle waiting for him ahead.

"Leave the beheading battle to me!" Before he could even finish his words, he rushed into the group of alien monsters, causing a scream.It's really a punch to a child, no matter whether the enemy is tall, short, fat or thin, or sharp teeth and claws, no one can live to see his second attack.

Crush and harvest are not enough to describe his efficiency in killing enemies.

In front of Saitama, these tiger-level and ghost-level alien monsters are pitifully weak.

Mu Chenxing withdrew his gaze. Such a battle had no observational value.

Of course, he can take people directly to the command module of Poros. This spaceship is fifteen kilometers long, four kilometers wide, and three kilometers high. It will not be difficult for him to land anywhere.

But in that case, the opportunity to test the unlicensed knight would be lost.If you start the BOSS battle directly, you can only watch Saitama's performance, which will be a lot less fun.

This passage leading directly to the command cabin of the spacecraft is a battlefield specially prepared for unlicensed knights. Therefore, Mu Chenxing pointed to the left hand side and said with a smile: "Mr. unlicensed knight, I will leave the rest of the mission to you. Please protect me." Let’s take care of our backs.”

"Ah, I know." Looking at the enemies coming up from behind, the undocumented knight replied solemnly: "I will try my best to block them. Although I have no talent, I will fight until death and be able to participate in the battle to save the world. I’m honored!”

Hearing the words like last words, Mu Chenxing smiled and shook his head: "I still lack self-confidence, don't always talk about death, these low-level combatants are probably only tiger-level fighters, and high-level combatants are ghost-level. You have enough power to kill them now."

His words were actually deliberately lowering the enemy's power level. According to the rating standards of the Heroes Association, the lowest level of ordinary combatants in the Dark Matter Pirate Group is tiger level, and the highest is ghost level, while the three superior combatants have all reached dragon level. standard.

He just said this to cheer up the undocumented knight and relieve his psychological burden.This guy has a good will to fight, but he has almost no confidence in his ability to defeat the enemy.Unfortunately, his words had no effect at all, because the tiger-level and ghost-level unlicensed knights also thought they could not beat them.

"I'm up!"

He yelled and exerted force with his feet. His original intention was to run and use the momentum to give the enemy a righteous collision. However, like a dizzy rabbit, he jumped up diagonally and hit the top of the passage. He cried out in pain. He lost his balance and fell into the group of monsters.

"It looks painful." Yan commented with a suppressed smile.

Mu Chenxing curled his lips and frowned, and nodded in agreement: "It's quite painful."

The two of them were not worried that the unlicensed knight would be killed by the enemy. The strength of the Holy Light Barrier was enough to withstand mistakes in the battle.

"The energy increase is too great, and the level of force is difficult to control. He will suffer in this battle." Yan has quite a lot of combat experience, and he can deduce the entire battle of the unlicensed knight at a glance.

"What he needs most now is confidence. Fighting literacy is not important." Mu Chenxing did not want to practice the combat skills of the unlicensed knight in this battle. He wanted to cultivate the opponent's confidence.

Therefore, with enough defense and enough attacks, the unlicensed knight was allowed to stagger among the enemy like a drunken man, and then launched a messy counterattack while stumbling around.

He believed that during this process, the undocumented knights would regain their fighting rhythm and establish the confidence to defeat their enemies.

If you can kill an enemy with your bastard punch, your confidence will definitely explode!It should be... like this, right?He had little experience in helping people find confidence, and he wasn't very sure.

However, it doesn't matter, I can't die anyway, let's toss first.

"Hey! Standing aside and watching your companions' jokes, are you going too far?!" Genos pushed against the wall, ignoring his dizzy brain, and rushed towards the undocumented knight who was surrounded by monsters.

Even though he still suspected that this was not an alien spacecraft, and even though he was in poor condition, it did not delay him from rescuing his companions.

"You don't understand the principles of protecting our scientists, and you don't have any strategic thinking at all. Your path is narrow, Mr. Devil Transformer." Mu Chenxing pretended to shake his head and sighed.

Today, he just came to watch the excitement and had no desire to take action.

"This cybernetic's dizziness lasted a little long. Could it be that his brain was damaged?" Yan was a little skeptical that Genos would have left behind the sequelae of brain damage.

"There is no damage to the brain, not even a concussion. It's just that his nerve connection system is too backward, and the adjustment process is a bit slow."

Mu Chenxing watched Genos with a smile as he rushed into the messy battlefield on the side of the undocumented knight, and then was knocked out by the undocumented knight's inexplicable horizontal jump. I was busy playing and found it very fun.

Whenever this S-class hero encounters a battle, something unexpected will happen to him, and he will be miserable every time. I have to say that he is really unlucky.

"Why don't you go and see Saitama? You seem to be paying special attention to him." Yan couldn't stand the ugly battle in front of him anymore, so he decided to encourage the male god to move the battlefield.

The offensive and defensive movements of the unlicensed knight were not only unexpected by the enemy, but also uncertain by himself, which highlighted an unexpected aspect. Whether he knocked down the enemy or was knocked down by the enemy, it was all a blind cat encountering a dead mouse, and he was beaten. There is no beauty at all.

The efficiency of killing enemies could not be improved at all, and the shouting voice was quite loud, which made her feel upset even if she looked at it more than once.

"Then let's go." Mu Chenxing turned around with a smile, and walked towards the command module of the spaceship.

He understood what Yan meant and disliked the chaotic fighting in the passage. As for going to see Saitama, it was just an excuse. With their detection technology, they could only see where they needed to be close, even if they were thousands of miles away. Collect enough detailed information.

The two walked leisurely, crossed several hundred meters of passages paved with corpses, and soon arrived at the command module of the spacecraft.

The command cabin is very large, at least tens of thousands of square meters, with huge round pillars supporting a roof tens of meters high. It looks a bit like a temple in Athens, but the light is still dim, and the overall color is black with purple. It's like an underground kingdom.

Poros's aesthetics are indeed not very good.

"The BOSS battle hasn't started yet, but this little guy is quite capable of resisting."

Mu Chenxing is talking about one of the senior combatants of the Dark Matter Pirates, Meluza Garudo with five heads.

This guy has unlimited regeneration ability. Each of its five heads has its own independent consciousness and can split off to act independently. As long as the five energy cores the size of glass balls are not completely destroyed, it will not die.

It looks a bit like the observer with multiple cores and multiple abilities created by Mu Chenxing using the Lingxi Seed technology of the Lingcage Universe. However, regardless of physical strength, energy level, and multiple abilities, the observers of the Council scorned this guy.

Of course, Meruza Garudo is not weak, at least he is a dragon-level monster. The most impressive thing is that he withstood Saitama's third punch. In other words, Saitama used three punches without completely killing him.

This is a remarkable achievement.

Although Saitama is not serious yet and does not dare to use too much force inside the space battleship for fear of breaking the shell of the spaceship, being able to withstand three punches from the bald caped man without dying is already something he can brag about for a lifetime.

At least he was a senior combatant with him. Glolibas, who looked like a big cactus, was no match for him. Ya couldn't resist a single punch and died neatly.

"A new enemy has appeared and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. Garudo, stop playing around and kill the intruder quickly. Don't disturb the leader's rest." urged the six-meter-tall blue octopus named Goryu Ganshupu. companion.

Until now, this big octopus still thinks that Glolibas lacked vigilance and was attacked and killed by the intruder.

The bald man who came first couldn't even beat Garudo to death, and he didn't even bother to do it.

Now, a new enemy has arrived, let Lord Ganxiupu tell you what despair is!
"I said I came to see the excitement, do you believe it?" Mu Chenxing said with a smile.

 My health was really bad. I thought I was cured, but as soon as I stopped taking the hormone drugs, I started to relapse again. Because I vomited so much, I also developed reflux esophagitis. Drinking water was like swallowing coals. It was really fatal.

  Fortunately, it was not a serious illness. I stayed in the hospital for 28 days and was finally discharged.

  I feel helpless when I think about it. It was originally just a heat cold after a heat stroke and a bit of an upper respiratory tract infection, but it ended up causing a series of complications that almost killed me.

  Now that I'm out of the hospital, the update can really be stable, brothers, believe me this time I won't break my promise.

(End of this chapter)

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